Extreme Limit

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Extreme Limit Page 20

by Kendall Talbot

  “Fifty.” Carson didn’t show any emotion at the figure, giving Regi a glimmer of hope that he had the right number.

  Regi stood his ground. “Yes, sir, that’ll cover travel, accommodation, the helicopter, and the DNA tests. Then there’ll be lawyer fees…” While Regi carried on listing every cost he’d thought of, the woman climbed out of the pool and strolled toward them. She plucked a towel from one of the deck chairs, and as she scrubbed her hair, she joined Carson’s side. She made absolutely no attempt to cover herself, and Regi couldn’t get his brain or his mouth to work, so he stopped talking.

  Carson seemed to have no trouble ignoring her. “Okay, you can have your fifty, but…”

  Regi’s already thumping heart hit a whole new level as he waited out Carson’s irritating pause.

  “Pope’s going with you.” Carson’s sick grin was triumphant.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Ever since the night in the cabin when Amber had not only told Oliver the astonishing details of her past, but also her immediate plans for the future, the barriers she’d built that’d kept them apart had fallen away. For the first time since he’d opened Upper Limits, Oliver’s business was taking a back seat while he and Amber spent every possible moment together. When they were apart, his heart ached like nothing he’d ever felt before.

  Telling him the truth seemed to have set Amber free, and she’d truly come out of her shell. She laughed more freely, and he found a cheekiness about her that she’d been hiding. His only hope was that once she’d completed this crazy mission, whether she succeeded or not, she’d be able to put her past behind her for good.

  As per her request, he’d kept her true identity a secret, and between the two of them they’d concocted a story to explain the burn scar on her face. So far, everyone believed that Amber had been in a terrible car crash, and thankfully they hadn’t asked for specifics. His family loved her, which he knew they would.

  Their twelve days together on the mountaineering course had been some of the most incredible days of his life. The course itself had been tough, but fun. And every minute he’d spent with Amber had been an eye opener. Her strength, both mental and physical, never ceased to amaze him. Especially now that he knew the extent of her injuries.

  Her missing toes hadn’t hampered her ability to climb a frozen waterfall. The waterfall had, however, beaten two other able-bodied men. She’d never mentioned her wounds to any of the other six mountaineers in the course. Oliver however, was so proud of her he’d wanted to shout it from the mountaintop.

  When they’d finally boarded the plane for Canada, his emotions had swung from relief to trepidation, yet he couldn’t deny the good dose of excitement he felt too. Their time had gone so quickly Oliver barely had time to comprehend what they were planning to do. Amber, however, seemed to grow more agitated with each passing hour.

  After a little over seventeen hours in transit, they arrived at Kelowna International Airport in Canada. Once they disembarked the plane, Oliver reached for Amber’s hand and led her through the glass sliding doors. They collected their luggage from the carousel and headed for the exit. Oliver spied a man in a green bomber jacket and army print peaked cap holding a sign with “Holly Parmenter” written on it. It was a timely reminder that until they returned to this airport, he was to call her Holly.

  Holly stepped forward and offered her hand. “Hello.”

  “Afternoon, folks. I’m Chancy Holden.” He shook Holly’s hand and then turned to Oliver. “And you must be Oliver.” While Chancy’s grin seemed genuine, it was his steely eyes that gave him a no-nonsense military quality.

  “That’s me.”

  “Okay, let’s get going.” He plucked Holly’s bag from her hand and lead them through the terminal and out a small exit marked for personnel only. The roar of an engine had Oliver turning in time to see a small plane taking off along the runway. They headed toward a giant aircraft hangar, but rather than go inside they skirted around it and, positioned on giant white crosses painted on the tarmac, three stationary helicopters came into view. The second they were in sight, Holly reached for his hand, and with each step they took toward them, her fingers squeezed tighter.

  Oliver wanted to wrap his arms around her and tell her everything would be okay, but there was no time to pause. Chancy opened a utility basket positioned above the chopper’s skid, tossed Holly’s bag inside, and indicated for Oliver to shove his in too. Chancy opened the door to the chopper. “Ladies first.”

  Oliver saw the fear in her eyes and placed his hand on her arm. “It’s okay, babe.”

  “You got a fear of flying?” Chancy didn’t mince words.

  She spun to him. “No, actually. A fear of crashing.”

  He did a little jerk of his head. “Well, that ain’t happening. Not on my shift.”

  “I’m pleased to hear that, Mr. Holden.” The look of determination that Oliver had come to recognize was back on Holly’s face as she clamped her jaw and climbed into the cockpit to take her place in the back seat.

  Oliver clapped Chancy on the back before hauling himself up beside Holly. She clutched his hand and he squeezed her fingers, trying to portray a sense of security.

  Once he was in the pilot’s seat, Chancy handed them both headsets. Oliver placed the padded disks over his ears and heard the crackle of the airways. Chancy explained how to buckle up, and once they were set, he pressed a few buttons to kick the rotors into gear. Within twenty minutes of landing at Kelowna, they were airborne again.

  They flew from the airport and headed toward snowcapped mountains, and as much as Oliver tried to conceal his excitement, for Holly’s sake, he couldn’t. When Chancy tilted the chopper sideways to change course, Oliver whooped with exhilaration. When Holly turned to him, he saw a mixture of curiosity and fear in her eyes. He decided the best thing to do was show her how relaxed he was. For the next two hours, he pointed out one interesting aspect after another, and after a while her grip relaxed, and he was certain Holly’s fear was dissipating.

  Miracle Lodge was positioned high on Revelstoke Mountain and accessed only by helicopter, which meant only a select few people could afford to stay there. Holly had insisted on paying, and although he was very grateful, he felt guilty about it too.

  The lodge was perched on the western side of the mountain and was built with red brick and red cedar. With snow capping the roof and smoke trailing from the stone chimneys, it was picture-perfect against the alpine backdrop.

  Chancy landed the helicopter on the giant X and cut the engine. “Here we are.”

  They climbed out, and Chancy unclipped the latch on the utility basket to remove their bags. He handed one to Oliver. “Okay, I’ll get you inside, then I’m heading back to the airport to get the rest of your party.”

  Holly shot a glance at Oliver, then to Chancy. “Who?”

  “Oh, you’re in luck. Since we last spoke, I had a call from a guy who needs to take pictures of that plane wreck up there for insurance. It’s right near where you’re going, so it worked out well.” Chancy made no apology.

  “We hired you as a private charter.” Holly clamped her jaw.

  “No. You hired me to guide you to that crevice. There was no mention of a private charter.”

  Oliver saw the anger brimming in her eyes.

  “You should be happy, Ms. Parmenter.” Maybe Chancy saw her fury too, because his eyes darkened when he glared at her. “It’s not going to be easy hauling those bodies out of the crevice. The more hands we have, the better.” Without waiting for a response, he clutched her bag and strode toward the building.

  Holly looked up at Oliver. “Shit.”

  “It’s okay, nothing has changed.” Oliver frowned at her fury.

  “A lot has changed. They better not slow us down.”

  He curled his arm over her shoulder and led her toward the building. “I’m sure they won’t.”

  Chancy was waiting for them at the reception counter. If he was still ready for an argumen
t, he showed no signs of it. His smile was back, and he indicated for them to come forward. “Okay, I’ll leave you with Miranda for now, but can you please meet with me in the lounge at eight o’clock? I’ll introduce you to the rest of your party and go over the final plans for tomorrow.”

  “Okay, thank you.” Oliver spoke for the two of them.

  Chancy strode back out the door and Oliver turned his attention to Miranda.

  She led them from reception and showed them through the lodge, pointing out the sofa Chancy had mentioned, the restaurant, the day spa, the massage rooms, the fitness center and business center, and the private ski lockers. Oliver only saw seven other people along the way—a vast difference to every other ski resort he’d been to.

  The private chalet was the stuff only the rich and famous usually experience. He ogled one magnificent aspect after the other. The floor to ceiling windows that took in the mountain ranges. The enormous bed. The cozy fire. And, to top it all off, their private hot tub had a fantastic view.

  Miranda finished up the tour by presenting them with a box of what looked like handmade chocolates and a bottle of Armand De Brignac Brut champagne. The eye-catching bottle, with an ace of spades embossed into the glass, convinced him it was expensive. But with the amount Amber had probably paid for this accommodation, this welcome gift was justified.

  Once Miranda said goodbye and shut the door, Oliver held the champagne toward Amber. “Hold this.”

  A second after she clasped it, he swept her into his arms and she giggled as he carried her to the bed. “Can you believe this place? I think I’m dreaming.”

  He placed her on the covers and took a moment to take in her smile. For the first time in his life, he was in love. Amber was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. A woman who deserved the world. From what he’d seen so far, she could afford the world too—he just hoped she had a place in it for him, permanently.

  After a quick glance at the bedside clock, he met her gaze. “We have three hours to fill. I say we get nude, have a little play, then slip into the hot tub with the bubbles and chocolates.”

  She wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled his lips to hers. He took that as a yes, and within a minute they were naked. He cupped her breast and they resumed kissing, but this kiss wasn’t constrained. It was filled with a greed for each other, heated and extraordinary. As their tongues dueled, he squeezed her breast, playing with the full weight of her bosom and tweaking her nipple until the bud hardened beneath his touch. She moaned, and when he moaned too, she drove her fingers through his hair and tugged a handful, pulling him down to her.

  She tasted divine, and her delicate scent that he’d come to love drove him wild.

  He fed his hand between her legs and drove his finger into her hot zone. Amber gasped, and as she tilted her head back, he watched the expressions of carnal bliss dance across her face until he brought her to climax. It was an erotic show that had his manhood throbbing like a beast.

  Amber opened her eyes, and the desire burning in them made his flesh sizzle and his body set to self-combust. She grabbed his shoulders, and he allowed her to roll him over. Amber straddled him, and as he cupped her breasts, she used her hand to guide him into her. Her heat swathed him like a clenched fist as she lowered herself onto him.

  When she opened her eyes, her pupils where huge and the fire he saw in them took his already thumping libido to raging. She placed her hands on his chest, and with her eyes locked on his she rose up, taking him to the very edge, and then lowered again. The sensations were an exquisite overload.

  She glided up and down, over and over, and a tidal wave of pleasure plundered him, building an orgasm of mammoth proportions. He didn’t want to stop. He wanted this to last all night, every night, for ever and ever.

  Her pace increased. Every muscle in his body stiffened. He gritted his teeth and tried to hold back as long as possible. With each plunge he went deep inside. Every thrust was hard and complete, and she rode each one to its full glory.

  Amber cried out, and his awareness of her hot juices tipped him over the edge. Unable to hold back a moment more, he dug his fingers into her hips and released a primal groan as she rode out his final thrusts.

  She fell forward, fashioning their sweat-slicked flesh together, and he closed his eyes and trailed his hands up and down her back, barely noticing the scar below her left shoulder blade.

  When their breathing returned to normal, she pushed up from his chest. “Ready for the spa?”

  “Sure am.”

  She slid off him, and he admired her sexy butt as she walked toward the bathroom. Before she’d revealed her secrets, she’d made every attempt to hide as much of her flesh as possible. But now, it was like she was making up for lost time. Maybe it was fabulous to be free again. He wasn’t complaining—he’d be happy to look at her naked every moment of the day. Even with all the scars. They may have been brutal reminders of what she’d been through, but they were also proof of what a survivor she was, and that only made him love her more.

  The spa was as divine as the champagne and chocolate, and it was with reluctance that he noted they were running out of time. It was seven thirty when they climbed from the hot tub and dressed again.

  Holding hands, they made their way back to the main lodge and settled into a leather chesterfield sofa by the fireplace. They ordered drinks from the waitress, who greeted them the second they sat, and Chancy joined them five minutes later.

  “Hey guys, you settled into your cabin okay?”

  “Yes, thanks. Very nice,” Oliver said.

  “Great. Well, enjoy it; after tomorrow morning it won’t be so luxurious. Ah, here they are.” He stood to wave over a couple of men who’d entered the lounge. “Holly, Oliver, I’d like you to meet Regi and Pope.”

  Oliver hid his surprise over their appearances by offering to shake hands.

  They did, and then Chancy indicated for the newcomers to sit. “How about you explain to each other what you want to achieve with this hike up the mountain? Regi, want to start?”

  Regi cleared his throat and made no attempt to hide his attention on Holly. Oliver had seen people look at her scar before—usually they tried to be discreet. Not this guy; he was practically gawking at it. “I… we”—He indicated to Pope— “work for Heathcote Insurance, and the plane wreck they found up there has an outstanding claim. We need to take a few photos for the file.”

  Oliver had always prided himself on his ability to read people, and he had a niggling impression that the men opposite him weren’t being truthful. Regi looked like he was about eighteen years old—way too young to be doing what he was doing. And Pope looked like he’d be just as comfortable if they’d said they were robbing a bank.

  As Holly told them about their plans to retrieve the bodies of Milton and Kane, neither man showed any emotion. Regi continued to stare at Holly, but Oliver felt that it was no longer just inquisitiveness—it was something else. He couldn’t quite pinpoint it, but for some reason, he had the impression Regi loathed her.

  After the introductions were over, Chancy shifted in his seat. “Right, have a decent breakfast tomorrow, ’cause we’re on packet meals after that. You’ve timed it well; we had a huge dump of snow last week, but the prediction for the next four days is perfect. You got all your equipment?”

  Both Holly and Oliver nodded. “We think so.”

  “Crampons? Headlamps? How much rope?”

  Oliver relayed what they’d brought, and Chancy confirmed with a curt nod.

  “Right, you won’t need your skis; we’ll be walking the whole way.” He turned to the other men. “And you two?”

  Regi and Pope looked to each other. “We’ll need to rent everything.”

  “Okay, you boys can come with me to the equipment room.” He pointed at Oliver. “Meet me with your gear at reception at seven in the morning. Pack light, ’cause whatever you take, you’ll be lugging for four days. We can put some gear on the body sled and
take turns dragging it.”

  Pope grunted, and everybody turned to him.

  “You got a comment, Pope?” Chancy looked ready to start a fight.

  Pope squared off to Chancy, then clenched and unclenched his fists. “No.”

  “Good.” Chancy turned back to the group. “Anyone have any questions?”

  When no one answered, they all stood simultaneously.

  Oliver clutched Holly’s hand. “See you all in the morning.”

  “Night,” Regi said, but Pope remained mute.

  Oliver and Holly returned to their room, and the second they were inside he turned to her. “It’s not too late to pull out.”

  “I knew you were going to say that. I’m not quitting now.”

  He cocked his head. “I knew you’d say that.”

  “So why’d you ask?”

  “Because I had to. Didn’t those guys seem weird to you?”

  “Yes. I don’t believe that insurance story one bit. I think they’re looking for the cash.”


  “Yes. Remember Angelique’s husband handed over half a million dollars’ ransom money, and it’s never been found.”

  “Oh, that’s right. They must think it’s in the plane.”

  “Maybe.” Her lips formed a thin smile. “But it’s not.”

  “It’s not?”

  “No. I bet it’s in the suitcase that’s with Angel and Fred in the crevice.”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Holly and Oliver adhered to Chancy’s suggestion and ordered breakfast in their cabin: scrambled eggs, mushrooms, and beans for her, and the same for Oliver, but with toast and bacon—lots of bacon. While they ate, she applied sunscreen to her face and double-checked the equipment she and Oliver planned to take.

  The staff on the mountaineering course must’ve thought all their Christmases had come at once when she’d purchased all her gear from them at the start of the program. Despite Oliver’s objections, she’d insisted on buying all his equipment too, and because she demanded the best and the lightest in weight, it wasn’t cheap. But she didn’t care. Even though it was still hard to believe, money wasn’t something she had to worry about.


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