Only Yours (A McDade Brothers Novel Book 2)

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Only Yours (A McDade Brothers Novel Book 2) Page 31

by Scarlett Finn

  Shyla was kneeling on the floor while Score sat on the opposite couch. The two of them were concentrating on the game of chess they’d started without so much as a word. Whisper hadn’t been allowed to touch the glass chess board, now she knew why. A familiar charged energy zapped between the silent couple who kept catching brief glances at each other.

  “What do you wanna do?” Zay asked. “You hungry?”

  “I was thinking of something more physical,” she said, rolling her head to look up at him. “Sex?”

  On a shrug, he stroked her hair.

  Whisper was about to get up when Shyla spoke. “He’s injured.”

  “I’ll cut him some slack if it’s not his best work,” Whisper said, rising into a seated position.

  “McNeill’s on his way,” Score said.

  As though on cue, the internal intercom buzzed. Score stood up to go over to it. The guy never showed much reaction to anything. Zay was good at that too. They just let everything roll off. Only after having the thought did Whisper realize Shyla had said the same thing about her. Looking at her husband, she was struck by their similarities.

  Zay parted his lips to inhale as he took her hand. “Remember this guy is a fed… and he’ll probably bring feds.”

  “So don’t confess to any unsolved murders,” she said, tossing a leg over his lap to straddle him. “Is that what you’re saying?”

  “Something like that,” he said, looking down the front of her dress. “They don’t really need us for this part. All they gotta do is setup their crap to arrest Burl.”

  Whisper pushed her pelvis closer to his, rocking against him. “Mm hmm,” she said. “Feels weird not doing something about the body before the feds walk in.”

  Zay put his good arm around her, skimming a splayed hand up and down her back, pulling her to him. “Just like calling pick-up.”

  Leaning in, she married their mouths. She’d strapped his injured arm into a sling, so it got trapped between them. Still, somehow he found a way to fondle her breast while pushing her hips close to his.

  “Oh, shit.”

  The new male voice, she guessed, belonged to McNeill. Breaking the kiss, Whisper peeked over her shoulder to see half a dozen guys in plain clothes. The dark haired one in front was next to Score, fixated on the floor, right about where the murder victim lay.

  “Concierge from downstairs,” Score said. “He used her to get in.”

  Which would be shown on security footage if they were lucky.

  “You couldn’t have told me there was a corpse in your apartment?” McNeill asked and stepped aside to gesture at the woman, sending the minions over to her. Score and McNeill wandered their way. “Where’s Biz?”

  “Wrapped up ready to go,” Zay said, drawing attention to them.

  McNeill looked from them to the kneeling Shyla, then back to her. “Whisper Doherty,” he said, some kind of awe in his tone.

  Tilting her head, she wondered about the agent. “Doherty-McDade,” she said. “Crime’s about to take a nosedive, should our McDades get some sort of award for what they’re doing?”

  “Maybe, but I hear I owe you a debt of gratitude.”

  Never one to miss an opportunity, Whisper climbed off her husband to turn their way. “Every man should be grateful to be in my presence… that what you’re talking about?”

  “I hear this operation only stayed together because of you.” She wasn’t sure who’d said that. It was news to her. “You could’ve blown the whole thing to hell, but you listened to Score and recruited your husband.”

  “I wouldn’t say recruited exactly,” Whisper said, folding her arms when he stopped a few feet away.

  Score went to help Shyla up from the floor. The two were murmuring to each other again as Score led her away.

  “I was sorry to hear about your father.”

  She laughed. “Well that makes one of us… I doubt you were a fan of his work.”

  “You’ve lost a lot in a very short space of time,” McNeill said.

  “Gained a lot too,” she said, thinking having her husband’s trust, his faith, meant more to her than anything the Dohertys had ever given her. “Hear I could have some legal trouble of my own when I go back north.”

  McNeill frowned. “You’re going back?”

  “If you didn’t already hear, my father’s dead. Soon as I know my husband’s situation is stable, I’ll have business to take care of.”

  “Parker confessed to the murder of your father.”

  “You have that on tape?” she asked, noting his withdrawal. “Yeah, I figured. Wouldn’t hold my breath expecting him to confess anything to you any time soon.”

  “He confessed to us and to Burl,” Zay said, standing up behind her. “This wasn’t Whisper’s crime. She hasn’t left the state since we got here.”

  “Should be easy enough to prove,” McNeill said and slipped his hands into his pockets. “Don’t suppose I can tempt you into turning over a few Doherty rocks for us.”

  Whisper smiled. “One step at a time, agent… Let’s see how you do with the McDades first.”

  “We let Burl come to us,” Score said, sauntering back their way, now alone. “Maybe we’ll get him to verify Parker’s confession.”

  He stopped next to an intrigued McNeill.

  “Where’s Shyla?” Whisper asked. “She shouldn’t be alone, even if Parker is chained up.”

  “Unpacking,” Score said. “Doran is on his way up with Beeks and Fish.”

  “I still think you should get her out of here,” Whisper said, feeling protective of Shyla in a way she’d only ever felt with Mariana and Paula. “None of us can guarantee how this will go down.”

  “We’ll do what we need to with the victim and take Biz out of here,” McNeil said. “Then we’ll just need an hour or so to rig the place… Burl’s plane’s still two hours out.”

  Plenty of time. After landing, he’d have to make his way out of the airport and it was still a half hour drive to the apartment building. McNeill retreated, presumably to give his guys updated orders.

  “Time to get Shyla out of here then,” Whisper said, giving Score a pointed look. “You don’t do it, I will. No way she should be anywhere near Burl for anything.”

  Zay slid his hand from her shoulder along her collarbone to draw her back against him. “She has a thing about protecting people who can’t take care of themselves. Especially women.”

  “I do not,” she said over her shoulder.

  The problem was, when Whisper tried to come up with an example that would contradict him, she came up blank. Even learning that Nicki was unable to protect herself annoyed Whisper. Sure, she didn’t show it in any traditional way, but she still showed it.

  Pushing away from Zay without confessing her pique, Whisper passed the agents who were taking samples and photographs of Parker’s murder victim. She was heading for Score and Shyla’s room, but was stopped when McNeill came out of the bedroom opposite and met her in the hallway.

  “Anyone want to tell me why Biz McDades wife is tied to a bed in there?”

  Whisper shrugged and pushed out her lower lip. “Because she was never taught how to look after herself.”

  Walking right through the guy, she went into the second bedroom where Nicole was seated on the pillow, her wrists tied to the padded headboard. A bunch of agents hung around the bed.

  “Whisper!” Nicole called when she saw her.

  “Don’t freak out,” Whisper said, sighing to show her impatience. Climbing onto the bed, she began to work Nicole’s hands free. “These guys will take you somewhere safe, far away from us. They’ll ask you questions and if you play nice, they might let you loose.”

  “What’s going on? I don’t understand what’s happening.”

  “Your husband and your lover are both going to prison,” Whisper said, freeing the last knot and pulling the rope loose, liberating Nicole’s hands.

  Nicole didn’t appear any more aware. “I don’t…”

; Whisper cupped her face. “Do not let yourself live under a man. Any man. For any reason. Not ever.” She was about to go, but had another thought that took her back. “Oh, and please don’t try to fuck your way out of this one.” Crawling off the bed again, she found McNeill waiting between her and the door. “Parker’s in the bathroom… Nicole’s an idiot, but she’s not a criminal.”

  Whether they chose to believe her or not, Whisper had no control over that. Departing the bedroom, she went straight across into Score and Shyla’s room. She found the latter in the closet.

  Shyla gasped when she saw her. “Geez, Whisper, you scared me… Phoenix freaks me out with that creeping thing too.”

  Maybe Zay was having more of an impact on her than she’d realized. “You need to get out of here.”

  Shyla put down the sweater she’d been folding and frowned. “Me? Why?”

  “You don’t want to meet Burl. Trust me, no one wants to meet Burl McDade. Doran is bringing Beeks and Fish. Grab whatever you need for an overnight and we’ll send you to Beeks’ place.”

  “And Score isn’t suggesting this because…”

  “Whisper got here before I did,” Score said, bringing Whisper’s attention around. “You don’t need to pack, but I do want you out of here.”

  “Phoenix…” Shyla sighed.

  Sensing it was better to give the couple their privacy, Whisper sidelined her urge to eavesdrop and crept out of the room. The apartment was full of people. Not that crowds worried her. Coasting on straight past them, she returned to Zay who was sitting on the couch again, his phone in hand.

  “Score’s sending Shyla away,” Whisper said, sitting down next to him, then leaning over to check his wound. “Are you sore?”

  “Told you I don’t want pain meds,” he said, putting his phone on the end table. “How come Score gets to send Shyla to safety, but you’re staying right here?”

  “Because there’s nowhere else for me to be,” she said, hooking an elbow over the back of the couch. “You really think you’re going to get rid of me any time soon?”

  “Hope not, Doherty,” he said, finger-combing her hair away from the side of her head to pull her mouth to his. “You ready to admit it yet?”

  “That we’re stuck with each other,” she asked, touching the neckline of his tee-shirt. “I never thought you’d ever stand by me.”


  “I thought Burl would tell you to kick me to the curb and you wouldn’t hesitate.”


  She exhaled. “How did I end up falling for a man I was raised to hate?”

  “Lucky for you,” he said. “Lucky for me.”

  Difficult as it was, she found his eyes. “I do love you, Zay. I hate being so weak. Hate that I let you in.”

  “You weren’t willing,” he said, touching her lip. “I had to storm the damn castle.”

  Her lips curled until a laugh escaped. “Yeah, I guess you did.” Narrowing her eyes, she leaned closer. “You’re so devious, husband… Such a schemer. Forcing me to marry you then making me fall in love with you.”

  “I do what I gotta do,” he said and kissed her slowly. Once their lips parted, he still kept his attention on hers. “And what does that make you? You never did say it.”

  Seemed like a lifetime ago he’d demanded she reciprocate. But he was right, Whisper never had. Weak or not, she couldn’t deny it, not if it was what he needed to hear.

  “I’m yours,” she whispered. “Only yours.”

  “Damn straight,” he said, taking his time about kissing her again. They might have kissed for a while, but it wasn’t long enough for her liking. “What do you wanna do?”

  Whisper was angry in her offense. “I’m staying here with you. You’re not kicking me out when—”

  “After. Once we’re done with this crap. What do you want from our future?”

  That was a big question that she wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to answer. “This city isn’t so bad.”

  “You like a party town?” he asked without nuance. “What a surprise.”

  She laughed and edged even nearer. “Think I could invite Mariana and Paula down, see if they like it too?”

  “You could. I’d say things at home won’t be right for a long time. They’d probably appreciate the break.”

  “And Shyla needs more girlfriends… Not fair for her to spend all her time with males… Maybe some of my spunk will rub off on her.”

  “Oh, and Score will love that.”

  “I think you were right,” she said. “He might warm up to me… if given enough time.”

  “Doran won’t want to go back, not if Score’s staying here,” Zay said. “So I guess the Doherty-McDades just got a new base.”

  Whisper leaped to her feet. “Great!” she exclaimed, offering him a hand. “What do you say we go christen it?”

  In spite of all the men and activity in the apartment, Zay didn’t hesitate to take her hand and rise from the couch. They had time to kill before Burl got there, she couldn’t think of any reason they shouldn’t make the most of it.

  Waking in the sheets she’d torn up with her husband, Whisper yawned and reached across the bed for him. Her arm went as far as it could, her hand widened, but she didn’t touch anyone. Opening her eyes, she slammed her hands into the mattress and pushed up. Looking around, Whisper found she really was all alone in bed and in the room.

  Jumping out of bed, she sought the short silky robe Shyla had loaned to her earlier in the week and pulled it on to hurry out of the room.

  She expected her husband would be with his brothers and maybe surrounded by feds. Instead, she stopped at the sight of the McDades all seated around the dining table, various drinks in front of them.

  Burl was at the head of the table, which presented him the perfect angle to view her surprise.

  “Good evening, is there a problem, Miss Doherty?” Burl asked, his smugness outmatched even his son’s.

  Zay’s shoulders shifted. He wasn’t looking her way, but she didn’t have to see his expression to know he didn’t like his father diminishing their marriage.

  “No,” she said, folding her arms. “I’m just sorry I missed your arrival. Looks like you’re settling in.”

  The bar was behind her, so she went that way to fix herself a drink. Obviously they were going for nothing being out of the ordinary. She’d noticed Zay wearing a hooded sweatshirt. If he’d taken his arm from the sling, his wound wouldn’t be visible in the long-sleeved garment.

  “Heard about your father, what a shame,” Burl said without a shred of sincerity.

  “Shame you didn’t get to do it yourself?” she asked, picking up her Scotch and spinning to face the men again. “Don’t deny you wouldn’t have loved to pull the trigger yourself.”

  Swaying her hips, she sashayed down the room at a languorous pace.

  “As you would’ve,” Burl said. “You weren’t close.”

  “You’re in no position to know that,” she said. “Let’s be honest, just because a man lifts his hands to a woman doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her…” Whisper paused to ponder the point. “Or does it? No one I know is more qualified to answer that… What did you do when you discovered your wife’s infidelity? No less than Parker will do when he finds his wife, right?”

  Burl wasn’t so smug anymore, which only widened her smile. “My wife got what she deserved. I don’t regret killing her. Parker won’t regret killing his whore either.”

  “That why you’re here? Looking for your lost little sheep? Bet it was a surprise to find your other boys here with the one Biz framed. Why was it you let Parker set up Score for murder? Because you were fucking Nicole… Fucking her, telling her you’d get her pregnant, even though you knew Parker was drugging her and pumping her full of contraceptives…” Whisper sneered. “You’re sick. You and your oldest son. You disgust me.”

  “Won’t be your problem for much longer,” Burl said, pushing back in his seat. “Once we calm Parker down, th
e McDades will be stronger than ever.”

  “Stronger?” she asked, her brows rising. “And what makes you think the Dohertys will let your murderous offspring get away with murder? Cyrus Doherty was an asshole… as sadistic asshole, but he didn’t deserve Parker’s bullet.” Burl’s flash of surprise encouraged her on. “Yeah, I know who’s responsible for the murder of my father… Your favorite boy… or is Score your favorite? Tough to remember. I suppose you’ll be telling Doran he’s your favorite if you’re set on him marrying Madison Byrne.”

  Burl’s shoulders went back and his chin rose. More than surprised, he had to wonder how the hell she was so clued up.

  “Parker killed your father because he deserved to die and because you weren’t there to take his place.”

  “Oh, so Parker wanted to kill me?” Whisper asked. “Why? Because I was the one who saw you fucking his precious wife and had the audacity to tell my husband.”

  Burl surged to his feet and slammed a hand on the desk, an act reminiscent of Cyrus. “You ruined everything! I will not let some Doherty slut destroy everything I have built! You will not get away with it!”

  “No?” Whisper asked, continuing to the table to lay a hand on Zay’s shoulder. “He believed me… He didn’t wait for you to talk him out of it. My husband believed me.”

  Zay picked up her hand and took it to his mouth to kiss her palm. “I always will.”

  Burl frowned. “You cannot listen to this slut. You can’t choose her over your own family!”

  “Whisper is my family,” Zay said. “My wife and future mother of my children. Doran’s family, Score… even his woman. We’re the McDades now. We’re what’s left. What matters.”

  “What are you saying?”

  Burl was still glancing between his boys, searching for answers when men appeared from the hallway.

  “FBI!” one of them exclaimed. “Hands in the air! Burl McDade… do it now!”

  The frown on his face was surreal to see. Keeping their weapons trained on the McDade patriarch, the agents surrounded him. One moved in to slam their target down on the table to frisk him, all the while Burl didn’t say a word.


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