All That Glitters: Glitz, Glam, and Billionaires

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All That Glitters: Glitz, Glam, and Billionaires Page 17

by Michele Hauf

  “The salary is excellent.”

  “I thought so, too. Better than what many of our celebrities earn. And you’ll live in a condo worth millions without paying a penny.”

  “I don’t understand. Are you renting me the condo?”

  He burst out laughing. “My dear Natasha, I’m practically giving it to you. Don’t worry, you won’t have to pay a penny.”


  “What a question. Because you’ll be working for me, and I want you relaxed and focusing on your work.”

  “But it won’t be in my name, right?” She needed to understand every point.

  “Natasha?” he exclaimed in a shocked tone. “I never expected you to be greedy. You can put it in your name in a few years by buying it at a discounted price. But you’ll enjoy it right away. It’s a superb condo with a magnificent view from the twenty-fourth floor.”

  “Ah, a really gorgeous view.” The twenty-fourth floor? Spencer had mentioned Hugh lived on the twenty-fifth floor of his high-rise. She’d be living right under him.

  Right under him. The three words twirled in her mind and made her dizzy.

  “You see, I’m taking good care of you.”

  Exactly as Jonah had told her. A whore in the making.

  “Anything else bothering you?”

  Plenty, she wanted to answer.

  “Can you sign now?”

  “I need to talk to my brother first.”

  “Come on. You’re not going to consult with a twelve-year-old kid—one who already has a drug problem. I want to help him before it’s too late. I’ll make sure he’ll go through a quick rehab program, and then I’ll send him to a top-notch boarding school, one you certainly can’t afford, even with your new salary,” Hugh added with a satisfied smile.

  Natalie stiffened. She’d never sacrifice her little brother—her only family—for her career. “I certainly appreciate your offer, but he needs affection. I’m sure he’ll make an effort if he stays with me.”

  “Sweetheart, you can’t continue worrying about him. And you don’t have time to save him from a lifelong addiction. I’m assuming his guardianship. We’ll uproot him from the lousy neighborhood where he’s getting drugs. Don’t you think it’s the right thing to do?” He captured her gaze, his intense brown eyes peering through her.

  Natalie blinked and nodded. “Yes.”

  He was right about removing Brian from the bad influences surrounding him.

  “We’ll do our best for Brian. We’ll make a successful man out of him.”

  “You know my brother’s name?”

  “Of course.” He smiled in a congenial way. “I know everything about the people I care about.” He caught her hands between his. “Please sign the contract.”

  She’d promised her dying mother she’d take care of her brother. She couldn’t break her promise. She couldn’t abandon Brian to Hugh, but she remembered Eric’s advice. Don’t antagonize him.

  Trying to gain time, she squeezed his fingers. “You sent me this contract two hours ago. I hardly had time to browse through it. There’re many good things I must have missed. Give me a day to read it carefully and think about what you said now. Please, Mr. Callahan, I want to explain things to Brian and make him understand you’re doing so much for his future and mine. Please, just one day.”

  His frown didn’t bode well. He studied her face for a long minute and then bobbed his head. “All right. A day won’t make much difference. Think about what I told you, what I promise to do for your career, for Brian’s future. And then sign the contract without reluctance and bring it to dinner tomorrow night.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Callahan.” She sighed with relief. Twenty-four hours to think, and plan, and act. Not much, but it was better than signing right away. So far, he hadn’t forced her to do anything appalling, but did he expect her to have dinner with him every night? “I really appreciate your kindness.” She raised her eyes to look at him and smiled.

  “Let’s forget about the contract now and enjoy our evening.” He lifted his flute. “Can we drink to a good working relationship?”

  Definitely more at ease, she clanked her glass against his. “Yes, to a wonderful working relationship.”

  His forehead smoothed and he smiled. “Keep your sweet nature, Natasha.”

  At the fancy restaurant, Hugh introduced her to the two new couples and to Spencer’s wife. The men smiled at Natalie and complimented her on her performance and contract. The women admired her dress, although they were wearing far more elegant and revealing gowns than her demure blue one. Somehow, she looked like the new kid on the block, but everyone made a special effort to make her feel welcome. With four couples around an elaborately decorated table, the official dinner started without problems.

  Hugh ordered the drinks. “We’ve already toasted with champagne, Natasha and I. Now we’ll settle on a tea.” He chuckled. “A Long Island iced tea.”

  Surprised at Hugh ordering tea before dinner, she flipped a glance from one guest to the other and caught a few suppressed laughs. And beyond their table, she caught a glimpse of the busboy clearing a table in front of her and immediately lowered her eyes.

  Good God, it was Eric, his gel-stuck hair looking shorter, his face masked with the fake beard and mustache. And now he’d added a pair of thick glasses. He didn’t look at her, but when she dared glance in his direction, he patted a glass and shook his finger on it. And she remembered his advice to go easy on drinks.

  When the waiter placed a glass in front of her that had the color of iced tea, the busboy grimaced and slowly shook his head. Ah, was something wrong with this drink?

  “Natasha, dear, congratulations on your fantastic performance. Wishing you continuous success.” Hugh lifted his glass and clanked it against hers. The others followed suit with their various drinks.

  As she brought her glass to her lips, she smelled the overpowering smell of alcohol mingled with orange and hardly wet her tongue. Damn, it sure burned, although the taste wasn’t too bad.

  Spencer’s curious look alerted her. She rolled the glass between her hands and glanced to her right, where the busboy lingered with a heavy tray of dirty plates and glasses. He twitched his nose and mouth.

  For some reason, Eric disapproved of that particular drink. She lifted the glass to her mouth. The iced tea didn’t only smell like alcohol, it was pure alcohol. She couldn’t drink, but she could play the game, taking a sip, keeping it in her mouth for a few seconds, and furtively spitting it back. “Hmm delicious.” She clucked her tongue. “But huh...huh, too...huh.” She forced a cough. “So strong. Too much for me. Oh, my stomach. I’m afraid... I... I may vomit.”

  The three women opened big eyes, grimaces of disgust on their mouths. Spencer rolled his eyes while Hugh huffed. “Do you need to go to the ladies’ room?”

  “Yes.” She coughed again, grabbed her glass of water, and gulped down the whole glass. “Sorry.” She sent Hugh a pleading gaze. “I’m so embarrassed.” She reached for a French roll from the bread basket and bit into it. Thank God, it was delicious. “Better... I’m okay now.”

  “You sure? One of these ladies can accompany you to—”

  “No, no, no. Please, ignore me. I’ll be okay. Sorry,” she repeated in a sigh. She looked at Hugh, the corners of her mouth curling down in dejection. Behind his chair, Eric’s mouth relaxed in a grin, and he walked away. “I thought I could drink. Last time, I drank, right?”

  Hugh patted her hand and sighed. “It was only wine. Anyway, no need to drink anything tonight. I want you to enjoy this evening.”

  She nodded and squeezed his hand. “Thank you, Mr. Callahan.”

  “Drop the Mr. Callahan. Just call me Hugh, like everyone else.”

  She offered him a sweet smile. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and bent to kiss her.

  “Mr. Ca... Hugh, no, we’re at dinner.” In panic, she scanned the guests at the table. They didn’t seem shocked. The men snorted and the women squinted at
her, studying her reaction. Thank God Eric had left the main room.

  Hugh laughed. “I won’t rush you, sweet Natasha.”

  This dinner was definitely an eye-opener. And the last of its kind, as far as she was concerned.

  The waiter brought the pre-ordered dinner, set the plates in front of the guests, and poured the wine.

  Hugh snorted. “No wine for you, Natasha. I don’t want to have to carry you, although...”

  They all burst out laughing. She pinched her lips and asked about the successful shows in town. General conversation followed during dinner. Without the threat of a strong drink messing up her lucidity, she was able to savor the delicious steak and potatoes au gratin, and finally recover her calm.

  Right after dinner, Hugh declared he was taking her home. The other guests exchanged knowing glances, suppressed their smiles, and pushed out their chairs.

  Was she the sacrificial lamb taken to the altar, or a new virgin toy for the big boss to toss on his bed? She was glad she’d kept her wits about her.

  Wrapping her shawl around her shoulders, she stood, threw out a general thanks and goodnight, and headed to the door.

  Hugh caught her arm. “Kaleb is bringing the limo around.”

  “No need. I’ll catch a taxi. I put you through enough trouble like that. You don’t have to drive me.”

  “No trouble at all. Besides, I have a few things to tell you.”

  Her heart sank. She climbed into the back seat and snuggled in the corner. He followed her but didn’t try to sit close to her.

  “I noticed you were extremely nervous during dinner. That may have caused your intolerance to a strong drink. Listen, Natasha, I don’t want you to think I want to take advantage of you.”

  She shook her head frantically. “I know.”

  “I still believe your brother would be better off away from that rough neighborhood you live in, but...” He lifted his hand to stop any protest. “But as you said, he needs your affection.”


  “So instead of sending him away to boarding school, I’ll arrange for him to live with you in the condo. Which, by the way, is big enough. And we’ll send him to a private school here in Las Vegas.”

  “Ah, Hugh, thank you so much.” She was so relieved, she forgot her previous apprehensions. “That would be wonderful for him and for me. I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “Just trust me, sweetheart. I want you relaxed and able to give us your best performance.”

  “I will. I promise I will.” She was ready to hug him.

  “Good. Now sign the contract.” The edge of impatience in his voice scared her.

  “I’m too tired now. You said I could do it tomorrow.”

  Hugh frowned and peered at her. “I just want to get the official stuff off our shoulders.”

  A concerned voice played in her mind. Careful, Natalie. Callahan is used to getting what he wants.

  Suddenly she remembered the clause about her brother’s guardianship. He intended to keep it. And would be able to control her with it.

  “Tomorrow, please.” She yawned and closed her eyes. But her chest heaved, and her heartbeat hammered.

  “If you don’t feel comfortable with a contract, we can bypass it.”

  “And my job?” she squealed.

  “I’ll keep my part of the deal. You’ll have the performances, the condo, and I’ll send your brother to school.”

  It was too good to be true. How would she return all his favors?

  She didn’t have to wait long for his answer. “All I want is you, sweetheart.” He pulled her against him and covered her mouth and face with kisses.

  Don’t say no right up front. You’ll antagonize him and won’t get away with it.

  In the grip of a panic attack, she started sobbing.

  He pushed her away from him and stared at her. “Natasha? Why are you crying?”

  “I’m afraid,” she confessed amidst her hiccups. “I’m a simple girl. I’ve had it with everything. Brian and his drugs. My stepfather took half my check. You and your demands.”

  “Your stepfather shouldn’t touch a dime of your royalties. We’ll explain it to him,” he said with a menacing frown. He kept an arm around her back, stroking and caressing. “Sweetheart, calm down.”

  “Sorry.” Horrified by her outburst, she tried to suppress her crying. “Sorry, I’m not used to your ways, your standard of living. Sorry, give me time to adjust.”

  The limousine slowed down and stopped. They both glanced at the window. She sighed with relief at the sight of her house.

  “All the time you want, Natasha.” He gently kissed her cheek. “You’re exhausted and so nervous. I want you to relax. Tomorrow, do something fun. And at three, my driver will be here to help you move to your new condo. I promise I’ll make you happy.” He let her go, and she climbed out without another word.

  Damn it, that man was too strong for her.


  Natalie kicked off her high-heeled sandals and carried them up the stairs to her room. In a swift move, she yanked off her dress and bra, threw them on a chair, and slipped on pj’s before sprawling on her bed.

  Tomorrow at three, Hugh’s driver would be here to help her move to her new condo. Tomorrow at three, her life and Brian’s would change forever. The food roiled in her belly.

  Unable to sleep, she tiptoed to Brian’s room. He was deep asleep with a smile on his lips. A weird, sweet-and-sour odor assaulted her nose. She bent over him and inhaled. And jumped back. He’d been smoking and was completely gone.

  Hugh had been right. To save her brother, she’d have to uproot him from this neighborhood. But Brian would resent her forever if she followed the clause in Hugh’s contract and sent him to a boarding school, and deprived him of her affection. He was her only family.

  The producer had been crystal clear in his contract. By offering her a career, he would bind her to him. If she stayed in Las Vegas, she’d be at his mercy soon. And if she left, she’d save Brian, but she’d forsake her dream.

  Bitterness churned in her stomach at the dreadful thought she would give up dancing and singing. Tears streamed on her face. Then she heard Brian stir and chuckle in his sleep, still under the influence of whatever junk he’d inhaled.

  Damn, her dream could wait for a couple of years when her brother’s safety and health were at issue.

  If she wanted to leave, she’d have to decide and act soon.

  Tomorrow the tabloid magazines would rattle on about her performance, new contract, and career. According to Hugh, they might start hunting her for juicy gossip and scandal. Maybe unearth her brother’s problem with drugs. Maybe create some romance between her and the powerful producer. Hugh hadn’t hidden his attraction to her. Eventually he’d pull her to his bed. People like Jonah and Spencer, and Hugh’s friends, seemed to consider it a normal conclusion of her working with Hugh. Like many artists before her.

  Never, she pledged. She would not sell herself for a career.

  Eric had shown her a way out. She’d better prepare herself and leave with him. To think she’d just met him tonight, yet he’d struck her as an honest man. A bit weird and wild, but candid. And he’d already saved her twice from dangerous situations with Jonah and at the restaurant.

  It was already eleven-thirty. She packed changes of clothes for her and Brian, and fetched their boots, hooded jackets, and caps. And looked around her, wondering what else she should pack.

  Oh, their official papers, passports, birth certificates, her graduation certificates. Her mother had stored them in the lowest drawer of the old desk in the living room. Before going downstairs, she tiptoed to Jonah’s door and listened. No sound of snoring. She slowly opened the door. He wasn’t in his room. Probably still at a bar, spending the check she’d given him. She ran downstairs and collected her mother’s folder and her own with letters of recommendation from her dancing and singing mentors.

  With her precious papers under her arms, she turned of
f the lights in the living room and climbed the stairs to her room to stow the important papers in her handbag. Feeling more relaxed now that she’d acted upon her decision to leave, she adjusted the alarm on her watch and switched off her night-table lamp.

  The squeal of tires on pavement heralded Jonah’s return home. Sure enough, his heavy stomps resonated on the stairs. A moment later, snores emanated from his room and filled the whole second floor.

  Natalie allowed herself a few hours of sleep.

  At three o’clock, the alarm woke her. Careful to move quietly, she showered and dressed in the bathroom. A half hour later, she entered her brother’s room, switched on the night-table lamp, and sat next to him on the bed.

  “Brian.” She gently shook his shoulder.

  He stirred, squinted at her, and surveyed his room. “What’s wrong? Why are you dressed now? It’s still dark.”

  “We have to talk. Mr. Callahan, the producer, offered me a contract to perform for a year.”

  “Ah, so Jonah was right.”

  “About what?”

  “Jonah told me that you’ll abandon me soon to become Callahan’s whore.”

  She gasped. “What a jerk.”

  “Is it true, Natty? You’d leave me here again and go?”

  “No, never. Let me tell you the whole story first and then I’ll explain my decision.”

  The grit of Brian’s jaws didn’t relax. “Explain what?”

  “Callahan wrote a contract he wanted me to sign. I didn’t. You hear me, I didn’t sign.”

  “What was in the contract?”

  “A fabulous salary to perform for a year and a condo in his tower, but he wants me to sign over your guardianship to him. He heard of your problem with drugs. So he wants to save you by sending you to rehab and then to a boarding school.”

  His eyes filled with tears, and he looked like a frightened little boy. “You wouldn’t let him do that, Natty?”

  “I tried to argue with him. To no avail. This man is very strong. We can’t fight him, but...”


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