The Winter Boyfriend: A Stand-Alone YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series)

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The Winter Boyfriend: A Stand-Alone YA Contemporary Romance Novel (The Boyfriend Series) Page 17

by Christina Benjamin

  He laughed. “Well, you figured right.”

  Chloe passed him his mug of cocoa. “First, you have to take a sip of this. It’s my favorite kind.”

  “The horchata?” he asked.

  Chloe’s delicate eyebrows rose. “You remembered?"

  Chloe, I memorize everything you say. He nodded and took a sip.

  A moan escaped his lips after his first taste. The flavor was exquisite.

  Chloe blushed. “Do you like it?”

  “I think I love it.” Just like I think I love you, Chloe. He certainly loved watching the effect he had on her. He linked his fingers with hers and let his thumb graze the back of her hand. In the firelight, her cheeks turned the color of ripe peaches.

  “I can’t believe you’ve never had s’mores before.”

  “Are you going to show me how to make them? Or just tease me about my insufficient knowledge of desserts?”

  She grinned. “Okay,” she said putting marshmallows onto skewers. She handed him one. “Just toast these in the fire and when you’re done you put them between two graham crackers.

  “That’s it?”

  “Well, normally, you put a piece of chocolate on the graham crackers but you can really use anything you want. I brought, cookies, peanut butter cups, chocolate cherries . . .”

  Ethan couldn’t help laughing at the excitement in Chloe’s voice as she pointed out everything on her tray.


  “I have a feeling spending a lot of time with you might result in diabetes.”

  She shoved him playfully. “For your information I take health very seriously.”

  “I know. You’re going to be a nurse.”


  Chloe grinned. She loved that Ethan listened to her. They’d only briefly discussed that she was planning to go to school for nursing, but he remembered. She’d known Brady practically her whole life and he repeatedly asked her what major she was selecting when they’d been filling out college applications last year.

  She smiled to herself and slowly shook her head, wondering how she’d ever thought getting dumped by Brady was the end of the world. It was really just the beginning.

  It was Ethan’s turn to question her. “What are you thinking?”

  “Oh, just how some people fit together better than others.”

  Her comment seemed to amuse him, getting one of his rare half-smirks. “Are you talking about your terrible ex-boyfriend again, Chloe? Didn’t I tell you to go easy on my ego?”

  “I am talking about Brady, but what I’m trying to say is that he and I were never really a good fit. I couldn’t see that before.”

  “But you see it now?” All joking had left Ethan’s voice as he stared at her with his steady green eyes.


  “But he clearly wants you back, Chloe.”

  “He told me as much. But I made it clear that it’s not going to happen. I don’t want to go backwards.”

  Ethan’s voice was stained. “What do you want, Chloe?”

  “I want to move forward. With you,” she added in almost a whisper.

  Ethan swallowed hard, his throat bobbing as he listened.

  Chloe took a breath. “Ever since I met you, I’ve been seeing a lot of things differently.”

  “How so?”

  “I think we’re good for each other, Ethan,” she said quietly. “I like talking to you. I like how you really listen to me. And I really like when you open up to me. I don’t want it to end after Christmas.”


  The only sound in the room was the crackle-pop-hiss of the fire and the pounding of Ethan’s heart. Are you saying what I think you’re saying, Chloe?

  Did she actually feel what he felt? Did she want to be with him?

  Ethan felt breathless as joy filled his chest so completely he had trouble finding his voice. He blinked at Chloe, consumed by hope as her words took an icepick to the last frozen layer of his heart.

  Tonight when she’d rushed away from him at the party he’d been gripped by unrelenting fear. He knew in that moment that his heart belonged to her but he was so terrified to let it happen that he’d let his fear cripple him. He should have ran after her. He should have made Margot wait so he could tell Chloe everything in his heart.

  After Chloe had texted Ethan, he did something so uncharacteristic that he felt obscenely foolish. On his way out the door he stopped at the wish station set up next to one of the many Christmas trees and scribbled a wish down on a slim strip of paper and tied it to the tree. ‘Stop. Being. Afraid.’

  They were only three little words, but they were the ones that had been holding him back his whole life. But not anymore. Not now, when he heard the words Chloe was saying.

  ‘I think we’re good for each other, Ethan.’

  ‘I don’t want this to end.’

  He felt dizzy. Don’t say that, Chloe. Not unless you really mean it.

  But it was too late. His heart had heard every word and it was beating against his ribs so hard he was afraid it might claw its way out just to get to her.

  “Chloe . . .” Ethan breathed.

  “Oh, no!” Chloe jumped up and pulled his flaming marshmallow from the fire.

  In the chaos of his overwhelming emotions, Ethan had forgotten about the skewer and it caught fire. It must’ve been hot when Chloe grabbed it because she immediately flung the skewer. The marshmallow stuck to the stone hearth and the flame flickered out harmlessly, but Chloe was sucking her fingers.

  Ethan was at her side. “Are you okay?”

  She laughed. “Fine. Nothing a little ice and honey can’t fix.”



  In the kitchen, Chloe could feel the heat of Ethan’s eyes on her as she ran her hand under cold water for a few minutes and then grabbed an ice cube. She held the ice against her fingers. Only the first two had really gotten any sort of burn. It was mild, but she still rummaged around in the pantry for the raw honey. It was an amazing home remedy for burns.

  She handed the jar to Ethan. “Can you open this for me?”

  He twisted off the lid and followed her over to the sink, where she disposed of the half melted ice cube. She grabbed a spoon from the drawer and dipped it into the honey.

  “If you put raw honey on a burn right after, it cuts down the healing time,” she explained as he watched her cautiously.

  “Does it hurt?” Ethan asked.

  The pain in his eyes was so much worse than her burn that Chloe found herself wanting to comfort him. “No, Ethan. I’m fine, really. See?” She held up her sticky fingers for his inspection.

  Ethan gently took her hand turning it over to inspect her fingers. His touch was so careful it sent shivers through her. His eyes met hers when his fingers met the honey. He pulled them through the sticky, sweet substance, gently massaging the honey into her scalded skin.

  “Are you sure it doesn’t hurt?” he asked.

  It didn’t hurt at all. Actually, the feel of his fingers sliding though the honey against her swollen skin was the exact opposite of painful. His touch was setting her heart on fire as the intensity of her desire grew. “It feels better now,” she said, breathlessly.

  Ethan pulled her hand slowly to his lips, pressing a light kiss to her finger tips. “How ‘bout now?”

  “Better,” she whispered.

  The corner of his lips tugged into that crooked grin that broke her heart and rebuilt it. He parted his lips and sucked one finger slowly into his mouth. “How ‘bout now?”

  Chloe’s heart was in her throat. “Better.”

  He did it again. Each time he swirled his tongue around her fingertips, sucking the honey off in the most delicious way, until Chloe found her lips pressed to his, her still-sticky fingers in his hair.

  The honey-sweet taste of his lips was like a drug and she couldn’t get enough. Ethan swept her off her feet with frenzied passion. Chloe felt the counter under her as she wrapped her legs around Ethan’s waist and clung
to him for dear life. The way he kissed her made her feel like she was dying—dying in a fire of her own making, only to be reborn. Because nothing had ever been clearer; she was always meant to be his and he, hers.


  The lights flickered on in the kitchen and Ethan pulled away from Chloe, startled by how caught up he was in the moment. Thank God it was Owen who’d walked in on them and not Chloe’s parents. Ethan’s shirt was off and Chloe’s was nearly there, her bare stomach exposed. Ethan tugged her shirt down, putting himself between her and his brother to give her a moment to pull herself back together.

  “Hey,” Owen mumbled.

  If he was startled to see them in the kitchen making out he didn’t show it. He went straight to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. Ethan felt Chloe slide off the counter and join him. She discreetly handed him his shirt.

  Owen stared at the water bottle for a moment, then he opened the fridge again and rummaged around in it for a minute. When he shut it his arms were full. Chloe laughed, and Owen gave her a strange look; half happy, half worried. “Margot’s hungry,” was all he said before he walked back out of the kitchen in a daze.

  “That was weird,” Ethan said, but when he looked at Chloe she had the most beautiful smile on her face. “What?”

  “Nothing,” she said, still grinning.

  “What’s going on? Does this have something to do with why Owen wasn’t in bed when I snuck down here?”

  “I’m not at liberty to say.”

  Ethan narrowed his eyes wondering what Chloe was keeping from him. “He’s going to ask her to move in with him next semester.”

  Chloe’s eyes grew so round he thought they might fall out. She looked like she might explode with delight as she bounced on her toes. “That’s amazing!”

  “You think so?”

  “Absolutely! Don’t you?”

  “He sure seems excited about it.”

  “Are you?”

  Ethan thought about it for a moment, but the answer came easily. “Yes. He deserves to be happy.”

  “So do you,” Chloe said, taking his hand.

  He squeezed it. You certainly make me want to believe you, Chloe. “So are you going to tell me what’s going on with them or do I have to guess?”

  Chloe led him back into the living room, shutting off the lights behind her. “You’ll find out soon enough.”



  Their second attempt at making s’mores was much more successful. Mostly because Chloe didn’t allow herself to touch Ethan. She was learning very quickly that it was easy to get carried away with him.

  “So, what do you think?” she asked when Ethan polished off his peanut butter cup s’more.

  “I can’t believe I’ve been missing this all my life.”

  She laughed. “I told you.” Chloe shook her head. “I still can’t believe you survived nineteen years without experiencing this.”

  “I’m learning there’s a lot I haven’t experienced, Chloe.”

  “Well, you’re going to have to make me a list so we can work on making you a well-rounded human.”

  He bunched his eyebrows together. “I’m well-rounded.”

  “No, you’re stuffy. You grew up with a kitchen staff. I bet you even had a butler.”

  Ethan smirked and she knew she was right. He ate his last bit of s’more and lay down on his side, propping his head up on his fist. She loved how relaxed he looked lounging by the fire. The playful smirk on his face told her he was in a teasing mood and she was game for keeping things light.

  “So, how many butlers are we talking?” she teased.

  His face pinked. “Six.”


  “Shhh,” he hissed shoving her knee. “It’s not that big a deal. They’re just like the concierges at your lodge.”

  “That’s a hotel, Ethan. It’s supposed to have staff,” she replied. “Oh no, you’re super rich, aren’t you?”

  He shook his head.

  “Yes you are. You’re a spoiled rich boy from Manhattan,” she teased.

  “No I’m not,” he pulled her toward him, tickling her until she was breathless and snuggled against him.

  “I can’t believe I’m falling for a stuffy, rich kid from the city. I’m going to have to show you how to live, aren’t I?”

  He grinned. “I wouldn’t say no to that.”

  She kissed his nose. “Good.”

  “Ya know, I don’t think you’re allowed to call me rich?”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Have you forgotten I’ve seen that Christmas monstrosity you call a lodge? Your family seems to be doing pretty well for themselves.”

  “Yeah, they do alright.” Chloe hugged a pillow and rolled onto her stomach.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  She nodded.

  “Why do you guys live in this tiny little cabin when you have an amazing hotel right next door?”

  She shrugged. “The lodge just opened a few years ago. Most of my life the family business was just the Christmas tree farm.”

  “But things seem to be going well at the lodge.”

  She nodded. “They are. I think my parents are just being cautious. Plus, my great-great-grandfather built this house. It has sentimental value.”

  “I get that,” Ethan said pulling Chloe into his arms.

  She sighed, loving the feel of having him so close. He undid the clip restraining her hair. It cascaded down around her shoulders and Ethan spent a few silent seconds just letting it slip through his fingers. Chloe could’ve laid there with him forever, nestled in his arms in front of the fire while he stroked her hair.

  She didn’t think she’d ever felt so comfortable before. But as the silence stretched out she could almost feel the cloud of doubt settle over Ethan. She propped herself on her elbow to look at him and saw he was frowning.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “If I really were rich, would that change the way you feel about me?”

  “Ethan, you already know how I feel about you.”

  “Do I?”

  “I thought I made it pretty clear in the kitchen.”

  He smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “You did, but I wouldn’t mind hearing you say it.” His sad eyes seemed to be saying, I’ve been wrong before, Chloe.


  Ethan gazed at Chloe trying not to need her confirmation. But he did.

  I’ve been wrong before, Chloe. I need to hear it. Just once.

  Ethan felt his chest tighten as he waited for Chloe’s response. Why had he just asked her to spell it out for him? What if she didn’t tell him what he wanted to hear? They’d only known each other for a few days. What did he expect? A declaration of love?

  Chloe opened her mouth to respond and Ethan willed his ears not to listen. Please don’t break my heart, Chloe.

  “Ask me what my favorite Christmas memory is,” she said.

  Ethan blinked at her. That hadn’t been the response he expected at all. Did she not understand the question? “You already told me. Ice skating with your family when you were nine or ten.”

  She grinned and sat up. “I love that you remember that. But I need to change my answer.”

  Ethan sat up, too. “Okay. What’s your favorite Christmas memory?”

  “This one, right now. Sitting in front of the fire with you, knowing that having you come into my life is the best Christmas gift I ever could’ve received. I don’t think I’m falling for you, Ethan. I know I’ve fallen completely. And you make me never want to let go.”

  Ethan felt his chest tighten near bursting. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t breathe. But he didn’t need to. Just like always, Chloe knew what he needed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tight. His own arms responded naturally, crushing her to him.

  He sucked in a deep breath as he buried his face in her neck, holding her tighter as his body began to shake with relief. He hadn’t realized how terrified he was of l
osing this incredible girl who’d somehow stolen his heart until that exact moment when she told him she wanted him, too.

  Chloe pulled back gently and brought her hand to his cheek to wipe away a tear he didn’t even know he’d shed. “It’s too soon to say it,” she murmured. “But I feel it, Ethan.” She pressed her hand to his heart. “And I don’t ever want to lose this.”

  He nodded, afraid if he spoke he would shatter. But he knew she understood. How could she not? Her hand was directly over his pounding heart and he could see into her beautiful hazel eyes. Every thought of hers mirrored his own. He loved her. He needed her. He never wanted to let her go.

  “I know you have to go back to Manhattan in a few days. But I’ll be moving to the city for college in few months. Do you think . . .” Chloe looked down, her rare vulnerability showing.

  Ethan stroked her petal-soft cheek. “What?”

  Her eyes met his and the spark between them grew. “Do you think you could wait for me?”


  Chloe was greeted with the first full smile she’d ever gotten from Ethan and its sheer beauty was breathtaking. Her heart caught in her throat as he dazzled her with his grin. “Chloe, you have no idea how long I’ve waited for you. A few months longer is nothing.”

  Pure, unaltered joy coursed through Chloe’s veins as Ethan pressed his lips to hers.

  The rest of the night was lost in a blur of blissful moments spent kissing beneath the fire’s glow. Chloe didn’t remember it burning out or when Ethan carried her to her bedroom, but she woke up in her room, wrapped in a blanket, with Darcy curled up at the foot of her bed. At first, she wasn’t quite sure what had woken her, but then she saw Margot creeping into bed.

  “Go-Go?” Chloe whispered, her voice heavy with sleep.

  “Go back to bed,” Margot whispered, kissing Chloe’s forehead.

  “Wait. Did you tell him?”

  A huge smile lit up Margot’s whole face. “I did.”



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