Real Vampires Have More to Love

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Real Vampires Have More to Love Page 51

by Gerry Bartlett

Page 51


  “Thursday, for your opening. ” My insides quaked. “God, Rafe, what’s he going to do when he finds out we were together?”

  “He doesn’t own you. But you mean a hell of a lot to him. Let him know that if he kills me, you’ll never forgive him. Am I right, Blondie?” Rafe grinned, showing those dimples I loved, and ran his tongue across my knuckles.

  “Hell, yes, you’re right. But I wonder if he’d care what I thought after such a wound to his pride. ” I put my free hand on Rafe’s chest. “Maybe it would be safer if we took a break. ”

  “Safer for who? I’m not afraid of him. ” Rafe’s eyes narrowed, and his grip tightened. “He’s never hurt you, has he?”

  “No, of course not. But I won’t be responsible for anything happening to you, Rafe. Look at this great opportunity you’ve got with the club. A new life. ” I ignored Alesa stabbing me in the forehead. This was the right and kind thing to do.

  “Like hell. ” Stab. Stab.

  “This is it? You’re done with me?” Rafe jumped to his feet, dragging me with him. “Why am I surprised? Friends. Comfortable friends. Shit. ” He stared down at me. “And the hot sex? Was that just friends with benefits?”

  Tears filled my eyes. “Rafe, I love you, you know that. But I think we do make better friends than lovers. ” I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

  “I really don’t think I can go back to just sitting at your feet, Glory. I love you too. But it’s way more than as a pal. ” He looked away for a moment, his chest heaving as he took a breath. When he looked back, his eyes were glowing red. “Damn it, it’s always been him. Your Mr. Right. I know where this is going. You’re going back to Blade, aren’t you?”

  “If he’ll have me. ”

  Rafe’s eyes threw off a heat that made me back up a step. He spun, and a bush across the clearing burst into flames.

  “Rafe!” I jumped toward the car. Before I’d gone two feet, he was beside me, holding me, the bush just a charred, smoking stump and pile of cinders.

  “I’m sorry, Glory. Say you don’t mean it. ” His eyes were back to brown. “The Scot doesn’t deserve you. And what we have . . . ”

  “Oh, God, I’m sorry. ” Tears spilled down my cheeks. I hated to hurt him. “We, uh, had a fling. You’re a wonderful lover. But Jerry . . . ”

  “Forget Jerry. He’s a bad habit. Give me more time to show you that what we have together can be so much better. You love me, Glory, and not just as a friend. Friends don’t scorch the sheets like we did. ” Rafe jerked me closer.

  “That was just sex, Rafe. I don’t deny you lived up to your reputation. Like Nadia said, you’re talented. But you know how I feel about Jerry. Listened to me whine about it often enough. ” I touched where his dimples would show when he smiled. Please, please, smile again. Not happening. “I’d like to stay friends with you if we can. I miss laughing together, Rafe. ”

  “We can laugh again. ” He turned his head and captured my thumb with his lips, gently sucking it into his mouth.

  Yeah, I let him do it too. What was the matter with me?

  “You’re getting with the program. Remember how this guy was in the sack, kiddo. ” Alesa sighed. That was enough to get me to jerk my hand away from Rafe’s incredibly sexy mouth.

  “Stop this. You’re only going to get hurt, Rafe. ”

  “No, I won’t. Don’t you see? What we have now is so much better than before. We can be friends and lovers. I love you, Glory. ” He tried to kiss me, but I shook my head.

  “I know that, Rafe, and it means the world to me. But this won’t work. And what was with the red eye?” I pushed him back with my hands on his shoulders. “You scared me just now. You burned a freakin’ bush to the ground. What happens if you get mad at me?”

  “I’d never hurt you. Surely you know that. ” Rafe slid his hands around me. “You can trust me, Glory. ”

  “I always have. But then I didn’t know you had demonic powers. ” I shivered. “I know pure hellfire when I see it. I feel heat myself when Alesa wants to jerk my chain. ” I ripped off my jacket and tossed it to the ground when Alesa blasted me to prove the point.

  “I’m sorry, Glory. I won’t do that again. I’m usually more in control than that, but you blindsided me. ” Rafe looked around. “To be honest I’m surprised this whole hilltop didn’t go up in flames. The thought of you with Blade again . . . ”

  “It may not happen. I’m going to have to tell him about us. His pride may not allow him to take me back after that. ” I could see that thought cheered up Rafe. Me? I felt my heart tear and my gut twist. Not Alesa’s doing either. She could care less about Jerry. But then she didn’t know him. Didn’t have a clue about love and our history. Jerry had said he didn’t want to live forever in a world without me. How much worse would it be to live in a world with him in it but know he wanted nothing to do with me? I shuddered and realized Rafe had read my thoughts. He slid his arm around me and gave me a hug I needed badly. Still my friend. Impossible.

  “I hate to say it, but from where I sat for five years, seemed to me you could usually bring Blade around. ” Rafe didn’t smile, but he wasn’t giving off hell heat now either.

  “We’ll see how it goes. ” I dredged up a smile. “Thanks, Rafe. Is it any wonder I love you?” I made myself put some space between us. “Can I do what you just did? Flame something?” Might come in handy. As long as I was stuck with Alesa, I should get something out of her.

  “You could. And turn people into crispy critters too. ” Rafe clearly struggled to stay in friend mode.

  “Cool. Wish I’d known that. I’d have loved to set Westwood’s hair on fire. ”

  “For God’s sake, promise me you won’t ever do anything like that. ” Rafe grabbed me, his hands biting into my arms. “Every time you use one of your powers, you remind Lucifer you’re up here. Hate to think he’d send a minion to see what’s up. ” He let me go and looked around, doing a three-sixty of the view. “Damned dumb of me to remind him I’m around. I’ve had to do a couple of jobs for him. They’re a bitch. ” He shook his head and turned back to me.

  “I’m sorry, Rafe. ” Now I was really freaked out.

  “Aw, Glory, this just makes him more interesting. Don’t dump the guy. Kiss and make up. ” Alesa poked me in a few places to make her point.

  “Promise me you’ll never try to flame anyone or anything. You hear me?” Rafe pulled me into his arms.

  “Loud and clear. I’ve got enough problems with Hell Girl here. I sure don’t need a visit from her buddies down below. ” I leaned against him. My legs felt heavy, and the sky seemed to be lighter in the east.

  Rafe noticed. “I’d better get you home. Ray didn’t score any points with you tonight?”

  “Nope. The pass was more of a kneejerk reaction than a serious effort. Anyway, drunk or sober, he’s done. ” I sighed and slipped away toward the car.

  “He’s a fool, then. Because I’m not. ” Rafe beat me to the SUV and opened the passenger door. He pressed me against the steel frame, his arms blocking me in. “We’ve got lots going for us, Glory. When Blade finds out about us, you’ll need a friend. That’s me. Here for you, always. ”

  His hard body felt good against me, and I tried not to react to it. Too bad I remembered how we’d been together.

  “This guy is a keeper. Don’t be stupid, Glory. ” Alesa pushed me closer, but I wasn’t having it.

  “You won’t tell Jerry about us, will you?” My heart dropped to my toes, then bounced around my body a few times before landing in my throat, a bowling ball in a pin-ball machine.

  “No, that’s on you. But too many people have seen us together. If you don’t want him to find out the hard way, you’d better get to him quick. ” Rafe slid his hand down my arm, reminding me that we did have chemistry. My demon girl shouted a “Hell, yes!”

  I slid into the seat, feeling that tinge of morning in the air weighing
me down and dread smothering me. Rafe slammed my door, then got into the driver’s seat and started the engine.

  “So it’s all going to come out. Nice of you to stand by ready to play catch when Jerry kicks me to the curb. ”

  “Yep, I’m your man, Blondie, and don’t you forget it. ”

  “Call Westwood’s ranch and arrange for the children to meet at your shop tonight at midnight. ” Simon wasn’t asking, as usual.

  “Tonight?” I glanced at Flo and CiCi, who’d just arrived at my apartment. They were here for moral support and good gossip. I’d just handed out some Blud-Lite and wasn’t in the mood for Simon the dictator.

  “The video’s ready. I’m sure you’d like to get this done. ”

  “You’re right. I’ll make the call. Hope they can make it. ”

  “Tell them you have positive proof that’ll help them get their father’s estate settled by end of business tomorrow. That should light a fire under them. ” Simon laughed. “I’ll meet you in your back room at half past eleven to fill you in on the story we’re using. I think you’ll enjoy it. ”

  “Oh, I’m sure. Everything to do with this has been a laugh riot. If they can’t make it, how do I—” I was talking to dead air. Okay, I guess Simon was counting on them to jump on this and counting on me to do his bidding.

  “Sorry, ladies, I’ve got to make this call. ” I’d programmed in David Westwood’s number and hit speed dial.

  “Westwood. ”

  “Hi, this is Gloriana St. Clair. You asked me to call if I had proof your father is dead. ”

  “Yes! Are you telling me you found something?” David sounded excited, not grief stricken. He obviously realized it. “I mean, of course we hoped the old man would be found okay, but either way, we need to know what happened, you know?”

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