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Delicious Page 3

by Melissa Schroeder

  Harry shoves his hands through his hair. “Jesus, Fritz, I just said it was a dress shop.”

  “She was here two days ago, and she was talking to Harry. I thought you were doing her books again.”

  Harry shook his head. “Only ours these days, thank God.”

  “Oh…” Fritz says, then he looks at Harry. “Yeah, she’s not right for you.”

  “We have similar tastes,” Harry says with a frown.

  I know that if we rag on him too much, he’ll cancel the date. Even if the sex sucks—and not in a good way—it’s better he gets out.

  “You do. And now that you don’t have to worry about your sister and her friends, you can go out and have fun tonight.”

  He nods. “Exactly. Anyway, I need to go over a few things on our books unless you need me out here.”

  I shake my head. “If we get a rush, Fritz and I can handle it. I’m done with baking for the day.”

  He nods and heads back to the office.

  “What the hell did you do that for?” Fritz asks the minute Harry is out of earshot. “She’s so wrong for him.”

  “He needs a break and to let off some steam.”

  He groans. “That woman is so boring. I remember her now. When we did the grand opening, she refused to eat anything, even the fruit. It wasn’t on her diet plan. She’s just like him.”

  I shrug. “Do you want him to get off, or do you want him to continue to wind himself up into a tight ball?”

  Fritz opens his mouth, then snaps it shut. “Okay, you have a point.”

  “I’m usually right.”

  “Get bent, Cooper.”

  I chuckle.

  “When are you going out on a date?”

  I shrug. “Not sure.”

  “Why aren’t you as wound up as Harry?”

  “I don’t have dates. I have hookups and that works just fine for me.” Which is somewhat true. Okay, I haven’t been out in months and months…and well, fuck. It’s not important.

  “One of these days you might want more,” he warns.

  “I’ll worry about that when I come to that bridge.”

  He nods. His attention turns to a customer who just walked up, leaving me to my thoughts. There is no worry about dates or happily ever after. I’m not built for them. There is only one person who tempts me, and Allison is off limits. Besides, she isn’t the least bit interested in me.

  Maybe one day, I can get my body to catch up with that fact.

  Chapter Three

  The moment I step into La Trinidad, my mouth starts watering. I ate lightly all day to prepare for my inevitable evening of overeating. Well, after I devoured my cupcake this morning, that is. I almost went back for a second one, because I know Ed would keep an extra one behind the counter for me. Again. Ginger Jesus. Hmm…wait, no. No thinking about him tonight.

  I draw in a deep breath, as the scent of Mexican spices surround me. God, I love living in south Texas, especially San Antonio. Tex Mex is my favorite kind of food, and there is no shortage of good restaurants to choose from. Although, we do seem to end up at La Trinidad most nights. One thing is for sure: I’m going to eat all the enchiladas and drink all the margaritas I possibly can.

  “Earth to Allison,” EJ says, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

  I blink, then focus on her. “Sorry. I was thinking that I’m ready to eat. And drink. Drink a lot. And eat a lot.”

  She laughs and I notice heads turning. It was like that all the time when we went out. EJ’s happy spirit always attracts people. Whether she’s laughing, speaking, or just walking through a room, heads turn. It’s like she is a bohemian fairy who can attract anyone within a five-block radius. Tonight is no exception. The maxi dress hugs her ample chest, and the greens in the flowery design go perfectly with her red hair and green eyes.

  “It’s been a long time since we’ve gone out,” she says. “Savannah has our favorite booth.”

  It’s the one closest to the bar, and that’s what tonight is all about for Savannah. Her life revolves around the restaurant and her family business. She has very little personal time, so when she does, she lets loose. I have a feeling there is an Uber in our future.

  She’s sitting in the booth already. It’s one of those u-shaped deals, so EJ takes one side and I take the other.

  “I assumed you would both want margaritas, and I put in our orders already.” She’d texted us about an hour earlier asking what we wanted. We’ve both been to the restaurant so many times, we know the menu by heart.

  She has her own margarita and it’s almost gone. The two glasses sitting on the table have been ordered perfectly. Mango for EJ and strawberry for me—of course.

  The first sip is gloriously sweet and tart. Austin made them with us in mind, so it’s strong. Damn, it’s good.

  “Oh, God, I needed this,” I say. I smack my lips. “Strawberry, hmm.” I shimmy a bit in happiness. There is enough tequila to add a sting to the sweetness.

  “So, the strawberry cupcake didn’t do it for you?” Savannah asks as she wiggles her eyebrows.

  “It’s strawberry lemonade, which you should call it the Allison, since that’s what it’s called by all the best people.”

  Of course, that had not been her question. From their amused looks, both my friends know I am trying to avoid the subject.

  “I will not allow one enchilada to be served, let alone queso, if you do not at least admit that you’re still infatuated with Ed Cooper.”

  When Savannah drinks, her voice carries. Seeing that she has had at least one margarita already, her voice is starting to rise in volume.

  “Shhh,” I say as I look around.

  EJ and Savannah share a smile, and I realize how stupid I sound. Sure, people know Camos and Cupcakes, but they don’t know me. I’m sure there are a lot of women who talk about being infatuated with Ed. He’s that kind of guy. A bad boy with a touch of sweetness. That kind of man attracts women. I’ve seen them at the shop, more than once.

  Great, now I’m depressed. I need to shove those thoughts aside and think about my staycation and the celebration tonight.

  “Fine, I am but in a purely basic way. You know. Cuz of the cupcakes.”

  EJ lets one perfectly sculpted eyebrow rise.

  “That’s such bullshit, Strawberry Lemonade,” Savannah says, using my cupcake as my name. She does that when she is feeling feisty and after a few margaritas. That one thought has me wondering just how many drinks she’s consumed.

  I frown at her. “I said to quit calling me that.”

  She smirks at me and sips up the rest of her margarita with noisy slurps. La Trinidad is large, with ceramic floors and music playing. Still, the sound of her slurping is so loud, it attracts the attention of a few people. She ignores them because Savannah doesn’t give a damn what people think. At least, outside of her family.

  “Ladies,” Austin says, standing next to the table. “Do we need another refill?”

  I squint up at Savannah’s older brother. He’s pretty, that’s for sure, but definitely not my type. First of all, he’s pretty. I think Ed is gorgeous, but it’s because he isn’t really pretty. Also, Austin is like a brother to me. Savannah, Austin, and I were all in high school at the same time, and he irritates me about as much as my own brother does. But he is pretty with his wavy black hair and golden eyes. He can also make the best margaritas so that’s a plus.

  “Yes,” Savannah says, slamming her glass back down on the table so hard I’m amazed she didn’t break it.

  “Maybe you should let these two catch up with you,” he suggests.

  Savannah’s eyes narrow and I can see there is a fight brewing. Savannah might seem cool and collected when she’s sober—which is most of the time—but when she drinks, she’s always raring for a fight. When it’s a family member, she likes the fight even more.

  “I think you need to mind your own fucking business.” Oh, not good. Savannah cusses with the best of us, but with that tone, it definitely mea
ns we might have a bad night. Or maybe, a good night. Sometimes, it’s fun to let Savannah be drunk Savannah.

  EJ giggles and I shake my head.

  “You know this will just end badly for you. It’s like when she broke your nose,” I say, trying my best to be helpful.

  “Which time?” he asks with a laugh.

  “All of them. I’ll make sure to keep her in check,” I say as I offer a smile.

  “I have no idea why you are friends with my sister. You’re definitely too sweet.” He gives me a sexy smile, or at least, I’m sure a lot of women find it sexy. Me, I see a guy who was just as sweet in high school as he is now. And I know for a fact that he thinks of me as a sister.

  “Back off, Austin. Strawberry Lemonade is spoken for,” Savannah says as she hiccups.

  “Also, maybe get our food here as fast as possible, or some queso?” I ask. He nods and grabs his sister’s empty glass.

  After he leaves, I look at Savannah and snort. She’s got one eye closed as she studies me. “You don’t have the hots for Austin, do you? He’s not your type.”

  Just because I was thinking the same thing a minute earlier doesn’t mean… “What’s that supposed to mean? Austin’s a sweetie.”

  “Exactly. You’re both too damn nice. It would be like polite chipmunks dating.” She sits up straighter and mimics the voice of the chipmunks. “After you. Oh, no, after you.”

  “So you think I need someone mean?”

  I look at EJ, who shrugs. Truth is, Savannah hardly ever drinks, so she doesn’t have the resistance to it that we do. Also, she weighs almost next to nothing.

  “No. Not mean. Only…you need a yang.”

  I blink. As a nurse, I might not be completely naive, but there are some sexual terms I don’t know. “A what?”

  She sighs so loud and dramatically, I fight a smile. I’m afraid if I do smile, she’ll get pissed and I could be the one with the broken nose.

  “You’re the yin. You need a yang. I think Ed Cooper is your yang.”

  “He thinks of me as his little sister.”

  She snorts. “Nope. I don’t think so.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I look at EJ when Savannah doesn’t answer. EJ smiles at me. “Well, you know, he did name a cupcake after you.”

  “Strawberry Lemonade!” Savannah shouts drawing more attention to them.

  “What does that have to do with anything?” I ask.

  “He hasn’t named any cupcakes after me and I’m there every single day for coffee,” EJ points out. “And you haven’t seen the way he looks at you.”

  I scoff at that but EJ shakes her head.

  “Listen, I could be wrong, but you know I am rarely wrong.”

  “Yet you’re so modest,” Savannah says.

  EJ ignores her. “You don’t see the way he looks at you when you aren’t looking.”

  “How does he look at me?” I ask, almost afraid of the answer.

  “Like you’re the only person in the world.”

  “Stars in his eyes,” Savannah says, smacking her lips.

  I look between the two of them, then snort.

  “You two need help.”

  “No, I need some foods.”

  “Foods?” I ask Savannah. She’s a little more out of control than she normally is. “Is that a chef term?”

  “Yes,” then she claps when her brother sets down their drinks.

  “Get lost, boss,” someone says from behind him. A curvy blonde waitress smiles as he steps aside. She has queso, more chips, and some quesadillas. My stomach growls loudly, though the music covers the sound. I knew I was hungry, but I had no idea.

  “I have your orders in now, so you have time to eat this before your dinners show up,” the waitress says.

  “Thank you,” I say with a smile.

  “Anything for Savannah.” She looks at her. “Make sure you eat.”

  Then she disappears. “She’s kind of bossy,” Savannah says, grabbing one of the quesadillas. “But she’s the best damned waitress.”

  I nod, remembering the few times she’s waited on me. The moment I slipped the cheese covered chip into my mouth, I close my eyes and hum. God, I needed this…needed time out with my friends.

  “So, SL—get it?—what are you going to do about Ed?” Savannah asks.

  What can I do? The truth is, I have no idea. I’ve had a crush on him, and he sees me as his little sister. I need to do something about it, find some man to get him off my mind. Not like I haven’t been with men or had relationships.

  “Nothing. Man doesn’t want a relationship with me.”

  “Fuck a relationship. Get some sex,” she says, louder again. A few people turn and look at us, and I try my best not to shush her. That will only make her louder.

  I lean closer. “Funny comments coming from the one virgin in the group.”

  She snorts. “I live vicariously through both of you, at least until lately. I mean, give a girl some help here.”

  “I did. I gave you a gift certificate to that sex toy shop,” EJ says.

  “Oh, yeah ya did,” Savannah says as she clinks her margarita glass with EJ’s. “You agree with me, though, right?”

  EJ looks at me. “Yeah, she needs to do Ed Cooper. Like a lot. Like all night long.”

  Even a little tipsy, I can’t fight the blush. It is the fate of being so fair skinned. There is nothing I would like more. Well, first there would be world peace, a cure for cancer, then doing Ed Cooper. Yeah. That’s what I want to do.

  “Ohh, that look,” EJ says with a giggle. “I would love to know what was behind it.”

  “Probably thinking about Edward,” Savannah says making kissy noises in my direction.

  “He’s not interested, so maybe we can think about someone else I should do.”

  “I think you’re insane, but okay. We’ll play along,” EJ says. “What about Austin?”

  “Oh, gross. I wouldn’t want to date Austin,” Savannah says making gagging noises.

  “He’s your brother. Of course, you don’t want to date him. I’ve always thought he was very sexy,” EJ says.

  I glance up at Austin, who is behind the bar keeping one eye on his customers and one eye on us. He is attractive, but he’s too much of a friend. Kind of like Harry.

  “Is he the reason you termed the one date you went on with Harry as The Date from Hell? You would rather go out with Austin?”

  I made the mistake of fixing them up. Harry and EJ should have a lot in common, but for some reason, they rubbed each other the wrong way. She said he was enough to put her off of dating and that’s saying a lot. EJ dates a great deal.

  “No. Your brother is the reason it was the DFH.”

  I cock my head to the side and study her. There’s something odd there. “What?”

  She sighs. “Your brother is very controlling. You know I don’t like that. So, Austin is out. Who else? Oh, what about that paramedic…Todd?”


  “Yeah. What about him?”

  It’s hard to admit that I forgot I went out on a date with him. In fact, I remember a text about a month or two ago.

  “We have got to get you laid and get Ed off your brain,” Savannah says.

  “Look who’s talking,” I say, eyeing Savannah. She’s the only virgin out of the three of us. She isn’t particularly saving herself, she just always said she hadn’t met a guy worth the trouble when batteries did the trick.

  “Besides, it’s not like she hasn’t had sex,” EJ says.

  Of course, Austin picks that moment to step up to the table. He studies all of us. “Please tell me that you’re not talking about my sister.”

  “No. We’re talking about Strawberry Lemonade,” Savannah says.



  “Oh, well…”

  The look on his face has me dissolving into giggles. “Don’t worry. You’re not in the running.”

  “Get out of here, loser,” Savannah says.

  “Hey, take it easy and keep it down,” he says, watching his sister closely. Out of the five siblings, he and Savannah are the closest. And he looks genuinely worried about her. I make a mental note to call him next week to see what’s up. I just hope I remember it after tonight, because there is a good chance I won’t remember a lot of it later.

  “We’ll keep it together, Austin,” I say.

  “Yes,” EJ says smiling up at him and sucking on her straw.

  There is a long moment where Austin watches her like he wanted her to be the one looking for sex. He tears his gaze away from EJ to look at his sister again.

  “Just remember, everyone here knows who you are.”

  Then he turns to go back to the bar, but not before smiling at EJ.

  “Whoa, hot man alert.” She fans herself dramatically with her hand.

  I giggle. Not a normal thing for me, but the margarita is starting to go to my head, which is starting to feel kind of floaty.

  “Ugh, please, stop that,” Savannah says, disgust evident in her tone and on her face.

  “Sorry,” EJ says, tossing a red curl over her shoulder. “Your brother is hot. Right, Allison?”

  Savannah looks at me, her eyes narrowing, and I shrug. “Sorry, but he is. If I didn’t think of him like a brother, I’d say he was fuckable.”

  “See,” EJ says.

  Savannah holds her hands over her ears. “Stop it. My virgin ears can’t handle the fucking “f” word.”

  Again, I start giggling just as the food arrives. The same waitress appears with our orders.

  She waits until another waiter sets up one of those stands, then she sets the large tray on top of it.

  “Well, here is some food to soak up that alcohol,” she says, picking up a platter of cheese enchiladas. She sets it in front of me. Then she gives EJ her shrimp fajitas, and Savannah her carne asada. “I’ll be back with more chips.”

  She whisks away the serving platter and stand.

  “Best waitress,” Savannah says again. “I really don’t know what we would do without her.”

  One thing I love about my friends is that they are always supportive of anyone in the service industry. I’ve worked with the public, but I’m a little more specialized now. Still, I have an appreciation for just how hard it is to deal with the public at large and, of course, Savannah and EJ still work in it.


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