
Home > Contemporary > Unbroken > Page 23
Unbroken Page 23

by Riley Edwards

  She pulled herself back up, using my chest for leverage, and slammed back down, her tits swaying with her swift movement. Holy fuck that felt good.

  “Slow,” I choked out.

  “Logan,” she moaned.

  I gripped her hips and guided her up and down, slowing her pace.


  Her thighs tightened at my side, and she tried to break free from my grip.

  She was so snug around my cock, she had me panting, “You okay?” I asked.

  “Harder. Please,” she moaned.

  I pulled one of her hands off my chest and took it in mine.

  “I want you to feel this.” I brought Ava’s hand to her pussy, her fingers brushing my cock as I slid in and out of her. “You feel that? The connection. My cock inside of you.” Ava slid her hand further down, rubbing the side of my cock with her finger every time she pulled up. “So fucking sexy, Ava.” Her eyes left mine, and she looked down watching as my cock burrowed in and out of her wetness.

  “Harder, please,” she begged.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t. I don’t want slow, I need you to fuck me, Logan,” she pleaded.

  Who was I to deny her what she needed? At least that is what I told myself as I let raw need take over. I stopped holding myself back and gave her what she asked for. More. Harder. Deeper. I flexed my ass pushing further into her every time she slammed down on me. My hands on her hips set a relentless pace, giving her every inch of my cock. Her pussy was spasming and tightening. She was almost there.

  “Holy fuck, Logan.” Ava threw her head back and let out a guttural moan. Music to my ears.

  Holy fuck was right. I was so close to exploding I could barely hold it back any longer.

  “Lean forward, sweetheart. I want your tits in my mouth.”

  She did as I asked and continued to rock herself back and forth. I needed just a little more before I brought us both off. I needed to taste her nipples, just a minute longer. I needed to feel her ass in my hands, as she shook with need when she tried to grind her clit harder. I didn’t want this feeling to end.

  “Please, please, please,” she begged.

  My thumb found her clit at the same time I gently bit her nipple, and that was all she needed.

  “I’m…I’m …. there,” Ava stuttered.

  I watched with rapt attention as her orgasm took hold, and stopped fighting my own need. With a few more thrusts, I buried myself fully inside her slick warm pussy and joined her.

  Nothing was better than this, right here. The beautiful look of pleasure on Ava’s face. The sheen of sweat on her tits. The hooded look of desire in her eyes. The pretty flush of her cheeks.

  I would remember this moment for the rest of my life.


  The New Ava


  We were lying in bed, Reid just finished giving me the business, and he did it well. I was exhausted, he had been energetic. He started by giving me an orgasm with his fingers and mouth, it was magnificent. By the time he gave me his cock, my body was on fire and ready to explode. It was brilliant, fucking superb.

  I grabbed his tee and rolled to him, throwing my arm over his gut. He pulled me in close and kissed the top of my head. I loved when he did that. Kissed my head, and let his lips linger like he never wanted to move them.

  I was counting the beats of his heart under my ear, thinking about how glorious our week had been.


  No kidnappings, no death, no beatings. Suzie was improving by leaps and bounds. She now was awake most of the day and had been moved from ICU to a regular room.

  April was still a mess, but she was dealing. She was pregnant and had just lost her man. I knew from experience that kinda pain doesn’t go away after a week. But, she was making herself get up every day, opening the curtains and letting the sun shine in. She was also allowing us to take some of her burden when she felt like she needed a break.

  In the span of a week, April had become just as close to me as Suzie. The new Ava, Reid’s Ava, let people in. I didn’t keep them at arm’s length. I pulled April in and spilled my life story. She knew everything about me, every last detail, down to the baby I’d lost and what a bitch I had been to Mac over the years.

  I was learning, I was growing, and it felt good.

  JJ was JJ. He was funny and happy. Reid moved us into his beach house, and it was like we had always lived here. JJ was thrilled. Reid explained that he bought this house as a rental. We would now live in this house, and he’d use his place in the Lake Street district as the rental. He knew I’d never go back down that street. Mac and Reid handled the contents of my house, it was now empty. I let them manage the move, including putting my house up for sale, and I did it without making a fuss. Improvement. The things I wanted to keep were in storage, I’d sort that out later. I wasn’t in a rush. I still needed to talk to Mac, and I was working up the courage to do so.

  I was just living. Enjoying every day. Maybe the universe was finally giving me good. God knows I had earned it. I’d gone through hell to get here, and I was determined to suck every bit of happiness I could out of life. Just like I had told April, the day Rick died; joy was now burning out the pain.

  It was beautiful.

  I had something I needed to talk to Reid about. I had been swirling the idea around in my head the last few days. I hoped he liked it. I hoped I wasn’t overstepping.

  I traced the tattoo on his chest, even though I couldn’t see it in the dark I didn’t need to. I had every tattoo memorized, every scar too. I knew Reid’s body better than I knew my own. That was okay because Reid knew my body well enough for the both of us.

  “I wanna get a tattoo,” I announced.

  I felt Reid’s silent chuckle under my cheek, “Really. What do you wanna get, sweetheart?”


  “Ava, spit it out,”


  “Alright, how ‘bout this, as long as it isn’t some stupid cartoon character or some girly crap, I think that’d be hot.”

  “I was thinking…” This time he didn’t say anything, he let my words hang in the air. “I wanna get the same tattoo you and the guys have,” I rushed out.

  Reid’s body went tight. “Which one?”

  A few days ago, while I was at the Café, Reid and his crew had gone and all got Rick’s memorial tattoo done. Reid’s was the biggest, placed on his left pec over his heart. Reid said that Rick had given his life to protect mine. Therefore Rick had given him the world. He wanted Rick near his heart, always.

  He also got JJ’s name and mine on his left side down his ribs. Reid asked me to sign my name on a piece of paper, JJ’s too. When I wrote out JJ’s name, he asked me to expand it to Jacob Jr. I didn’t understand why until he came home with the tattoo in my handwriting. He explained he wanted Jacob Jr.’s full name because he wanted to make sure he included Jacob in his tattoo. After all, Jacob was a part of our family too. What man did that? Wanted to include his woman’s dead husband in his family. A good man, that’s who. A man who was not threatened by the memory of another good man. I loved that about Reid. True to his word, he spoke to JJ about Jacob. Not often, but his name was spoken. Reid had also insisted that a picture of JJ and Jacob be placed on the shelf next to all the other photos. I loved that too.

  “The bible verse. I don’t wanna overstep. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. But that one means something to me. It means something to April. It meant something to Rick. He lived by those words, and I never want to forget them. I never want to forget his sacrifice for our family. I want those words on me, so I can look down and remember. Remember what he gave.”

  Reid was quiet for a long time. Damn. I screwed up.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t have to get it. I understand if you don’t want me to. I know that is something special, maybe I overstepped. Forget I said anything,” I rambled.

  “Shut it,” Reid said his voice thick with emotion
. “I think that is the perfect tattoo. I love that you want it. I get why those words would mean something to you. I’ll take you to my guy, tomorrow I’ll make an appointment.”

  “You have a guy?” I questioned.

  I didn’t know anything about tattoos. I thought you just looked in the phone book and called around until someone had an opening.

  “Yeah, I have a guy. Best fucking artist in San Fran. He owns Motor Quill, name’s Ivory. I’ve known him a long time. Met him in prison.”

  I sat up, pulling out of Reid’s arms. “You were in prison,” I shrieked.

  “Quiet sweetheart. Jesus Christ, if your moaning earlier didn’t wake JJ, you did now.”

  “I wasn’t loud earlier,” I protested.

  “Sweetheart, I had to cover your mouth with my hand to shut you up. That was right after you begged me to fuck you harder, and I was worried the headboard was gonna go through the wall. That reminds me, the headboard? It’s sweet and all, but it has to go. I can’t have it bangin’ on the wall every time I take you rough.”

  He was probably right. I was loud. And he was definitely right about the new headboard I purchased. As much as I loved using it as leverage when I was on top riding him, it did hit the wall. It had to go.

  “Whatever. Tell me about prison.”

  “I was undercover. The warden was having an issue with contraband, he asked my crew to take a look into it. The guys worked on the outside, and I went in. Spent about thirty days in lock-up. Turned out, Ivory’s cell mate was the leader. He had one hell of a racket going. Everything from cigarettes and girly mags to drugs and weapons. Ivory was smart, didn’t wanna get caught up in that shit. He just wanted to keep his head down, do his time, and get the fuck outta there. Ivory caught on pretty quickly who I was and why I was there. He kept his mouth shut, and never ratted me out. Even when it looked like shit was gonna go bad for him with his cellmate, he still had my back. In exchange, I made sure that when the sweep came down, Ivory’s name stayed out of it, and I kept him clean. Good fucking guy. He caught a raw deal. Shit childhood, did some shit he shouldn’t have, and took responsibility.”

  “You let a felon tattoo you?”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely. Like I said, Ivory is good people. It’s not my story to tell, but trust me, if I didn’t think he was a good man, and a great artist, I wouldn’t let him near you. I respect the hell out of him.”

  I thought about what Reid said, and if he respected Ivory, that meant something. I settled back down on Reid’s chest and crowded his side. This is how we slept, maximum contact. If I tried to roll away in the middle of the night, Reid pulled me back and held me tight. Even in my sleep, he had that shield of protection around me.

  Life was good.

  “Sorry, that was really judgmental and bitchy. If you trust Ivory, then I trust him. I would love for him to tattoo me.”

  “Good. Now let’s get some sleep. I’m fucking beat. You wore me out.”

  “Me? I wore you out? I didn’t do anything, you did all the work.”

  “I know, sweetheart, that’s why I am worn out. You’re greedy. Every time I thought you’d had enough, I felt your pussy tighten, and you were ready for more.”

  “Reid,” I snapped.

  “Anything I just said not the truth?”

  “I’m not greedy!”

  “You’re not? So, that wasn’t you who begged for my cock after I brought you off with my mouth twice? That wasn’t you who begged me to put you on your knees and fuck you from behind after you had already screamed another orgasm? Because sweetheart, I know for a fact that when I put you on your knees, smacked your ass, that greedy little pussy of yours quivered around my cock, and you let go again. So yeah. I’d say you are greedy. And I have to say, I am pleased as fuck you are.”

  Well, when he said it like that, I couldn’t argue. I had done all of that. Though he had forgotten one detail. I also begged him to let me suck his cock, which he turned down, in between orgasm one and two.


  “Fine? Just fine?” he taunted.

  “Fine, you’re right,” I admitted.

  “Yeah, I am.”

  Smug bastard.

  Reid picked me up from the café. I still hadn’t worked a full day. Poor Laura was picking up the slack, acting as the manager while Suzie was in the hospital. She said she didn’t mind and was happy for the extra pay. She smiled like always and hustled around the café, upbeat talking to customers, but it didn’t reach her eyes. Something had changed in my friend. And the new me was going to get to the bottom of it. As soon as I had time.

  We made small talk on the way to the tattoo shop. When Reid said he was going to call his guy, Ivory, and get me in, I didn’t think it was going to be the next day.

  So, today was the day I was going to get my very first tattoo. I was both excited and nervous it was going to hurt.

  Reid told me about the memorial service for Rick. It was this coming weekend. The guys had decided to wait to have the service until after April had some time to adjust. They all wanted to make sure she saw her doctor first, and she and the baby had a clean bill of health. Actually, it was Austin who insisted on that.

  I think his words were, “Rick’s not going anywhere. April and the baby are more important than any fucking service. Rick wouldn’t want that shit anyway. He’d be just as happy to have us all go down to Red’s, grab a beer, toast him, and dump his ashes in the South Bay.”

  Reid agreed, so they were waiting.

  April had seen her doctor. She asked me to go with her to the ultrasound. It hurt like hell seeing the baby in her belly. It reminded me of the one I had lost. But I pushed those thoughts down deep, and I was there to hold my friend’s hand. The baby was perfect. Healthy, with a strong heartbeat.

  Austin stood in the corner of the room, arms crossed, with his eyes never leaving April. I knew that he was still staying at the house. First, because April begged him not to leave, she was afraid to be alone. Now, I think it was as much for Austin’s benefit as it was April’s. I was worried about Austin. It was in his eyes, they looked wild and full of sorrow. I wish he’d open up to Reid. But he hadn’t.

  My legs were all but shaking in my seat, I was so excited.

  “You’re gonna wear a mark on the floorboard if you don’t stop that bouncing,” Reid laughed.

  “I’m excited,” I explained.

  “Yeah, I can see that.”

  We pulled up in front of a nice building, Motor Quill, proudly displayed in the front window. Reid parked, rounded the hood, and opened the door for me.

  “Yo,” Reid called out when we entered the shop.

  “Reid. Twice in one week.” A man stood from a stool and started towards us. “This must be Ava.”

  I was thankful that Reid had me tucked to his side, with his arm around my middle or I might’ve stumbled back.

  Holy wow. I didn’t know who this man was, but he was hot, as in, movie star hot. Reid might’ve been the sexiest man I had ever laid eyes on, but this guy… he was a close second. I wasn’t sure if he belonged on some TV show that centered around hot badass bikers, or if he should be on the cover of a men’s fitness magazine.

  He was big; tattoos covered his arms, all bright colors that seemed to come to life right in front of your eyes. The closer he got the more detail I could see, and my eyes honed in on his muscular forearm. He had a tattoo of a bloody ear, dripping blood, into an object I couldn’t make out. You would think the ear would be grotesque, but it wasn’t. The outline and the detail looked to have been done with great care. It seemed to have pride of place on his arm, I’m sure there was a special meaning behind it.

  “Hey, man, thanks for doing this on such short notice,” Reid said to the man.

  Now only feet away from us, I gave him one more look from top to toe. Yeah, he was definitely hot.

  “Hey, sweetheart, you done checkin’ out Ivory yet? I’d like to introduce you, and preferably not have to kick my friend’s ass because my
woman’s eyes are buggin’ out of her head.”

  I closed my eyes in horror, shit, I was totally caught. That’s when I heard it, a deep rumble of laughter coming from both men. I wasn’t sure what was more embarrassing, that they were laughing at me or that I’d been caught. I figured it was a good thing that Reid was laughing at me.

  “It’s all good, babe. I’m used to it. Women just can’t help themselves around me.” Ivory’s voice was full of laughter.

  My eyes popped back open to see Ivory laughing. Reid, however, was no longer laughing. “Friend or not, you might wanna not flirt with my woman,” Reid told Ivory.

  “Flirting? Man, if you think that is flirting, friend, you have been doing it wrong. This is flirting…”

  Reid let out a low guttural growl that made Ivory bust out into another round of laughter.

  “Dude, that was just too easy.” Ivory was shaking his head, smiling at Reid, before he turned to me. “Hi Ava. I’m Ivory, nice to meet you.”

  “You too, Ivory. Reid speaks very highly of you. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Something changed in Ivory. It happened so fast I couldn’t place it. It played across his face for just a moment before he masked it.

  “Highly, huh? Then he’s yankin’ your chain.” Ivory smiled at me again. “I drew up some pieces for you to take a look at. Different scripts for you to choose from.” Suddenly he was all business.

  “Okay,” I mumbled, scared I had offended him.

  A sudden movement over Ivory’s shoulder caught my attention. Holy shit, I knew that fedora. The man walked fully into the entryway where we were standing, sure as shit, it was the whistler.

  “I…I…I-vory. Did y…y…you o…o…order the d… d…door g…g…gasket for the a…a…autoclave?” the whistler stuttered out.

  “Yeah, Kevin, the gasket will be here tomorrow,” Ivory answered him.

  I glanced up at Reid, his eyes focused on the whistler. When Kevin turned to walk away, Reid looked back at Ivory.

  “Who’s that?” Reid asked.


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