Rock Bottom (The Handler Series Book 1)

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Rock Bottom (The Handler Series Book 1) Page 19

by Angie M. Brashears

  He’s not the kind of guy that cuts a bitch to see if she bleeds. No, he’s the kind of guy that gives a girl like me, let’s be real, “a pop star that’s run out of chances, one more. That one chance is going to be my last chance. I’m going to make damn sure of it.

  It’s obvious, I’ve got to be more careful with him. My Shamus has a soft spot for me and I’m not going to bruise it. I need to take a little more care with how I handle the man that makes me happy.

  Pure uncut happy.

  As much as it pains him to do it, he tries to give me the slip.

  “I’m not your keeper, Nova. If that’s what you think of me, then I must be as bad as all the rest. If you need more than me, I won’t be the one to stand in your way.” He picks up the contract I left and strikes a crystal lighter.

  I don’t even think, just act. I walk over and blow out the flame. “Oh no you don’t Shamus. That’s a legal document. Whether you like it or not, you’re stuck with me for perpetuity.”

  I hand him the original. “And why haven’t you signed it? Tried to make it binding today and I had to forge your signature,” I say with a devilish grin, “but I’m NovaKain. You’d be surprised what they let me get away with.”

  He looks up and that look, that frown turned upside down? Those crinkles in the corners? He looks at me like there’s hope for me after all.

  And I’m starting to believe it.

  “Go wash your face. We’ve got a date.” I say.

  “I’m always down for soy sauce.” He says.

  I don’t have the heart to tell him…it’s an actual date. And I can’t wait.


  As I lead him through the casino by the wrist, he objects.

  “Nova, I can’t see anything.” And tries to push off the blindfold. It’s a tie, one I found in his drawer, with shamrocks on it! I grab the tail end of the tie and tug.

  “Just follow the hoots and hollers.” I say with a giggle and lead my blind man through a casino full of a lot of looky’s, but no touchys. Thanks to Cody. Walking two steps ahead, clearing a path, and looking like a badass while doing it. Bearded, in a tight tailored suit, he keeps grasping hands at arm’s length. Shamus doesn’t need to know this, but I take him with me wherever I go. I am famous, after all.

  That guy’s got a future, but sadly my man’s got a jealous streak.

  Chapter 31


  She sits me at a table in the bar and uncovers my eyes. The place is empty. It takes a second to focus and when I do, I look down at the paper in front of me.

  “What’s this?” I ask.

  “An investment, in you.” She says.

  When I take a closer look, my stomach drops. It’s a cashier’s check in the amount of six million dollars. I’m speechless.

  This girl does not know how to stay out of trouble, I swear. If there was ever a time for a handcuffed escort, now’s the time. Pissed, I scan the club, but we’re alone.

  “Nova. Jeez, that’s a lot of money. How long have you been walking around with this? And where’s Ilsa?” I ask.

  “Don’t be mad, but I gave her the night off. I just wanted it to be you and me. It’s yours. Make your dreams a reality, Shamus.” She says.

  “You don’t have to buy me.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “Are you my sugar mama?” I ask.

  “I’d like some sugar sex, but never call me mama. I loved your vision. I read your notes. Recharge, Surge. I like them both, but what this place needs is…a Revival.” And she winks.

  Excited, I say. “A place to recharge you mind, body and spirit.” And I find myself doing the name up in lights thing that the rest of my family does.

  “Exactly.” She says, looking so smug. I bend down and kiss her on the nose so this doesn’t hurt a bit.

  “No.” I say.

  Hurt, she asks. “What? I thought you liked it?”

  “I love it, but I’m not taking your money, honey. When you get a chance, I’d like my balls back, please.”

  She giggles. “Right after you sign on the dotted line.”

  “Told you I don’t need your money.” I say.

  She nods. “What about me?” And she points to the contract.

  Without even reading it, I sign.

  Surprised, she asks. “What? Mr. Careful’s not going to read it?”

  “I don’t mind living on the edge, as long as it’s with you.” I say.

  “With all my shenanigans, maybe it’s you who should be looking for a loophole in your own contract. You can’t get rid of me, Shamus.” she says.

  “I don’t want to. A smart girl told me that for one second, in this big atmosphere, she meant something to someone. Well, every second of my life. Every waking moment is spent in loving you. I never know what you’re going to do next. Before you, I couldn’t have cared less if this place with all its bad memories burned down. But you make me see the possibilities. I’ve got another chance with you. I can enable you to shine. I love you, Nova, marry me and have all the “random” sex you can handle for the rest of your life.”

  “Excuse, hold up. Did you say, you love me?” She asks.

  “Yeah, but that’s beside the point. Did you hear the rest?”

  And I got so lucky that night.


  In the wee hours of the morning she turns to me and says. “I went to all the trouble of writing a song for you and didn’t even play it.”

  I grin in the dark. “What’s it called? The pushover?”

  She laughs. “No, I’m still working on it…but it’s how you make me feel. Second to None.”

  She faces me, and with her eyes wide open she sings.

  Alone in the dark, come find me.

  It was a lonely night when you came into my life, alone in the dark, come find me.

  Used and abused, lost, and confused, instead of sinking we swam.

  Just another woman with her man. I like him, I love him. I want all of him.

  If that’s not husband material, I don’t know what is.

  Do I need him. I think of his touch, his lips. I do.

  Seems like I do, want you. Your smile. Your soul.

  Shamelessly smutty husband material.

  If you want me, I’ll be under this thumb.

  But am I good enough for him?

  He says I’m second to none.

  I kiss the corner of her smile, and because I’m a man who doesn’t kiss and tell, I leave you with that.

  I can’t be her babysitter. What she does or doesn’t do is between her and Justice. I can tell you one thing, the last time I saw her out of her mind was on that plane.

  While Nova works her steps, I’m working my own.

  Admission…learning to say, “No” like I mean it. I won’t sit by and aid another person I love into the grave. Learning that we are responsible for our own decisions takes work, but I’m willing to put in the time.

  “Uncle Tommy, nice tracksuit.” He’s brought a huge bouquet of flowers for the premiere. “Where’s she at?” he asks.

  “Getting ready. I wanted a chance to talk to you about that contract.” I say.

  “Wait, you thought that was real? It was short notice, on a Saturday. I had Vinnie type something up. Vinnie the guy that works at the comic book store, Vinnie.”

  “Did you even read it?” I ask.

  “No, was it good?

  “Too good. I’m ripping it up!”

  “Wait, wait.” Nova runs down the hallway, sliding to a stop in a pair of my socks. And my boxers, and my shirt. “Don’t rip it up, I want to keep it! “We can hang it on the wall and show the kiddies.”

  Uncle Tommy meets Nova. And loves her. Before I can stop him, he’s on the phone to my mom. Apparently, she’s been in the hotel for a week, but she’s still not speaking to me and just like the rest of us Malones, instantly feels the need to protect her.

  My mother looks directly at me and says. “Wow, Shamus, I hope you’re paying this lovely lady

  Nova changes and comes out wearing a champagne dress with a full skirt. “I love you.” I mouth the words as she twirls.

  Candy Cane was crushed, NovaKain was a phase, but up there, I see the woman, Nova. The colors she picked are muted, understated. The music played to perfection. The words, poignant tragic and she sings with her eyes closed.

  I may never know all of the NovoKain’s secrets, and that’s okay. There’s a mystery there that I wouldn’t want to mar. No, my girl is Nova and she’s a handful.

  Chapter 32


  On stage, with all the house lights down, lighters flicker in the crowd. “I have an announcement. I’ll be at The Four Leaf in perpetuity. You can’t get rid of me, Shamus, says so in my contract. Where you at?”

  A spotlight finds him in the crowd. When our eyes meet, the connection is palpable. A current of energy runs through me and for once in my life, I’m sober and will remember it all.

  He stands with a smile, and when I see him. There’s a huge smile on mine.

  He’s wearing my NovaKain, this won’t hurt a bit shirt and my heart squeezes.



  She’s a handful…that I guard with my life. A pain in the ass, but she’s my pain in the ass. No one else’s.

  If I had to explain her, I’d be stumped. The way she makes me feel?

  There’s no words that can even grasp it, but, I’ll try.

  You think she’s the bad girl, but she’s so much more than that. She’s everything. Crazy, for sure. Funny as hell, and above all else she’s honest.

  Nova is different. Utilizing every aspect of the handlers, she knows how much the shows are bringing in. Goes over her own dailies to see where cuts need to be made. The old conference room is being made over into her office, for her entourage. But they are not there to yes ma’am her to death. Her entourage works for a living.

  There’s nothing sexier than a woman with her shit together.



  Do you feel like meeting me at the Marketplace tomorrow?” I ask.

  “Yeah, but you’re famous, hon. You’ve gotta take Cody with you at all times.” This speech is titled, “Them’s the breaks.”

  I smile. “Hey! I only get to say that. Plus, I’ll be in disguise. The only thing you’ll be able to recognize is my panties.”

  He rolls his eyes.

  “Your blushing.” I say.

  “Because no one ever talks to me that way.” He says.

  “I’ve got rehearsal in the morning, meet me at the bike rack at noon.”


  Sitting on the concrete lip that overlooks the bike rack, I swing my fishnet clad legs back and forth. Hidden behind shrubs, I am the Jason fucking Bourne of sex games.

  A biker approaches, It’s him!

  I don’t know what it is about the conservationists. Those who choose to recycle while others wastefully glug and chug, myself included. If Shamus wasn’t into recycling pop stars, there would be no Shanova.

  He meets all my criteria. A good guy, a cyclist, one that foregoes the four wheels for two, hoping to lessen his carbon footprint, it’s those conservationists, the Leo’s of my generation, that set my heart aflutter. Those that talk about plastics like they’re a bad thing. When they go on and on about the floating islands of trash, big enough to inhabit, all I can think of are blended frosty drinks with umbrellas in them. God bless him, someone has to care about the planet. That’s when I make the decision. I stop my swinging legs as the unknown biker approaches.

  He’s got the slim navy tie fluttering over a shoulder. The modern-day equivalent of the modern cape, the first hint of stubble, again, thanks to his every other day shaving, we’ll all have drinking water. Wonder if he showers in pairs to conserve water. And I squirm in my seat. That’s when he notices me. This foot, the one with this pant leg tucked into the sock. Stands still on the pedal. The shock of seeing a flash of transparent black knickers, under a plaid catholic girl skirt registers only with a raise of a brow over his dark Clark Kent glasses. I watch the approach, the way he carefully maneuvers his front tire between the waiting grate of the bike rack and a pulse starts like a ‘knock, knock, knock’ on the inside of my vaheena.

  Hello businessman.

  Sexy, he moves with a practiced ease, snapping a lock through his front tire. Giving him a full view of my cash and prizes, the most he does is look over his shoulder once, just a darted glance, but I know he’s interested.

  I’ve put in the time. I look down and see the silky black bra peeking through the white cotton of my shirt. The only I could find is a size too small. I wear my hair natural, with only a plaid flower headband holding my unruly curls at bay. Just barely, I’d run over in the Mary Jane’s to give myself the flushed look.

  The sun glistens against the cold band on his finger, and bingo. Last criteria met.

  I watch his broad back, and my eyes move down to the front of his polyester navy chinos. As he puts his hands on his hips, I focus on the flex of his muscle.

  When he turns towards me I tug at one of the black satin bows that hold my stockings up. The satin feels sensuous and naughty.

  He walks up to me, without looking at me. Leaning on the same bar that I’m perched on. His hand clutches the bar, close enough that our fingers touch. When his pinkie bumps mine, he doesn’t move it! That’s how I know I’m in.

  “Cool bike. You one of those save the planet guys?” I ask sweetly, before blowing a big pink bubble.

  His eyes remain on my glossed lips when he says. “My wife seems to think so.”

  Brownie points for mentioning the ball and chain, it only turns me on more. Like stealing candy from a baby. I blow another pink bubble, bigger than before. The gum is stretched to the absolute capacity, and he sticks a finger into it and pops it.

  There’s a tiny piece of gum stuck on the side of his calloused finger. I take his hand in mine. Looking up into his eyes, I suck the long index finger into my mouth before swirling my tongue around the tip.

  “Wouldn’t want to leave any evidence. Wouldn’t want your wife to get suspicious.” And I lay his heavy hand on my upper thigh. The creamy part, right above the black bow. AND HE DOESN’T MOVE IT!

  A thrill courses through me. I move my thigh, cautious like, I’m not trying to scare him away, just want to see it he sticks, and he does. Like glue.

  The thrill sparks to electricity as his hand slides farther beneath my short skirt.

  Pulling him close by the strap of his shoulder bag, I ask.

  “Why’d you take the invitation?”



  “How could I say no to such a beautifully crafted invitation. Designed in black silky lace panties, how could I refuse?” I ask.

  “Two other guys did. Before you.” She says.

  Pissed, I scan the empty marketplace. “Which guys? I’ll beat their asses for looking at my wife.”

  “Shhhh. You promised you’d stay in character, Shamus.” She says.

  This is important to her. It’s what gets my beautiful wife off. She loves picking me up. Every fantasy is me and I love her for it. She totes herself as the batman of sex games. Or was it Bourne? Either way, I’m no joker. No foiler of plots and I love the way she recycles her sex games just for me.

  “Lucky me.” I say.

  The End


  Get Handled

  Idle Hands are the Devils Playthings

  The Handler Series Book 2


  With no real interest, I’m on time for the date. Guilt floods me at the word. Not an official date but a meeting between opposite sexes just the same.

  No matter how badly I wanted too, I couldn’t say no. Not to Nova. She’s my brother’s fiancée and the baby sister I never had.

  And she was just going to keep asking until she got her way.

  The alarm on my watch goes off. My daily reminder that it’s noon.
I pull the burner out of my suit pocket and dial the matching one. It rings, but no one answers.

  “I miss you baby.” I say and snap it shut just as a gorgeous blonde walks up to the maitre’d. I stand and motion her over with a smile. Pull out her chair, do all the things a date would do. I’m not worried about being seen, now I’m worried my little show will go unheeded.

  Any blind man can see, this woman is gorgeous. Long red hair with glints of blonde that twinkle in the setting sunlight.

  I smile at the tinkling sound of her laughter.

  As I do in situations such as these, whether a fleeting smile, a joke with my brother, anytime I feel happiness without her, I question my motives.

  How would she feel if she saw us like this? Two nice looking adults, sitting at a Bistro table, enjoying the food and the sun. I look around. The sunny outdoor café lends a hospitable atmosphere, yet I feel like an outsider.

  The food, which we’d both raved about loses its taste. I force the lump of sauce covered cardboard sitting at the back of my throat down with effort.

  The wind that tickles the back of my neck carries an air of your disapproval. As if tapped on the shoulder, I turn. But you’re not there.

  The gentle prods I used to talk about commitment, you used as a starters block to flee…from me.

  Her laughter, on the wind and my heart stills. She sounds like you.

  I shake the anxiety of being caught out with another. There will be no angry outburst, no jealous outrage. You couldn’t care less. It was you who left.

  The beautiful redhead attempts to peek around my shades.

  “Justice, you awake in there?” She jokes.

  I attempt a smile at her brevity. “Just trying to come up with a problem someone as beautiful as you might have.”

  The blush is instantaneous as is her chair moving closer to mine.


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