by Shea Serrano
Thank you to Basketball-Reference for existing. I love you so, so much. I hope that you are around forever because life without you would be awful.
Thank you to James Naismith for inventing basketball, and thank you to Barry Tuttle’s dad for installing the first basketball goal on our street when we were in middle school and letting us all play on it, and thank you to Tim Duncan for the championships you brought to San Antonio and also for wearing a leg brace that had The Punisher on it.
Thank you to my sisters, Yasminda and Nastasja and Marie. I have enjoyed watching all three grow up into women and two of you grow into loving, caring mothers. (Marie, don’t have a baby with that idiot.)
Thank you to my dog. You know all of my secrets and will never tell anyone. I respect you so much.
Thank you to my mom for being my mom and to my dad for taking me to so many Spurs games growing up. It always meant a lot to me that that was our thing we did together, and I am very excited and happy to be doing the same thing with my sons now. I’ll make sure they see and pay attention to all the things you would make sure I saw and paid attention to when we’d go.
Thank you to my sons, Caleb and Braxton and Parker. You three are the biggest dorks of all and I just love you so much for it. The only thing I care about is hugging you and kissing you and talking to you and going into your bedrooms while you’re sleeping and looking at your perfect, perfect, dorky faces. Please never grow up.
And thank you to my wife, Larami. As I write this, you are lying in the bed next to me asleep, looking perfect and being perfect. It’s 1 A.M. and you just went to bed about 20 minutes ago. You were up for 19 hours today, and you were taking care of either me or the boys or the dog for about 18 of those hours. I don’t know how you do it. I honestly don’t. Everything would be a disaster without you. You’re the center of it all—of my life, of my love, of my happiness, of the family. Thank you. I love you. I don’t deserve you, but I am glad that I have you.
Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem
Johnson, M., and
Abdur-Rahim, Shareef
Above the Rim
Abrams, Jonathan
Action Bronson
Ainge, Danny
Air Bud
The Air Up There
Albert, Marv
Alcindor, Lew. See Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem
Aldridge, David
Allen, Ray
Alston, Rafer
American History X
Amundson, Lou
Andersen, Chris
Anderson, Kenny
Anderson, Nick
Anderson, Shandon
André 3000
Antetokounmpo, Giannis
Anthony, Carmelo
Anthony, Greg
Archibald, Tiny
Arenas, Gilbert
arm musculature
Artest, Ron. See World Peace, Metta
Auerbach, Red
Bacon, Kevin
Bannister, Anthony
“Barbershop” (Ghostface Killah)
Barbosa, Leandro
Barea, J. J.
Barkley, Charles
Barnes, Matt
Barry, Jon
Barry, Rick
“Basketball” (Blow)
Basketball Diaries
basketball versions
Batman & Robin
Battier, Shane
Batum, Nicolas
Baylor, Elgin
The Beastie Boys
Bell, Raja
Belushi, Jim
Beverley, Pat
Bias, Len
Bibby, Mike
Biedrins, Andris
Billups, Chauncey
Bird, Larry
Blab, Uwe
Blake, Steve
Blind Dating
Blow, Kurtis
Blue Chips
Bogues, Muggsy
Bohr, Niels
Bol, Manute
The Book of Basketball (Simmons, B.)
Booth, John Wilkes
Boozer, Carlos
Bosh, Chris
Boudeaux, Neon (fictional character)
Bowen, Bruce
Bowie, Sam
Bow Wow
Box Plus/Minus (BPM)
box score stats
Boykins, Earl
Bradley, Shawn
Brady, Tom
Brickowski, Frank
Brown, Dee
Brown, Devin
Brown, Kwame
Browne, Rembert
Bryant, Kobe
best seasons of
number change of
O’Neal, S., and
Buckner, Candace
Buddy (fictional character)
Bullard, Matt
Bunny, Lola (fictional character)
Burke, Doris
Burke, Trey
buzzer beaters
Bynum, Andrew
Cambridge, Calvin (fictional character)
Camby, Marcus
“Can’t Tell Me Nothing” (West, K.)
Captain America: The First Avenger
Carey, Mariah
Carlesimo, P. J.
Carroll, Jim
Carter, Vince
Cartwright, Bill
Cassell, Sam
Cato, Kelvin
Celtic Pride
centers, greatest
Chalmers, Mario
Chamberlain, Wilt
Chambers, Mario
Chandler, Tyson
Chaney, John
Cheeks, Maurice
Chicago Bulls
Chigurh, Anton (fictional character)
Childs, Chris
Chitwood, Jimmy (fictional character)
Christie, Doug
“Clash of the Legends,”
Cole, Norris
Coleman, Derrick
Coles, Bimbo
Collins, Jason
Concepcion, Jason
Conley, Mike
conspiracy theories
Continental Basketball Association
Cooper, Michael
corneal erosion syndrome
Cousins, DeMarcus
Crittenton, Javaris
Cunningham, Billy
Curie, Marie
Curry, Steph
Dantley, Adrian
D’Antoni, Mike
Darwin, Charles
Daugherty, Brad
David 8 (fictional character)
Davis, Anthony
Davis, Antonio
Davis, Baron
Davis, Ben
Davis, Dale
Davis, Ricky
Dawkins, Darryl
Deane, Sidney (fictional character)
Dellavedova, Matthew
Del Negro, Vinny
Dembo, Fennis
Deng, Luol
Devine, Dan
Diaw, Boris
Divac, Vlade
Douglas, Sherman
Douglas, Toney
draft picks, bad,
Dragic, Goran
Drexler, Clyde
Duckworth, Kevin
Dudley, Chris
Duhon, Chris
Dumars, Joe
Duncan, Tim
Durant, Kevin
Eaton, Mark
Ehlo, Craig
Eisley, Howard
Elie, Mario
Elliott, Sean
Ellis, LaPhonso
“Empire State of Mind” (Jay Z)
end-to-end speed
English, Alex
Eric B. & Rakim
Erving, Julius “Dr. J,”
Escape from L.A.
E. S. G.
Evans, Reggie
Ewing, Patrick
Family Matters
Farrell, Colin
Fennessey, Sean
Ferry, Danny
Fictional Basketball Player Draft
50 Cent
finishing in the lane ability
Finley, Michael
first-step speed
Fisher, Derek
The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh
Fitch, Bill
Floyd, Sleepy
“Follow Me Gangster” (50 Cent)
Fortenberry, Joe
Foster, Jeff
Fox, Rick
Frazier, Walt
free throw rituals
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
games under duress
Gang Related
Garnett, Kevin
Gasol, Pau
Gatling, Chris
Geiger, Matt
George, Paul
Gervin, George
“Get It Together” (Beastie Boys)
Ghostface Killah
Gilliam, Armen
Gilmore, Artis
“Gimme the Loot” (Notorious B.I.G.)
Ginobili, Manu
Gooden, Drew
Grant, Brian
Grant, Horace
Gray, Jim
Green, A. C.
Green, Draymond
Green, Gerald
Green, Sidney
Griffin, Blake
Griffin, Eddie
Griffith, Darrell
Grover, Tim
Guthrie, Moses (fictional character)
half-court shots
Halpert, Jim (fictional character)
Hamilton, Richard
Hamilton, Rip
Hardaway, Anfernee
Hardaway, Penny
Hardaway, Tim
Harden, James
Harlan, Kevin
Haslem, Udonis
Havlicek, John
Hawkins, Connie
Hayes, Elvin
Heard, Gar
Hearn, Chick
heat check shots
He Got Game
Hill, Grant
Hinrich, Kirk
Hodges, Craig
Hoiberg, Fred
Hollinger, John
Hornacek, Jeff
Horry, Robert
Howard, Dwight
Howard, Scott (fictional character)
Hoyle, Billy (fictional character)
Hughes, Larry
Humphries, Kris
Hurley, Elizabeth
Ibaka, Serge
Iguodala, Andre
“I’m the Man” (Fabolous)
in-arena entertainment
Inglis, Jack
Inside Stuff
In the House
Irving, Kyrie
Iverson, Allen
Jackson, Bo
Jackson, Bobby
Jackson, Mark
Jackson, Phil
Jackson, Stephen
James, LeBron
departure from Cleveland of
Wade and
Jay Z
Jeffries, Jamal (fictional character)
Jennings, Brandon
Jesus Christ
Johnson, Dennis
Johnson, Eddie
Johnson, Kevin
Johnson, Larry
Johnson, Magic
Abdul-Jabar and
John Tucker Must Die
Jones, Bobby
Jones, Popeye
Jordan, DeAndre
Jordan, Michael
best years of
greatest version of
last Chicago Bulls game of
Pippen and
retirement of
Jordan Shrug
Juwanna Mann
Kaman, Chris
Kapono, Jason
Kemp, Shawn
Kerr, Steve
Kersey, Jess
Kidd, Jason
Kimble, Bo
King, Bernard
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kirilenko, Andrei
Kiss Cam
Kittles, Kerry
Kleine, Joe
Klosterman, Chuck
Knight, Brandon
Korver, Kyle
Krzyzewski, Mike
Kukoc, Toni
Kupchak, Mitch
Laettner, Christian
Laimbeer, Bill
Lantz, Stu
LaVine, Zach
Leahy, Michael
Ledlow, Kristen
Lee, Spike
Legler, Tim
Leonard, Kawhi
Lever, Fat
Lewis, Rashard
Lewis, Reggie
Like Mike
Lillard, Damian
Lincoln, Abraham
Lister, Alton
Livingston, Shaun
Living the Dream (Olajuwon)
Long, Art
Long, John
Loose Balls (Williams, Jayson)
Lopatova, Masha
Love, Kevin
Love & Basketball
Lowe, Zach
Lucas, John
Lue, Tyronn
Lynch, Mike
MacCulloch, Todd
Macon, Mark
Madsen, Mark
The Magic Moment
Magloire, Jamaal
Mahorn, Rick
Majerle, Dan
Malone, Karl
Stockton and
Malone, Moses
Maloney, Matt
Maravich, Pete
Marbury, Stephon
Martin, Kenyon
Mason, Anthony
Maxwell, Cedric
Maxwell, Vernon
McCall, Quincy (fictional character)
McCloud, George
McCray, Rodney
McDaniel, Xavier
McDyess, Antonio
McGee, JaVale
McGrady, Tracy
McHale, Kevin
McMillen, Tom
McRae, Butch (fictional character)
McRoberts, Josh
memory heroes
Mifundo (fictional character)
Mikan, George
Mike D
Miller, Brad
Miller, Oliver
Miller, Reggie
Ming, Yao
Mobley, Cuttino
Morrison, Adam
Mortal Kombat II
Mourning, Alonzo
Mozgov, Timofey
Mullin, Chris
Mutombo, Dikembe
Mutombo, Ilo
Myers, Pete
Naked and Afraid
“NaNa” (Action Bronson)
Nance, Larry
Nash, Steve
National Basketball Association (NBA)
1978 Finals
1980 Finals
1981 Finals
1982 Finals
1983 Finals
1984 Finals
1985 Finals
1986 Finals
1986 Western Conference finals
1987 Finals
1987 Western Conference finals
1988 Finals
1989 Eastern Conference first round
1989 Finals
1990 Finals
1991 Eastern Conference first round
1991 Finals
1992 Finals
1993 Finals
1993 First Round
1993 Western Conference Semifinals
1994 Finals
1995 Eastern Conference Semifinals
1995 Finals
1995 Western Conference Finals
1995 Western Conference Semifinals
1996 Finals
1997 Finals
1997 Western Conference Finals
1998 Eastern Conference Finals
1998 Finals
1999 Finals
2000 Finals
2000 Western Conference Finals
2001 Finals
2002 Finals
2002 Western Conference Finals
2003 Finals
2004 Finals
2004 Western Conference Semifinals
2005 Finals
2006 Finals
2006 First Round
2007 All-Star Team
2007 Finals
2008 All-Star Team
2008 Finals
2008 First Round
2009 All-Star Team
2009 Eastern Conference Finals
2009 Finals
2010 All-Star Team
2010 Finals
2011 Finals
2012 Finals
2013 Finals
2014 Finals
2015 Finals
2016 Finals
birth of modern
Dunk Contest
Nelson, Don
Nelson, Jameer
Newton, Isaac
Noah, Joakim
Notorious B.I.G.
Nowitzki, Dirk
Oakley, Charles
Oden, Greg
The Office
Okafor, Emeka
Olajuwon, Hakeem
O’Neal, S., and
Olowokandi, Michael
O’Neal, Jermaine
O’Neal, Shaquille
acting of
Bryant and
Olajuwon and
trading of
One Tree Hill
Paid in Full (Eric B. & Rakim)
Parish, Robert
Parker, Smush
Parker, Tony
Parsons, Chandler
Pasteur, Louis
Paul, Chris
Pavlovic, Sasha
Paxson, John
Payton, Gary
Perkins, Kendrick
Person, Chuck
Peterson, Mo
Petrovic´, Dražen
Phife Dawg
pickup basketball
Pierce, Paul
Pierce, Ricky
Pippen, Scottie
Pitch Perfect
Player Efficiency Rating (PER)
playoffs performance
Plissken, Snake (fictional character)
Plump, Bobby (fictional character)
point guards, greatest