Hard Pass: An Enemies to Lovers Romance
Page 24
“Come to bed with me. I’ll tell you everything.”
I pulled away, took his hand wordlessly, and led him to my bedroom. Knowing how drunk he was, I unbuttoned his pants before helping him to get into bed. Once he was sitting, I pulled off his shoes, socks, and pants before taking his shirt off. His arms wound around me and he pulled me down onto the bed.
“God, I missed you,” he murmured drunkenly as he tugged me onto the bed. “I’m so happy right now.”
I swallowed hard as I stared back at him. He wore a big smile, his eyes glassy from both joy and alcohol.
“I can’t stop thinking about you.” He kissed me lightly, his words slurring once more. “I want to take care of you, Lexy. If I get drafted someday, I want you to be there. That is, if you want to. You won’t have to. I’ll take care of you. That plan I originally wrote out for our project? We can make it happen. The house, the kids, a million pets. Anything you want. I’ll be able to give it to you.”
My heart ached in my chest as he babbled about our future.
“What’s wrong?” he called out when I didn’t say anything.
“Travis, this is temporary, right? Or did you change your mind?”
He was silent. I leaned over him to find his eyes closed. “Travis?”
“Did you hear me?”
“I want you, Lexy,” he murmured in a garbled voice. “I want us. You’re mine. Not going to give you up. That’s what I know.”
My breath hitched as he let out a soft snore, his body limp.
I didn’t know if an ounce of what he said was true. I vowed not to mention it to him tomorrow unless he brought it up. I’d be mortified if I thought he was being serious when he was simply just drunk.
After some grunt work, I managed to get him on his side. I lay in bed, his arms around me as we spooned, with all sorts of thoughts going through my head.
So many what if’s and not enough how to’s. Sighing, I closed my eyes, worried for what tomorrow would bring.
“Shit,” I groaned, blinking my eyes. I stared up at the ceiling as it came into focus. Not my room. I racked my brain, trying to recall the previous night.
Way too much alcohol.
Stephanie trying to paw at me.
I was a prick. Maybe I was testing myself to see my limits. Maybe I wanted to know what the fuck the weird feelings I had were.
Either way, I’d said some really stupid shit to her. A future? Me?
When all my dreams were coming true? I couldn’t do that to Lexy even if I wanted to. Plus, we’d agreed. Our marriage was nearing an end. Our project was due soon. We’d had a few good weeks together.
I blew out a breath. I was in Lexy’s room. She’d taken care of me once again. Turning my head, I looked down to see her curled into a ball away from me. The sight of her cold and lonely on her side of the bed did something to my heart.
I remembered the look on her face when I’d left yesterday. I knew she felt more for me than she let on. Hell, even I did. Did walking out earlier make me a prick? Did it mean I lost if I bailed?
Sighing, I moved to her side of the bed and pulled her against me. Again, fuck it. I was being stupid. Worried. I knew what I wanted. That’s why I was there. But fear ate at me. I didn’t want to lose her. If this shit went south, I still wanted to be friends with her. If I fucked it up too much, it wouldn’t be a possibility. I couldn’t live with myself if I screwed up what I knew could be great if I’d stop being an asshole.
“Hey,” I murmured, kissing her cheek then her lips. She stirred in my arms, her eyelids fluttering. “Good morning.”
“Morning,” she answered thickly. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I got hit by a truck.”
She gave me a smile that didn’t quit reach her pretty eyes. “Worth it?”
“Always.” I smiled back at her, wincing.
“I’ll get you some water.”
She was out of bed before I could protest. The loss of her heat made me shiver. Fuck. What was she doing to me?
When she returned, she held out a glass of water and two pills to me. I gulped them down greedily and let out a loud sigh.
“Can we just hang out today and watch movies in bed and cuddle? Just enjoy each other before we have to head back to reality and classes tomorrow,” I asked hopefully, gazing at her.
She nodded. “Is that what you want to do?”
“Yes. It’s where I should’ve been last night, anyway, not getting shit faced. I’m sorry I didn’t message or call, Lexy. That was a dick move.”
She shrugged. I held my arms out to her, and she came to me. I pulled her down onto the bed and held her.
“I know I said some dumb shit to you last night. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any of it.” I wasn’t exactly sure what all the dumb shit was, but I was drunk. But I assumed it was more bad than good.
“It’s fine, Travis.” Her voice was tight.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Guess I didn’t sleep well either.”
I kissed her forehead and brought her as close to my body as I could get her.
“What documentary do you want to watch today?”
“Mm, maybe another nap?”
I let out a sigh of relief. That was what I wanted too.
“You’re reading my mind, honey pot.”
She snuggled into me, and I rubbed my chest at the flutter of butterflies. She placed her hand over mine.
“It’s OK. It happens to me too,” she murmured.
I didn’t answer her with words. I simply placed a kiss on her lips and closed my eyes.
This started out as my best idea ever. A way to win. But I was fucking losing. We both were. I needed to figure this out before it caused more harm than good.
And the pain of that made me rub my chest again but for completely different reasons.
“Travis?” Ava called out, looking up from her bowl of cereal at me in surprise Monday morning.
I skidded to a halt, dressed in only my jeans. Shit.
“H-Hey, Ava,” I answered awkwardly. I’d completely forgotten Ava would be back by now. So quickly, I’d gotten used to just being here with Lexy.
“What are you doing here?”
I came into the room and cleared my throat. “Oh. Uh, I decided to come over last night and talk to Lexy about our project.”
“Shirtless?” She raised a brow at me, her gaze trailing over me.
“Yeah, I, uh, was hot. I fell asleep.”
“In Lexy’s room? In her bed? Shirtless?”
Shit. Shit. Shit. I hadn’t thought my plan through. Drunken, hungover Travis was an idiot. Though after a day filled with cuddling my wife, I wasn’t feeling too shabby. But I had completely forgotten about Ava. I should’ve left early this morning. I couldn’t though. Not after being a dick to Lexy. Plus, I simply didn’t want to make the situation worse.
I decided to play it cool. “Yeah. I mean, why not? I slept on the floor—”
“She knows, Travis.” Lexy came up behind me and slapped my ass. “She’s just giving you shit.”
Ava let out a laugh and shook her head.
“You assholes,” I grumbled good-naturedly.
“You were scurrying for an excuse. Kinda brightened my day.” Ava shrugged and went back to her cereal. “I knew you’d be back. How long can I expect this? Another few weeks?”
I gave her a tight-lipped smile and glanced at Lexy who’d been busying herself pouring cereal. She stilled, waiting for my answer.
“I don’t know. Pretty sure Lexy can’t get enough of me. I might have to pay her a few visits here and there. Often.” I approached her and wrapped my arms around her slender waist. She immediately nuzzled into me, sending my heart soaring. Definitely often.
“Would you like that, wife?” I whispered in her ear, squeezing her body against mine and breathing her in.
“Would you?” she mu
rmured back.
“You know I would.”
“OK. You guys are making me gag.” Ava pushed her bowl away. “And it’s creeping me out.”
I released Lexy and tossed a dish towel at Ava who squealed and ducked. It landed in her cereal.
“Gross, Owens, you dipshit. That was my breakfast.”
“What happened with you and Alex over the weekend?”
Ava stilled and looked to Lexy.
“How do you know about that?” Lexy asked.
I shrugged and poured myself some cereal. “It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out he’s been moon-eyed over her the past few weeks. And both of them disappearing on a holiday weekend?” I scoffed. “You guys aren’t that good at hiding shit.”
“Sorry, guess I should’ve taken lessons from you,” Ava shot back as I took a seat at the table. Lexy joined me, and I immediately pressed a kiss to her lips before digging into my breakfast.
“All you had to do was ask.”
Ava sighed.
“So what happened with you two?” I pressed.
“Alex wouldn’t let up about the project. He’s upset I have to spend so much time with Collin.”
“Doesn’t sound like Alex,” I said around a mouthful of cereal. “He’s not the jealous type.”
“Collin called me while we were away. And I kissed him the night of the party when Alex and I first got together.” Ava ducked her head, her cheeks heating. Lexy reached out and patted her hand.
“He thinks there’s something more between us when there isn’t. It’s just creating some conflict.”
“So tell him.”
“I did!” Ava looked at me with wide eyes. “It’s just I have to spend all this time working on the project and communicating with Collin that Alex gets jealous. He said he won’t compete.”
“Want me to talk to him?” I offered.
“And say what?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe tell him you like him or some shit. He’s easy to talk to.”
“Oh yeah?” Ava raised a brow at me. “Are you going to tell him about you and Lexy?”
I swallowed my bite of cereal and looked to Lexy who stared down at her breakfast.
“I’m trying to help you, Ava. Mine and Lexy’s stuff has nothing to do with this. If Alex asks me, yes, I’ll tell him what happened.”
“It’s fine. We aren’t good for each other anyway,” her voice wobbled, and her eyes filled with tears.
“Oh, Ava.” Lexy got to her feet and hugged her as Ava’s body wracked with sobs.
I watched the two of them hold one another, wondering if someday Ava would have to hold Lexy like that when shit went to hell with us.
It won’t go to hell. Everything will work out, Owens. You just need to prove yourself. Lexy is yours if you don’t fuck it up.
I got up and put my cereal on the counter. “I’m going to go. You girls don’t need me here. I’ll go see what Alex is doing. Maybe I can talk to him.”
“You don’t need to leave,” Ava blubbered as she pushed Lexy away. “Don’t let me ruin your day.”
“It’s fine. I have class here in about an hour anyway and need to go home and change clothes.” I went back to Lexy’s bedroom and pulled my shirt back on. My eyes closed as Lexy’s arms wound around my waist. “Hey,” I murmured, turning in her arms to face her.
“I’m sorry about last night. I really am. I want to make it up to you.”
“Travis, it’s fine. It’s nothing—”
I pressed my lips to hers. “I don’t know what the hell we’re doing here, Lexy, but I feel it’s more than we both realize. Give me a chance, OK? I want my chance.” My words were soft as I stared down at her. “I know we’re supposed to pretend or whatever for a few more weeks. But will you give me a real chance for these next few weeks? Even after the semester ends and the Heisman ceremony is done. Let’s just be real from now until the end of the year. We can sort things out later and see where we’re at. Is that OK?”
“Yes,” she whispered.
I kissed her again, my heart soaring. She didn’t tell me no. “I’ll see you in class, baby. Go help Ava. I’ll try to talk to Alex. Maybe I can come back tonight?”
“I’d like that.”
I kissed her again through both our smiles. “Me too, honey pot. Me too.”
“Lexy?” Travis called out. “Lex?”
“In here!” I quickly wrapped my robe around me and stepped into the hall to find Travis walking toward me Tuesday afternoon, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. After classes yesterday, he came back and stayed all night. We entertained Ava with movies, board games, and takeout. It seemed to help her for a bit. But when she went to bed, Travis and I lay together and listened as she sobbed softly in her room until she fell asleep. Travis said Alex didn’t seem to want to talk, and he didn’t want to outright ask.
“What’s this?” I asked, looking from the flowers to his face. He stopped in front of me and leaned down to press a kiss to my cheek.
“I saw these. They made me think of you.” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he handed the bouquet of sunflowers to me. “Do you like them?”
“I love them,” I answered, grinning as I took them. I breathed them in before reaching forward and embracing him tightly. Him saying he wanted to try to make this work after our time is over for the project was just what I needed to hear to let my feelings flow a little more. “Thank you, Travis.”
“You’re welcome, honey pot.”
I chuckled at his nickname. I hadn’t been too keen on it in the beginning, but it had grown on me the past few weeks.
“I’m going to put these in water.”
“Uh, there’s a card too,” Travis said awkwardly.
“Ooh.” I pulled out the small pink envelope and opened the card.
You’re perfect.
I peeked up from the note to find Travis giving me a shaky smile.
I didn’t know what to say, so I stared at him. My heart felt like it would beat out of my chest as we locked eyes.
“So, yeah…” Travis cleared his throat. “Just thought you should know. Keep the card around in case you forget or something.”
I went up on my tiptoes and planted a kiss on his lips. “Thank you, Travis. I will.”
He smiled and blew out a breath.
“So, uh, I want to take you somewhere. You game?”
“Really?” I asked.
“Sure. I want to try something.”
“Is it sex in public?” I crinkled my brows, excitement coursing through me at the prospect of doing that.
Travis let out a laugh. “Dirty girl. I hadn’t planned on that, but now that you mention it—”
I shook my head, grinning. “Weirdo. I’ll get dressed.”
“I’ll put your flowers in some water.” He took them from me and went to the kitchen. Wondering what he had planned, I rushed back to my room where I pulled on a green sundress. I slid my feet into my sandals and went back to find Travis staring down at his phone. He was so engrossed in it, he didn’t notice me behind him as he sat on the couch.
I peeked over his shoulder to see a message from Steph.
Steph: I miss you. Want to meet up tonight?
Travis: No thanks.
Steph: Aww, baby, come on.
A picture of her topless popped up with her face in it. Her lips were turned down in a frown. Travis stared down at it for a minute before sighing.
I hastily backed away into the hall, my blood pumping hard as he typed back a message. Not knowing what else to do, I entered the living room again, loudly.
“Hey,” he said, smiling at me as he darkened his screen. “You look good.”
“Thanks,” I answered tightly.
He got to his feet and frowned. “You OK?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I, uh, was just wondering if I should wear jeans?”
“You won’t need them. I’ll keep you warm.” He
came to me and planted a kiss on my nose and gave my waist a squeeze. “Let’s go.”
I followed him out the door and down to his truck. He held the door open for me as I got in. He even leaned over me and hooked my seatbelt and gave me a wink before closing me in.
“So I was thinking,” he said, getting in and starting his truck. “Do you like stars?”
“Yeah.” I nodded.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He looked over at me and didn’t bother putting his truck into gear.
“I saw the message from Steph when I came in the living room the first time,” I blurted out.
He frowned and let out a sigh before pulling his phone out.
“I wasn’t trying to be nosy, Travis, and it’s really none of my business because this isn’t anything yet—”
He handed me his phone, her message on the screen. “Look at it, Lexy. I’ve got nothing to hide.”
I took his phone, my breath hitching as I stared down at his answer.
Travis: I care about Lexy. This is never going to happen. Please don’t send me messages like this again.
“There’s only you, honey pot,” he murmured. “I want my chance.” He studied me for a moment before reaching out and cradling my cheek. “You never have to worry. I’m yours until you say otherwise.”
I didn’t know what to say, so I just sat there with his phone in my hand. He took his cell away and navigated from the message to his homescreen. One of the photos he took of us graced the screen.
“You have a place in my heart and on my phone screen, Alexis.” He quickly went to his social media and typed something in. My phone dinged in my purse.
“Look at it,” he murmured.
With shaky hands, I pulled my phone out and saw the notification from Travis.
Travis Owens would like to add you as his wife.
My heart thudded unevenly in my chest as I stared down at it.
“Challenge, Lexy. You don’t have to, but man, I’d love it if you did,” he answered in a thick voice. “I mean, I gave the interview. I don’t want you to be hounded by anyone over it. Alex might shit a brick, but he’s under the impression it’s for the project. If we decide at the end of this that we want to keep going, we’re already there.”