Addicted to Her Curves

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Addicted to Her Curves Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “For all we know, the thought of belonging to both of us for the rest of her life could have her running out of town.”

  “She wouldn’t get far. We’d catch her and find a way to make this work. It’s who we are. Now, let’s go and feed her,” Scott said. He didn’t know how to broach the subject of forever with Connie.

  Just getting her to agree to belong to the two of them was a miracle. They were going to face obstacles. She didn’t want the town to know she was dating both of them. That already added pressure to their relationship.

  With their breakfasts on the tray, he carried all three upstairs. Beau could complain all he wanted. He loved it when he cooked for him.

  When he got to his bedroom, the bed was already empty with no sign of Connie. They’d lost her.

  She came out of the bedroom wearing one of his shirts.

  Beau patted the bed. “Come on, darlin’, breakfast in bed.”

  She wrinkled her nose.

  “You don’t like breakfast in bed?” Scott asked.

  “It’s a pet peeve. With all the crumbs. I sound so ungrateful. I love breakfast.”

  “How about I carry this downstairs, and you bring that sweet ass, and we go and eat something all together?” Scott asked.

  If he was being honest, eating in bed wasn’t something he enjoyed doing. Even with ice cream he didn’t like it. The bed was to sleep in, not to eat in. Knowing she felt the same way, he was happy.

  After setting the table, Connie sat on one side of him, Beau on the other.

  “This looks delicious,” Connie said.

  “No bacon.”

  “I’m not a big fan of bacon,” Connie said with another nose wrinkle.

  “You’re becoming my favorite person.” Scott speared a piece of scrambled tofu and took a bite. He loved the stuff and had lived on it for years.

  He watched Connie and saw her appreciation of his cooking. Glancing over at Beau, he saw his friend did the same.

  This was everything he wanted. All he’d ever dreamed about. He’d had to wait for the right woman to make it happen, but he saw a future, and he wasn’t going to fuck that up.


  Connie stared down at the order form.

  Her body still ached in all the right places. Her bar was supposed to be opening tonight. The morning with Scott and Beau had been cut really short.

  Beau had a mechanical emergency and Scott had a client at the gym. She saw no reason to not be at work to finish off the last-minute preparations of her bar. She’d already been at the place for an hour and still, her mind was on last night. It had all happened so fast. Part of her had expected to feel like a slut, but she didn’t.

  She should.

  Two men.

  Two amazing men.

  They both wanted her and last night had been the best she’d ever had. She put the order form down and instead went to the tables, and put the chairs on the floor, setting up the bar to be ready for when the first customer came in.

  She opened up the main doors to allow some fresh air in. It was a hot day, and with her thoughts running wild about the night before, she needed to cool down. She went out to the back, poured herself a glass of water, added ice, and made her way into the hot air.

  Sipping at her water, she touched the edge of Scott’s shirt. She hadn’t taken it off.

  The scent of him had already worn off, and she didn’t want to turn into one of those crazy people, but she could already feel her need for him building once again. The same for Beau.

  Less than a week ago, she hadn’t been in any kind of relationship or even hinted at being with anyone. Now, she was with two men. Two best friends.

  It was crazy.

  They’d also agreed to her conditions about keeping their sex life private. She usually didn’t care what people thought of her, or at least, she dealt with it swiftly. With Scott and Beau, she had feelings for both men, and she didn’t want anyone interfering with their relationship, not right now. People had a tendency to meddle where they didn’t belong.

  When the time was right and she knew for sure what was going on, she wouldn’t want it to be a secret forever, but for now, she felt it was important for all of them to keep it that way.

  She finished off her water, and with her being off in fairyland with her thoughts, the time had passed way too quickly. She needed to get Beau and Scott out of her head and focus on work.

  After picking up the order form, she went out back, counted everything, ticked off what she’d need, and then got to work on some of the food. She only offered basics.

  The first of her staff began to arrive, along with a couple of the regular customers.

  She ended up staining Scott’s shirt and having to change out of it, putting the fabric in to soak, and hoping it wasn’t his favorite shirt she’d just ruined.

  With customers, she was able to focus on actual work, serving them some food and beer as they wanted.

  She’d finally gotten into the flow of her job when Beau and Scott arrived. She’d been pouring beer into a glass and it ended up spilling over the edges, coating her hand. She jumped back, cursing her distraction. They were sexy, no doubt about that, but she should at least be professional.

  They’d been coming into the bar for months, years even, and she hadn’t responded like this.

  Now you know how they feel inside you and it’s driving you crazy.

  She wanted them again.

  Sex had never caused her to be like this. She was a level-headed woman. Sex was fun but right now, it dominated her thoughts.

  After washing her hands, she cleaned the floor and finally turned her attention to her two men. That was going to take some getting used to.

  “Hello, beautiful,” Scott said.

  All she wanted to do was lean over the counter and kiss each man, but she couldn’t. She’d been the one to put in the clause that she didn’t want the town to know. The customers tonight were a mix of regulars and tourists.

  Instead, she tucked her hair behind her ear and ran her hands down her thighs, which only made her remember the way Beau held her as he fucked her hard and fast. His cock had been so hard and because she’d made him come earlier in the night, he’d been able to go for longer. He’d given her multiple orgasms before he’d allowed her to find any kind of release.

  Both of these men were deadly to her equilibrium.

  “Did you get done with all of your work? Cars are fixed? Women are happy, men too?” she asked.

  Beau chuckled. “All cars are fixed. Batteries replaced. My job as being the best damn mechanic is sealed.”

  “Good news.”

  “And the same goes for me,” Scott said. “I’ve got a lot of happy clients.”

  She chuckled.

  “And don’t think we don’t see what it is you really want,” Scott said. “I’d give anything right now to lean over this counter and kiss you senseless. This clause you’ve got, your condition, we need to change it.”

  “Not going to happen,” she said, even if she wanted it to. She was starting to settle her roots. She loved the town, the community, and she wouldn’t risk it.

  What about for love?

  This made her pause.

  She didn’t love these two men, yet, surely? No, not yet. Loving two men wouldn’t work. They were having a bit of fun.

  Here she went, already putting pressure on a relationship when it really didn’t need it. She had to get her shit together and fast.

  “How about I get you guys a beer?” she asked. Serving beer was what she was all about. She could handle drinks and all that entailed. It wasn’t complicated. It was easy. Anyone could do it.

  Scott and Beau both agreed to the beers. She grabbed them their usual order and they took a seat in the corner. Both her men were a little predictable. Rather than let her waitress serve them, she did.

  She needed to get her jealous streak under control or it was going to cause her a few troubles. Scott and Beau were hers, but only for as long
as this lust lasted.


  “I don’t like the way men look at her,” Beau said.

  All day, he couldn’t get her out of his mind and watching her now, all he wanted to do was take her home, fuck her, and make her theirs once again.

  “Did you see the way she looked at us?” Scott asked.


  Scott chuckled. “You really need to start thinking about something else here.” He rolled his eyes. “Connie wanted to kiss us when he turned up.”

  “She did?”

  “You were too busy looking at all the men, weren’t you?”

  “Yeah, did you see the way they were watching her?” He didn’t like it. She belonged to them, and he had a little jealous streak.

  She walked over to them, carrying two beers. “I hope you boys have a good time.”

  “We’ll have an even better time later,” Beau said.

  “Beau’s or my place?” Scott asked.

  The blush on her cheeks deepened and he saw her get flushed.

  She glanced around. “I figured you guys could stay here, if you don’t mind?”

  “What time are you planning on closing?” Scott asked.

  “A little after midnight.”

  “We’ll stay,” Beau said.

  He wanted to be inside her again, and the only way to do that was to stick around. Scott talked about a couple of his clients and some of the new workouts he was trying. Beau didn’t go to the gym. He lifted weights at home and sometimes went for a run. He only ever needed the additional exercise when his life wasn’t going how he wanted it to.

  The crowd built up and Connie kept bringing them beers, cleaning up. He watched as she chatted with customers, creating a relationship with everyone.

  Men gravitated toward her, her sweet smile drawing them in.

  The place got way too busy and just before midnight when it was time to leave, a couple of men broke into a fight over a pool game gone bad.

  Scott was already into the action, using one of the pool sticks to restrain the man who wouldn’t back down. The cops were called and Beau held the crowd back. No damage was done as the cops didn’t take long to respond. Connie hated violence and she didn’t want her bar to get a bad reputation.

  With that in mind, it gave them all the perfect excuse for clearing people out. Those who had drunk too much, Connie had already called cabs for, or relatives. She had a list of people to call in the event of someone drinking too much.

  Beau saw the last guy out, locking the door.

  Scott had a mop in hand, and Connie was out in the back. They all cleaned up. This wasn’t their first time doing this.

  His cock hardened at the thought of fucking her, of having her naked body between them.

  After an hour, she came out the back, carrying a tray with food. “Do you want to eat here or upstairs?”

  They had yet to see her living space, and Beau wanted to get to know her better.

  “Upstairs,” he and Scott said at the same time.

  She chuckled. “You want to see my lair?”

  “You’re a mystery, Connie, no doubt about that.”

  “Not much of a mystery. Believe me.” She moved toward the back, off the kitchen. Everything was locked up.

  Scott got the door for her, and Beau followed close behind. He didn’t like the thought of her being out here all alone, but no one had tried to break into the bar.

  There was another door, and she handed him the tray as she opened it and turned off an alarm.

  “Rick, one of the cops, came by late one night after I called in a suspicious noise. We think it was a wild animal or something. He advised I get a bit more security. I also have a direct line to the station,” she said. “I’m not one for a lot of alarms, but in this day and age, you can never be too careful.” She flicked on the light.

  Her home above the bar smelled fresh. No lingering scent of fried food. She quickly closed the curtains, and he took in the sight of her main sitting room.

  It wasn’t a big space. Enough room for one cozy sofa, a television. She had several shelves of books though. Some fiction, mostly cooking. He also noticed a sketchpad on the floor. It was closed and he had to wonder if she liked to draw.

  She took the tray from him and moved toward another small room.

  “I don’t have much, but it’s home.” She had a small, four-seat dining table. “You’ve seen the living room, and this is the dining room. Through there is the kitchen. Around the corner is a bedroom and a bathroom. I don’t have an en-suite.”

  “Your place is lovely,” Scott said, pulling out one of the chairs.

  “It’s nothing like your place.”

  “I’ve been building that place for years. It’s got a nice yard. The perfect home to raise a family,” Scott said.

  They all paused.

  Beau looked toward his friend as if he had a third head or something. This wasn’t exactly how they wanted to talk about this. They were all still new at this relationship and the last thing he wanted to do was freak her out.

  “A family?” Connie asked. “You know, I’ve never asked you guys, but do you have ex-wives or kids?”

  “No,” Beau said.

  Scott shook his head. “If we did, there would have been someone to tell you. We’re both single, no kids. You?”

  “If I had a kid, I’d have one with me. No marriage. I’ve never been with anyone I’d consider spending the rest of my life with.”

  “You think marriage is the final endgame?” Scott asked.

  “Don’t you? When I marry, I want it to be forever, you know? I’m not playing around. I guess that makes me a little old-fashioned, but it’s the way I am. Not that I think I’m ever going to get married.”

  Chapter Five

  Why did she bring up marriage?

  Connie hoped they’d let that little reference slide. Everything between them was so new. She was thankful they both started eating and didn’t ask her.

  There was no way it could work between all three of them. They barely knew each other. That was a lie. They did know each other but this was their first real time together, enjoying one another.

  Glancing over at Beau, then Scott, she knew they were both amazing men. She’d heard several women in the bar over the years talking about what a prize it would be to get either one of them, and now she had both men in her home. She’d felt both men.

  “You know I can feel your thoughts, Connie,” Scott said, staring right back at her. The heat in his gaze was hard to ignore.

  Her nipples hardened as she remembered how good it felt to have his cock deep within her. She sipped at her water, sat back, and smiled. “Oh, yeah, and what am I thinking right now?”

  It was good to flirt, a lot of fun, in fact.

  Beau chuckled. “I think she wants to play.”

  “Of course she does.”

  Her heart raced.

  “You’re thinking about how good it would be to have both of us inside you right now. Tell me, Connie, you ever had a man fuck that hot ass of yours?”

  She nibbled on her lip. She was never one for nervous twitches but with these men, it was next to impossible to just take what they had to offer. “No, I haven’t.”

  “What do you think, Beau, should we get her ready to take our cocks? She’s going to love it either way,” Scott said.

  “I’ll take her any way I can get her.”

  That shouldn’t have sounded so hot, and yet, it did.

  “Stand up,” Beau said.

  “You’re ordering me around.”

  “You’re going to like what I do to you, so you might as well comply.”

  She didn’t see a reason to argue and got to her feet. Starting with the shirt, she opened each button, completely infatuated as both men looked at her. It was like they needed to devour her. She was a prize to them, and what was more, she loved it.

  After shaking off the shirt, she went to her pants, stripping them off so she stood in only her under
wear. Next, she did her bra, her tits falling free, and she was so fucking grateful as the constricting fabric was starting to bite into her flesh. Once she’d wriggled out of her panties, she waited, naked.

  “What next, Sirs?” she asked.

  Beau and Scott were on their feet at the same time, their hands touching her body.

  Scott was first, holding one of her tits, cupping her face, and turning her face so she had no choice but to kiss him. As his lips consumed her, Beau’s other hand went between her thighs, stroking her pussy. He plunged two fingers deep within her already soaked walls. She screamed his name, spreading her thighs open, begging for more, desperate and hungry for whatever they gave her.

  She felt completely possessed. Scott broke the kiss, and Beau took his place. This left Scott to trail his lips down her neck. She released a gasp as he bit on her neck. Shockwaves rushed through her body. Beau deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into her mouth.

  Scott didn’t stay in one place. He moved down her body. His lips and tongue driving her wild as he flicked across her nipple.

  Beau let go of her so Scott could lick and suck at her tits.

  “Bedroom,” Beau said.

  Before she got a chance to reply, Scott lifted her up over his shoulder and carried her toward the bedroom. She let out a giggle as he slapped her ass.

  Fire filled her body.

  She was hungry.



  “Please,” she said.

  Scott dropped her to the bed, spread open her thighs, and his mouth went straight to her pussy. His tongue danced across her clit, down to her entrance, and back up.

  Beau straddled the bed.

  In the process of getting from her dining room to her bedroom, he’d rid his body of his clothes, and they were now both naked.

  His cock pressed against her lips and she opened her mouth, taking him inside. She moaned around the length as salty pre-cum glided across her tongue. She felt half-possessed as these men worshipped her body.

  Scott worked her pussy with his tongue and fingers, alternating between the two, driving her higher toward orgasm. Over and over, he took her to the very edge but didn’t let her fall over.

  “Please,” she said, begging for whatever release her men would give her. Neither one was in a rush to give her exactly what she wanted.


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