Polar Opposites

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Polar Opposites Page 6

by Wyatt, Dani

  His hands move to my hips, holding me steady as he uses me, our flesh slapping as he drives deep. In that moment, I realize in our rush we didn’t think about being responsible.

  Nikolas must read my mind.

  “I’m so close. I’m going to cum inside you. I’m not pulling out.” His words both horrify and excite me, to the point my orgasm is triggered.

  The idea of his cum shooting inside me bare has my body exploding in spasms as his arms wrap around me, holding me against him.

  “Come inside me,” I whisper, not believing I’ve just said what I said, but as the words leave my lips I feel the pulse of his release inside me.

  I feel the way the base of his cock contracts and releases, shooting hot cum into my body. It pulls another round of my own climax from my sore body as Nikolas pumps his seed into me, and he grunts as his body goes rigid under me.

  When we start to come down, he turns my head and kisses me. This time it’s soft and still needy, as I feel the wetness spread between my legs.

  “You okay?” he asks, breaking our kiss, and I think for a moment before answering on a nod.

  “Yeah. I am.”

  “Good. Because I’ve never been better.”

  The rest of the night he reaches for me over and over, until exhaustion takes us both and I wonder exactly what I’ve gotten myself into.

  Chapter 10


  After a shower and some coffee, Missy and I headed into town. She’s off doing some shopping and we are supposed to meet here at the café in the Christmas Wonderland but my dad has been calling all morning and I can’t put off speaking to him any longer.

  I glance at the cafe sign as the phone starts ringing again and wonder if I should just tell him I’m too busy to talk. But then he’ll want to know why, and part of me isn’t ready to tell him about Missy yet. We’ve arranged to meet here, some sort of pot luck dinner. The light is already fading from the sky as I reach into my coat pocket and run my fingers over the small box tucked there.

  No, my father can’t know about Missy yet. I need to do this for me, not for him. He needs to know that I’m my own man. I’m not afraid of him, never have been. But he’s been such a big presence in my life for so long, I’m scared that I’m too used to just following his lead and my body will act on autopilot.

  Pressing the answer button, I put the phone to my ear and don’t get a chance to speak before he’s already running off at the mouth.

  “When are you going to be home? That Christmas Village deal is done, things are already in motion, this was more of a courtesy than anything else.”

  “I told you, I’m not coming back just yet. What do you want?”

  He huffs. “Enough, Nikolas. I’ve just spoken to the powers that be and things are already in motion. January first, the digging starts, there’s nothing more to be done. Those Christmas people can either accept the very generous offer, way over the odds, or they can cry about it, our hands are clean. People have been paid, I won’t say too much on the phone but suffice to say the government is in charge now. So, this is the last Christmas for that little Christmas Town. Now get home. We have other work to do. Our new client wants to open a resort in the Florida Keys and I told them we were just the people to get the protected wetland status overturned and—”

  “Protected wetland status?”

  “Exactly. Damned hippie environmentalists. Nobody would build anything anywhere if they had their way.”

  “Well, that’s not exactly true. There’s a reason for protected status.”

  “I have some names of friendly folks sitting on the EPA, so it’s not a problem. I’ll send it over to you.”

  The line goes dead, which is hardly a surprise. The surprising thing is that my father even had the time to bother calling me and giving me the courtesy of telling me what was going to happen, rather than simply sending all the details my way. In a few minutes, I know my work email is going to be blowing up with attachments, lists of names, legal documents, references for me to research to see how we can get around the protected status. And we will. We’ve done it before.

  But not this time. Not me.

  Things have changed for me. I feel uncomfortable about the idea. I’m just not entirely sure what to do to change it.

  Heading into the cafe, I’m distracted by the thoughts running through my head. Missy smiles when she sees me, and makes me say hello to people all dressed in Christmas sweaters and red hats. Before long, all thoughts of my father, and business, and the Florida Keys are gone, and I find myself just relaxing into the mood of the place.

  “So, what do you think of our little town?” she asks with a grin, and I take her face in my hands, brushing a hair back from her cheek.

  Smiling, I nod and look around. “It’s growing on me. One person in particular.”

  “Oh, really? What’s her name, should I be jealous?”

  I can’t help myself. Leaning in, I kiss her hard and press my tongue into her mouth. There are whoops from slightly drunk people around, but I don’t care. ‘Tis the season, after all.

  “So…” she says as the kiss breaks. “There’s something I wanted to ask you.”


  “Is there really, truly nothing we can do to rescind the eminent domain? I know your clients don’t really care, but I think you’re starting to. Would it really hurt them to just go around the property? I know it would cost, but please, my clients are good people. This is their whole life.”

  My heart breaks as she speaks. I know that I’ve been manipulated a little into coming here, so that I’d see how the town comes together, but the truth is she’s right. I am starting to see how magical this place is. And I want to help her, I really do, but…

  “It’s out of my hands at this point,” I tell her. “I’m sorry, Missy. Things have changed since we spoke about it yesterday and the deal is already done. Advise your clients to take the settlement, it’s the best outcome they’re going to get.”

  There are tears pricking the corners of her eyes, but when I reach forward to brush them away she pulls back. “That’s it? No talk, no letters, just a flat out no?”

  I nod. “Sorry. I really am. But at least this way they can retire comfortably.”

  “They don’t want to retire. Don’t you get that? This is their life.”

  “Like I said, I’m sorry. Let me get you a refill.” I grab her coffee mug because there is really nothing left in my power to change things and I can’t stand making her feel this way. She nods silently as I head off into the crowd, cursing under my breath pushing through to get to the bar.

  I order the drinks at the busy bar, and wait for them to be served, hating the fact that I can’t see her from here. I need to have her in my sight all the time, and that’s something we’re going to have to discuss, because the thought that literally anything could be happening to her right now doesn’t sit right with me.

  Missy is mine. And I won’t have any other motherfucker so much as looking at her. Not on my watch.

  Once I have the drinks, I head back over to her, and as the crowd parts my blood runs cold.

  It’s that fuck from the hotel the other day, the one that came in with her. Ray. The one I’m fairly certain spiked her drink from the way she was out cold afterwards.

  Before I know it, I’m right up next to them, hearing his pathetic weasel voice begging her to give him another chance, asking her to go with him for a drink, ignoring her refusals. And I see red.

  “Back the fuck off!” I grab his shoulder, pulling him around to look at me, and his face darkens.

  “You? Look, I know you’re not really an item, I know all about it. Everyone told me they’d never seen you with her before, so just—”

  “I said back off. She’s told you no.”

  “It’s fine.” Missy stands up, looking irritated. “Ray was just leaving and I don’t need anyone to—”

  “Why don’t you back off, huh? Take yourself and your stuck up suit some
where they’re wanted.”

  “The lady said she wasn’t interested.”

  “And what business is it of yours?”

  “Ray, just go!” Missy’s raising her voice now and she shouldn’t have to tell him more than once.

  “Missy, just one drink. Please. I’ll—” He reaches out and touches her shoulder and that’s it.

  My punch surprises even me. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to fight anyone, so long even Javier has never seen it. But that doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing when I have to. High school for rich kids is still high school, and fights happen. I learned to defend myself just like anyone else, and sometimes that requires a swift fist to make the other guy take notice.

  Only, back then I hadn’t hit puberty yet. Now I have about a hundred pounds more muscle behind the punch.

  Ray falls back, crashing into the table behind him as there are gasps from people all around. For a moment, he looks furious, dragging his head up to look at me, then just as swiftly as it began it’s all over because he’s fallen unconscious.

  “What the actual fuck are you doing?” Missy’s voice draws my attention and I glance down at her.

  I shrug. “You told him no. He didn’t listen. And I’m pretty sure he drugged your drink the other night. And, well, he touched you.”

  Her eyes go wide. “I didn’t ask you to defend me, Nikolas. I’m quite capable of looking after myself. Why don’t you just go get yourself cleaned up, and let’s hope no one calls the police.” She glances down at Ray, who’s coming around.

  For a moment, I don’t really know what she meant by getting myself cleaned up, then I happen to look down and see the red stain on my shirt. That’s when I realize my knuckles are also all busted up and could probably use some ice. I growl under my breath.

  “You’re coming with me. I’m not leaving you here with him.”

  She looks at me like I’ve just grown two heads. “What’s he going to do? Everyone is staring. Get yourself cleaned up.”

  Reluctantly, I do as she says. But after today, we’re going to discuss this. I cannot have her out of my sight, especially not in a crowd.

  Chapter 11


  I cannot believe what just happened.

  I mean, in some ways, my heart is fluttering. I’ve never had a man fight for me before. And the way Nikolas knocked Ray out with a single punch? The fact that he’s my man makes my sex clench with some sort of primordial, caveman attraction that has nothing to do with common sense and everything to do with need.

  But ugh. Doesn’t he realize how dangerous it is to knock out someone in the middle of a crowded public place? Even if Ray was being a creep, he had no right. Although, if Ray did spike my drink the other night then…

  But we have no proof of that, do we? It’s his word. And nothing happened. And Nikolas is a liability.

  Besides, he’s going back to New York anyway, isn’t he?

  He’s leaving my life the same way he arrived, suddenly and without ceremony. I’m just a fling, just something he had to get out of his system. And it was fun while it lasted, but we are so different. I would still be fighting for the Christmas Town, but it’s clear that if he was me he’d have given up. Rolled over. Big business always wins and they are the ones that put money in his no-doubt massively-overfunded bank account.

  And in the end that’s the difference between us, isn’t it? He’s big business. I want the right thing. For him, the right thing is whatever pays the most money.

  We’re two completely different people.

  And I cannot do this.

  As Ray starts to regain consciousness, I turn and head toward the exit. I need to get away from Nikolas Snow and his charms. They’re no good for me. So I’ve lost this fight. Big deal, his big business money has won. This time. But I won’t let them win every time.

  As I step outside I can feel the tears starting to prick my eyes. I don’t want to do this, but it’s the right thing. Nikolas Snow and I are incompatible. I drop my head, looking down at the sidewalk, and almost run right into Mrs. Jenkins in her full Mrs. Claus outfit.

  “Oh, my, I’m so sorry—”

  “Oh, honey, what’s wrong?” She grabs my shoulders and pulls me in for a hug. “Is everything all right? Has something happened?”

  I shake my head. “No.” After a pause, I add, “Well, yes. Sort of. I’m sorry, I have to tell you something and you’re not going to like it.”

  She smiles wistfully. “They’re not going to rethink things, are they?”

  “No, they’re not. I’m sorry. I tried so hard, but—”

  “Missy, it’s fine. I know you’ve done your best. It was always a long shot. I know my husband tried to make out that I was frail and fragile, but I’m not. It will be hard, I won’t lie. But we’ll get through it. And we’re grateful for everything you’ve done. Maybe it’s for the best. Force us to look at what’s next for our lives.”

  Without thinking about it, my arms are around her neck and I’m holding onto her for dear life. She means so much to me. All the people of this town do. And right now I feel like I need to anchor myself to it, to remember who I am, not who I thought I might be with Nikolas.

  Just then, there’s a shout from behind me, and I turn to see more people I recognize. The Underwoods, who own a farm a couple of miles from my parents. My great-grandfather’s birding days were spent with Tobias Underwood, back in the day, and while our family never really took up the hobby, the Underwoods still have that passion.

  Hailey Underwood, who I went to school with, comes up to me and Mrs. Jenkins, with a big grin on her face. “Missy, it feels like it’s been so long since we saw each other here last year! How have you been? We really should meet up more often.”

  “Yes, we should. Are you here for the potluck?”

  She nods. “Are you coming in?”

  “No. Sorry. I’m just leaving.”

  “Oh, that’s a shame. Have you heard the birding news? My dad’s just been on the phone to yours, talking his ear off about how exciting it is and how your great-grandfather would have been all over it.”

  I shake my head. “What’s happened?”

  “Warblers. Back in their old habitat. Someone’s seen one and it’s confirmed. Was just posted on the Southeast Michigan Birder’s guild Facebook page.”

  “Their old habitat?” Mrs. Jenkins suddenly perks up, stepping forward to get in between us. “Hailey, that’s right here. In the back of our property.”

  She nods. “The Warbler was spotted a few acres north. They’re nexting in the top of the pines.”

  Mrs. Jenkins looks excited as she turns to me. “They’re protected, Missy. We could use it to fight the changes.”

  My heart flips inside my chest. She’s right. The Warblers are protected. They can’t disturb them if it’s confirmed that they’re nesting. We’d need hard evidence, and a court order to stop the building straight away. It would be a fight. But could we?

  For a moment I don’t say anything, but Eva’s face is full of so much hope and I start to smile.

  But then it hits me.

  The fight would be hard and long, and I’m sure she’d be up for it. But we’d be the underdogs. The costs would be enormous, and they’d tie us up with so many challenges and requirements. They can outlast us, and we’d probably lose.

  Reluctantly I shake my head. “I’m sorry. I have to advise you, as your lawyer, to drop this. You should take the money.”

  “What? But the Warblers, they’re endangered. Missy, I thought—”

  “If it was just me, perhaps. But the costs of fighting this are going to be sky high. Things are already in motion and it’s very unlikely that we could get anything changed. We don’t have the resources. On my own I can’t fight this and I doubt that I can persuade the firm to put any more people on it. I’m so sorry.”

  There are tears in her eyes as she reluctantly nods. “Thank you for your honesty.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say
again, unable to believe that I’m having to do this. I feel like I’m a doctor telling someone there’s no hope left.

  Then I hear a voice from behind me. “I’ll help.”

  I turn to see Nikolas standing there, looking dashingly handsome and tall and like a hero come in to save the day. But I narrow my eyes at him. “Your firm is going to help fight their own client?”

  He shakes his head. “No. I am. My expertise and my money are yours. I’m quitting the law firm.”


  “I’m quitting. I’m going to set up my own practice, here and in New York. And this is going to be my first case, but you’re the lead. I’m not licensed yet in Michigan. I’m just there to back you up. You say you need more resources, you’ve got them. We’ll file a motion tomorrow to prevent building work until we can get more evidence.”

  Part of me wants to say no, to tell him he’s living a pipe dream. But when I look at Mrs. Jenkins and see how hopeful she is that this will work, I can’t.

  And maybe it will work, right? Because now it’s not just me. It’s me and Nikolas and his bank account.

  I nod, pulling Eva in for a hug. “This is going to be difficult, you know that, right?”

  Nikolas grins. “Nobody worth having ever is…”

  Chapter 12


  “God, you are so good at that.” Missy cranes her neck to look behind her, where my mouth is mounted on her pussy.

  It’s early Christmas morning and we’ve barely slept, but my cock doesn’t seem to need rest and I’m just along for the ride in his opinion. Or so it would seem.

  Missy did sort of pass out a couple times, and I should have slept along with her, but all I wanted to do was watch her. I’m mesmerized by her in every way, and how I got here, how I’ve changed in such a short time, still feels like a dream.

  And one I never want to wake from.

  I spin my tongue in her drenched opening, swallowing down the sweet nectar as I eat my fill until she’s shaking and her head falls into the bedding as she begs me to stop.


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