Izzie and the Icebeast: A Scifi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 9)

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Izzie and the Icebeast: A Scifi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 9) Page 10

by Honey Phillips

  He let her play for a second… two… and then he growled and took over. His hand came up to cup her head, holding her in place as he greedily explored—no, devoured her mouth—licking and sucking until she was quivering, rubbing her breasts against him in a vain attempt to ease the needy ache that filled her body. Through the thin silk of her gown, she could feel the damp head of his cock brushing against her folds, and she suddenly wanted nothing more than to have him inside her. She tried to squirm lower, to press her body more tightly against his, but he was holding her too firmly.

  “Baralt,” she whispered, reluctantly dragging her mouth away from his. “I want you.”

  “You are sure? You do not owe me anything.”

  “I know that. Do you think I’m the kind of woman who—”

  “Of course not,” he said hastily. “But I wish to be with you because you choose to be with me, not because you are grateful.”

  Her quick flare of annoyance vanished at the earnest look on his face. “I choose you, Baralt.”

  His fierce grin lit his face, and then he was kissing her again, even more hungrily. He yanked her gown away, groaning approvingly as his cock slid through the slick heat coating her folds.

  “So wet. I love knowing how much you want me.”

  He adjusted his hold, then plunged up inside her in one hard thrust. Oh. My. God. Yes, she was wet, and yes, she wanted him, but he stretched her to her limit. Her breath came in rapid little pants as her body tried to adjust. He was already withdrawing, sending a shock wave of pleasurable pain through her system as her channel clung to him. When only his head remained inside, she took a deep breath, but before she could speak, he drove into her again, and the overpowering fullness made her come in a sudden, explosive climax.

  She shuddered, her body tightening around him, and he growled appreciatively, but he didn’t stop. All she could do was cling to him as he thrust harder, faster, each stroke sending another tremor through her already overwhelmed body until he roared and buried himself completely in her tight channel. His cock pulsed, bathing her womb with hot jets of seed, and she felt him swell, growing impossibly larger as the ring at the base of his cock expanded, locking them together, and her vision sheeted to white as he sent her into another long, shuddering climax.

  Too weak to stand, Baralt slid down the wall, his female still impaled on his cock, locked in place by his ring. Despite his weakness, satisfaction filled him. He had wanted this since he’d first caught Isabel’s sweet scent in the tunnels below the arena, since he’d seen her lush curves and touched the silky skin of her cheek. But he did not begrudge the delay. The additional time had allowed him to get to know the intelligent mind behind the luscious body and appreciate her passionate, fiery nature. And she had chosen him.

  He tightened his arms, holding her more closely against him, and realized she was trembling. He gently lifted her chin to study her face, and despair filled him. Her face was red, her eyes bright with tears.

  “My aria. What is wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  “N-no. No,” she repeated more firmly. “It was just rather overwhelming.”

  “You are sure you’re not hurt?” He separated their bodies as far as his ring permitted and winced when he saw her small entrance stretched around his cock. “I’m sorry, but I can’t ease you until my ring subsides.”

  He ran a gentle finger over the taut skin, and she groaned. He winced again. “I cannot bear the knowledge that my touch causes you pain.”

  “It-it’s not pain.” She slid her hand between their bodies as well and stroked the small nub at the top of her slit, exposed by the forced stretch. She shivered again, and he felt her impossibly tight channel flutter around him.

  “This pleases you?” A Hothian female would never climax again after a male filled her with his seed and his ring locked them together. But his little human…

  He placed his finger over hers, just as he had done their first night together, but he knew what she liked now, and he needed no direction to circle the swollen flesh, letting her soft cries guide his touch until she cried out and her channel milked him in hot little pulses, sending sparks of pleasure through his trapped kotra. Twice more he teased her to climax before she finally drew his hand away.

  “No more, Baralt,” she said weakly. “I can’t take any more.”

  He immediately lifted his hand and hugged her gently to his chest. His female was wise to insist they stop. His ring would never diminish with her sweet cunt continuously pulsating around his lucky kotra.

  As his passion finally began to subside, he realized that he was crouched uncomfortably in a corner of their small cabin.

  “Next time we will do this in a bed,” he said firmly.

  “Next time?” Isabel looked up at him, her expression impossible to read, and his heart literally skipped a beat. She had chosen him—surely she didn’t mean to deny him now?

  “If you are willing,” he added quickly. Please be willing.

  After an agonizing pause, she smiled up at him. “Yes, Baralt. I’m willing.” Then she buried her fingers in his mane and pulled his head down to press one of those impossible, delightful kisses to his mouth.

  Thank the gods. Tgesh Tai was behind them, and although the thought of Hothrest ahead gave him pause, right now all he cared about was the willing female in his arms.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The vibrating purr of the spaceship penetrated Izzie's dreams and she woke in a fit of panic, sure that she would see Asgii looming over her. But instead of harsh blue scales and gleaming red eyes, she saw white fur and Baralt's familiar features. Relief flooded over her, as well as an unexpected happiness. She liked waking up with him.

  Don’t get used to it, she reminded herself. He was taking her to his planet but he had said nothing of the future—and she wasn’t sure she would have believed him if he had.

  "What is the matter, my aria?" he asked, bending over her.

  "It's nothing." Nothing she wanted to discuss at any rate.

  He gently stroked the sweat dampened curls away from her face. She suspected he didn't believe her, but to her relief, he didn't pursue the subject.

  "I thought perhaps you might be hungry. We could go find the galley and see more of the ship if you'd like."

  He still looked worried, so she pulled his head down and kissed him. She had intended it as a brief reassurance, but as soon as their mouths touched, passion flared between them. His big hand covered her breast, plucking gently at an already swollen nipple. She gasped in his mouth and he raised his head with a satisfied smile.

  "You are so responsive."

  "I just never realized that a yeti was my type," she laughed, arching into his touch.

  "A yeti?"

  "A kind of mythical creature that exists on my planet."

  His eyes widened. "There are Hothians on your planet?"

  "No," she said hastily. "But there are rumors of creatures who resemble your people. No one has ever actually seen one."

  He still looked shocked, so she put her hand over his and started sliding it down her body toward the damp heat between her legs. The distraction worked and his eyes glowed with blue fire as he parted her folds.

  "Your skin is flushed as if the sun has touched it here."

  He stroked softly from her clit to her entrance, arousing a needy ache, but even that delicate touch made her aware of the lingering soreness from last night. When he probed gently at her entrance, she couldn't stop herself from wincing. He stopped immediately, his withdrawal both a relief and a disappointment.

  "This is not an indication of your desire, is it? Even though you are slick for me."

  "I'm just a little tender this morning. Assuming it is morning." Time on a spaceship was difficult to measure, but after their initial coming together, Baralt had taken her twice more before they had both succumbed to exhaustion and fallen asleep.

  "Please forgive me. I did not take into account how fragile you are."

  "I'm not that fra
gile," she reassured him. Life hadn't allowed her that luxury. He still looked worried, so she reached up and combed her fingers through the longer hair of his mane. "Last night was wonderful and I have every intention of repeating it again. Assuming you want to, of course?"

  Since she could feel the heated length of his cock against her thigh, she wasn't concerned about his lack of desire. He met her expectations by responding with a kiss that left her breathless, weak-kneed, and glowing.

  “There are other ways that I could pleasure you,” he murmured, dropping his head to nibble at a spot on her neck that made her shiver with pleasure.

  “As tempting as that sounds, maybe it would be better to wait.” She suspected that if he put his mouth on her, she would end up wanting more. Much more. Instead, she let her fingers trail along his cock. “But I could pleasure you…”

  He groaned, then moved her hand away. “If you must wait, then so will I.”

  When he stood he also winced, then scowled and rubbed his knee.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, but I can feel the aftereffects of the fight. I believe that a hot shower would help. For both of us.” He flashed her his fierce grin, then, over her objections, lifted her into his arms and carried her into the miniscule bathroom.

  The shower was too small to permit more than basic washing, but she enjoyed it anyway. Their bodies pressed together intimately; his hands gentle as he tended to her as carefully as a parent would attend to a child.

  A child… A chill skated up her spine.

  “We didn’t discuss birth control last night.” Her voice sounded stiff in her own ears. “I take a pill to prevent pregnancy, but it only lasts a month, and I’m not really sure how long it’s been…” Please God, that it had still been in effect when she was on the ship.

  “You do not wish for a child?”

  “No,” she said quickly and felt him still.

  But when she looked up at him, he only smiled reassuringly. “I have an implant. It can be renewed yearly. You do not need to worry.”

  She sagged against him as relief filled her. But as he resumed his attentions, his hands still careful, a tiny pang of regret flitted through her mind before she resolutely dismissed it.

  When they emerged from the bathroom, she realized that all she had to wear was her golden dress.

  “I suppose it’s better than being naked,” she muttered as she pulled it on.

  “I wish we could have brought your clothing,” Baralt said apologetically.

  “Getting away from there was a lot more important than clothes—” Her words came to a halt as she remembered their hurried escape. “But what about you? Didn’t you have anything you wanted to bring with you?”

  “Only you.”

  She had a sudden urge to cry at the tenderness in his voice, but she forced a smile and quickly changed the subject, not ready to examine her own feelings too closely.

  “Let’s see if we can find some food.”

  He nodded and led the way back down the stairs and deeper into the ship. When he opened the door to the galley, she had to stop and blink. The small space was blindingly white—white walls, white floors, white cabinets—and every inch of it was spotlessly clean. After the squalor of the slave ship and the arena cells, the contrast shocked her. Baralt’s quarters had been clean but they were far from sterile. This room looked like you could perform surgery.

  “It’s very… white.”

  He nodded abstractedly, but he was already reviewing the food options. “They have some of those noodles you like.”

  “That’s fine.”

  A few minutes later, he dished them up as she checked carefully to make sure they hadn’t left any trace of food behind.

  “Let’s take these into the lounge,” he suggested.

  To her relief, the lounge area, while just as clean, was far more welcoming with soft furniture in shades of faded blue. Just as they were finishing their meal, Captain Glasach entered, accompanied by a tall, thin female with skin patterned in shades of blue and white. If she hadn’t been dressed in a flowing pale green tunic and pants, she would have blended into the room perfectly.

  “This is my partner, Kamat,” the captain announced, squeezing the other female’s hand. “Kamat, this is Baralt and Easy.”

  “Um, that’s Izzie.”

  The captain frowned. “Isn’t that what I said?”

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Baralt and Izzie,” Kamat said in a low, pleasant voice. “That’s a lovely dress.”

  Izzie felt herself flush. The other woman sounded sincere but Izzie knew that the sexy golden gown looked out of place in a comfortable lounge. “I’m afraid it’s my only dress.”

  “I have a few things that might fit you,” Kamat offered. “Although nothing as pretty as that, I’m afraid. That is, if you don’t mind used clothing.”

  “Not in the least. Are you sure you don’t mind?”

  “Of course not. Glasach will tell you that I have far too many clothes.”

  “An entire cabin full,” the captain grumbled, but she smiled at her partner.

  “I just hope they will fit,” Izzie added, glancing at Kamat’s slender figure.

  Kamat laughed. “They will fit, although I suspect that you will fill them out much better than I do.”

  “You fill ‘em out just fine,” Captain Glasach said immediately.

  “Thank you, dear.” Kamat bent and gave her partner a quick kiss before turning back to Izzie. “Now come with me and let’s see what we can find.”

  She hesitated, unexpectedly nervous about leaving Baralt. He gave her a comforting nod so she took a deep breath and followed Kamat out of the room.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Pretty female, your slave,” Captain Glasach said casually, drawing Baralt’s attention back to her.

  He had been watching the door through which Isabel had departed like a marlax watching an aria’s nest. “She is not my slave. She is my mate,” he growled.

  The captain studied him through narrowed eyes, then nodded. “Good. Don’t think much of slavery.”

  “Neither do I.” He sighed. “But it is easy to become oblivious when it is so prevalent. Life in the pits is brutal in so many ways.”

  “You giving it up?”


  “Hmm.” Sharp eyes surveyed him thoughtfully but somewhat to his surprise, she didn’t pursue the subject.

  Instead, she started asking him about Hothrest. From there, they moved on to discussing several of the planets they had both visited. The captain’s observations were brief, critical, and remarkably accurate.

  When Isabel and Kamat returned, Captain Glasach was just regaling him with a hilariously unflattering account of Elgin. He had disliked the planet intensely since he had been defeated in one of his first fights by a huge Elginar warrior named Athtar, and he was still grinning when he looked up. The laughter was immediately replaced by desire.

  As Kamat had predicted, the pale blue tunic Isabel was wearing clung lovingly to her lush curves. Even though the garment came to her knees, it couldn’t conceal the tantalizing swell of her hips or the heavy weight of her breasts, her peaked nipples pressing against the fabric. His kotra threatened to emerge. All he could think about was carrying her off to their cabin, but since she needed time to recover from their initial mating, he sternly suppressed his instincts.

  “The waist of the pants was too small, but I thought this covered enough…” she said nervously.

  “You look beautiful, my aria.”

  “Thank you.” Her shoulders relaxed as she smiled at him. “And now I match the ship.”

  Everyone laughed, then Isabel and Kamat joined them at the table, and the conversation turned back to places they had all visited. Of course, Isabel had little to contribute, but she listened eagerly and asked a number of questions.

  The day passed very pleasantly. However, by the time they finished the meal of Rakoran delicacies that Kamat had prepared, the urge to
be alone with his mate could no longer be suppressed. He rose to his feet, then scooped Isabel up in his arms.

  “Thank you for the meal. And your company,” he added politely, already on the way to the door. “Good night.”

  ‘Yes, thank you,” Isabel called back over his shoulder as he closed the door behind him, then frowned at him. “That was rude.”

  “I was not rude. I thought it better to leave before I could no longer resist the need to kiss you.”

  Her face softened. “You do seem to enjoy kissing.”

  “Very much so. Although I hope that I can kiss you everywhere this time.”

  She shivered and he saw the points of her nipples through the thin tunic. But when he laid her on the bed and eagerly lifted her skirt, her luscious little cunt still looked hot and swollen despite the wetness glistening on the delicate folds.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked when he reluctantly let the fabric cover her once more.

  “You have not yet recovered, my aria.”

  “But…” She bit her lip. “I was thinking. Do you have more of the healing lotion?”

  “Yes but remember how it affected you.”

  “Oh, I remember. But I’m already excited. I don’t mind if it adds to it. And I want you Baralt. I want to feel you inside me.”

  His kotra throbbed in agreement and he searched hurriedly through his belt for the small vial. When he found it and looked up again, the tunic was gone and Isabel was naked on their bunk, her golden skin glowing against the white sheets. He prowled over to her, no longer able to control his excitement.

  “Where do you need this?” he growled.

  Her eyes smoldered as her finger circled a plump, dark nipple. “Here. I ache here.”

  He poured a few drops of the creamy liquid on each peak, then worked it in with his fingers until they were swollen and distended and she was writhing beneath him.

  “Here,” she panted as she reached down and parted her folds. “I need it here.”

  She cried out as the cool liquid touched her, but not with pain. Her small entrance pulsed rhythmically and he could scarcely believe that he had been able to fit inside that tiny channel. She was still shuddering when he coated his finger with the lotion and carefully entered her.


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