The Rancher’s Reunion Bride

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The Rancher’s Reunion Bride Page 10

by Maya Stirling

  She saw Gabe glancing toward the door of the restaurant, as if he expected Judah Calhoun to follow them inside. Gabe looked wary.

  "Grace told me something about Brett Calhoun," Lauren offered. "Did you know Judah was coming?"

  Gabe shook his head. "I figured all the trouble with the Calhoun family was over and done with, now that Brett has gone," he replied. Gabe sighed. "I can't say that I'm happy to see the man," Gabe added.

  "Surely he can't cause any trouble," Lauren suggested.

  Gabe tilted his head and smiled sarcastically. "You don't know what Brett was like. He made some folks lives around here miserable. Once word gets out Judah is here, I predict trouble."

  Lauren felt a chill snake down her spine. She hadn't seen Gabe this worried about anything. "Maybe the sheriff should know," she said.

  Gabe scoffed. "Nathan will know soon enough. And I'm sure he won't be pleased."

  After what her father had said to her about staying longer, Lauren figured she should know as much as possible about Calhoun's reputation. And Gabe seemed to know enough to warrant her asking again. "At least tell me what you know," she said to him.

  Lauren could see that he knew she wouldn't give up. He nodded. Then he proceeded to tell her as much as he knew about the things that Brett Calhoun had done over the years. As she listened, Lauren's heart sank. She realized that Grace hadn't told her everything. Probably that was because she was cousin to the Buchanans, and most likely did not want to go over painful memories again. Gabe told her about how Brett Calhoun had tried to steal the Buchanan ranch by using obscure laws and property contracts against the family. It had taken four marriages and a close call at the end for the Buchanan family to win possession of what was rightly their property. One they'd spent years building up.

  And then there was the way Calhoun had tried to interfere in Grace's own family, cousins to the Buchanans. Thankfully they had prevailed over Calhoun. The man sounded like a menace. More than that, Lauren told herself. He sounded like a genuine source of evil in the town. She concluded that the town was well rid of him. Now she could understand the strength of Gabe's reaction. He looked genuinely worried.

  "Isn't there something we can do?" she asked.

  "We?" He lifted a brow and looked puzzled at the suggestion she had anything to do with this.

  "Surely the sheriff can run him out of town," she suggested.

  To her consternation, Gabe laughed quietly. His eyes suddenly bright, he smiled at her. "I admire your attitude," he said. "I wish it was that simple. Men like Calhoun know how to look after themselves and stay out of trouble." He drummed his fingers on the table. "The simple truth is that until Judah does something wrong or illegal there's nothing that can be done."

  Lauren frowned and then nodded. Gabe was right. The kitchen door opened and the waitress brought their order. She everything on the table and left. For a short while the conversation stopped while Gabe and Lauren drank tea and enjoyed the plain cakes. She glanced out the window, observing the passers-by. She wondered how people would react when they learned of the new arrival. Somehow, the presence of Judah Calhoun had thrown into stark relief how perfect this little town really was. Since coming back she'd been reluctant to admit that she was beginning to enjoy being in Inspiration. But she was. And, sitting opposite Gabriel Baxter wasn't exactly the most unpleasant thing to do on a sunny April morning.

  After they'd both finished, she saw sudden thoughtfulness in Gabe's eyes. Wondering if he was going to bring up the subject of what had happened the previous night, Lauren readied herself.

  Taking one last sip of tea, Gabe placed his cup down on the saucer and leaned his elbows on the table. He peered into her eyes and she felt something shift inside her. There was something about the way he looked at her that reminded her of former delights. Joyful days. Of times when she had felt genuinely happy to be in his company.

  "About last night," Gabe said softly.

  Before he had a chance to continue, she interrupted him. "You don't have to say anything." Lauren knew what she wanted to say to him next, but somehow the words just wouldn't come. Finally she forced herself to say: "I'm glad it happened," she said abruptly.

  Clearly taken aback, Gabe's brows shot up. "You are?"

  Lauren felt her cheeks flush with heat. "After all, it's not the first time, is it?" She tilted her head and added thoughtfully. "And you?"

  Gabe leaned back and seemed astonished that she would ask him such a question. Then, gradually a smile stretched across his lips. He nodded. "It was the sweetest moment, Lauren," he murmured.

  Hearing her name on his lips made her feel a warm sensation in her middle. Her heartbeat quickened. Emotions surged within her and, almost instinctively, she turned her head and gazed out the wall-length window of the restaurant. She'd been taken aback by the way he'd said those words, and the look in his eyes. That look, of sheer delight and total appreciation, was one she hadn't seen since returning. She was glad he'd looked at her like that. It made her feel wanted. Needed.

  Suddenly Gabe leaned forward, stretched out his hand and curled his fingers over her hand. Lauren glanced down quickly at his hand, astonished at such a forward gesture. But not for a moment did she even think of withdrawing her hand. The touch of his skin on hers felt exquisite. Sensation raced up her arm. Her gaze met his. She felt her heart thundering and could see how much holding her hand meant him. Time seemed to slow to a crawl.

  She saw that Gabe was desperate to say something. Wanted to add something more to the gesture of holding her hand. The truth was, ever since she'd returned, she'd wanted him to touch her like this. It was such a simple gesture, but it meant so much to her. Then, she caught a movement out of the side of her eye. Slowly, she turned her head and saw the last person she would ever have wanted to witness her enjoying this perfect moment.

  Lauren snatched her hand away from Gabe's and sat back in her chair. "My father!" she exclaimed.

  She saw Gabe twist around and see Zacharias standing on the other side of the window on the boardwalk gazing into the restaurant. Under normal circumstances she would have expected her father to look enraged or angry. Instead, he was grinning broadly. He'd obviously seen everything, Lauren told herself.

  Gabe peered questioningly at Lauren. He didn't say a word. His expression spoke volumes. It was a mixture of apprehension and cautious delight. Lauren saw her father move away from the window with the obvious intention of entering the restaurant. She spent a few moments trying to compose herself while glancing hesitantly at Gabe. The door opened and Zacharias entered. He strode up to the table and looked down at Lauren and Gabe.

  "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," he said almost jokingly.

  Lauren's face felt red-hot, but she was glad that at least her father hadn't made any specific reference to what he must have seen through the window.

  Gabe stood politely and gestured to an empty chair. "Would you care to join us?"

  Zacharias shook his head. "No. I don't want to spoil your fun," he said with a smile. He looked at Lauren, as if waiting for her reaction, but she didn't give him any.

  She stood and fussed with her reticule and picked up the small parcel containing the wool. "I was just getting ready to leave," she declared.

  Gabe's brows shot up. "You were?"

  Lauren nodded firmly. She hooked an arm inside that of Zacharias. "I think we best be getting back to the ranch," she said to her father.

  Gabe appeared suddenly panicked, as if witnessing all his recent progress evaporating before his eyes. He took a step forward and spoke quickly as if what he was about to say had hardly been carefully considered. "Can I invite you and your daughter to the Baxter ranch on Saturday?" Gabe asked rapidly.

  Now it was Zacharias' turn to look surprised. He glanced quickly at Lauren. "That's a mighty kind offer, Gabe," Zacharias replied. "What do you say, Lauren?"

  She tried to make it look as if she was weighing up the offer, but the truth was she had already made her min
d up. She smiled politely at Gabe. "I'd like that very much," she said quietly.

  Gabe smiled broadly. "Does lunchtime sound good?"

  And then her father said the worst thing imaginable. "It's a date then."

  Lauren forced herself to look blankly at Gabe. Obviously her father had no idea what he had just said. Then again, glancing at her father, she saw a mischievous look in his eyes. Maybe he knew exactly what he was doing, after all. They said their goodbyes to Gabe and then Lauren let her father lead her out of the restaurant.


  Saturday couldn't come quickly enough for Gabe. When it did arrive he spent the morning out on the Baxter spread, working with Landon and Kyle and the ranch hands. Apart from anything else, the work kept his mind off what was to come that afternoon. As he worked in the morning sunshine, helping to look after the herd, he thought about what had happened back at the hotel. The idea of inviting Lauren and Zacharias had leaped into Gabe's mind. Before he'd even thought about what he was saying, he'd spoken the words.

  He'd seen the hesitant, but pleased look in Lauren's eyes. Now that she was coming, Gabe was determined that the lunchtime meal would be something to remember. Lily, the housekeeper, had promised to work on something special. As he'd left the ranch house this morning, Gabe had seen Lily begin her preparations immediately breakfast was completed.

  All through the morning, Gabe felt impatient. Lauren had visited the ranch last year during preparations for Victoria and Wyatt's wedding. Lauren had already seen what a fine spread the Baxter ranch was. Gabe had sweet memories of riding with Lauren as he'd accompanied her on a tour of the spread. On that day, Gabe's father had seemed delighted to show off what the family owned. Gabe pushed away thoughts of his parents decision to leave the ranching life behind. He was still having trouble coming to terms with it.

  As the morning wore on, Gabe got a chance to observe Kyle more closely. Gabe was curious to see if Kyle's time at the Munro place, under the instruction of Josh and Wyatt was beginning to pay dividends. Gabe was gratified to see that Kyle did indeed show a greater level of interest in the details of working with the herd. In particular, Kyle seemed more willing to work with the ranch hands, some of whom had endured difficulties with Kyle and his reluctance to throw himself into the ranch life. Maybe there was hope, after all, Gabe told himself.

  Finally, it was almost midday and time to head back to the ranch house. Landon accompanied Gabe on the ride home across the rangeland. They left Kyle behind, working with some of the ranch hands. Riding across the wide open plain, with his brother alongside him, Gabe was seized by a sudden good feeling. It seemed that things were going his way. Depending on how today went, prospects of winning Lauren's heart had never been better, he concluded. He knew there were obstacles to overcome, but his hopes were up, and that seemed like a good thing on this fine, sunny Montana day.

  "You look like you're in a good mood," Landon observed, glancing across at Gabe as they rode along the trail.

  "I am," Gabe replied and smiled. "We've got some guests coming to the ranch today. And I think it's going to be a mighty pleasant afternoon."

  Landon lifted a brow. "And Lauren?"

  "What about her?"

  "Is she coming because she wants to? Or because Zacharias is bringing her," Landon said.

  Gabe frowned. "Of course she wants to come to the ranch," he replied. Gabe squinted at Landon. "Why wouldn't she?"

  "I heard you and her weren't exactly seeing eye-to-eye," Landon said.

  "Who told you that?" Gabe snapped.


  "He should know better than to stick his nose where it isn't wanted," Gabe declared defiantly. "In any case, he's been too busy at the Munro ranch to know what's going on between me and Lauren."

  Landon's eyes narrowed. "What is going on between you two?" he asked.

  Realizing he might have given too much away, Gabe peered ahead at the trail and tightened his lips for a few moments, saying nothing.

  "Well?" Landon asked insistently a few moments later.

  Gabe sighed. "You know what happened last year."

  "How could I forget? Everybody saw how you two got as close as two peas in a pod," Landon said.

  Gabe frowned at Landon. "I'm not sure I like that description."

  Landon laughed quietly. "You know what I mean. Ma and pa thought you and Lauren were going to get married."

  Gabe gasped slightly. "They did?"

  Landon nodded. "Pa told me so." Landon smiled. "He was pleased about it, too. Said Lauren is a fine woman." He grinned mischievously. "Too good for the likes of you."

  "Hey!" Gabe objected and then laughed. Landon was always looking for ways to get under Gabe's skin. Out of his two brothers, Gabe had always felt closest to Landon. In many ways, he was similar to himself. Landon had a strong faith and was committed to family life and living on the ranch. Knowing his brother so well, Gabe appreciated that he'd have to reveal the contents of the letter from their parents sooner rather than later. Landon deserved that at least. The time for that was nearing. First, Gabe knew he had to win Lauren's heart. Or at least know where he stood with her.

  The two brothers rode on along the trail. As they crested the final ridge, Gabe saw the ranch house, nestled in the broad valley. Surrounded by corral, barn, stable and bunkhouse, the ranch looked beautiful to Gabe's eyes. If he had his way, this would always be his home. The thought of leaving the place made something hard twist in his gut.

  "Looks like they're early," Landon said pointing toward the ranch house.

  Gabe squinted his eyes and saw that his brother was speaking the truth. A buckboard was parked up in the yard in front of the white-fronted ranch house. He could only assume it belonged to Zacharias and Lauren, but there was no sign of either of them. Gabe dug his heels into the side of his mount. Landon picked up speed, keeping pace with Gabe. They rode into the yard and drew their mounts to a halt near the hitching post by the porch. Gabe and Landon dismounted and tied their horses up.

  Gabe made his way to the house, eagerly thrust open the front door, and stepped into the hall. Standing at the foot of the staircase, he listened. Voices from the kitchen caught his attention. Making his way there, he found Lauren and Lily busy with food preparation. Zacharias was seated at the table with a mug of coffee in front of him. He was looking with casual interest at his daughter and the Baxter's middle-aged housekeeper as they busied themselves with various bowls filled with ingredients. Zacharias lifted his gaze to Gabe, said a brief hello, and smiled. Lauren turned and saw Gabe. To his astonishment, she was wearing an apron over her pretty green gown. Her blonde hair was tied back into a neat bun. Gabe almost smiled when he saw a tracing of white flour on the tip of Lauren's nose. For the moment, she seemed completely unaware of it. If it was possible, Gabe told himself, Lauren looked even more pretty than ever.

  Lauren's eyes widened at the sight of Gabe standing in the kitchen doorway. "Gabe!" she exclaimed. "You're early."

  "I'm early?" he asked. Gabe glanced at Zacharias and wondered if Lauren's father had deliberately brought her before the agreed time. Just so he could manufacture a scene like this. Zacharias' features were an unreadable blank.

  Lauren wiped her hands on her apron. Lily turned and looked disapprovingly at Gabe. "Have you washed up yet?" Lily demanded.

  Knowing how dangerous it could be to get on the wrong side of Lily, Gabe swallowed and shook his head. "Landon and I just got back."

  "That's no excuse," Lily countered.

  Gabe saw Lauren smile and look from Lily to him. Maybe she was enjoying this public humiliation of a rancher by the woman who was actually in control of the domestic goings-on at the Baxter ranch.

  "I'm giving Lily a hand with the lunch preparations," Lauren explained to Gabe.

  Lily scoffed. "I told Lauren I didn't need the help, but she insisted." Lily smiled at Lauren. "I reluctantly accepted."


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