Addicted to Her Curves

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Addicted to Her Curves Page 6

by Sam Crescent


  Beau wondered if she even realized she had tears in her eyes. She was close to crying. He took her hand, pressing a kiss to her inner wrist, and hoped he could offer her any kind of support and comfort. He didn’t like seeing her like this.

  “What makes you think this isn’t going to work?”

  “Think about it, Beau. You and Scott are two best friends. I’m one woman. You can only marry one person. Then there’s kids, and it sounds like one big mess. Not to mention the town. If we were to make this work, could you imagine how cruel people could be? I’d be known as the slut who seduced two men.”

  He laughed.

  “Don’t. It’s not a joke.”

  “I love how you think the town would see me and Scott as the victims of your evil seductress ways.” He chuckled.

  “They will.”

  “And if they do, Scott and I would put them in their place. You have to realize that is exactly what would happen.” He kissed her hand once again. “We’d protect you. Do you see us being together long-term?”

  He and Scott were hoping for forever. Her period had kind of thrown a wrench in the works. For over a week, they hadn’t used a single condom. Each of them taking the opportunity to fill her pussy, hoping to get her pregnant.

  It would all have to start again.

  Part of him did feel a little bad for even considering it. They were both crazy about her and wanted to make this work. Forcing a pregnancy was a little extreme but these were trying times.

  He let go of her hand and soaped up the sponge. He began to wash her body. His cock hardened as it always did just by being near her. All he ever wanted to do was be inside her. He could be under the hood of an engine, beneath a car, or in his office, and he’d think about how tight, hot, and amazing it would be to have her wrapped around his length. He would gladly fuck her all day, every single day.

  He and Scott had already agreed they didn’t need to be with each other to enjoy her. It wasn’t a competition. He’d enjoyed her without Scott being present and his best friend had done the same.

  This was a relationship but he realized they had to make Connie see the same.

  After washing her body, he took care of her hair. Using shampoo then conditioner, washing it each time. With her completely clean, he helped her out of the shower. When it came to drying, she asked to be alone.

  He didn’t argue and went to go and find Scott. He was tossing a salad and fixing some kind of pasta. Between the two of them, Scott was the better cook. He either enjoyed a good takeout or used the microwave to heat up whatever dinner he fancied for the night.

  “She doesn’t think this is going to work,” he said.

  Scott stopped stirring to look at him. “And?”

  “All she sees is how bad people are going to look at us. What they’re going to say. How they’re going to treat potential children.” Beau sighed. “What are we going to do?”

  “Exactly what we have to. I’m not walking away. We knew it wouldn’t be easy.”

  “What will we do?” Beau laughed. “She thinks the town will turn on her for being the evil seductress that manipulated us.”

  “It takes a lot for Connie to trust. We knew this going in. I’m not willing to give up. We know what we want, Beau. Unless this is too hard for you.”

  “It’s not.”

  “Good. She didn’t like those women being near us and it felt good sending them away. I’ve got no problem with the town finding out we love one woman. The sooner they do, the better it will be. We can curb all kinds of gossip. Let them all know we won’t stand to see her hurt.”

  “What do you suggest?” Beau asked.

  “No longer hiding behind closed doors. We take her out to dinner. Be seen together.”

  “And what about getting her pregnant? Are we going to keep trying?” Beau didn’t know if he wanted to do that. It seemed wrong.

  Scott rubbed the back of his head. “I don’t know about that.”

  “If she’s not even certain of forever now, adding a baby could freak her out.” Beau didn’t want to do anything that risked losing her or forcing Connie to make a decision she wasn’t ready to make.

  “Let’s take it one day at a time. It’s really all we can do. For now, she’s hungry, tired, and moody.”

  “I thought women turning evil during that time of the month was just an exaggeration,” Beau said.

  “It is,” Connie said, coming out of the bedroom. She’d tied her bathrobe around her. her hair was wet still. She looked beautiful.

  “Oh,” he said.

  “Do you think I’ve been evil?”

  “No.” He and Scott both answered at the same time.

  “You’re both lying. How have I been evil?”

  He looked at Scott.

  “Hey, I’m right here.”

  “You looked like you were going to tear our dicks off if we even considered those women tonight,” Scott said. He brought out two plates of food.

  “I was not. That is so exaggerating.”

  “You didn’t see your face.”

  “Well, I didn’t mean anything by it,” she said. “I didn’t think. Look, can we forget those women? They don’t make me comfortable.”

  Scott returned with his own plate. He pressed a kiss to her neck and Beau watched her close her eyes and sink against him. She was falling for the both of them.

  He had to wonder if they were working this right. He didn’t want to screw it up. This was his future and he’d do whatever it took to make it work.


  “It’s really beautiful weather,” Connie said, tilting her head up to the sky.

  Scott watched her as he nibbled on a strawberry.

  Taking her out on a date was a ruse. He was tired of doing everything behind closed doors. The park was full. The sounds of screaming kids filled the air. Families and couples had all come out for the weekend and he found it the perfect excuse to have his woman outside for the world to see. No more hiding.

  She wore a yellow summer dress with white daisies on the print. Her long hair fell down her back. Her feet were bare as she’d kicked off her flats. Every now and then, she put her feet down on the cool grass and ran them back and forth. The dress was long enough that no one got a glimpse of what was beneath.

  Did she even realize how tempting she looked?

  His cock threatened to burst from his zipper.

  “What was it you needed to talk to me about?” she asked, sitting up. The strap of her dress slid down her arm. She wasn’t wearing a bra but the bodice of the dress offered her support.

  There was no chill in the air.

  She tucked some hair behind her ear and offered him a smile.

  After picking up a strawberry, he dipped it into the cream and pressed it to her lips.


  “Take a bite.” Cream already smeared her lips.

  She opened her mouth and took a bite. She closed her eyes and moaned. “Juicy.

  “Just like your pussy.”

  “Scott, there are kids.”

  “And they’re not even close.” He dipped the strawberry back into the cream and pressed it against her lips. This time, she finished it off without him instructing her.

  “You do know people can see.”

  “So what? They will see me feeding you strawberries.”

  “And jump to a million different conclusions,” she said.

  “Let them.”

  “Nope. That’s how rumors start. Besides, you’ve gotten me to your picnic and you haven’t even told me why.”

  “I want to spend some time with you.”

  “You told me it was an emergency on the phone.”

  “It is. I needed to see you so I could feed you. You’re here and I’m now able to do that.” He winked at her.

  “Ah, so you lied to get me here.”

  “My need is very real. I need you, I want you, and now you’re here.”

  “You do realize this goes against
the condition I had.”

  “We’re friends. The town can suck my dick. We’re having some fun and friends can enjoy a picnic without there being any double meaning.”

  “What double meaning?” Beau asked, taking a seat.

  “Our woman here is worried what the town will think of me feeding her strawberries and enjoying a nice picnic with her.”

  Beau picked up a strawberry, dipped it into the cream, and took a bite. He moaned. “Oh, wow, these are so good. You usually get really sour ones but these are so sweet. Connie, you have to try.”

  He dipped the strawberry into the cream.

  “I’ve already tried some.”

  “And try some more for me, please. I want to see what you think.”

  Connie looked between the two. “Don’t think I don’t know what it is you’re doing. I do. I see it and I know.”

  “What?” Beau asked.

  They had both agreed they needed to take Connie out of her comfort zone once and for all. The only way to do that was to stop hiding. He didn’t want to hide, not even a little bit.

  She opened her mouth as Beau now fed her a strawberry.

  “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Beau asked.

  “I don’t know. I guess the potential damage to my reputation is there.” She shrugged.

  “Look, if anyone is going to start on you, you come to us. Beau and I will put them firmly in their place,” Scott said. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I promise.”

  “I think you’re both bad for me. You’re making me forget a whole lot of choices right now.” She breathed out a sigh.

  “And what choices are those?” Scott asked.

  “I promised myself I wouldn’t let a man make me do stupid things.”

  “Well, if it makes you feel any better, there are two men who are doing this for you,” Beau said. “You can blame us for everything.”

  They both had a chuckle and she rolled her eyes. “You’re both bad for me. You know that, right?”

  “And we want to be very, very good for you,” Beau said. This time he kissed her inner wrist.

  Connie glanced around the park. “It is nice being out in the open, isn’t it?”

  Scott smirked.

  Her cell phone went off. He watched her face scrunch up. “I’ve got to go. It would seem my delivery is wanting my guy to sign off on stuff that hasn’t even arrived.” She got to her feet and before either of them could stop her, she was gone.

  Scott cursed. “Fuck.”

  “That didn’t go how we wanted it to,” Beau said.

  “It’s a start. It’s all we could ask for.”

  “What’s the plan then? Keep forcing her outside with our undivided attention until she lowers her guard?”

  “That’s pretty much what I’m going with so far,” Scott said. He opened a bottle of water and took a large sip. “It’s not going to be as easy as I hoped.”

  “Well, she’s a tough woman and we both want her. We should have known from the start this wouldn’t be easy.” Beau ate another strawberry. “These are really good.”

  “I’m so glad you approve.”

  “I do. Is there any reason we’re still out in the park? I’ve got shit to do.”

  “No.” Scott stood up and started to pack the food. He and Beau weren’t known for having picnics. He really hoped he knew what he was doing.

  Chapter Seven

  Beau growled as he cut himself on an old rusty part. Dropping the part on the worktable, he moved toward his office and then grabbed the first aid kit. He hated it when he made stupid mistakes. He’d had a tetanus shot not long ago, so he wouldn’t have to worry about any infections.

  “Hello,” Connie said.

  “Out back, baby,” he said. With one of his hands bleeding, he struggled to get into the medical kit for the wipes and bandages he needed.

  “Oh, shit, what happened?” Connie asked. She rushed to his side, putting an aluminum can on the counter and coming to his aid.

  “A cut. Nothing too bad or too deep. Believe me. I’ve had worse.”

  “You have?”

  “Yep. Climbing a tree back when I was ten. Scott dared me. Told me I was a pussy if I didn’t get to the top branch. Proved I wasn’t a pussy and got a broken leg out of it. I fell right out of that tree.”


  “Yep. Don’t worry. I told Scott he couldn’t dive thirty feet into the river. He did, and got a broken arm for it.”

  “That doesn’t give me comfort. You two seem to enjoy being daredevils.”

  “We do. It’s friendship for you. Break as many bones as possible and have your buddy help you back home.”

  She chuckled. He loved the sound.

  She wiped clean the dirt and oil from him working on the car. “You do need to be more careful.”

  “This won’t be the last cut, believe me. Rusty old parts, even new parts, they can hurt.”

  “That doesn’t exactly give me comfort.”

  “I bet you cut and burn yourself all the time.”

  “I’m in the kitchen. It’s a given.”

  “I’m a mechanic, it’s a given.”

  She chuckled. “I wonder what kind of damage Scott does.”

  “He pulls muscles. He’s a bit of a girl. He wouldn’t know a real injury.”

  “Like a hamstring?”

  “Or his face from straining. No, you know the worst, one of his clients farting in his face and him having to eat it up.”

  “You’re disgusting and we’re so mean.”

  “Yeah, but it’s also getting you to smile. I consider that a plus.” As she cleaned his hand, he reached out and tucked some hair behind her ear. He wondered if she even realized she pressed her head closer to his touch.

  “There, all better,” she said.

  His hand was bandaged up.

  “So what about the car? Is that in bad shape?”

  “For now it will be. I’ll fix it. I like to fix everything. What brings you to my place?” he asked. “Bad car?”

  “No. More like a thank-you-for-putting-up-with-me gift.” She picked up the tin. I baked you some double chocolate chip cookies.”

  “And why would I need a thank you for putting up with you?” he asked.

  “Simple, I know I can be mean and cranky. I try not to be but I suck at it. This is my sorry and I hope you can forgive me.” She opened up the tin. “Want to try one?”

  He wouldn’t deny her anything. After taking out a cookie, he had a bite. The cookie melted in his mouth.

  “Apology accepted.” He finished the cookie in two bites.

  “I’m pleased you like.”

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her close. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he tilted her head back and claimed the kiss he’d been hungry for all morning. She’d been fast asleep once again when he’d gotten the call for a breakdown.

  Having a tow truck was starting to be the bane of his existence. He was going to have to put a little clause in his breakdown cover. No one could call him until nine o’clock. So far, Scott was the only one who’d been able to see her in the morning. Scott had the better deal. He didn’t have people calling him demanding to be re-weighed. It sucked.

  He loved cars though and wouldn’t change his career choice, even if it did interfere with his time.

  Someone cleared their throat and Beau had no choice but to let her go. He looked over her shoulder and saw Mrs. Dale.

  “I’ll be out in a moment,” he said.

  “Good.” She spun on her heel and left.

  Shit. She was the town gossip.

  “I better go,” Connie said. “I’ve got another tin of goodies to distribute.”

  “Do I get another kiss?” he asked.

  She pressed her lips to his cheeks. “Tonight.” Then she left.

  Before going to serve Mrs. Dale, he grabbed his cell phone and dialed Scott.

  “What’s up?” Scott said.

  “We may have a bit of a problem.”
br />   “Yeah?”

  He told Scott about kissing Connie and Mrs. Dale seeing them.

  “I don’t see what the problem is.”

  “We all know Dale is the town gossip.”

  “And we’ll handle it. Don’t worry about anything until it’s upon us, Beau. There’s no need to worry. I can’t wait to see our woman. I’ll let her know you send her love.”

  Scott hung up before he got a chance to say anything more.

  Gritting his teeth, he closed his cell phone and went to deal with Mrs. Dale. The woman was tapping her credit card on the counter with pursed lips.

  “I had no idea you and the bar woman had a thing going,” Mrs. Dale said.

  He simply smiled.

  “I saw her with Scott not too long ago.”

  Beau looked at the woman. “Your car is good to go. I would advise you not to wrap it around any more poles or garbage bins,” he said.

  She had a lot of money to burn and was constantly bringing the car back to him to fix. She clucked her tongue and left. Beau knew she was going to be trouble. He only hoped Scott knew what he was doing when it came to Connie.


  Anticipation filled Scott.

  He cleared all of his clients and sat at his desk, going through the accounts. There was nothing keeping his attention and that was because his woman would be showing up soon.

  He checked the security feed from his laptop and watched as she entered. Connie smiled at Chloe and he’d already given his employee the instructions to send his woman right on back here.

  Beau: Mrs. Dale is a bitch and she’s going to spread the gossip.

  His cell phone pinged with the message.

  Fuck. Mrs. Dale knowing about them messed with his plans.

  Tapping his finger on the desk, he knew they were going to have to deal with gossip. Living in a small town pretty much guaranteed it. Now he was pissed off. He didn’t know what to do.

  His door opened and he smiled. Connie had a nice flush to her cheeks. She wore a skirt this time and a very low-cut crop top, showing off the tops of her breasts.

  “I guess Beau has already told you what’s going on,” she said.

  “I can’t wait to see why you want to see me.”


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