When He Stays: A Student Teacher Romance

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When He Stays: A Student Teacher Romance Page 18

by A. R. Breck

  "I have an idea." Alec says out of nowhere.

  "Okay?" I stand back and look at him, because this sounds serious.

  "My family has this cabin up north near Steamboat Springs. We should head up there this weekend. Get away from it all. Spend a little time together where we can actually be together out in public without hiding. How does that sound? Wait, do you have to work?"

  "I have to work Friday, but that's it. And it sounds freaking amazing." I say with wide eyes.

  Alec chuckles. "Do you think your friends would cover for you with your Aunt? Would your Aunt be okay with you staying out all weekend?"

  "Oh, I'm sure Aunt Jenna wouldn't mind. Mya and Leah on the other hand? I might have to do some begging. I haven't been spending a lot of time with them lately." I frown, feeling guilty.

  He comes up to me and cups my face, giving me a warm kiss that heats me from head to toe. "Go ahead and do what you need to do. I just want you this weekend, okay? It will be great." He reaches behind me and unlocks the door, then walks away towards his desk, getting his papers prepared for first period.

  "Okay." I say with a smile on my face and turn to leave, thinking about how I can make this weekend happen.

  "Hey." Alec says, stopping me in my tracks.

  I turn around. "Yeah?"

  "I love you." He says with such adoration, I can't help but feeling like he reached inside me and filled me with all the love he has stored in that wonderful heart of his.

  "I love you too, Alec." I say with a small smile, and then walk to my locker in a complete daze. I'm still smiling when I reach my locker and grab my supplies for first period when I feel the heat of someone standing behind me.

  "What's up, bitch?" Mya says.

  I jump, grabbing onto my chest and attempting to slow my racing heart. "What the hell! Would you quit sneaking up on people like that? Shit!"

  Mya cackles and Leah rolls her eyes, clearly not the evil twin in this equation. "How are you doing, Callie? I feel like I haven't seen you in a while."

  "I know, I'm sorry. I've been so busy with work, and school. You know..."

  "Uh huh, you mean..." Mya nods her head in the direction of Alec's classroom, making me reach out and give her a small pinch in the arm.

  "Don't be obvious. But yes, I have been a little preoccupied." I blush.

  "Good for you. You look happy." Leah says genuinely.

  "What about you, Leah? How are you and Sawyer doing?"

  "Great! I have so much to tell you." She gushes.

  "I can't wait to hear it."

  "Uh, yes, you can." Mya says sarcastically.

  "Shut up, Mya. Just because you and Lane are in it more for the sex doesn't mean that other people can't find happiness." Leah has a scowl on her face. I don't think this is the first time they have had this conversation.

  “So, I have a favor...” I start, shutting my locker door and leaning up against it, wanting to stop their arguments before it even begins.

  “What is it?” Leah asks.

  “Can you guys cover for me this weekend? I’m hoping to get out of town for a couple days.” I say quietly.

  “You and...” Leah nods her head in the direction of Alec’s classroom again and I roll my eyes before nodding my head yes.

  “That sounds fun. Yes, of course we will cover for you. Right, Mya?” Leah asks, bumping her hip with Mya's.

  “Yes, I guess. But you owe me. And he better back off for the week then, cause you’re mine.”

  Laughing, I link my arm through hers and say, “You got it. I’m yours for the week.”

  Leah comes around and links her arm through my free one, and off the three of us go to class.

  It’s crazy to think about how far I have come since moving here from California. I have been happier here, more forgiving and less of a petulant teenager. I’ve matured, and whether that has to do with the death of my mom or if I finally have grown up a bit, I don’t know, but it feels good. I also haven’t spoken to Nell or any of my other friends from California in a while, and the fleeting conversations that I have had with Nell are pretty bland. We have both moved on with our lives, and I’m starting to be okay with that. It’s two different worlds - California and Colorado, and I think I fit better in with the Colorado lifestyle. As much as I hate the frigid temps, I love the scenery and I love the people.

  I’ve never met someone like Mya and Leah who I connect with so instantly and deeply. It’s like I have known them my whole life, like we were best friends in our previous lives. And I know without a doubt - that if anything were to happen where we were to part ways, we would continue on with our friendship for the rest of our lives.

  And it’s this thought that keeps the smile on my face throughout first period.

  * * * *

  Later that evening, I get home in time for a nice dinner with Aunt Jenna. I went over to Mya and Leah's house after school. Leah spent about an hour of that time discussing her relationship with Sawyer, long enough where Mya had to leave and go down to the kitchen because she couldn't listen to another word of her ramblings. When Leah was done, I asked her, "What is going on with Mya? It seems like she keeps getting frustrated every time we bring Sawyer up." I look in the direction of her bedroom doorway, wondering what Mya is doing.

  "Yeah... we talked about it. She is just upset because I am getting really close with Sawyer, and this has never happened between us, you know? It's always just been Mya and Leah. Now it's senior year, things are changing, I think she is just having a hard time. But she shouldn't really be acting like this - she and Lane are in the same boat. She is just downplaying everything because she doesn't want him to hurt her. You know she has had feeling for him since middle school, right?"

  "What!? No way!" I'm shocked.

  She nods her head. "Yeah. So, she is trying to act like she isn't really affected by him... but she is. Majorly."

  We went downstairs shortly after that, sweeping any talk of boys underneath the table and just having some girl time.

  Now I am spending some much needed time with Aunt Jenna, and it's exactly what I needed.

  "So how is school going, dear? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Aunt Jenna says while dishing up some potatoes on her plate.

  "School is going really good actually. It's flying by, too. I can't wait to see what summer time is like around here." I say, taking a bite of my food.

  "It's quite beautiful, that's for sure. There will still be some mountain tops that have snow on it, but overall you can get some pretty warm days. The nights are still cool though."

  "Uh, I cannot wait for the warm days." Just imagining the sun beating down on me while wearing a tank top and shorts is enough to have goose bumps pop up around my body in excitement.

  "So, tell me, what else is new? How are the girls? How is work going?"

  "Mya and Leah are good. Leah and her boyfriend Sawyer and driving Mya crazy, but they're fine. Work is good too. Working with Elaine makes the shift go by fast."

  Our conversation continues on like this, finally catching up on the small things. I like having someone who cares enough to know what is going on in my life. Back in California, I'm realizing that so many of the people are so superficial and barely even want to listen to your stories, only really caring about themselves.

  After dinner, Aunt Jenna and I head to the living room and watch reality TV shows the rest of the evening, but we barely even pay attention, instead talking about our lives and just enjoying each other's company.


  I watch out the window as the buildings get more and more sporadic and the trees denser as the minutes pass. It's beautiful up here, a lot different than the city in the mountains. It has more of a naturistic feel to it and less that people have tampered with the land.

  Alec and I are finally on our way up to his family's cabin. I spent most of the week with Mya and Leah, which is just what I needed before heading off with Alec. If I wasn't with Mya and Leah, I was spending time wit
h Aunt Jenna. All of us even got together twice this week to have dinner. It was nice, and it felt like I was spending time with my family.

  Although I'm glad I was able to spend time with everyone this week, it made me miss Alec so much. By Friday we were pretty much splitting at the seams, grasping at each other in the mornings before school in the quiet of his classroom, eager to get even a second to ourselves.

  We pull up into a hidden driveway, taking the gravel road up a curvy road through the thick greens that have a dusting of snow on them and up to a modest log cabin. It's beautiful and quaint; some place that I can definitely see myself relaxing and enjoying my time away from the stresses in the world.

  "Ready to go check it out?" Alec asks, giving my hand a squeeze.

  "Yes." I smile and squeeze his hand back before stepping out of the car, walking up to the front door.

  Alex unlocks it and steps inside, holding the door open for me with one hand while carrying our bags with the other. He sets them down inside the front door, turning on the lights before walking up to the thermostat to crank it on.

  "Should warm up in here shortly. Go ahead and make yourself at home."

  I look around the cabin, noting the open floor plan that sprawls out around me, leaving everything seem bigger than it really is. The high ceilings with log beams on the ceiling in the living room lead to a fireplace much like the one that is at Alec's house. Two sofas with colorful pillows surround an entertainment center. Looking out the large windows, I see a large patio and deck that looks out into the trees and mountains.

  I'm in absolute awe, this place is so beautiful.

  "This is crazy, Alec. So spectacular." I say breathlessly, literally speechless.

  He chuckles as he walks up to me and wraps his arms around me from behind. "It is pretty awesome, huh? Come on, let me show you where we will be sleeping."

  He grabs our bags and pulls me down the hallway into a spacious bedroom with floor to ceiling windows which show a beautiful sight of the mountains. There is an en suite bathroom which has a large soaker tub and what I hope is a steam shower. I've been dying to try out a steam shower.

  "Is this a steam shower?" I just had to ask.

  "It sure is, babe."

  Clapping my hands together, I let out a little squeal. "I cannot wait to try that bad boy out."

  "Why don't you go ahead and try it out then? You can get go and get ready because I would like to take you out to dinner. How does that sound?"

  "Dinner sounds great." I'm already walking towards my bag to grab something to wear. I only brought one nice outfit, so I hope he isn't planning to take me out every night this weekend.

  "Good. We will leave at about five o'clock." He walks past me and swats my butt on his way out of the bedroom.

  "Hey! You don't want to shower with me?"

  "If I hopped in the shower with you, we would never be leaving here tonight. And I feel like showing you off in public when I am able to."

  "I would like that, too."

  "Alright, go get ready then. See you in a bit." And with that, he walks out of the bedroom, giving the door frame a little tap with his knuckle on the way out the door.

  The moment I step into the shower and turn on the steam shower, I let out a loud groan. This shit is awesome. As much as I would love to stay in here most of the evening, and I really would, I know Alec really wants to take me out tonight, and I want to go out with him too. Do couply things instead of just holing up inside of his house.

  After giving myself a quick wash and shave, I hurry out of the shower and put on my matching pair of lace nude panties. I bought these after Christmas with a gift card I received from Mya. Alec hasn't seen this pair yet, and I'm pretty sure he will melt onto the floor when he sees how well they shape to my body.

  I blow dry my hair and decide to add some loose curls and add a dark smoky eye. It's a little bit more than I usually do, but considering we're going out to a nice dinner, I think it is perfect. I slip into my also new black, lace, long sleeve shift dress. It fits perfectly but the looseness also makes in comfortable in the sense that I can move around without feeling completely restricted.

  After I'm ready to go, I look at the clock and see that it's 4:45pm. I hope that Alec went to go and get ready somewhere else in the house, because if we don't leave shortly we are going to be late. Walking back out to the bedroom, I sit down on the bed and slide on my black heels, grab my wristlet, and I'm ready to do.

  "Alec? Are you ready to go? We need to leave." I say, walking down the hallway and looking around for him. When I reach the living room, I stop in my tracks.

  "Sweet baby Jesus." Alec whispers from his spot on the living room couch. He stands up and waltzes over to me, and I feel heat start to creep up between my thighs. "You look ravishing." He rasps once he reaches me.

  "You look quite delicious yourself." My eyes run over his body, liking the dark gray suit he is wearing, tying with a navy shirt underneath, unbuttoned at the top. I lay my hand on his rock-hard chest and mumble, "Maybe we should just skip dinner after all."

  Alec chuckles and palms my ass, pulling me towards him and giving me a small peck on the lips. "As much as I would like peel this dress off you right now and fuck you up against these windows, I would much rather get you nice and fed first. You will need your fuel to keep you going all night." He winks at me, enjoying the fact that I'm writhing with need.

  "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" I scowl at him.

  He laughs. "Very much so. Come on, let's go eat something quick at this nice little place I picked out. We can come back here after and I will let you have your way with me."

  "Say no more." I pat his chest and turn towards the door, wanting to get this dinner over with quickly so that the fun can begin.

  * * * *

  We arrive at the restaurant right on time and get escorted to a small, private table in the back. It's very intimate, with warm lights and candles on the table. Not to mention, this place looks like it is pretty pricy with the elegant chandeliers and crystal chinaware on the tables.

  The waiter comes and takes our order, Alec orders a steak and I order some fancy pasta dish. Once the waiter leaves, Alec reaches forward and grabs my hand, giving me that warm look that makes my body tingle all over. "I love you, Callie."

  "I love you too, Alec." I say, giving his hand a squeeze.

  "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

  "Five years? Hopefully graduated, with a nice job, a house, you." I blush and look down at our hands.

  "Hey, what's the blush for? You know where I see myself in five years?"

  "Where?" I slowly lift my gaze, looking up into his warm, brown eyes.

  "Married to you."

  Shocked, I stutter out, "Are - are you proposing?"

  He chuckles. "Sadly, no. I would right now if I could. But you need to finish high school first. It really wouldn't look good for us if we were engaged, or married for that matter. People might start to think I'm giving you A's on purpose." He winks at me, making me chuckle. "But seriously, I just wanted you to know, I do want to marry you. I would get down on my knee right this second and ask if it was in the cards. It will be though. You want to know why, Callie? Because in five years, you're mine, baby. Five years and my ring will be on that finger." He taps my ring finger with his pointer finger, and I just imagine that beautiful stone that he would pick out. He knows me, and he knows my taste. But more than that - he loves me, and whatever he picks out I know will be truly beautiful.

  "Sounds like a plan to me." I smile at him.

  Our food comes and Alec and I dive into our meals, talking about how good the food is and making small talk. I catch him up on my friends and Aunt Jenna, and let him know when this summer comes he is going to have to meet my brother when he comes to town.

  He also tells me about the ranch that his family owns, and that next year we will have to make a trip out there. "My mom will absolutely love you." He says.

  After we eat, Alec
pays the check and walks us back to his Jeep, leaving a warm palm on my lower back. He opens the door for me and helps me in before walking over to his side and starting up the truck. "Wow, pulling out all the moves this evening, huh? Trying to get laid or something?"

  "I already know I'm getting laid, you just deserve to be treated well, is all."

  Well that shuts me up. I give him a smile and watch as we drive back to the cabin, loving the scenic drive he decides to take. There is a small creek on the side of the road, flowing in between the rocks and the mountains. I keep my eyes peeled for wildlife, always hoping that I will spot something but never having much luck.

  When we arrive back at the cabin, we quietly walk back inside and Alec walks straight towards the kitchen. "Would you like a glass of wine tonight?"

  "You're really going to let me drink?" I lift my eyebrows in disbelief.

  "A couple glasses never hurt anyone. And besides, you're with me. I don't have to worry about teenage boys macking on you."

  I laugh. "Sure, I'll have a glass." I take off my coat and walk over to the couch, taking off my shoes and rubbing my feet with a moan. "Ugh, I don't know how people wear high heels every day."

  Coldplay comes on some surround sound speakers before Alec walks up to me, glass of wine in hand. He hands it off to me and sets his down on an end table. "Here, let me." He sits down on the couch and lifts my leg up on his lap, grabbing my foot and softly massaging my foot.

  "How are you so good at this?" I moan. He presses harder in the right spots and lighter in others, reaching every single inch of my foot.

  "I know how to please my woman is all." He says. His voice has turned gravely, hinting at his growing arousal. He slowly starts moving to my ankle and to my calf, massaging the muscles there before lightly walking his fingers up my thigh. He gives me a heated look, one that makes my lace panties start to damped. His nostrils flare, making me wonder if he can smell the scent of my arousal.

  He gently reaches his hand up underneath my dress, grazing his fingers down my slit on the outside of my underwear. "Shit." He mumbles to himself. "You are drenched." And almost on instinct, he leans forward and kneels on the floor, pulling my dress up and sliding my panties down. "Yes." He whispers, lifting my legs up and spreading them.


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