GD: No, not ever and I don’t like sweet potatoes either. A friend of mine did a donkey once and told me about it. The donkey was hitched to a little cart and when the business with the hot potato came down, he let out an awful bray and took off running. They found the cart about a mile away, smashed to bits up against a bridge abutment but the donkey vanished forever from the sight of man.
RTC: Probably didn’t trust people any more.
GD: Sad.
(Concluded at 10:30 AM CST)
Conversation No. 98
Date: Friday, August 22, 1997
Commenced: 3:17 PM CST
Concluded: 3:35 PM CST
GD: Robert, we have talked about Clinton and I have been reading about his alleged tie-ins with your people and the smuggling of drugs. Anything to it?
RTC: Oh yes, much true there. Drugs are brought up from South America, for cocaine and heroin and Mexico for marijuana. They just fly it in over the border and land at a safe small airfield, unload and go back from whence them came. Arizona is popular and some ranchers there are very rich from taking in landing fees.
GD: Clinton’s involvement?
RTC: His brother is hophead and Bill does like under the counter money. So does his wife. It’s a wink and a nod type of thing.
GD: Money corrupts and big money corrupts big people.
GD: Yes, anyone is for sale.
GD: I recall the story of the man in the bar who saw a beautiful woman come in. She sat next to him and he asked her if she would spend the night with him for a thousand dollars. She said she certainly would. Then he asked her if she would drop the price to fifty dollars. When she said, in some anger, ‘what do you think I am? He replied, ‘we already know that. I’m just trying to establish the price.’
RTC:(Laughter) I haven’t heard that one but it does fit. And don’t be fooled by Clinton. He is a large man, very smooth, a great talker and very jovial. Have you offed in a second and think nothing about it. Well, he’s done his duty and will retire, a rich man. And he will write a book and the New York Times will rave about it.
GD: Yes, they praised Posner’s totally idiotic book on the Kennedy killing.
RTC: Oh that piece of shit. I mean both the book and the author. What an odious ass kisser that one is. Bought and paid for. And so is the Times. They print just what we tell them to print, where our operations are concerned, and kill whatever we tell them to. I have had to deal with them in the past. We toss them a few nice bones from time to time but they do as they are told, believe me.
GD: So much for freedom of the press.
RTC: (Laughter) What a joker you are, Gregory. The Jews own all the major papers in this country, and we work with them. They won’t print a negative word about Israel and on the domestic scene, they do as we ask them. In point of fact, the Jews here think they are going to own everything but in fact, they are here on sufferance. They’ve been kicked out of every country they have lived in throughout history. Mostly a bunch of swindlers, con men and the like. On sufferance. If things get bad here, the men in power, and they are not Jews, will use them as scapegoats and force them out. We don’t need concentration camps here as long as El Al can take them back to their Mediterranean paradise. Personally, the sooner the better before they ruin the stock market with their backdoor scheming and we have another depression.
GD: They had little to do with the ’29 one, however.
RTC: Just you wait, Gregory, they’ll do it again, mark my words. Yes, Hitler was right about them. Parasites. Never create anything and attach themselves to the system like leeches.
GD: As far as Clinton is concerned, he doesn’t have to worry about the Jews because of his wife but the born again morons hate him. Old Ken Starr[68] is from Chicago and is as crazy as they come. As a matter of fact, all of these raging twits should be shoved into the El Al baggage compartments and shipped off with the Jews. By the way, did you know that the precious wailing wall in Jerusalem is not the foundation of Solomon's temple but was built by the Arabs about 600 AD? How ironic it is to see devout Jews licking the stones that some Arab mason pissed on hundreds of years before. And there enough pieces of the true cross floating around to build a six room house.
RTC: The relic business was booming once.
GD: Well, now they sell other things, don’t they? I rarely read the main stream press because I don’t trust Israel and the press knocks themselves out to kiss their ass. I predict that if the US doesn’t disengage over there, the frustrated Arabs will start attacking us next. Washington said it best: No entangling alliances. Of course no one will follow such a course but the time will come when they wish they had.
RTC: I’m afraid so. This is beginning to sound like a Nazi party meeting but the truth will out, won’t it?
GD: Not in the New York Times, it won’t.
RTC: Isn’t the truth what people want to believe?
GD: Or are told to believe. If you lie to people long enough, they will either come to believe the lies or will recognize them for what they are and turn on the liars. I predict both of these concepts because one always follows the other.
(Concluded at 3:35 PM CST)
Conversation No. 99
Date: Sunday, August 24, 1997
Commenced: 10:22 AM CST
Concluded: 10:35 AM CST
GD: Hello, Robert. What is new with you back there?
RTC: The usual make work projects. I wish I were younger sometimes.
GD: Well, if youth knew and age could, we would all be better off. By the way, I was reading an article about Aldrich Ames[69] yesterday. I suppose that is a no-no with you.
RTC: I knew him slightly. An utterly useless fraud who had a nasty, demanding wife and who was kept on the rolls because his father had been with us.
GD: Well, the FBI got one up on you, didn’t it?
RTC: Does Kimmel brag about this to you?
GD: He was involved in the business. Why not let me be diplomatic?
RTC: How kind of you, Gregory.
GD: Would you like to get even with them?
RTC: How could I do that, pray tell?
GD: Well, a Russian friend told me about one of their top counter intelligence people who is working for them.
RTC: No. Are you sure about that?
GD: Well, my source was certain. They don’t know who it is and he said he was a pain in the ass to deal with.
RTC: Gregory, perhaps we could discuss this a little further. You won’t mention your source to me but what do you really know about this fellow? Do you have a name?
GD: Yes, I do, Robert. Now, if you pass this on to someone, for the Lord God’s sake, do not put my name into it. OK?
RTC: A given. The name?
GD: Yes. Ramon Garcia.
GD: Yes, correct. I thought the FBI was a hotbed of racism but apparently not. I wrote it down later but I am sure. What will you do with it?
RTC: What do you think?
RTC: Pass it on. Revenge for Ames I suppose.
RTC: Did your source say how long this Garcia had been working for them?
GD: For about fifteen years.
RTC: Jesus. And his position…I mean if you have any idea…
GD: A big wig in counter intelligence.
RTC: Why would someone tell you?
GD: He knows I know Kimmel, whose name he is familiar with. I think his people are not happy with this Garcia and think he might be a double agent. I think he wanted me to pass this to Kimmel.
RTC: Will you?
GD: No, I don’t plan to. I know what would happen if I did. The first thing would be that they would open a case on me and start asking all my neighbors about me. They do that so I strongly recommend against ever telling anyone in law enforcement anything.
RTC: Not all law enforcement would start out investigating you.
GD: I’ve had it happen so I say nothing. Let the FBI find out about their own mole. It’s none of my business, Robert. I suppose it’s
in your hands now. Oh, and by the way, you might be interested in knowing, as I have been told, that someone from the NSG, a sigint specialist, has been giving reams of material to the PRC.
RTC: That also of interest. Who are they and where are they located? At Meade?
GD: No, at Hanza in Japan.
RTC: Name?
GD: If you really want it, I will try to get it from my source.
RTC: Who is…?
GD: A former high level fellow who was pushed out of the Navy and is not overly stable. He was involved in the murder of Trujillo. Do you know of a Marine Colonel Cass?
RTC: Jesus Christ, yes, I do. Did this person tell you about that operation?
GD: In detail.
RTC: We can discuss this later. Would you be prepared to out your source?
GD: To you but not to Kimmel.
RTC: Screw Kimmel, but to me?
GD: Certainly but with the usual caveats.
RTC: Don’t worry. Could you get the name of the mole from your contact?
GD: If I could get him drunk it would be a piece of cake.
RTC: We may have to do that. Where is he now? I mean what part of the country from you?
GD: Norfolk.
RTC: Is he actually retired?
GD: Oh, yes and he has a lot of money as well. I didn’t think Naval officers had a lot of money.
RTC: He might have been peddling material too. Jesus, if he blabs about Cass or Trujillo, he’s going to have to hire a local high school kid to start his car in the morning. Unless he has an insured wife.
GD: No, he’s single.
RTC: What about outing him to me?
GD: All right, considering all the wonderful material you keep sending me, I owe you. I’ll send you a letter, mailed from some other place, with a name, address, former rank and current phone number. Soonest.
RTC: Thanks. And we won’t mention this to Kimmel either.
GD: No, I won’t. Not a word.
(Concluded at 10:35 AM CST)
Conversation No. 100
Date: Monday, September 1, 1997
Commenced: 1:45 PM CST
Concluded: 1:55 PM CST
GD: Good afternoon to you, Robert. All well there?
RTC: Could always be better but we consider the alternative. With you?
GD: One of my dogs ate the neighbor’s cat but other than that, no problems.
RTC: Really?
GD: Yes. The dog is a Husky and he was sleeping in the yard when this rather fat Angora jumped over the top of the fence right in front of him. It was all over in a few seconds but I did have to pry what was left of kitty out of his mouth and stick her deep, deep into the garbage can. Saw the neighbor lady looking for the dear one and I helped her look for a while. I told her cats ran off sometimes but they usually came back when they got hungry. Not this one, believe me. If it ever came back, the old lady would have a coronary on the spot. Huskies are born hunters and they are the closest to the wolf. I don’t think that mattered much to the cat. Well, enough animal stories for now. Have you heard from Bill? How is his wife doing?
RTC: They think the melanoma has spread. Nice woman.
GD: Yes, the nice ones seem to go early. Well, we can worry more about the ones left behind.
RTC: What are you doing today, Gregory?
GD: Actually putting the final touches on my Russian Akula[70].
RTC: What?
GD: That means ‘shark’ in English. That’s their huge sub. 175 meters long and 25 wide. Enormous. Carries RSM-52 long range missiles. Have a range of over 8,000 kilometers. Nuclear warheads. They go out and sit on the ocean bed about 400 meters down. That’s mostly under the polar ice cap. Just sit there and wait for the signal to surface and launch. Wonderful deterrent.
RTC: A bit long in the tooth but I’ve heard about them. How many do they have?
GD: I don’t know. Four to six is my educated guess. Stay out a specified time, maintain strict radio silence and if they aren’t needed to blow our east coast into glowing coals, rotate with the next one. Very comfortable with swimming pools, saunas and private cabins. And there they sit, waiting. And we sowed a field of detection devices all over the supposed routes from Russia so your people in Scotland can monitor the movements. Of course they are under the ice and we can’t spot them from above.
RTC: I had no idea you were into this area, Gregory.
GD: I constantly amaze people, Robert. Anyway, the Russians know about these detectors and have a really interesting way of avoiding them.
RTC: How do you know that, by the way?
GD: I have an old friend who retired from the NSG and he has a few drinks and he’s off and running with nice information. We know but we didn’t for a long time. The Navy never told the CIA so your people are sitting around in Scotland freezing their asses off and eating haggis.
RTC: I don’t suppose…
GD: No, I forgot his name. Anyway, I build ship models to relax. With some people it’s drugs but I prefer ship models. Cheaper and more satisfying. I have a huge model of the Yamato I put together. Took twenty months, that one did.
RTC: But back to the Russian sub. Perhaps we could speak about this?
GD: Delighted to, Robert, but not on the phone. When we get together, we can have a lovely chat about such things.
RTC: Yes, I suppose so. By the way, a man named Kittrick is going to get in touch with you. I won’t tell you for whom he works but stiff him.
GD: Thanks for the tip but these jerks never get past the first ten minutes of bleating on the phone. Well, I guess when they parole them from the loony bin, someone has to give them a make-work job. Hire the handicapped, Robert because they’re fun to watch. How about starting a business called ‘Rent-a-Mongoloid?’ I mean you can get some of these really frightening kids and have them pass out candy at your front door on Halloween. They don’t have to wear masks and they’ll scare the shit out of the young ones. Stains and puddles all the way out to the sidewalk.
RTC: Very cruel, Gregory.
GD: I thought so. Don’t forget, I used to pour water on drowning people. But Jesus loves me too so I guess I’m all right there. I’m finishing up a paper on the computer system Mueller used for the Gestapo. Hollereit system. I mean early computer but effective. A bit technical but I’ll mail it off and you might find it interesting. The system has been improved but the use of it has great potential in the event some leader here wants to grab power. More insensitivity I guess.
(Concluded at 1:55 PM CST)
Conversation No. 101
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 1997
Commenced: 12:56 PM CST
Concluded: 1:20 PM CST
GD: Hello. What’s up today?
RTC: Good morning, Gregory. Another doctor’s visit scheduled for this PM. A damned nuisance but Emily insists. I am not feeling all that well, what with my bad hip and a tendency to misjudge my feet and then falling. I should use a cane in the house but I don’t feel I am ready for a walker yet. Other than those small things, I’m fine. And yourself?
GD: I am also fine. However, dealing with your feeble-minded scumbag friends is getting to be quite a bore. Jesus, what a pack of morons and they have many allies. People like Kimmel who is outraged that a terrible person like myself is interacting with you. He thinks you’re getting gaga and might spill terrible things to me. And, of course, I am a terrible, disrespectful person who, God knows, might blow the gaff on something horrible. And poor Bill wants to run with the hares and hunt with the hounds. When he gets going, it sounds like a Kirby vacuum cleaner what with all the suction.
RTC: Well, the Company people do not like you and yes, they dragged the FBI into it for the reason they are not supposed to operate inside this country. Of course we did, and do, but that is not important. You see, you are considered, as Kimmel says, a loose cannon. No one questions your intelligence, although they publicly question your sanity and character, but they can’t control you. The drill is that these people have gotten
to believe that they, and they alone, have the control and the ability to control and that the rest of the peonage are stupid sheep who pay their salaries. And then you come along and rattle their cages. They try to intimidate you and then realize that doing this only stimulates you to more noise-making so they back off and think of other ways to get at you and shut you up. They also believe that you are in possession or at least control of certain dangerous documents that could cause havoc in certain circles if you ever even hinted at them so they have to make sure you don’t commit unsocial acts. And by unsocial acts I mean shake their trees. Of course they would never just sit down and talk to you like the Army did. We used to do this in the early days but now that we basically control the media and our foreign policy, we have decided that we are far too omniscient and important to descend to actually communicating with our social inferiors. So they turn their pimps and whores loose on you and try to besmirch you to the point where no one will believe you.
GD: They could have one of these sycophants sue me, couldn’t they? Tie me up in endless and devastatingly expensive court litigation? Shut me up that way?
RTC: No, Gregory, because that would codify their fears and might, horrible to contemplate, draw public attention to you. No, you have carte blanche to do as you like and they won’t interfere for fear of the publicity. But, of course, by getting into the Kennedy killing, you will be taking on a whole hog-pen of functioning idiots and fanatics. The Company or Phoebe won’t have to do a thing. Hell, we control some of them…the Farrell woman is ours…and if they attack you, why our hands are clean. I mean you will have far more trouble from these creeps that you ever would have with us. Some self-important twit has a pet theory and supporters thereof and if you dare to publish a word that questions their invented idiot shit, why they will come down upon you, screaming like a drag queen and swinging their purses. Hell, Gregory, if I were you, I would be more concerned about the Jews and the Kennedy nuts than us.
GD: The Jews?
Conversations With the Crow Page 53