All That Glitters: Glitz, Glam, and Billionaires

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All That Glitters: Glitz, Glam, and Billionaires Page 22

by Michele Hauf

  “Oh my God, what’s this?” Natalie wailed and threw a hand up, ready to slap her brother. His mood more somber than it had been in days, Eric stopped her, but she was incensed. “Are you insane?” she shouted. “Messed up beyond redemption? I left everything to take you away from drugs, and you brought them with you.”

  “They’re not mine,” the boy cried. “I just smoked weed once in a while.”

  “Really?” she spat.

  “Natalie, stay out of this and let me do my job,” Ken warned. “Who do they belong to?”

  Brian lowered his head and sobbed. “I... I can’t say.”

  “I’ll have to take you to the police station. Believe me, you won’t like the way they interrogate you.”

  “No, please, please, no. They belong to Jonah.”

  “What?” Natalie jolted forward. “Don’t lie. He’s the one who told me about your drug problem.”

  Ken glared at her. “Eric, take her out of the car. I don’t want interruptions.”

  “Okay, I’ll keep quiet, but—”

  “No buts. Let Ken do his job.”

  “Did Jonah send you to get him these?” Ken asked.

  “Yes. Once every two weeks. He gave me a phone to reward me and a sealed envelope with money for the guy I met.”

  “The phone with the tracking device,” Eric grumbled.

  “Did he offer you some of these?”

  “Yes. One night, I was crying. Natalie was away and I missed my mom. He told me it would make me feel better. He was less mean when we sat together, and smoked or swallowed these things.”

  Natalie dropped her head between her arms on her knees and sobbed without restraint. Eric pulled her against him.

  “How come you still have some with you?” Ken continued with his questions.

  “Because Jonah came home late, after I was asleep. Natalie made us leave very early today. I forgot to take them out. Later I remembered they were in my backpack and was so afraid to lose it.”

  “Were you planning to take them yourself?”

  “Not after I met Eric. Honestly, I swear. I used them only because I was so down. Now I have to send them to Jonah or he’ll kill me.”

  “What’s the name of the guy you met?”

  “I don’t know. He always had a black cap covering most of his face.”

  “Listen to me carefully, Brian. If you ever touch any drug again, I’ll send you straight to the police. Clear enough?”

  “Yes, yes. I promise I won’t. What will you do with these?”

  “None of your business.”

  “You won’t tell my name to...”

  “No. We’re going to trust you. Is that okay, Eric?”

  “Yes, I’m ready to trust Brian. I have been in his shoes once, and I changed. I’m sure he can change. Right, Brian?”

  “Yes, yes, I can change if you help me, if I stay with you.”

  “You’ll stay with me.”

  The boy threw his arms around Eric’s neck.

  “Why did I come? Why did I think things would improve?” Natalie’s whimpering broke his heart.

  Eric peered at her with compassion. Would he be able to make it up to her?


  His arm around Natalie’s back, Eric signaled to Ken. “Give the limousine to the valet and come with us. Take care of Brian. In my room.” Like a robot oblivious to her surroundings, Natalie tagged along with him, all the way to the guest room she’d used before dinner at the Pratts’.

  Half supporting her, he sat her on the bed and peered at her, not sure what to do next. Should he stay and try to soothe her or leave and allow her some privacy?

  “Natalie, I’m sorry you had to go through this. Brian is a good boy. He’s willing to change. But he needs a firm hand. Don’t be so desperate.”

  “I was hoping I could help him, but I don’t know anymore.”

  “He took drugs when you were away from him and he was so lonely. But he followed you all the way here.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “I left him with his father when I went to college. I never thought Jonah would hate him so much all of a sudden.”

  “What happened?” He sat next to her and stroked her back to relax her and encourage her to vent her frustration.

  “A sad story. Brian was hit by a car while riding his bike. He needed a blood transfusion, and Jonah wanted to be a donor. But they were not a match. Jonah was stunned and asked for a DNA test. The results were devastating for everyone. Jonah accused my late mother of lying to him, hiding that she was already pregnant when she married him. He removed his name as father on my brother’s birth certificate and refused to take care of Brian, who was only nine.”

  “What a skunk! To remove his name from the birth certificate. He’d raised Brian for nine years and changed his feelings overnight. What’s Brian’s last name now?”

  “I suppose he should use our mother’s name, Stewart. Although at school, he used my name, Borikev, after I became his guardian. I was away at college at the time. Instead of staying with him, I paid Jonah to keep him at home. His drug problem... It’s all my fault.”

  “No, it’s not. What else could you do? You had to finish college. Anyhow, things will change here. Together we’ll keep Brian on the right path. All right?” He cupped her face and smiled.

  “Thank you, Eric. I’ll be forever grateful for everything you’re doing for us.”

  “No, no, no.” He hushed her with a finger on her mouth. “Don’t ever say the word grateful.”

  He caught her gaze. His hand glided behind her neck. Slowly their lips met for a kiss so passionate. Forgetting their past problems and uncertain future, he pressed her against him. She was clinging to him, almost on his lap.

  Damn it, was he crazy? Playing with fire, on a bed, next to her. He eased away. “Now you need to rest.” He crouched in front of her and pulled off her boots.

  “I want to talk to Brian. Make peace with him.”

  “Tomorrow. He must be asleep by now. Ken was supposed to put him to bed. And I’m going to go to my own room right away.” Before he found himself in bed with the wrong person. Actually, the perfectly right person at the wrong time.

  As she rolled to her side, Natalie relished the relaxing feeling of a comfortable bed and a silky sheet skimming her cheek. And bolted up from her slumber. Images of the day before washed over her in waves—the early drive following the Harley, the relaxing flight and nap snuggled in Eric’s arms, the amazing revelation that he was a prince, the heartwarming dinner with his family. All great memories ruined by the horrible discovery of the drug packets in Brian’s backpack.

  Yet Eric had never chastised her brother. On the contrary, he had done his best to excuse him and protect him, and then he’d spent time to soothe her, imparting her with his positive attitude. Her pulse raced as she touched her lips and remembered his passionate kiss. She wouldn’t have protested if he had wanted to spend the night with her. But he’d left. An honorable prince all the way through.

  Appreciation for her handsome host bubbled through her heart.

  Clad in a mid-thigh T-shirt printed with a big Mickey Mouse in lieu of a nightgown, she tiptoed out of her room, searching for the kitchen and a glass of water to refresh her dry throat. She passed the master bedroom and peeked through the door left ajar. And smiled, wishing she could take a picture.

  Her two men slept on the king-size bed, each one on his edge of the bed, each in a T-shirt and shorts. The young one was slumped on his stomach, his arms hugging the pillow, and the older one was sprawled on his back with his hands resting on his flat stomach. Just like two brothers.

  The sight restored her faith in life and brightened her outlook on the future. She returned to her room and gulped water from the bathroom faucet. Lying on her bed, she covered herself with the warm comforter, and drifted off with a smile on her lips and peace in her heart.

  Laughter and loud chatter poked through her dreams. Why were her men awakened so early? With
out a phone or watch, she had no way to surmise the time. Sunlight filtering through the shades alerted her it wasn’t that early. She slid out of bed and let the sounds guide her. A strong aroma of brewing coffee assured her she was heading in the right direction.

  In the kitchen, Ken was frying pancakes with chocolate chips. Eric sipped his coffee and Brian gulped a glass of milk.

  “Good morning.” She waved her hand and inhaled the delicious smells.

  “’Morning, Sleeping Beauty,” Ken said.

  “It’s almost nine, you know,” Brian scoffed.

  “No, I don’t. Without a phone or watch—”

  “One can sleep blissfully, right?” Eric came to her and kissed her cheek as if it were the most natural thing in the world. “I guess you need a cup of coffee,” he added, while his gaze lingered for too long on her legs.

  “Yes, please. Black coffee and pancakes would be heaven.” She moved behind the counter and away from Eric’s gawking. To be honest, she’d been ogling the T-shirt stretched over his chest with the same intensity. He winked at her, and his smirk screamed caught you.

  She perched on one of the stools around the isle and accepted her cup of coffee and plate of pancakes from Ken. “I have to pick up Prince Philip and drive him to the airport. You’re leaving for school at nine-thirty at the latest. Eric, you’re driving them.”

  “Correct.” Eric cleaned his plate and helped himself to a second pancake. “Philip’s flying to Denmark, and then back to London for the birth of his first baby.”

  “Is his wife British?”

  “No, American, but they live in London.”

  “Hurry up, sis.” Brian slid from his stool. “You didn’t even shower yet. I’m going to get ready for school.”

  Natalie rolled her eyes and stared at his back. “Have I heard him right? The boy who used to hate school.”

  “He’s eager to start his new life. I’ll get dressed, too.”

  Natalie finished her breakfast and hurried to her bathroom.

  Twenty minutes later, they gathered in the living room.

  “Good God, you look smashing. Look at that suit,” she blurted, her jaw almost sagging at the sight of the handsome man facing them in gray business attire with a platinum-colored button-down shirt, open at the throat.

  “You stole my line, pretty lady.” Eric laughed at her. “A woman is not supposed to pay a compliment to a man. And look at Brian, looking smart in long jeans and a blue shirt.”

  Eric led them to his car, a shiny black Porsche that he seemed to love as much as his Harley. “Brian, you slide in the back. Natalie will sit in the front.”

  He started the car and caressed the steering wheel. “How I miss her.”

  Brian laughed. “Now that you have her back, maybe I can have your bike to go to school.”

  “Keep dreaming.” Eric burst out laughing, and Natalie marveled at their easy banter and heartwarming bonding.

  Always assuming the role of a young mom, she’d never made time to play or chat with Brian like a good friend, and her brother had never enjoyed a real friendship. On the other hand, she couldn’t replace their loving mother. Maybe stepping into the background and letting Eric handle her little brother would do them all a world of good.

  “What should I say to them?” Brian grumbled.

  “I assume ‘them’ means the principal,” Eric said.


  “Nothing. Let me do the talking and don’t open your mouth, except to smile. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” Brian chuckled.

  That suited her well. “I won’t say a word either, unless you tell me.”

  They arrived during recess and had an interested audience of wide-open-eyed boys ogling the Porsche. Eric waved at the students, and Brian did the same.

  They sauntered to the principal’s office and entered when “Come in” answered Eric’s knock.

  “Good morning, Dr. Taylor.” Eric walked straight to the massive desk and held out a hand to the man with gray hair and gold-rimmed glasses.

  “I’ll be damn... Eric Devereux? Here again?”

  “I couldn’t stay away long, Dr. Taylor. May I introduce a good friend, Ms. Natalie Borikev, and young Brian Stewart, who lives with me now that he lost both his mom and dad.”

  “Ah, I’m sorry. A relative, then?”

  “You can say that... Like a younger brother.” Eric let the principal assume whatever he wanted about their relationship. He ruffled Brian’s hair and the boy smiled to his ears. “I wish he could receive the same wonderful education I received here. As my cousin, Prince Philip, said, you produce ‘men of value’ in your academy.”

  Smart Eric. Dropping names and titles always helped.

  His chest puffing, the principal straightened and smirked. “Ha, ha, another little prince to educate? Why not? School started three weeks ago. Have a seat in the hallway and fill in these papers—applications, health information, goals, activities, and sports interests. Then bring them back to me. Brian may start right away. Usually we wait to see the results of the physical exam, but the doctor is on vacation for ten more days.”

  “No problem.” Eric shook his head casually and ushered them out to the hallway. They sat on a bench and laboriously filled out papers.

  Eric leaned toward Brian’s ear. “When was the last time you used your painkillers?”

  “My pain... Oh...” The boy’s face turned beat red. “I smoked the night before we left.”

  “You can say a thank-you prayer for the doctor’s vacation. A urine test would have closed all doors forever.”

  Brian bit his lip. “It’ll never happen again. I promise.”

  “One more thing. I’ll give you advice you’d better follow,” he said with a stern tone that brooked no discussion. “Don’t ever mention your past. Not even to your best friend in confidence. No talk about any event or memory from Las Vegas. If they ask where you come from, just say you recently lost both your mom and dad, and came here to live with a close relative. Understand?”

  Brian nodded. “Thank you, Eric, for considering me a relative. I wish you were my brother.”

  After squeezing his shoulders, Eric held out a fist and bumped it against Brian’s.

  “They won’t ask for references?” Natalie inquired.

  Eric snorted. “Not after I mentioned Philip’s name.”

  They returned to the office to drop off the papers, and the principal called a teacher. A young man came a few minutes later and invited Brian to follow him. “Classes end at three. Is he taking the bus or is someone picking him up?”

  They all looked at Eric. “Natalie will pick you up with Ken. We’ll leave now. Are you okay?” Eric said in a lower tone.

  “Yes, I am.” Brian gave them a firm nod. “See you later.”

  Her heart beating frantically, Natalie turned her head several times to glance at her little brother. “Oh, God, make it good for him,” she prayed with a quivering voice as she left the schoolyard with Eric. “It’s such a unique chance for him. I hope he doesn’t blow it. I hope nothing comes along to mess it up.”

  “How about giving me a positive smile?”

  She tried and forced a weak stretch of her lips. He burst out laughing. “Not good enough.” He started the car, his face serious. “What do you want to do now? Go shopping or stop at the Conservatory?”

  With a self-conscious look, she examined the blue jeans and blue printed shirt she’d worn the night before at his cousin’s dinner. “Do you think I can present myself like this for an interview?”

  “Natalie, you are a gorgeous woman, whether in your Mickey Mouse nightie or your sparkling dancing outfits or in blue jeans. If you were interviewing for an office job, I would say wear a conservative dress, but they may ask you to dance, so...”

  “Right, I’ll go to the Conservatory. The sooner I get a job, the better.”

  “I’ll drop you there. Then I’d better rush to my new office, if I don’t want to be fired before I even step i
n.” A moment later, he stopped in front of a three-story building that looked like a mansion. “Ken will pick you up whenever you want.” He leaned toward her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “For good luck,” he said with a cheerful grin.

  This man sure knew how to cheer her up.


  Things hadn’t changed much at DIF in the last three years. Other than a couple new faces, the personnel were about the same. People recognized him and welcomed him.

  “Oh my God, Eric is here.” Melissa, the blond receptionist he’d dated for two months, bolted out of her chair and threw her arms around his neck, her seductive perfume swirling around him. “When did you come back?”

  He laughed and removed her arms to free himself. “Only yesterday.”

  Stephanie, a gorgeous brunette who had worked with him on various projects, strode out of her office. “No way, is it Eric or his clone?” Her voice held an accusing tone. She had been the last one to go out with him before he’d quit without notifying anyone. She’d emailed him to come back a few times.

  The men clapped him on the back and shook his hand.

  Mia, the sweet graphic expert who’d never accepted his invitations for dinner, watched him from her chair, her eyes sparkling with joy. He walked to her designing table with a big smile. “So good to see you again, Mia.”

  “Eric, I can’t believe it. So glad you’re back.”

  It was good to be back. To be home, in a way. He spent time with each employee, examining the computer, listening to the complaints. He’d been their troubleshooter and problem solver before leaving. Now he’d have a bigger responsibility to protect the company’s network against hackers.

  Time flew. At five o’clock, they wanted to take him to dinner and welcome him in style. Even Mia said she’d love to go out with the gang.

  Eager to go home to Natalie and Brian, he declined with a warm smile but no regrets. With an inner scoff, he acknowledged that monogamy with the right woman was kind of pleasant. In the basement garage of his building, he met Ken, who was parking an SUV.


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