Something Borrowed (Wedding Season Series)

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Something Borrowed (Wedding Season Series) Page 1

by Tracy Lorraine

  Copyright © 2019 by Tracy Lorraine

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover design and formatting by Dandelion Cover Designs



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  The Wedding Season Series


  About the Author

  Also by Tracy Lorraine

  All Star Player Sneak Peek


  “You could sound a little more excited about this weekend. Your big brother’s getting married,” Vaughan says, sipping her cocktail.

  “I am excited.” I try to put as much joy into my voice as possible, but I know I’ve failed.

  “You know, for a self-professed wedding lover, you have a really weird issue with being involved in them.”

  “I’m not involved. I’m their planner,” I argue.

  “Believe what you like. Refusing to be a bridesmaid doesn’t mean you’re not a part of this one. I just don’t get it.” Her eyes search my face as if she’ll find the answers. Sucking in a breath, she slams her glass down on the table and leans towards me. “I’ve got it!” she exclaims a little too loudly, causing the group at the next table in the bar to look our way. “You’re jealous.”

  “What? Don’t be silly. I’ve told you before, I’m not interested in all that.”

  “That’s just it, though.” Her eyes continue to drill into mine. “You love weddings. You plan them, for fuck’s sake. It doesn’t make sense that you wouldn’t want one of your own.”

  “I’m not jealous,” I argue, but it falls on deaf ears. “I just don’t—”

  “Who was he?”

  I shake my head from the whiplash of her topic change. “Who was who?” My brows draw together as I try to figure her out. It’s Thursday night and Vaughan is celebrating having a few rare days off from the hospital. She’s already drunk her way through one cocktail too many, so she could be talking about anything right now. Although, the way she’s looking at me with a knowing glint in her eyes has my stomach twisting with dread.

  “The one who turned you off the idea of your own happily-ever-after.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Do you want another?”

  Snatching my clutch from the table, I walk towards the bar on trembling legs. I’ve managed to keep him a secret for ten years. The only two people who know anything happened between us are he and I. But sadly, only one of us had our heart ripped out in the process.


  I burst into the room with my clipboard under my arm to a scene I wasn’t expecting. My sister-in-law-to-be is perched on the edge of the bed, breathing into a brown paper bag while both my mom and hers say soothing words and rub her back.

  “Tessa, it’s going to be okay. Calm down,” she soothes, but I can tell by the slightly clipped tone that she’s about as fed up with Tessa and her dramatics as I am.

  I thought offering to plan this wedding, as my gift to them, was a good idea. It meant I was able to get out of any bridesmaid duties and spend the day mostly hidden in the shadows ensuring everything runs smoothly. Unfortunately, I had no idea that my brother’s usually laid-back, happy-go-lucky fiancée was going to turn into the bridezilla from hell. I’ve worked with a few demanding brides during my career as a wedding planner, but Tessa, she really takes the cake. And now, here I am putting up with all her crazy ideas and demands for free. It was probably the second worst decision of my life.

  The first of those bad decisions…he’s currently on his way to this very hotel to spend the weekend celebrating this wedding. I haven’t seen or heard from him since the day he walked away from me, and I’m not sure I’m ready to now. But he’s my brother’s best man so I’ve got little choice in the matter.

  Putting my own issues aside, I grip my clipboard a little tighter and prepare to hear what Tessa’s latest end-of-the-world drama is.

  “Amber can’t come,” she gets out between breaths. “She’s been told by her doctor that it would be unsafe to fly.”

  Amber is Tessa’s very pregnant maid of honor. It caused enough panic a few months ago when she announced she was expecting. Tessa just about had a heart attack, but Amber swore she’d be here. Sadly, pregnancies don’t always go as planned, and Amber’s has been hard going by the sounds of it.

  “I can’t get married without a maid of honor. I just can’t.” Her breathing increases once again and Mom pushes the paper bag back towards her mouth.

  Both mothers glance at each other over Tessa’s head. Both look exasperated with the bride-to-be.

  Mom’s eyes turn to me, and a heavy ball of dread settles in my stomach. I know exactly what’s coming before her lips even part. “Bryony can stand in.”


  “No, no. I’m sure if Amber can’t be here then no one would be better. Right, Tess—” My words falter when I see hope shining in Tessa’s eyes.

  “Would you?”

  “You’ve got two other bridesmaids. You don’t need a maid of honor.”

  “But everything will be wrong without one. I can’t have an even number. Maid of honor and two bridesmaids is how it has to be.”

  Blowing out a long breath, I glance at Mom. She’s begging me to do this. Anything to keep the drama at bay tomorrow. This is the only wedding she’s going to have, seeing as I’ve point blank refused to ever have one for years. She wants to enjoy it. Tessa’s mom looks like she’s about to get down on her knees and beg any second. I can only image the stress Tessa’s caused her and her husband over the last few months—and I don’t just mean financially. They’re footing the bill for this over-the-top extravaganza. They’re just your average working parents, and I can only imagine they were as blindsided by this show as I was.

  “I’ve got so much to—”

  “Please, Bry. The day’s going to be ruined otherwise.” I think that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but she is the drama queen of the century right now so I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything else.

  “I don’t—” The three sets of eyes in front of me drill into me. My skin tingles with their attention and that ball of dread grows even bigger. Tessa’s eyes fill with tears as she prepares for me to say no. I’m about to, but sadly something else falls from my lips. “Fine.”

  “You mean it?” She’s up off the bed and engulfing me in a huge hug before I even realize what is happening. “Oh my God. Thank you so much. I’ll never forget this, Sis.”

  What the fuck did I just do?

  When she eventually releases me, a wide smile spreads across her face, but my more realistic planner side takes over.

  “I’m not going to be able to do what I need to do if I’m standing up there with you. I don’t have a dress. I don’t—”

  “It’ll be fine. The dress you have is perfect and I have every confidence in your ability to multi-task.”

  “Fantastic,” I manage to get out through gritted teeth.


  A flat tire and a fuck load of traffic means my pl
an to get to the hotel in plenty of time for the wedding rehearsal is shot to shit. It’s the first time I’m going to see her in person in over ten years.

  I wanted to be prepared. But as it is, I’ve missed the wedding rehearsal and I’m about to burst into the room where the rehearsal dinner’s being held. As if it’s not bad enough that she probably hates me, I’ll also be ruining her well laid plans.

  I might not have had any contact with her since the day I left, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t kept tabs on her. It’s been made easier with her being my best friend’s sister and someone I grew up with. My oblivious best friend never sees enquiring about what she’s up to every now and then as unusual. Although, he’s usually pretty forthcoming with information about her serial dating habit.

  The one thing I really don’t need to know about.

  Slamming my car door, I drag my case and suit bag from the trunk and race towards reception. The lady behind the desk looks at me with sympathy in her eyes.

  “I’ve got a room reserved for Freddie Bison. I’m part of the wedding party this weekend.”

  She taps about on her computer and it feels like a year passes before she hands a key card over and points me in the right direction. “Sir, the wedding party are already congregating in the Royal Suite for tonight’s rehearsal dinner. If they’re expecting you, you may need to hurry.”

  “Thanks,” I shout over my shoulder, heading towards the escalator. I look back when I come to a stop and find her eyes running down the length of me. She’s hot, and if the situation was different, she might be someone I’d make a play for. But not here. This weekend I’ve got someone else in mind.

  Her attention reminds me that I’m nowhere near dressed for a fancy meal. My ripped jeans and V-neck t-shirt don’t exactly scream wedding rehearsal attire.

  The second I walk into my room, I begin pulling my clothes from my body as I set about finding the shower. First impressions are everything, and after ten years I don’t want Bryony turning her nose up at the first hurdle.

  My phone’s ringing when I step out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist.

  “Please tell me you’re nearly fucking here,” Mac barks into the phone.

  “Yes, I’ll be down in ten minutes. I just need to get dressed.”

  “Hurry the fuck up. Tessa’s about to blow.”

  Chuckling to myself, I hang up the phone. I feel for the guy, I really do. Tessa’s been firmly hit with the wedding bug. She’s usually pretty chilled out, but she’s done a complete one-eighty in the last few months. It’s enough to put me off the idea of a big wedding. Not that I’ve ever really thought much about getting married.

  Making quick work of pulling my clothes on, I run some wax through my hair and put my phone and wallet into my pockets.

  Standing in front of the mirror, I blow out a long, slow breath as I prepare for what’s to come.

  By the time I get to the doors for the Royal Suite, butterflies have taken up residence in my stomach and my hands tremble slightly.

  I don’t get nervous. Ever. But the prospect of seeing her again and what her reaction’s going to be is enough to have me doubting even being here. We’ve managed to keep what was between us a secret all these years. The last thing I want is for her to give away her feelings for me and ruin Mac’s weekend. Although, it’s not Mac I’m really worried about. I think Tessa would castrate me for causing any kind of drama that took people’s attention away from her.

  I shake my head at my crazy thoughts. Here I am assuming she’ll even look twice at me. I deserve to be completely ignored for what I did to her.

  She might as well be the only person in the room because when I pull the door open, my eyes immediately find her. The rest of the wedding party disappears into the background along with any furniture.

  All I can see is her.

  Her dark hair’s curled and resting over one shoulder, her make-up makes her look dark and mysterious, and her dress…fuck me. It hugs every curve she’s developed since I last saw her in the most delicious way. My mouth waters to find out if she still tastes as sweet and sinful as she did back then, and my fingers twitch remembering how soft her skin was.

  “Freddie, thank fuck.” Mac steps up to me and I regretfully have to pull my eyes from Bryony.


  I know the second he enters the room. A shiver runs down my spine and my skin tingles with awareness. Without looking up, I know his eyes are on me. It’s been over ten years yet, I feel like a seventeen-year-old again. It’s crazy and I chastise myself for having such a strong reaction to a man I’ve not seen since he was a kid. I’ve not so much as seen a photograph of him. Although, I must admit that some nights after a glass of wine or two it was seriously tempting to find him on Instagram. I wanted to know I was right, that he’d got fat and ugly. I always managed to stop myself because if his green eyes, full lips, and square jaw line affected me like they did back then, I knew I’d be fucked. The more distance I put between our past and my present, the better.

  The tingles subside and I risk a glance up. I find him instantly, standing with my brother.

  He was the last guest to arrive so now that he’s here, I’ve got to get to work. It’s the last thing I want to do right now, but running to my room to hide isn’t really an option.

  With tonight’s seating chart on the front of my clipboard, I finish my drink and start ushering people towards their seats. I keep my head down and avoid his stare. I know it’s aimed at me, I can feel it, but I’m not prepared to deal with him in front of all these people.

  Walking up to Mac and Freddie, I keep my eyes on my brother. “It’s time to take your seats.” I point out where they’re both sitting before trying to make a hasty escape. Unfortunately, Freddie has other ideas.

  Warm fingers wrap around my wrist and fireworks shoot up my arm. Damn him for still having this kind of effect on my body. All my muscles tense as his warmth seeps into me.

  He steps up to me, his front pressing into my back. His breath tickles down my neck and I noticeably tremble against him.

  “It’s rude not to say hello, Bryony.” The way my name rolls of his tongue has memories of our time together running through my mind and a rush of heat heading south.

  “H—hello,” I stutter. Squeezing my eyes together, I beg for my body to behave and for him to release me.

  “That’s better.”

  “I have work to do.” Managing to get my head back in the game, I rip my arm from his grasp and step away.

  “We’ll catch up later, then.” Another shiver runs through me because that suggestion sounds much more like a promise.

  Just a few moments with him and I know catching up later is a very bad idea.

  I barely taste the five-star food we’re served. I’m too distracted by the pair of green eyes staring at me across the table. Each time I catch him, I harden my stare, trying to warn him off, but his attention doesn’t falter. Thankfully, everyone else is too distracted with the food, wine, and excitement for what tomorrow is going to hold to notice.

  Once the plates have been scraped clean, the entire wedding party heads for the comfortable seating at the other side of the room to enjoy their coffees. I use that as a perfect time to disappear and try to get my head together.

  Grabbing my clipboard, I head into the hotel kitchen to go over tomorrow’s menu and timings for what I hope is the final time. I’m nothing if not a perfectionist. I’m aware it must drive staff at any of the venues where I plan a wedding insane, but it’s one of the reasons why I have such a good reputation. My weddings always go as planned.

  Instead of rejoining the others, I sneak out the back door for some air. The smell of early summer fills the air. It usually fills me with excitement of the nice weather, the barbeques, and the holidays to come, but I get none of that. My head is still back inside that room with his eyes on me.

  I shudder and try to push him from my mind, but I already know it’s pointless. He’s been in th
ere for well over a decade. Pretty much since the day I first discovered boys. He was always the one I wanted, and the very one I could never have.

  Until he kissed me.

  My mind wanders back to my brother’s eighteenth birthday. We’d had a family meal before he went out with his friends. My parents had no idea where they were going or what they were doing, and I think they preferred it that way. I was only a year younger so I had a good idea based on the gossip going around school. I’d also been warned by Mac not to even think about going to the lake that night.

  I didn’t. I did as I was told. The damage was done once they got back to the house. Mac was trashed and had to be carried in by Freddie and another friend. They got him safely to bed and Freddie was coming out of the bathroom when we literally bumped into each other.

  I sigh and try to put what happened next and the feeling of his lips against mine out of my mind. Remembering those feelings isn’t going to help me get through this weekend.


  My muscles ache to follow her as I watch her slip behind the ‘staff only’ door at the other side of the room. But I can’t follow her. Not yet, at least.

  “Are you okay, honey?” Mac’s mom, Tina, asks, taking the seat next to me. “You look at little lost. Macaulay said you’d recently split from a girlfriend.”

  I almost spit out my coffee at the thought of Jenna being my girlfriend. I made it very clear that was never going to be what we were. Sadly, no matter how many times I repeated it over the months we were sleeping together, she didn’t take it seriously, because when I told her I was done a few weeks ago, she turned into a clinger. Now I can barely go anywhere without her turning up or phoning me just to be a pain in the ass. I’m surprised I didn’t turn up here and find her waiting for me.


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