Falling for the Bully

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Falling for the Bully Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “A couple of minutes.”

  “Just a couple of minutes?” she asked.

  “Maybe a few hours. I forget. I don’t sleep well.”

  “You were watching me sleep?”



  “I think you’re a very pretty woman, and I like watching you sleep.” He cupped her ass, drawing her close. Pressing his lips to hers, he liked the feel of her body against his. Someone knocked on the door of their hotel room, and she groaned. “I may have also ordered room service to arrive at this time.”

  He moved her toward the bathroom, closing the door, as he grabbed the blanket, wrapping it around his waist. Opening the door, he allowed the guy to wheel in the cart. It was nothing overly fancy as he couldn’t afford too much, but it was enough to make them both feel pampered. He gave the guy a tip, closing and locking the door behind him.

  Aria stepped out of the bathroom.

  The scents of waffles and bacon filled the air.

  “You hungry?”


  “Let’s share breakfast.” This was another of his firsts. He’d shared breakfast with the guys, as well as June and Molly, but they didn’t count. They were not available women, and he had no interest in them whatsoever.

  “You thought of everything.”

  “This is our vacation.”

  “What did Trey say to you?” she asked, as she took a sip of her coffee.

  “I have absolutely no idea.” He shrugged. Cutting into a slice of bacon, he took a bite, loving the salty sweet taste from the maple syrup. Next, he tried a fluffy waffle, and he was in heaven. Of course, what made his meal even more tasty was the view before him. Aria hadn’t changed into any clothes. They were both completely naked. Aria put a grape in her mouth, sipping at her coffee in between. “How are you feeling today?”

  “I feel good. No soreness.”

  “Are you feeling horny?”

  “I don’t think we should discuss this over breakfast.”

  “It’s the best time to discuss it.”

  “Maybe we should head home?” she asked. “They’re clearly worried about you.”

  “Why hasn’t your cell phone gone off?”

  “I turned mine off when I arrived. I’ve shut down all communication with the outside world.”

  Max reached out, grabbing his cell phone, and did exactly the same thing. “Done. We’re both here. My friends don’t need me, and if they do, it can wait until it’s something of real importance. Now try some waffle.” He made sure there was plenty of maple syrup and that some of it dropped onto her body. As it did, she let out a gasp. “Don’t touch it.” She went to wipe it off her body, but he had special plans for her.

  Getting up from his chair, he pulled hers away from the small table and leaned forward, licking the droplet of maple syrup from her chest.

  “I see,” she said.

  “It tastes even better.” He put more syrup on his fingers and moved it across her nipple before taking it into his mouth, sucking on the hardened bud.

  She gasped. “That feels good.”

  “It’s going to feel a lot better.” Drawing her to the edge of the chair, he put some maple syrup on the insides of her thighs, licking the delicate flesh before staring at her pussy. She was wet, and he saw how much she was aroused.

  He didn’t need maple syrup to lick her.

  His mouth was already watering.


  Max lifted Aria’s legs up so that she was spread open, and the angle made it hard for her to hide or to close her legs, especially with his hard shoulders between them.

  Cupping her thighs, his hands slid down to her pussy, spreading the lips open. She watched him as he held her exposed. His tongue trailed down her pussy, plunging inside her before drawing up to stroke over her clit.

  He’d made her wait last night. After their bath, he hadn’t touched her, and they’d talked. She hadn’t thought they would be able to talk for so long and about so much, and yet, they had, until she fell asleep.

  There was more to Max than she thought possible. Yes, he loved to fuck and to date women, but that wasn’t all he was. He was so much more, only he tried to hide it. In the past couple of days, she had asked Molly and June questions about Max, trying not to give the game away. She wasn’t going to deny that she was intrigued; she was. How could she not be? The memory she had of him was in complete contradiction to the person she knew him to be now. There was more to his story.

  June didn’t really have much else to add, but Molly, Molly had painted an entirely different picture about the man she knew. She told her about how he took care of her, and was always there for her when Dale wasn’t. Max was that person. The reliable one. The one Molly said was sweet and kind. It was hard for her not to look at him and think differently. She couldn’t keep judging him about what he did when they were younger. This was why his friends adored him. On the surface, he looked shallow and he liked to act it, but the truth was far different.

  He helped his friends all the time. She knew this from experience with how he helped to bring Dale and Molly together finally.

  “Put your hands at the back of your head. You’re not allowed to touch.”

  She held the back of her head, waiting.

  He put a finger inside her, and she gasped but stayed perfectly still. Her tits felt incredibly heavy. He put a second finger in. It did feel tight, but his cock was bigger. When he added in a third finger, she moaned his name, closing her eyes.

  “No, I want you to look at me. Those eyes are to stay on me. All on me.”

  She kept her gaze on him and didn’t look away.

  He worked his fingers in and out of her pussy. “Does this hurt?” he asked.

  “No.” None of it hurt. It felt so good, so incredibly good.

  He plunged them inside her, and his thumb teased against her clit. She felt her body tighten, and the pleasure was so good.

  Max stopped, pulling his fingers from her. She watched as he licked them with a moan. “The maple syrup is not as good as your sweet cunt.”

  His dirty words excited her. He stood up, and the fingers he had inside her, he wrapped them around his length, covering himself in her arousal.

  “You need to wear a condom,” she said.

  “I will when I’m ready.”

  “Please, Max. I want you. I need you.”

  “And you’re going to get every single part of me, but when I’m ready.” He moved behind her, kissing her neck. She kept her hands locked behind her head, not moving. He was making it impossible for her. “Don’t touch yourself. Don’t move your hands,” he said.

  “You’re being unfair. I want to touch you.”

  “You can touch me, all in good time.”

  He caressed her body, and she couldn’t take it anymore. Not as he stroked her breasts, or caressed her midriff—she had to touch him.

  Getting up from the chair, she kicked it out of her way, wrapping her arms around his neck, not caring how she was breaking all the rules. They were here together, breaking plenty of them, but she wasn’t going to stop.

  Max groaned, gripping her ass. She ran her hands down his body, touching him. He was firm to the touch; not a part of him wasn’t hard. Her hand shook a little as she got to his cock. She wrapped her fingers around him, working his length, going up and down as he deepened the kiss. He walked her back until she was pressed against the wall. He slapped her hand away, and she groaned.

  He didn’t give her a chance to argue as he lifted her up, and right there, right then, he slid inside her.

  “You need to wear a condom,” she said, breaking from the kiss.

  “In a minute.”

  He pulled out of her only to slam back inside. The feel of him was intense. She wrapped her legs around him, kissing him even harder. It felt so good to finally let go, to give herself up to this man, and he held her steady, fucking her, taking her. The tight grip he had on her ass turned her on even more. Sin
king her fingers into his hair, she closed her eyes, loving each grind as he filled her.

  “You’re so fucking tight,” he said the words between kisses.

  She smiled and gasped as he lifted her away from the wall, and suddenly, she was back on the bed, her legs up around his shoulders as he speared into her.

  “Watch me, Aria. Watch my cock.” He fucked her hard and fast. His cock was covered in her arousal as he kept fucking her.

  He left her legs against his shoulders and used his fingers on her pussy. She cried out as he took the pleasure to the next level, his cock driving even deeper inside her. Seeing him fuck her, knowing she was no longer a virgin, she growled his name, wanting him again and again.

  Max had awakened something inside her, and as she came over his cock, feeling him still move inside her, she knew she couldn’t fall for him. This had to be just sex. Only sex. They couldn’t have anything else.

  When Max came, he pulled out of her at the last minute, finishing with his cum all over her pussy and stomach.

  Afterward, they both lay on the bed panting.

  Aria stared up at the ceiling, words failing her.

  “I wasn’t going to fuck you like that,” Max said. He took hold of her hand, and she didn’t fight him.

  “How were you going to do it?” she asked.

  “I was going to take my time. One feel of you wrapped around my dick and I lost all thought.”

  He continued to hold her hand.

  “You forgot the condom.”

  “I pulled out.”

  She laughed. “You know that’s not safe sex.”

  “You’re the first woman I’ve done it with. If you want, I’ll go to the doctor’s and get a clean bill of health.”

  “And if you’re not clean?”

  “I’m clean. I always bag it up. Just this one time I didn’t. I didn’t finish inside you, so it reduced the risk.”



  “It doesn’t reduce the risk.” She let go of his hand, walking into the bathroom. The mirror wasn’t a long one, but she could see his droplets of cum on her flesh.

  Grabbing some tissue, she started to clean herself up.

  “You’re mad.”

  “I’m not mad.”

  “You’re pissed.”

  She looked up at him. “I don’t know. I asked you to grab a condom.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.” He walked into the bathroom, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I feel like shit.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  He laughed. “You’re right. But I didn’t intend to take you like that. I was going to be good, and not fuck you but bring you to orgasm several times with my mouth. Only, you took things right out of my hands. Next time, I’ll get a condom. We’ll only use condoms between us.”

  “What happens after this weekend?” she asked, cleaning the last of his orgasm away. Throwing the tissue into the toilet, she gave him her complete attention. “What happens after?”

  He took her arms, pulling her close. “What would you like to happen?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “One weekend is not going to be enough to give you everything you want, Aria.”

  “So, you’re wanting more than a weekend?”

  “How about we take it one day at a time? Will that work? We’ll keep our agreement with each other secret.”

  “Fuck buddies?”

  “Yeah, fuck buddies.” He kissed her lips. “Whatever you want, you come to me, and whatever I want, I come to you.”

  She didn’t like how much she enjoyed the sound of that.

  “I can handle that,” she said.

  “Good, but you can’t go on any dating site, ever. For as long as this agreement is in place, you’re mine. I don’t share.”

  “Am I supposed to share?”

  “Do you want to share?” There were times she didn’t think she liked him all that much.

  “No, I don’t want to share. You also get tested. I don’t need to get tested. I’m clean.”

  “I know, but you get on the pill or the shot.”


  “That’s right. I get tested and come back clean, you will be mine, and I’m not wearing a condom. You either get on the pill, or you get knocked up. Either way works for me.”

  “I can’t even believe you’re saying that.”

  “What? I’m a guy. I’ve got needs, and kids are cute. You want to be my baby momma?” He was kissing her before she could scream at him, which she really wanted to do. Maybe after he’d finished kissing her and giving her an orgasm, she’d start screaming.

  Chapter Seven

  “You know, you could call in sick?” Max asked, reaching out to stroke Aria’s back.

  “No, I can’t do that. They count on me.”

  “Yeah, but I have needs.”

  “You keep talking about these mad needs.” She chuckled, looking over her naked shoulder at him. “I’m starting to wonder if they’re serious or something you made up?”

  “My needs are serious.” He moved so that she was between his legs. His hard cock pressed against her back. He wasn’t ashamed by his need for her. “You feel him. He wants you again.”

  “I don’t think we should.”

  “Did you know thinking is totally overrated? I have it on good authority that thinking is not good for anyone.”

  She giggled, leaning back. He had a good view of her impressive tits. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he touched her, cupping the mounds before pinching the nipples. She gasped.

  “You have such sensitive nipples, and I just know they want me, Aria. They want me to suck on them.”


  “Tell me what you want? We’ve got time before you have to go to work.”

  She hadn’t even started to get dressed yet, and he wanted her. When she was at work, he wanted her thinking of nothing but him.

  “I want you.”

  He slid his hand between her thighs. “Spread them for me. Let me touch you.”

  “Max, please.”

  “I know what you want, and don’t worry. I’m going to give it to you.”

  She cried out as he stroked over her swollen clit. She gasped, and he saw her sink her teeth into her lip. He wasn’t having any of that.

  “Let me hear you scream my name. I want to hear it, Aria. I want to hear every single little sound you’ve got to make. Lift your legs up onto the bed.” He shuffled back so she had the room, spreading her open. Sliding his fingers between her thighs, he told her to look down, to watch as he teased her. He lifted his fingers up for her to see. “You’re so wet, and it’s all for me.”

  “Don’t stop.”

  “I have no intention of stopping.” He plunged two fingers into her tight pussy and relished the cry she gave as he began to thrust in and out of her. He wanted so much for it to be his cock, but he was going to have to wait. He wanted her to come first before he fucked her.

  Her hands were fisted in the bed sheet as he stroked her. Sliding his fingers up to circle her clit, he moved down, slowly bringing her closer to that peak where he wanted to plunge her over the edge.

  Kissing her neck, he licked over her pulse before biting her flesh. The moment his teeth touched her, she cried out, arching against his touch, hungry for more.

  “I can’t wait to fuck you. Your pussy is so wet. I’d be able to fuck you now.”

  “I want it. Please, I want you, Max.”

  “I love it when you beg me for something. It makes me want to give it to you.”

  “Don’t keep me waiting.” She moaned, but he refused to budge. He wanted her completely lost on a sea of pleasure.

  In and out he fucked her before teasing her clit, and going back down again to work her body. Her pussy was so wet that the sounds of just how aroused she was filled the room.

  Thrusting two fingers inside her, he used his thumb, feeling her body change as she began to build to her orgasm. She shook with it, and
as he pushed her over the edge, he held her tight against him, working his fingers so her orgasm prolonged.

  He stopped the moment she couldn’t take any more, but he wasn’t going to not taste her. Sucking his fingers into his mouth, he swallowed her down, wanting nothing more than to push his face against her wet cunt.

  Instead, he moved back, taking her with him, guiding her over him so she straddled his waist. Gripping his cock, he lined the tip with her entrance. She held his shoulders, but he stopped her.

  “Shit! Fuck. We need a condom.”

  Aria groaned. “Where is it?”

  “In my pants.”

  She climbed off him, and he watched her as she bent over, going into his pocket to grab the condom.

  “Do you always carry these with you?” she asked.

  “Not always.”

  She tore into the packet, moving toward the bed, and holding the latex in her grip. “You want to tell me how to put this on.”

  He took the condom from her, pinching the tip and sliding it on. “I don’t have the control for you to take over and to do this.”


  Max took her hand, getting her back into position. When he slid inside her, they both cried out. Her hands were back on his shoulders, her nails sinking into his flesh but it felt so good.

  He held her hips and showed her what he wanted.

  She cupped his face, kissing him hard. He stroked one hand up her back, holding the back of her head as he kissed her back. She was fucking everything, and feeling her tight heat wrapped around his cock, he was right exactly where he wanted to be.

  Aria broke from the kiss and rocked on his cock, taking him deep.

  He wanted her to come all over his cock, so he slid his hand between them, stroking her clit, watching her as she worked her pussy. He had to count sheep so he didn’t come too soon. He’d already given her one orgasm, and he watched her come apart as he pushed her into a second.

  This one set him off, and he came hard, filling the condom as her cunt pulsed around him.

  She collapsed over him kissing his chest. “That is worth being late for.”


  Max pulled off his helmet and wiped the sweat off his brow.

  “Are you coming to Trey’s tonight?” Dale asked.


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