Maddox: The Wild Ones (Jokers MC Book 3)

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Maddox: The Wild Ones (Jokers MC Book 3) Page 3

by Jessie Cooke

  “I didn’t, boss. She’s not hurt...but she’s mad as hornet, and there’s no way she’ll keep her mouth shut if we let her go. I panicked when I found out who she was. I know how bad this is...”

  “Do you?” Mario asked. “Do you really? I’m not sure you do. I think you believe in your tiny little pea brain that I’m going to give you the go-ahead to kill that girl, and get rid of her body, and Blackheart will never know it was you...but that’s not going to happen, and you know why it’s not?” He didn’t wait for an answer again. “See, Gianni, you don’t have a woman. You don’t have a girl, a wife, a sister, a’ve never known what it’s like to love a woman other than your mother. Your mother is my sister and I would mourn her death, but I wouldn’t give up anything more than a few tears and the money to finance her funeral if she was dead. But my daughter sweet Carmella...if she turned up dead, or even if she simply just disappeared, I would rip apart heaven and earth both with my bare hands until I found the son of a bitch who hurt her and before I killed him in the most painful way possible. I would destroy his life, every part of it. I would humiliate him and anyone close to him, as publicly as possible, and then I’d make those people watch me make him die...slowly. This, you pathetic moron is how Blackheart loves his sister. I spoke to him just a few days ago and offered any help I could give him to find her.

  “Now, you’re telling me that someone in my organization is responsible for her disappearance, and the only chance we have to keep Blackheart from finding that out and feeding us all to those monsters in the swamp is to kill her...and make every trace of her disappear. Jesus fuck...I should kill you myself right now. If I thought that would satisfy Blackheart, I would. But that wouldn’t be enough, and I wouldn’t even blame him. If this was the other way around, and one of his men hurt my Carmella...all of them would be breathing the mud I’d bury them alive in out in that swamp. You and that fat fucking idiot Frankie have ruined me, Gianni!” Mario rarely lost his cool, but before he even realized what was happening, his fist shot out and connected with his nephew’s nose. He heard a crack and felt the warm spray of blood across his own face. Gianni didn’t cry out, and he didn’t move out of his uncle’s reach. He was willing to stand and take his lumps...but Mario was afraid that Gianni had no idea just how painful those lumps to come were going to be.

  Maddox left the Jokers clubhouse weighted down with even more information about them, and Blackheart, than he wanted, but he needed it in order to do his job, and thankfully Blackheart had opened up to him. As a former soldier who had always worked hard to stay on the right side of the law, there were things Blackheart told him that he hadn’t wanted to know. But there was also something about the man that drew Maddox in and made him want to help him. Maybe it was the things Blackheart hadn’t told him, but Maz had. Like the fact that at least half of the programs in the city for kids and families who were struggling were anonymously paid for by the club. Or that he still gave a ton of free food and rent to the people he’d left behind in the Atchafalaya Swamp where he’d grown up. Or maybe it was seeing such a strong, powerful man so vulnerable. Not being able to find his sister was killing him. He’d done something that he admitted was new to him, he’d gone and asked the police to get involved. But once he’d done that he’d lost access to things like video surveillance and other clues that might lead him to finding his sister. The man who normally trusted no one outside of his own circle had been forced to lay the fate of his family in other people’s hands. Maddox left there that day not caring so much about the criminal activities Blackheart had admitted to, but instead filled with empathy for a brother who loved his sister so much that given the opportunity, he’d change places with her, no matter what horrors she might be facing.

  Maz had to get back to California and wanted to stop in and see his parents who lived in the Quarter before he did. Maddox said his goodbyes to him and headed to the hotel that he’d reserved for himself in the French Quarter. He had a ton of work to do, but after almost three days on the road, he needed a hot shower and a hot meal first.

  The place he’d be staying was called the Royal Sonesta. It was a four-and-a-half-star hotel on Bourbon Street. Blackheart had offered him a place to stay, and Maz had said he’d be welcome at his parents’ home. But Maddox liked his privacy and did his best work when he was alone. After ten years in the army and another five doing surveillance off the back of his Harley, in a car, or at some cheap roadside motel, he also liked a few luxuries when they were available. When he had the choice, Maddox didn’t stay in cheap motels...and he also never fucked a cheap hooker. Since Lizzie died, Maddox hadn’t been able to bring himself to even think about dating, or having a real relationship with another woman...but he did have needs, and he was able to convince himself that if Lizzie could see him from heaven, she’d be okay with that. Maddox wasn’t a player and had never been. Lizzie was his high school sweetheart, and his first. If she’d lived forever, she would have been his last as well. But now he never had sex with the same woman twice out of his desire to not lead them on. For the most part he used professionals who didn’t expect anything other than the few thousand bucks he dropped on them in one night. He used apps on his phone mostly and ordered “high class escorts.” That way there was no reason to have to explain his situation or send a woman away with her feelings hurt. It had been a few weeks before he got to New Orleans since he’d had sex. He was beginning to feel the pressure building up inside of him and he knew he’d need to unleash it soon. But first, he was going to get started looking for Brigette Babineaux...right after that shower and hot meal.

  Maddox hoped to find the girl quickly, not only for her sake and the sake of everyone that loved and missed her, but because there was a big fight happening in Vegas in two weeks that he wanted to make it back for. Jacob “The Lion” Wright had been challenged for his heavyweight title and the fight would be a huge pay-per-view event from one of the major casinos in Vegas. As many of the Westside Skulls that could would be headed down, and Maddox held out hopes of meeting them there and having a relaxing weekend filled with boxing, bars, and beautiful women.

  Maddox spent a few minutes in the opulent lobby of the hotel, checking into his room for the week, before at last making it up to his suite. He had been promised a pillow-top king-sized bed, and the first thing he did when he got into the room was walk past the leather sofa and recliner, and flat screen television, and sit down on the edge of the bed. He bounced up and down a few times, ultimately satisfied with his accommodations, and finally found his way into the bathroom. The bathroom was equipped with a large jet-powered tub, a glass-enclosed, walk-in shower, and any and every name brand toiletry that any man or woman might need during their stay there. Maddox immediately stripped off his clothes and stepped into the shower. He liked it hot and once he turned it on, he stood underneath the steaming water for several long minutes before finally adjusting it and beginning to scrub three days of road grime off him. When he finished his shower he brushed his teeth, shaved his face, and dressed in a long-sleeved black t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Maddox had been in the army so long that regular shoes or boots didn’t feel right on his feet. He wore cowboy boots when he was forced to dress up and look nice, but most of the time his shoes of choice were his black leather combat boots. He pulled those on and tucked his wallet into his back pocket before grabbing his motorcycle key and his room key and heading back downstairs to finally fill his empty belly.

  He had four restaurants, five bars, and two coffee shops to choose from. He picked the restaurant where it looked like he could get a nice steak and was led to his table by the gorgeous hostess that made him rethink waiting a while before ordering an “escort” for the night. Her name tag read “Carmella” but even without knowing the common Italian name, it wouldn’t have been hard to guess her nationality. Carmella had long, straight black hair that hung down to her waist and caught every light in the place as she led him to his table. Her eyes were huge and a milk-
chocolate brown with long black eyelashes that surrounded them. She had full lips and Maddox had to force himself not to stare at them until she turned to walk him to his table and revealed a backside that could force a gay man to go straight. He was afraid that she might see what she’d done to him before he had a chance to tuck himself underneath the table she’d led him to, but if she did, she was too classy to let on. She flashed him a smile that would make any dentist proud and said:

  “Your server will be right with you. Can I bring you something to drink?” Even if he hadn’t been thirsty, there’s no way he would have said no and given up an opportunity to once again watch her walk away.

  “Gin and tonic, please, and an ice water.”

  Another dazzling smile and she was gone, but not before he was treated to another good, long look at what she was packing in that skirt. Fuck...either he was extra horny, or she was the hottest thing he’d seen in a very long time. He closed his eyes for just a second and tried to call up something that would make his at-attention cock behave. The best he could do was to recall his conversation with Blackheart as he sat at his desk with that sadness in his front of a monster alligator that he’d allegedly brought down with his bare hands. For the moment, that did it, and when Carmella came back with his drink he at least felt slightly less sleazy without his cock pressing hard into the front of his jeans.

  His server was a female too, but nowhere near as hot as Carmella. He was happy about that because he knew he had to clear his head and focus on where to begin looking for Brigette. He ordered his steak and baked potato and sipped his drink as he flipped through the notebook he’d jotted things down in while Blackheart had been talking earlier. He was particularly interested in a man named Mario Tucci. Mario was the local mob boss and according to Blackheart he and the club were friendly. Mario had come to Blackheart when he first moved into New Orleans and allowed the biker to set the boundaries he was allowed to do business from. That in and of itself was revolutionary, and it made Maddox curious about the man and his organization.

  By the time his food came he had a little list of who he wanted to talk to first. His meal was extraordinary and when he finished it he signed for it to be charged to his room and left a generous tip for the waitress. As he was on his way out the door, he couldn’t help but stop and speak to Carmella. It was rare that he slept with a woman outside of the profession, but he knew it was going to play hell getting this one off his mind.

  “How was your meal?” she asked him. He’d been focused on her perfectly aligned white teeth before, but now he noticed she also had a sexy little dimple on one side of those incredibly hot lips.

  “Fantastic,” he said, smiling back.

  “Good. Are you staying with us here or just stopping by?”

  Maddox didn’t know if she’d take it as an insult, or a compliment, or if she would even consider taking him up on it, but he couldn’t resist. “I’m staying here in room 406. I don’t know what time you get off tonight, but if you’d like to have a nightcap...”

  Still smiling she said, “That’s sweet. You have a nice night, sir, and enjoy your stay.” Maddox nodded at her, knowing full well he’d just been blown off. He was slightly hurt, but as he walked away he told himself that there could be dozens of reasons. She didn’t wear a ring, but that didn’t necessarily mean she wasn’t involved with anyone. Or maybe hotel rules disallowed her dating guests. He didn’t want to believe that she didn’t at least feel some of the attraction, the instant chemistry that he’d felt when he saw her. As he walked back out into the hotel lobby he gave her one last glance over his shoulder. She was still watching him with those giant eyes, and the pretty smile was still on her face. Maddox smiled too. Maybe...just maybe...she’d change her mind and show up after all.


  Maddox was pissed. He’d spent four hours trying to track down the people he needed to talk to, and the only ones he was ultimately able to make contact with were Blackheart’s two other sisters and one of their boyfriends. They were as torn up as Blackheart least the girls were. Maddox wasn’t sure about the boyfriend. For starters, the guy acted like a nervous wreck and actually tried to sneak out before Maddox saw him. Blackheart’s sister Mandy had insisted he stay, almost defiantly, which told Maddox that either Blackheart didn’t know about the guy, or that he didn’t approve. Maddox had a feeling the guy was staying at the big house with the girls, which meant that Billy boy would warrant checking out, and that was where Maddox was going to start. Beyond that, none of them knew, or at least admitted to knowing, where Brigette had gone that morning. The house was huge and they all denied hearing her get up or leave that day. The security system was state of the art and it clearly showed Brigette leaving, alone, and she didn’t look to be in any distress. They at least knew what she was wearing when she left, which might help. At the point where they were at that moment, anything would help.

  Maddox had tried to make contact with Mario Tucci as well, but he was told that Tucci was “indisposed” and wouldn’t be available until the next morning. So he’d returned to the hotel, disappointed and disgusted, stopping at the bar and buying himself a bottle of whiskey before heading back up to his room. He made a pass by the restaurant he’d dined in earlier that evening and was disappointed again to find that there was a young blonde behind the podium where the beautiful Carmella had been earlier. So his night was going to be a complete bust all the way around.

  When he got back to his room he stripped off his clothes again and put on a pair of sweatpants. He was opening his bottle of whiskey when he heard a soft knock on his door. Annoyed, he pulled it open, only to find that the beautiful hostess with the big eyes, full lips, and curvy body was standing in the doorway. She’d obviously gone home and changed since she got off work. She had shed the black silk blouse and black pencil skirt and was now dressed in a cute little summer-style blue and yellow dress, and sandals. She’d pulled that pretty long hair to the side and braided it and for several seconds before either one of them even spoke, Maddox stared at that thick braid and imagined his fingers running through it and pulling that silky hair loose through his fingers.

  “Hi,” she finally said, breaking the silence. As her brown eyes raked across his bare chest, settling for several seconds on the large tattoo in the center of it, he actually shivered.


  “Carmella, remember? You invited me for a nightcap?”

  Shit, he was standing there like a freaking teenager. “Yes, of course. Come in, please.” Carmella smiled and set his insides on fire just by breezing past him and leaving a soft cloud of perfume in her wake. Jesus, he wanted to eat her up. “Please, have a seat...I’ll put on a shirt...”

  She smiled again, this time slyly. “No need on my account.”

  Maddox hadn’t blushed since he was twelve, but he actually felt the heat creeping up from his neck and into his face. He cleared his throat. “Okay, what would you like to drink?”

  Carmella didn’t sit down. Instead, she walked up close to him, so close that he could hardly breathe. She was at least a foot shorter than him so all he could see when she looked up at his face were those gigantic, sexy eyes. “I don’t have a lot of time. Maybe we should just not pretend that I’m here for any other reason than to fuck?”

  Never in his life had he been at such a loss for words, but while he was still trying to find them, his hot hands found her waist and he practically pulled her up off her feet. Bending slightly, he attacked her lips with his own. They were as sweet and soft and hot as he had imagined them, and while they kissed like the newfound lovers they were, Maddox’s hands were roaming, feeling her soft curves through that thin little dress, and finally finding the bottom of it and pulling it up enough so that his palms could press into her hot flesh. Carmella’s hands were on his shoulders and she was running them up and down, squeezing his biceps and letting her fingers trace the gooseflesh that was caused by her touch. Maddox had his tongue deep inside of her mouth wh
en his fingers found the front of her soaked panties, and he felt the rumble of his groan in his chest. He felt more than heard her moan in return and she struggled to stay on her feet as she opened her legs further to allow him to trace his fingers along her moist inner thighs. She must have been thinking about him as much as he was her before she got there, because she was already soaking wet.

  One of his fingers slipped underneath the elastic of her panties just as her mouth left his and he felt her lips on his chest. While she used her tongue to trace the six large inked bulls on his chest, his fingers played with the outer lips of her pussy. He could feel her trembling up against him and it wasn’t long before part of him absolutely had to be inside of her. He thrust first one, and then two fingers up inside of her, groaning again when he felt the smooth muscles clamp down on his fingers. Her teeth clamped down on his skin and she cried out around them as he began to move his fingers in and out of that sweet pussy. One of her hands went to the front of his sweatpants and while he continued plunging his fingers in and out of her, she slid her small hand down inside of them and quickly found his throbbing cock. He literally saw stars in his head when she took the shaft of his cock in her hand and began to stroke it. Her thumb would reach up and slide across the wet head, using his own lubricant to bring him perilously close to an orgasm as she gripped him tightly with her fist and stroked him as good as a pro.

  They pleasured each other like that for some time, hands, fingers, mouths and tongues busy stroking and tasting...getting to know each other in the most intimate way. Maddox was the one to pull his hand away first and when he did, Carmella let out a little whimper. He had to use his own hand to remove hers from his cock, and then he spun her around so that she was facing away from him. He bent down and began to devour the sensitive skin on her neck, and kiss and nip his way across her almost bare shoulders. While he did that, his hips were moving and his hard cock was grinding into her from behind. Carmella reached back and put her hands on the cheeks of his ass, pulling him in even tighter and wiggling her full butt back into him, causing his cock to ache even more than it already did. Her silky braid lay against his chest and while he sucked at her neck he used one hand to un-band and unwind that braid. Once he had it loose, he ran his fingers through it, loosening it and allowing his chest and abdomen to become encased by the long, soft strands. He brushed her hair to the side then and found the zipper on the back of her dress. He pulled it down slowly and then used his teeth to take the skinny straps off her shoulders so that it fell down her arms and pooled around her sandaled feet. His cock jerked again as soon as he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples were big, and dark against her even darker skin, and he took a breast in each hand and continued to suck and bite at her neck while he squeezed and massaged them.


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