The Storm

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The Storm Page 21

by K. C. Crowne

  As I entered, Tracey hugged me until I felt my lungs would burst and brought out the biggest cake I'd ever seen.

  From the kitchen, a bottle of champagne was brought out with great ceremony and the cork popped open. Glasses were filled and cheers echoed around the room. Outside, the sun shone brightly as the snow melted from the streets.

  A few minutes later, people started to filter in. Walter was first, then Aleister the bank manager.

  When Sheriff Baxter appeared, it felt as though everyone was making an appearance.

  “Wow. Word travels fast. You're one popular guy,” I said to Jackson after I was hugged by what felt like the hundredth person. “Everyone in this town loves you. You've got hundreds of friends.”

  “Hundreds of friends to make an announcement to. Are you ready to tell them all the good news?”

  I looked around at all the already smiling faces and nodded.

  “Come on,” he said, taking my hand. “Do you want to tell them or should I?”

  “I want to,” I said.

  Taking a glass from the counter, I tapped a fork against it until everyone was looking my way. There was a warmth on everyone's faces as they watched me, a warmth that showed me I belonged. I was a newcomer to the town, but I felt as though I had lived there my whole life.

  Once I had everyone's attention, I took a deep breath as my heart battered against my ribcage.

  This is it.

  The happiest day of your life so far.

  All I had were more days to look forward to. The birth of our baby. The day of our wedding. The success of the store. As I opened my mouth, I felt truly blessed.

  “Thank you so much for all coming,” I began, unable to stop smiling.

  “Hey! Where's there's free cake I'll be there!” chuckled Walter.

  There was a sarcastic ripple of laughter throughout the room.

  “Well, asides from the free cake,” I continued. “I'm so glad you're all here because there's something else we have to tell you.”

  I paused for dramatic effect, enjoying the expectant look on all their faces.

  “We're having a baby!”

  For a split-second, the room fell into a speechless silence, then a moment later, a huge cheer rang out. The boys whooped and congratulated Jackson some more.

  “I'm gonna be an uncle!” yelled Jared, slamming himself into Jackson for a big macho hug. “Why didn't you tell me?”

  “I've just found out myself.”

  “Aw, man, I'm so stoked,” said Dylan, shaking his hand violently as though he was trying to wrench it off. “I hope I get to be an honorary uncle.”

  “Obviously,” said Jackson. “My little boy or girl is going to have the whole Securicorp team as their family. No one will be messing with them.”

  Lucas was last to reach in for a hug.

  “Welcome to the club,” he said. “I know you'll make a great father.”

  “I hope so,” replied Jackson.

  “Oh, you will. Gabby, I hope you know how lucky you've made this man,” said Lucas, giving me a gentle hug. “You're both going to be awesome parents.”

  “The best,” chimed in Dylan. “And with both your good looks the little guy will be a real heartbreaker.”

  “Or girl,” Jared interjected. “And just so you know, if any girl of yours grows up and gets a boyfriend, we'll be the ones to do the interviewing.”

  They all laughed at the thought. And once again, I was filled a tremendous sense of being loved and protected. I wasn't just marrying Jackson, I was joining this huge family, and I knew that any child of mine would never come to harm.

  As the party got underway, and people continued celebrating, the boys graduating from cake to beer, I sat beside Jackson and leaned into his side.

  “You have so many people who love you,” I said.

  “Yeah, but I didn't have you,” he replied, taking my hand and kissing my fingers.

  “But now you do. And you always will.”

  Also By K.C. Crowne

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  More Steamy Mountain Men Reads by K.C. Crowne

  Five sexy mountain men and the lucky ladies who capture their hearts.

  Transport yourself into the charming and magical town of Blue River, Colorado as we follow the rugged, rowdy and hot Hunter brothers in their quests to find lasting love on the mountains.

  Click HERE to download your copy from Amazon, and enjoy this bestseller box set today.

  Book One: Her Mountain Daddy

  I need to run my family resort alongside my rowdy brothers, Not fall hard for my kids' home school teacher. But when Angela's past follows her into my home, I'm forced to fight for my family's safety and the best thing that's happened to me in a long time.

  Book Two: Beauty and the Beard

  Someone dangerous is after her. She needs my protection. Like I need to feel the touch of her lips. They'll have to go through me to get anywhere near this beauty who has captured my heart.

  Book Three: Built and Bearded

  The wedding planner is gorgeous enough to outshine ANY bride. And uptight enough to challenge this playboy. It's clear I'm not the happily ever after type. But when Oakley's life is in danger, I realize how much I'm willing to do for the right girl.

  Book Four: The Gentleman

  Planning a lavish mountain top wedding with my best friend? Who could ask for a more challenging and exciting job? But when the groom's brother walks in... I know the hardest job will be resisting his deep blue eyes and devilishly sexy charm.

  Book Five: Bride and the Beard

  She thinks we made the biggest mistake of our lives... After an accidental marriage - I disagree. Fortune favors the bold and I'll prove to Emily I'm the man for her. She may live a thousand miles from my mountain town, but I'm Harley Hunter... And when I want something nothing stands in my way.

  Click HERE to download your copy from Amazon, and enjoy this bestseller box set today.

  Baby For The Mountain Man (Preview)



  “Come on, follow me.”

  He followed me into my office. There was a bell at the front if anyone came in, but I wasn’t expecting anyone. As soon as we were in my office, I locked the door behind me.

  Immediately, his hands were on my lower back and started to move down to my ass.

  Neither one of us spoke; we let out hands and kisses do the talking.

  His mouth moved from mine, down to my neck as he pushed me backward toward my desk.

  Lifting me up, then he gently moved me down on top of the desk.

  This was the perfect height to wrap my legs around him.

  His erection pressed into me, causing me to gasp at the size.

  But we weren’t going straight to fucking.

  He had other plans.

  He dropped to his knees in front of me, placing my legs over his shoulders. I was wearing a skirt.

  He pushed the skirt up and slipped my panties down my thighs.

  Trembling, all I could think about was how badly I needed to feel him.

  His head dove between my legs as he muttered, “God, I need to taste you.”

  I grabbed his head, my eyes widening as his tongue found my most sensitive parts. He circled my clit, just as I’d imagined. His scruffy beard rubbed against my thighs, reminding me this wasn’t a fantasy - it was reality.

  Pleasure coursed through my body as he devoured my pussy, sucking and licking as if it was the most delicious dessert he’d ever had the luxury of eating.

  And he was so fucking good at it.

  My legs tightened around him, and I pressed him down into me without even thinking about it. It just felt so damn good. He slipped a finger inside me. Then another.

  I was trying to be quiet, afraid that someone might overhear us, but that
all went out the window as the first wave of my orgasm washed over me.

  I cried out, taken by surprise at how fast it came on. He never stopped, keeping the perfect rhythm with his tongue on my clit.

  “Oh God,” I whimpered, my body tensing. “Yes, yes!”

  He seemed to savor it.

  He devoured my pussy, sucking and licking my juices as he brought me closer and closer to the edge.

  “I’m going to cum,” I whimpered, writhing underneath him.

  He held my hips down on the bed, stilling me as he continued working me over with his magical tongue. I gripped the back of his head, and without meaning to, pressed him into me as I cried out in pleasure.

  God, I needed him so badly.

  My hands fumbled with his pant and I felt his erection in my hand.

  I could only get a sense of how big he was, but my eyes widened at what I felt. He was so thick.

  “Please. I need you inside me.”

  Chapter 1


  Ring. Ring.

  I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock on my night stand.

  Six in the morning.

  “Just like clockwork. How’d you sleep Alice?”

  “Like shit. You?”

  “I’d rather be in your position.”

  “Doubt that. If it isn’t the nightmares, it’s the baby kicking me,” she said softly. “Everything hurts these days.”

  “Just a couple weeks until the big day. Then the little devil can serenade you with cries all night.”

  “Thanks for words of encouragement, friend,” Alice chuckled.

  I was pulling her leg, when in truth, I felt for her.

  Being a single mother to a newborn on the way couldn’t be easy.

  I’d insisted she move closer, but she couldn’t leave the first house she and Henry bought together.

  And me… I couldn’t step foot in it.

  People handled grief in in different ways.

  Though, it was much more than grief for me.

  “I got the check in the mail,” Alice said. “We talked about this. You shouldn’t have.”

  “It’s not much,” I said. “Buy Matilda something nice.”

  Money was the least I could do.

  If I could live that horrible day again I’d put myself in his shoes, a thousand times over. I was the only one responsible for Henry’s death.

  Alice knew I was there for her, and I’d jump on a flight in a heartbeat whenever she needed. I owed it to Henry and Alice to make sure she was taken care of.

  Henry was my best friend.

  And after what I let happen to him, Alice became a widow at a young age.

  While my name was cleared, I was the one to blame. I never once gave a damn what others thought about me. I blamed myself enough. Every single fucking day.

  My nightmares were there to never let me forget.

  Alice didn’t blame me.

  She didn’t need to. I could see it in her eyes every time she looked at me - why Henry instead of me. I didn’t blame her for those thoughts. After all, my best friend had a wife and a kid on the way. I had no one.

  And when it came to me helping her financially, we went through the same song and dance every month. I always found some way to send her money. She hadn’t been able to work for a few months; her doctors had ordered her on bed rest.

  Besides, it’s what Henry would have done had the situation been reversed. Not that I’d ever have a kid, but that was beside the point. If I’d died and left a family behind, Henry would have taken care of them. That’s just who he is.


  That’s who he was.


  “You still shouldn’t have,” Alice repeated. “I mean it, Kellen. Henry died in the line of duty. He worked in a dangerous profession, and the fire department is taking care of us.”

  It wasn’t enough.

  It would never be enough.

  Henry had been a good man, one of the best I knew. His wife was one hell of a woman too. She didn’t deserve this.

  “You know I’m doing okay,” I said. “I’ve stashed away a lot of money over the years, and God knows, I have more than I’ll ever need in a lifetime.”

  Alice groaned on the other end of the line.


  “Yeah, sorry, I—”

  My heart raced.

  “I think Matilda might be ready to make an appearance,” Alice said, breathing heavily.

  The baby was coming.

  Jesus fucking Christ, the baby was coming.

  Not being there made my skin crawl.

  I needed no further convincing to get my ass to the airport.

  Finally, I stated the obvious.

  “Get off the phone and call an ambulance.”

  “Yeah, probably a good idea,” she said. “I think this is the real deal.”

  She cried out in pain as we said our goodbyes.

  “I’ll book the first flight out to see you,” I promised before hanging up the phone.

  She was alone.

  Her parents were dead. No siblings.

  And her husband dead too.

  I couldn’t let Alice deliver her baby alone.

  Her pregnancy hadn’t been easy. She’d struggled with high blood pressure, probably from the stress of becoming a widow while she was pregnant. I wasn’t a doctor, but I’d bet my life on that being the cause. She had other issues, things I didn’t understand, and been confined to bed rest for the last few weeks.

  But now, it was time.


  After the phone call, I’d looked up flights to Washington and booked one for that afternoon. Being in the middle of nowhere meant it would take me awhile to get to the nearest major airport.

  I had my reasons for living in the mountains. But living the life of isolation became a huge pain in the ass in times like these

  I had some quick business to attend to before leaving town and I had no time to spare.

  Taking a heavy breath, I grabbed my phone and dialed my only actual friend in town, Grant.

  “Hello Kellen. Bit early, even for you,” he grumbled on the other end of the line. “Everything okay?”

  “Sorry to wake you man. I need to head out of town for a few days,” I said. “Family emergency.”

  “Oh? I didn’t know you had any family,” Grant muttered.

  I didn’t talk to anyone about my family much these days. Not even Grant.

  Alice may not have been my blood but I considered her family. And alongside her, I had my biological sister to call family.

  “It’s fine Kellen. Take all the time you need. I’m guessing you need me to fill in for you while you’re away?”

  “That would be great. I was building some cabinets for the diner,” I said. “They just need some sanding and finishing up, and then they’re ready to be delivered.”

  “Got it. No problem, man. Do whatever you need to,” he agreed. “I’ll take care of everything else.”

  Both Grant and I shared an unusual love for woodworking, and while we weren’t officially in business together, we’d talked about it and referred clients to each other when our plates were full.

  I didn’t need the work, or the money, but it was good to stay busy. Woodworking kept my hands and mind busy on nights the nightmares got too much to handle.

  “I’ll stop by and let Felicity know what’s going on before I leave,” I said.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  I hung up the phone and threw some shit together in a duffel bag. I had no idea how long I’d be gone. It would depend on how things went. I didn’t know the first thing about taking care of a baby, but I could throw dinner on the grill and make sure Alice at least ate well.

  I hopped in my truck and drove down the curvy, mountain road into town.

  Liberty wasn’t exactly a tourist mecca, not like some of the other mountain towns in Utah, but that’s why I picked it. I wanted to get away from people - not be bothered by them.

>   Problem was, a town as small as Liberty meant everyone knew everyone else.

  Except for me. I was new to town and kept to myself. I didn’t come to make friends. I came to be alone. Which was why I was hesitant to open up to Grant, one of the few who seemed to understand me. Being an ex-Army Ranger, he’d experienced loss too. He knew what it was like.

  Not that we talked about our past, but he had the familiar look of pain in his eyes.

  A look I knew all too well.

  I pulled into the tiny parking lot of Smothered in Love, a little diner run by a local chef. The place was packed for breakfast, as usual. I’d have come back later in the day if I could, but the clock was ticking. With so few parking spots in the tiny lot, it was hard to get my massive truck into any of them.

  When I climbed down, a Prius pulled up behind me. I noticed there were no more parking spots left, and my truck took up more than one. Scratching my beard, I thought long and hard about what I was going to do, but before I could figure out a solution, a petite brunette stepped out of the car.


  Where did she come from?

  She was a sexy little thing.

  No taller than five-three.

  Her hands were on her curvy hips, and her full, luscious lips were pursed in annoyance as she glared at me with big, chocolate brown eyes.

  Her toned legs were in a wide, challenging stance and her large, pert breasts heaved as she huffed a breath in my direction.

  She had to be careful because the sheer sight of her could stop traffic.

  “Excuse me but you can’t park like that,” she said, pointing to my truck.

  When she moved her head, her long, brown ponytail bobbed around her head. She was shaking her head, clearly frustrated.


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