Babies For My Zombie Kings: A Reverse Harem Romance (Zombies Rule The World Book 2)

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Babies For My Zombie Kings: A Reverse Harem Romance (Zombies Rule The World Book 2) Page 3

by McCoy, LeeSha

  “Look at me, Mikka. See how hard my dick is for you.”

  I’m blessed with the sight of him caressing his thick ridges while his fiery eyes are fixed to my hand rubbing the hell out of my pussy. A drop of precum forms at his tip, but he quickly swipes it away with a stroke of his thumb.

  “Oh, God…” I slip two fingers deep inside myself, and my walls quiver when I see visions of him inside me.

  “Fuck, yeah. You want this dick inside you, baby? Huh?”

  I whimper a barely audible ‘yes’, and he releases his dick to snap the thong from my hips. Then his hand is against mine and he’s rubbing me harder, applying the perfect amount of pressure, and pushing me towards a place I know bliss lies.

  “Shit, so wet...”

  I moan something incoherent. I’m so close to the edge, I’m almost soaring, but I’m suddenly left wanting when he pulls both our hands away.

  “Why?” I plead. I’m a trembling mess.

  I was right there…

  He glides his hands up and over my hips to my waist. “Tell me what you want, beautiful. Tell me how I should let you cum.”

  “However you wa—”

  He shakes his head. “No. You tell me.”

  I glance down at his dick again and then I climb onto his lap. “Like this.”

  His eyes alight with something. “Oh, hell yeah.”

  I let him guide himself to my entrance while I lean forward to rest my lips on his. He begins his ascent to my depths, parting his lips so I can devour them and his tongue in a frenzy. And even when he forces me down to take his entire length of heaven without warning, I release my scream into his mouth because I can’t bear to tear my mouth from his.

  He touches me in my mind and firmly grabs my ass, and I press my nails into his shoulders as I begin to rock my hips, but his grip tightens, stopping me from riding as hard as I want. As I need. He lifts me a little so only half his dick is inside me, then he tilts me back and holds me there with his mind.

  He lifts his hands to my breasts, pulling them from their cups to squeeze them. “Now move, but go slow.”

  I roll my hips at the pace he’s asked for, but I whimper out when his end grinds against something that makes me speechless.

  “Yeah...” he groans. “That’s your G-Spot, baby.” He sounds miles away, watching the sight between us while pinching and pulling my nipples exactly how I like. “Fuck, yeah. You’ve got my dick so wet and so damn hard.”

  I want to die from my show of inexperience, but he doesn’t let me dwell over it. He caresses the rest of my body while his hips rise and fall, and his ridges torment my opening along with his size, ripping away all my insecurities so that only the need to cum is left.

  The pace is maddening. With each roll of my hips and the rise of his, I build higher and higher, until my toes curl and a climax fires through me so strongly, it spills out in a scream of ecstasy.

  I hear all the brothers’ thoughts in my moment of bliss, but it's Pin's harsh groan that makes my body tremble harder.

  “When you cum, Mikka, fuck. It's the sexiest thing ever.” He pulls down on my hips and all the air in my lungs rushes out of me from how deep he gets to cum.

  He drags me against him and makes me cum again with the contact on my clit, and the way his eyes glow amber…at me.

  Oh, God…

  He doesn't quite shift, but I see his skin begin to mottle.

  I close my eyes.


  “That feels so good.”

  Pin and I are in the shower and his fingers are massaging my scalp to perfection.

  “Keep moaning like that and my dick is gonna end up inside you again.”

  “I can't help it.” I close my eyes and feel his dick poking into my lower back every time I rock back on my heels.

  All my kings are over six feet tall, which I love.

  This pampering from all of them is life. I've been seriously missing out. Thorn likes to do my hair, Dagger, Blade, and Axe like to lotion my body, and Pin gives these head rubs like he’s trained in Indian Head Massage.

  He steps me back to rinse the shampoo from my hair, then turns me in his arms to kiss me. I moan softly and trail my hands all up over his arms and chest, loving the way his silky scars ripple beneath my palms. He likes it, too, ‘cause not only does he groan, he wraps his arms around me to pull me against his firm body.

  My nipples harden to pellets.

  Our mouths eventually break for air, and I rest my head against his chest. “Do you like being like this?” I remember when I asked Thorn that, and he still hasn't answered me.

  His fingers weave into my curls. “Not at first. Life was scary, and there was a lot of shit we had to figure out. We kinda had to learn how to live again. But now? Yeah. Especially now we have you. Things will change for the better.”

  He releases me and I rest a kiss on his chest before I step back. “I hope so.”

  After we both get dressed into clothes—me into shorts and a vest, and Pin into some black sweats—Pin shows me the upgrades to my programme that he's decided to name MDP. He's boosted its storage capacity, too, by connecting it to his private server here in the house, in his office in the room beside mine.

  I’m excited to start running the tests I’ve planned.

  “You should get Dagger to help you. This shit is right up his street.”

  “Really?” I ask, but I’m distracted by the scent of rotten flesh approaching.

  “Uh-huh.” He stands and takes my hand. “Let’s go down to meet them.”


  My stomach twists in knots. All I can think about is tearing my teeth through flesh and bones.

  I might really eat the whole damn thing.



  I adjust my dick in my jeans before giving it a taming squeeze.

  My brother is one lucky fuck.

  I was so damn tempted to put my own touches into Mikka's mind while she was riding his dick, but I behaved myself. Barely. I saw the rest of my brothers shifting in their own seats of this truck, so I knew they were, too.

  If she thinks my brother has a magical curved dick, she should wait till I get her alone with mine. I’ll twist her body up so bad—zombie or not—she’ll be begging me for mercy.

  I could've shut them out; we don’t live in each other’s minds twenty-four-seven, and these days, we’ve all learned how to shut that shit off. But I wanted to hear it. I might talk a lot, but when it comes to women, I listen.

  I’m the master of following their cues and signals. Listening to those short inhales and barely there moans that tell me my touches are hitting the right spots.

  And I want to discover every single one of Mikka’s.

  Fair play to Pin for taking advantage of having time alone with her. I would've done the same damn thing. I can't wait to get her one-on-one. Although, my plans of being quite so rough with her have gone on the back burner. My brothers would have my balls if I hurt her now—for pleasure or otherwise.

  I'm gonna catch her sweet ass between babies, though.

  I'm pretty sure I can't hurt her internally, not now she’s like us, but the human part of my brain doesn't see her as a complete zombie either. ‘Cause we ain't. Still, I intend on inflicting some brutal shit on her as soon as I get the chance. Waiting five weeks won't save her body from me.

  Not at all.

  The vermin in the truck between me and Dagger groans, but it shuts up again after I elbow it. They don't have minds to control, they're long gone, but they do calm themselves when they're around us.

  Cause they know who the muthafuckin’ Kings are.

  The rest of the world just needs to catch up.

  Pin was right about what he said, same way he’s been right about a host of other shit. Like his idea to set up that YouTube channel. I thought his idea was crazy to begin with, but that was before I started listening to my own gut feelings.

  That channel proves how well we can deal with standard
zombies, and when the time comes, I agree that it will eventually persuade people to trust us. Especially if this world does go to shit how we all think it eventually will.

  And it will if these dumbass humans keep letting themselves be nammed up. More and more of the dead rise every day, but these governments haven’t got any kind of hold over them. They think their knives and fires are doing something, but they ain’t doing shit.

  If they don’t do something soon, give it a few years, and there won’t be any humans left.

  Blade parks up outside the house and all our relief is instant. We’re on edge when we're away from Mikka. Since Thorn found her, we've felt this thing. Like we're all pieces of a puzzle that only feel complete when we're together.

  Fuck knows what bright spark above decided to make that a thing, though. I mean, five brothers with one girl? With no jealousy? Thorn might be the one we all look to to lead us, but none of us are pussies. We fight as much as the next group of siblings do, yet we’ve had no inclination to fight over Mikka. If anything, seeing her with my brothers, turns me the fuck on.

  Initially, I thought it was a joke. I thought Thorn had discovered another new trick we could do with our minds, but it wasn't. I've never been one to share a damn thing. The youngest child doesn’t share shit, and I’ve never shared a woman. If I wanted a girl, I got her, even if she was someone else’s. They didn't call me the general at work because I was the best at selling cars, it was because I could talk people into doing anything I wanted.

  And I still can.

  Let’s just hope Mikka's sex drive stays high, ‘cause all five of us love to fuck. She’s managing to keep all our dicks happy now, but only time will tell if this six-way relationship is actually gonna work out.

  I drag the rat from the car before pushing her to the ground. We call ourselves zombie-hybrids, these ones to us are just dead bodies. They have two urges, to eat and fuck. Everything else was lost when they died. I don’t even think they can see. Their sense of smell and hearing is heightened, though.

  Thorn rounds the truck with Blade to look down at it. “Mikka’s coming.”

  I nod and rest my foot on its back. “I know.”

  I can smell not only her deathly scent approaching, but the scent of that caramel bodywash she bathes in. To Dagger, Mikka smells like chocolate, but the rest of us have our own opinions about that. All I know, is that whenever she’s close, her smell fucks with a few parts of me.

  We all look to the front door as she appears with Pin. He’s wearing a shit-eating grin, unsurprisingly, but my eyes immediately switch back to the sight of Mikka, freshly showered, skin glowing, and her hair resting in wet ringlets over her shoulders.

  Yeah, Mikka’s hotter than a fucking furnace. Her skin is the colour of smooth milk chocolate, and her eyes are so damn big and bright but have the ability to disarm you with a simple look.

  Innocent but filthy.

  I swear, I’d pretty much do any damn thing she asked after one of those looks.

  She’s short and petite, too, just how we’ve always liked our women, except from her perfect ass and tits. She's got more than a couple handfuls of each, but her bubble butt is what gets most of my attention.

  Her eyes meet mine briefly before she lowers her gaze to the Zombie at my feet, but then she’s suddenly kneeling beside it. I remove my foot from its back and then watch the vermin close its eyes like it knows what’s coming.

  “Thanks,” she mutters to us, and then she shifts and her purple-hued skin sheds from her bare arms and legs. The other her has taken over now, and I feel her craving for the rotten flesh intensify off the charts.

  God help me, this girl is dangerously beautiful.

  She twists the zombie’s neck free from its body, discarding it beside her before chomping down on its fingers fast as hell, quickly making her way up its arm. I don’t even think she chews some of her mouthfuls, but the ones she does I can hear the crunch, and it has a real fucked-up effect on me.

  She comes up for air every so often, her mouth wide as she inhales before going straight back at it, and we all watch her, hypnotised by her devouring the dead body like she hasn't eaten for a year.

  Thorn’s mind goes into overdrive thinking about what this means, but I can’t stop thinking about how much of a turn on this is. Rotten blood and pieces of flesh coat her hands and trickle down her arms, and the sight of the blood dripping down her chin and the gagging noises she makes, causes my dick to throb enough to hurt.


  She finally sits back on her legs, leaving only the torso, the discarded head, and one damn thigh. It might not have been the biggest zombie, but she’s still eaten a hell of a lot of it.

  “I can't eat anymore,” she says, but the rest of us are in recovery.

  I offer her a hand to help her up. “Feel better now?”

  She nods as she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, which just smears more blood over her cheek and jaw. “Yeah.” She's still shifted, and her irises have switched from a flaming red to a simmering amber.

  I need to fuck her, more than I’ve needed to do anything.

  I pull her to me and run my tongue along her jaw before shoving it into her gaping mouth. Fuck yeah, I might’ve shocked her from how forceful I’ve been, but she’s immediately with it and grinding herself against me.

  Shit, my dick has never throbbed this desperately before. I almost start backing her up to fuck her against Pin’s truck, but I sense the others surrounding us, so I reluctantly let her go.

  Hell, I still might, though.

  Even without hearing her thoughts of disappointment, anyone could see it in her eyes. Those beguiling fucking eyes that could very well end up breaking me.

  I give her a quick wink. “Hold that thought, babe.”

  She blesses me with a bite to her own lips before shifting back and turning her attention to the others. “I think we need to capture one so I can run some tests.”

  We all agree. Her urge to eat that rat needs exploring. There's something up with that.

  Thorn nods. “We'll get one for when the rest of your stuff arrives on Friday. We can build something to hold it in in the meantime.”

  “Okay,” she replies.

  “You sure you’re done?” Blade asks with a smirk, eyeing the rest of the body on the floor.

  She nods, and he wastes no time tearing the rest of it into pieces to share with us. I hold my hand out to refuse mine, grabbing Mikka’s hand instead to pull her over to the truck.

  She smirks up at me when her ass hits the bumper. “I think you’re a little fucked-up, babe.”

  A smile spreads across my face as I rest a hand on the truck behind her. “And? So are you.”

  She blushes and I see her relax against the truck, submitting to me.

  I lose it and shift. “Now, bring my bad bitch back out to play.”



  “They'll never announce it if they're alive,” Thorn says as he appears in the kitchen.

  He's wearing black boxers and nothing else, and my eyes linger over his scars a little longer than is good for my pussy. I think this pregnancy is having a new effect on my libido. Especially where Blade and Thorn are concerned.

  I'm meant to be working on practicing my abilities with the two of them today, but I've already begun to tell that the babies growing inside me are theirs. I’m also more drawn to them, more protective of them both, as if I subconsciously feel the need to protect the fathers of my young or something.

  “I figured that,” I mutter, resting my phone down on the island.

  He switches the kettle on. and I sigh. All the news is still reporting, is the fact they can’t find us. I even checked my Facebook and Insta, in case Gia messaged me there, but she hasn't. The only messages I had were from old school friends and my mum and brother, asking me what the hell is going on.

  I know I shouldn’t give a shit about Gia after what she did, but I can’t help it. And as much as I was an
gry with her, there is a little piece of my heart that wants her to be alive.

  “Consequences have actions, Angel.” I look back over to Thorn as he pulls two cups out of the cupboard. “And she wasn't a bad friend, just a scared one who made bad choices.”

  “Yeah...” I can understand that. I guess it’s hard to understand what you’re afraid of.

  I get lost to daydreams again, which is easy to do around Thorn because he’s so quiet. It’s early afternoon, and the sun is streaming in through the window at him. I love the way his scars shimmer under the glow of it, and the way his muscles ripple beneath his dark skin makes my thighs clench.

  I look away.

  If I don't think of something else, I'll spend another day having sex, and I actually want to learn something other than how to handle dick today.

  “Has your belly grown yet?” I hear Thorn ask.

  I instinctively take a quick look down at my robe. “No. I checked when I woke up, but I just look bloated. Definitely no bump yet.”

  “It won't be long.”


  I know it won’t. I’ve worked out that the babies will grow about eight weeks in one week, which will definitely give me a perfect little bump within a few days.

  I lift my head again and watch him retrieve the milk from the fridge. “You don't sleep much, do you?”

  “Never have.”

  Hmmm. “So, what did you do before you turned?”

  “I was an engineer at Ford.”

  I blink. “Oh...”

  He gives me a quick glance. “Uh-huh. It was boring, but the pay was good.”

  “I bet.” I swallow nervously as I think about what Pin told me last night. “Pin told me about your fiancée. I'm sorry.”

  “Don't be.” He returns the milk to the fridge. “I knew her a lot longer than I’ve known you and still didn’t love her as much.”

  I blink in surprise, but I don’t know why. Thorn is always quick to the point and blunt. Still, the curiosity in me makes me wonder if he still thinks of her.


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