Addicted to Her Curves

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Addicted to Her Curves Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Tucking brown hair behind her ear, she knew she should have put her hair in a ponytail or something. The long strands were only going to annoy her. The white ankle-length skirt she wore with a flower pattern and white crop top stood out against her ink, which could be seen underneath all the white.

  Folding her arms, she walked from stall to stall. She wasn’t hungry yet and would wait until later for some food.

  She stopped toward the open field where the town cheerleaders were doing their routine. They would randomly do that throughout the day, giving tourists the chance to watch them. They loved the attention. After one certain flip from six of them, she clapped her hands. Watching the full routine was far too stressful for her as she always worried one of them would end up with a broken neck or something.

  After an hour of walking around, she came to a stop, only to see Beau and Scott up ahead.

  Pressing her lips together, she didn’t want to avoid them exactly, but it seemed wrong to her to seek them out. Seeing no other way to handle it, she forced a smile to her lips and approached them. “Hey,” she said. Her nerves were back in place.

  “Hello, beautiful,” Beau said.

  Both men were dressed in jeans and tight shirts, showing off their impressive, rock-hard bodies.

  Scott didn’t say anything. His gaze was on her and she didn’t know what to say.

  “I better go.” This was pointless and embarrassing. How did she expect them to want to talk to her when she’d shot them both down?

  Scott grabbed her arm. “You don’t have to go anywhere.”

  She really shouldn’t like his touch. He tugged her close. The grip he had on her arm wasn’t painful. She tilted her head back, looking at him. “I think it’s best if I do.”

  To make matters worse, Beau moved in close, his body heat touching hers.

  “Now look at this,” he said. “Doesn’t this feel nice?”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Scott said.

  “You’re both talking in riddles and I don’t know what either of you are implying.”

  Her body heated at their closeness. They were both sexy, both too powerful to deny them. Damn it, did she even want to?

  This wasn’t fair. Glancing around the fairgrounds, she saw no one paid them any attention. They were just a couple of friends having a bit of fun.

  Beau ran his fingers down her arms.

  She gasped.

  He leaned forward. Scott hadn’t let her go either. Beau’s lips danced across her neck.

  She didn’t make a move to pull away or ignore the closeness. What was the point? She’d missed them.

  This is wrong.

  You know it’s wrong.

  Tell them to back off.

  She opened her mouth, about to give them a piece of her mind, only coming up blank. There were no words to attack them with. Why did she even want them to back off? She liked them, a hell of a lot.

  Beau’s lips brushed her ear.

  “Her nipples are nice and hard,” Scott said.

  If it was even possible, he seemed to get closer.

  “I bet they are,” Beau said. “Our woman, she doesn’t want to come between us, but what if we want her to come between us?”

  The way he emphasized the word come, it wasn’t about breaking up a friendship, no, he meant an orgasm.

  “I think she’s starting to get the gist of what we’re saying.”

  She gasped as Scott spun her around. His hands rested beneath her breasts.

  “What is going on?” she asked.

  “Do you want us both to tell you bluntly what’s going on?” Beau asked. “Or can you guess?”

  She tried to step back but Scott’s hold on her tightened. She really shouldn’t like how it felt to be in his arms, but she did. Licking her dry lips, she glanced around the fair once again and Beau got closer.

  “No, you don’t get to think about what others think or feel. This is about you and what you feel.”

  “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  Scott shocked her as his hand cupped her tit, his palm grazing over her nipple. “But your body has a different idea.”

  She couldn’t deny it. Already her pussy was soaking wet.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “It’s obvious, Connie. We want you. We’re going to find a compromise that means we don’t have to pick between our friendship or you. We’re going to share you and the way your body is responding, it’s safe to say you feel the exact same way as us,” Beau said.

  “You both want to share me?”

  “Yes,” Scott said. “We both want to see this naked curvy body between us. I don’t want to deny myself the pleasure of watching you come. Believe me, there are things we can both do to you at the same time that you’re going to love. You’ll crave it.”

  “You’re both crazy.”

  “No, we’re not crazy. We just know what we want to do to you. The real question is, are you going to let us?”


  Scott couldn’t get enough of her and he waited, desperate for her answer. He really didn’t give a shit if people were watching or not. Let them watch, they might actually learn something.

  He’d denied himself this precious woman for far too long and he wasn’t about to hold back, now or ever.

  “We’re waiting for an answer,” Beau said.

  “There’s no rush. Let her get used to the idea.” He knew between himself and Beau, Connie wasn’t going to be able to deny her need for them. Damn it, he loved the feel of her breast in his hand, even the large tit as well. He wanted to strip her down naked and make love, fuck hard, and just consume her, but he had to wait, to be patient. He wasn’t the kind of guy who was known for being patient; quite the opposite.

  He went after what he wanted.

  He’d been different with Connie. Rushing things hadn’t seemed like the best idea. After removing his hand from her chest, he gripped her hip, spun her around, and kissed her. She released a moan, her arms circling his neck, and he ran his hand down her back to grip that curvy ass.

  There was nothing wrong with this woman. She really needed to realize who she belonged to.

  “Do you feel what you do to me?” he asked, breaking the kiss and trailing his lips to her ear.

  Beau captured her hips, spinning her around and doing exactly the same.

  Scott glanced around and saw no one was paying them any attention, and why should they? There was a lot going on at the fair.

  The kiss broke and Connie tore herself from between them. The shirt didn’t hide her arousal. Her nipples puckered against the fabric of the shirt she wore, and seeing them made him want to taste her even more.

  “Okay, you guys are really, wow, I don’t…”

  “How about you think on our offer?” Scott said. “We’ll give you a couple of days to think it over.”

  “A couple of days?” Connie asked.


  “Wow.” She ran her fingers through her hair before going to her lips, touching them. They’d clearly startled her. “I, I think I’m needed. Er, can we talk about this at another time?”


  Beau wasn’t happy. Scott slapped him on the back.

  “You look amazing,” Scott said.

  With that, he nudged Beau away from their woman, and she would be their woman. He had no doubt about it as far as he was concerned. She’d belong to the two of them. She was too curious and even if her mind denied that she wanted both of them, her body craved their touch and he could work with that. They both could.

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Beau asked when they found a quiet spot where no one would bother them.


  “We’re here to claim our woman, and you’re keeping her away. What the fuck?”

  “What the fuck indeed,” Scott said. “You saw her. She wants us.”

  “And why are we wasting time allowing her the chance to come up with any number of excuses? I th
ought you were the clever one, but clearly, you’re a bit dumb if you’re just going to let her go.”

  “I’m not letting her go anywhere. We cornered her here and there’s no way I’m going to allow her to think she was manipulated into being with us. We both agreed we’re in this for life, and I’m taking this fucking seriously. Are you?”

  “You know I am.”

  “So stop your moaning and just follow my lead,” Scott said.

  “Since when did you become the voice of reason?” Beau asked.

  “Since I’m the one who came up with this plan and so far, it’s working.” His gaze followed Connie, and it didn’t look like she knew what she was doing. She kept looking at them, then around at the fair. He watched her hand touch her neck, her chest, her lips. “Watch her, Beau. See how she reacts.”

  “I am.”

  “That’s not a woman who’s going to push us away but a woman who’s curious. We’ve agreed to share and part of that means we’re going to have to trust each other. I don’t want to lose her. Now tell me you’re on board, or I’m going to have to find someone else.”

  “I’m on board,” Beau said. “You don’t have to worry about me in that regard. I need a drink.”

  Scott watched his friend leave and knew where he’d be going as soon as he got a drink. He wasn’t worried.

  Once he grew bored of seeing Beau, he looked back to Connie who stood near a chili tasting stand. She wasn’t in the line, but he waited to see what she’d do.

  She touched her lips again and he smiled. It was nice to know he’d gotten under her skin. She’d been getting under his for as long as he could remember. His only regret when it came to her was not initiating something first. If he’d done that, there was a chance she’d have belonged to him now.

  He didn’t mind the chance of progressing things with Beau either.

  They were good friends and he knew, together, they’d win Connie. It was strange really, they’d been friends for a long time, and there was a short spell when he imagined them both having the same woman, living in the same house, sharing the same life.

  Scott didn’t want Beau sexually. They were really good friends and had been for as long as he could remember. Nothing would come between them, which was why together, they were going to love the same woman.

  It was fate, he was sure of it.

  As predicted, Beau held two drinks as he approached Connie. His friend wouldn’t fuck this up. They both wanted it too damn badly.


  “Drink?” Beau asked.

  “I don’t actually drink alcohol,” she said.

  “It’s a good thing it’s a plain soda then.” He smiled. He’d been tempted to buy her a beer but in all the times he’d seen her, he’d never seen her drink a single drop. There had to be a reason for it. “Trust me. I don’t want to get you drunk or lower your inhibitions, not that I’m saying they’re easily lowered. I’m going to shut up now.”

  She giggled. “You’re sweet, Beau.” She took the drink from him and took a sip. “A soda.”

  “Yep, a soda.” He didn’t know why he repeated her sentence. He drank from his own drink and looked at the stand. The scent of chili was always incredible. He had a weak spot. “You want to try some?”

  “I’m not big on the whole spice thing.”

  “Come on. It’ll be fun.”

  He joined the line and expected Connie to make up some reason to not be with him. She stepped beside him. Progress.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s a good soda.”

  “You know you can still talk to me about anything,” he said.

  “I can?”


  “It’s kind of hard to.”


  “You know, with the whole sharing thing.” She lowered her voice as she spoke the last two words.

  One of the men at the stands was coughing into his shoulder after trying the chili on the end. He held his hand up and waved his retreat and left. They stepped forward.

  “Does it scare you? The truth?”

  “It doesn’t scare me. You’ve both come to this agreement together. I think tearing you two apart is what scared me. I know you’ve been friends for life and it has been all people can say to me for years. I didn’t realize you were both, you know, into me.” She cringed. “I sound like a teenager.”

  “How could you have not known?” Beau laughed. “And you don’t sound like a teenager, but to make you feel a little better, Scott and I, we do fancy you like crazy. We were tempted to leave you a note and ask you to tick which box if you’d go out with us.”

  Her laughter filled the air and it lightened his heart. She was so sweet and sexy. He ached to be with her, and not just for the sex.

  “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t read the signals. I’m not good with all the sexual feeling stuff.” She tucked her hair behind her ear again. They stepped up to the stand as another couple left, coughing. They didn’t even get to the last chili.

  “Hello, Beau, Connie. Are you ready to have your taste buds challenged?”

  “You know me, June. Tease me all you want. So far they have yet to find a chili I can’t eat.”

  “He’s the champion here,” June said. She was a nice older woman, maybe in her late fifties, with a big smile. “This year we even have a vegan entry as well. You’re going to be amazed. Believe me, they’re all amazing.”

  “Hit me with it!” Beau rubbed his hands together.

  June produced a spoon then looked at Connie. “You want to try some?”

  “Sure. Why the hell not?” She was getting into the town spirit. Why not enjoy some good food?

  June pointed at their mildest chili. Connie dipped her spoon into the container and took a bite. It was flavorful and mild. Not a hint of spice. “I love that.”

  “Most people do,” June said.

  “That’s June’s recipe. She brings it out on a couple of celebrations for those who can’t handle the heat.” Beau winked at her.

  “Your boy is a charmer.”

  They put their spoons in a bucket and were given another. They tried two more dishes and at the third, Connie bowed out.

  Beau hadn’t been challenged yet, but as he got to one before the last, he gripped the edge of the counter. “Holy fuck balls. What the fuck!” He slapped his hand against his thigh. “That’s so strong.”

  “Are you bowing out this time?” June asked.

  “Hell, no. Give me another spoon. I’m ready for some more.” He didn’t know if he was going to be able to survive the last one, but he’d certainly be giving it a go.

  He put the spoonful of chili into his mouth and noticed Connie winced for him. How sweet.

  He chewed.

  Fucking hell.

  This was sent by the very devil himself. It was pure fire.


  He felt his eyes water and he closed them, gripping the edge of the counter. Swallowing, he let out a little cough, feeling like he was a dragon as he must be breathing fire.

  Clearing his throat, he winced. “Wow,” he said. “That one is your fire power.”

  “Congratulations, Beau,” June said. “Now would you like me to serve you some?”

  “Sure, give me some of that fire-of-death shit,” he said. He was going to make sure he wasn’t caught so off guard.

  Connie took a portion of the mildest June chili, and they left the stall, finding a small bench and sitting at it.

  “I had no idea you were a daredevil when it came to food.”

  “Oh, yeah, me, I’m all for it.”

  She chuckled. “That was kind of fun.”

  “I wanted to tell you that Scott and I, we’re serious about this. We want you and we’ll do whatever it takes to prove to you that we’re not fucking around.”

  “Beau, you don’t have to do this.”

  “But I want to. I want you to know you’ve got options, even if they are me and Scott. I know you want us
. I saw and felt the way your body reacted. Believe me and trust us, we will make it work for you, for all of us. Give us a chance. We won’t let you down.” He wanted this to work and for her to say yes. They were a damn good team. She just needed to believe in the both of them.

  Chapter Three

  Connie paid for her gym membership and enjoyed the short tour. The woman, Chloe, she believed her name was, didn’t have a lot of time and she promised she’d come back to her if she needed more than a basic tour. Besides, everything was signposted so it wasn’t like she didn’t know where she was going. Everything was all displayed well.

  After changing into her swimsuit, she pulled her hair up onto her head and took a quick shower as was required.

  She didn’t know why she’d decided to join Scott’s gym. All night, she’d been thinking about the two men. Scott and Beau. Beau and Scott. Just thinking their names was enough to make her heart race. All three of them were completely different people. It was crazy for her to even think there was ever going to be anything between them, but late at night, watching the sky from her bedroom, the moon in its full glory, she couldn’t help but hope for a chance. The opportunity to know what it was like to belong to both men.

  Picking between them wasn’t an option.

  Once she showered, she made her way out to the pool area. It wasn’t overly busy. She’d decided to join quite late in the afternoon after taking a delivery in her bar. No one was around and she didn’t feel like enjoying the last of the fair.

  Beau had been busy at the mechanic shop and she knew because she’d stopped by. With tourists in the area, he had to be available to them at a moment’s notice in case of breakdowns, and a lot of them had happened this year alone. He was swamped. He’d wanted to stop but she saw the pressure he was under and refused to be part of the problem and had left him to deal. He probably was annoyed with that, but the next stop had been the gym.

  Scott was in training, but she hadn’t asked for him. He’d told her his schedule plenty of times and she knew he was one of the most sought-after trainers in the whole gym.

  Grabbing hold of the ladder, she climbed into the pool. She hadn’t been for a swim in what felt like a lifetime.


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