The Debt Collector: An Underground Bad Boys Romance

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The Debt Collector: An Underground Bad Boys Romance Page 4

by India Kells

  One last look in the mirror told her that her hair would be a mess as it dried without any product in it, that the bruises would get worse before they got better and tomorrow morning, her entire body would scream in despair and make her wonder why she’d decided to become a doctor after all.

  Also, being a physician and a sensible woman, well, most of the time, she knew that even with a shower, and some food, her brain would only be operational for a short amount of time. And in that period, she needed to know everything that Locke knew, and more so, what Luther knew and how much of a threat he still was. And what role her dark knight played in her miraculous rescue.

  Barefoot, she made her way out the bathroom and toward the enticing smells of the kitchen. The smell of warm bread made her stomach growl even before she saw the cook, who was removing it from the oven. There was also a steaming pot of something on the stove.

  The sun was still high in the sky, illuminating the apartment’s sharp lines. Nothing was out of place, no personal items on the shelves. Some books. Art on the wall. A small splash of color. She wanted to examine the room more, but her host commanded her attention. Even if he wasn’t looking in her direction, his attention was on her.

  Turning around, she watched him as he opened a cupboard to get dishes. Every one of his movements was efficient and measured. Contained.

  Locke filled two bowls and placed them on the placemats on the counter beside two spoons.

  “Please sit, Doctor.” Again, his voice was low, controlled, as he looked away from her. As she took her place on the stool, he turned again to get the warm bread on a wooden board, with two knives and some butter.

  The soup looked delicious and smelled divine.

  Locke finally sat and took his spoon. “Eat, Doctor.”

  “I would prefer we talk first.”

  The man sighed and put his spoon down before zooming his ocean irises to her. “When was the last time you ate, Doctor Freeman? Or slept for that matter?”

  Tessa shook her head. “I doubt you saved me so I could finally eat and rest.”

  “As I said, your rescue wasn’t planned. I was surprised to see you there. And about that, I have a few questions.”

  “Take a number, stranger, because I have questions of my own first.”

  Locke nodded before gesturing to her bowl of soup. “No doubt you have. But first, eat.”

  As he took his spoon again, Tessa felt a little rebellious, or was it his cold composure that tempted her to test her limits. “How do I know you didn’t put anything in my soup?”

  Once more, Locke put his spoon down. “You trust me. If not overtly, part of you knows I’m not a threat.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, Doctor Freeman. And we both know it now. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have used my shower that way earlier.”

  A sudden burst of heat reddened her cheeks, but Tessa ignored it. “It was a release valve.”

  It was faint, but a small smile tugged at the corner of his handsome lips. “And a beautiful one, I must say.”

  “The door was locked.”

  “You’re in my home, Doctor. A locked door is of no consequence to me.”

  The more he talked, all calm and collected, the more she wanted to jump over the counter and strangle him.

  “But a breach of trust, nonetheless. By locking the door, I implicitly requested to take a shower alone.”

  “I repeat, you’re in my home. I come and go inside these walls as I please. And may I remind you that my presence didn’t prevent you from orgasming. So beautiful to see you fly, Doctor. And again, it was a sign of trust. Don’t tell me you would have done the same if Luther had appeared before you at that exact moment.”

  He had a point, and Tessa hated him even more for that.

  “And that’s why you took your gun back? Because you knew that I trusted you?”

  Locke nodded which made her roll her eyes. “You are unbelievable. It doesn’t work like that. Trust doesn’t work like that.”

  “It does. Extreme circumstances warrant it. And I wouldn’t reveal what I’m about to if I didn’t know for certain that you would keep your mouth shut about it. Same with what you tell me.”

  “What makes you think that I have something to reveal? I lead a very dull life. I have nothing remotely interesting to say about it.”

  His smile grew, and it made her heart skip. He was truly a handsome man, but it was the predatory look in his eyes that was the most unsettling.

  “You underestimate yourself, or you’re lying to me, Doctor. And in both cases, I don’t like it. I doubt you lead such a dull life, as you say. Or if you do, it’s only for appearances. I know that you helped Allison disappear and I applaud you for it even if it was a dangerous and foolish move. Luther is not a man to cross. If you stole his livelihood, he will retaliate.”

  Tessa couldn’t help but snarl. “A young girl is not property. Hell! A human being can’t belong to another. Slavery is an abomination!”

  “So, you admit that you saved Allison.”

  Shit! Her sudden outburst exposed her more than she’d intended. “I admit nothing. I’m only stating the facts.”

  Locke crossed his arms, his energy shifting a little. “Morals don’t have anything to do with this situation. And I suspect Allison isn’t the first one to land in your ER that you’ve tried to save.”

  “You are insane.” Tessa pushed herself away from the counter and went for the elevator. If she couldn’t get it to open, there should be an emergency door somewhere.

  “You can’t walk out of here, Doctor. It’s too dangerous. And the doors are electronically locked, there is no way to get out unless you have the codes.”

  Ignoring his statement, and the fact that he was heading her way, Tessa examined the second door that was locked too. About to try another one, Locke took her by the shoulders and turned her around. “Listen to me. The moment you’re seen on the streets Luther’s men will come and take you back to him. You have to wait.”

  “How long?”

  “Until your debt is repaid.”

  Tessa blinked several times, having difficulty understanding his words. “Luther talked to me about that debt. When I asked how much it was, he just laughed.”

  Locke nodded. “It’s a steep price. He didn’t want to relinquish total ownership of you to me.”

  Tessa struggled in his hold and cried out, ready to punch something or someone within reach. “Nobody owns me. Do you hear me!”

  As cold as before, Locke looked grim. “In this case and for appearance sake, I own you for the time being. Until we find a way to get out of this situation and you don’t end up dead in a dumpster, or worse, knowing what Luther is capable of.”

  The concept was so foreign for her, that trying to discuss it was arduous. “Why did you buy me?”

  Locke relaxed a little. “You’re a good person, Doctor. I wasn’t going there for you. I was hoping to barter for Allison. Buy her.”


  “That’s what we need to discuss. I’m not a good man, but there are lines I would never cross. I know that world better than you and it almost destroyed me. And I didn’t want a girl like Allison, or any of the girls that pass through Luther’s hands to end up as slaves for men paying the right price. And I suspect you don’t either. What I’ve done so far, what was and is necessary to do, rules are the only thing that matters. I told Luther I would lease you for a period of time. You must abide by that rule. And in the meantime, we’ll have to find a way to stop Luther and his slave ring, once and for all.”


  It was as if her world was tilting. One minute, Tessa was panicking at being a prisoner, the other, she now had some sort of purpose. To bust a slave ring with a man she barely knew. Well, didn’t know at all.

  “Why would I trust you? And don’t bring up what happened in the shower. Why would you trust me?”

  Locke took a step back. “A valid point. And one I can’t answer. Doctor Freeman, I
am in the same position as you. I just gave you enough information that if you wish, you could bring me to my knees. I don’t know you, you’re right. I saw how you took care of my wounds, how you treated the other patients. For me, it is enough.”

  And he had saved her when all was lost.

  “Why were you there?”

  “I told you. I came from that world.”

  “You don’t anymore?”

  He hesitated. “I keep my ear to the ground. For a while longer at least.”

  Tessa felt at a crux. If she pushed more, he would close up like a clam. “What bargain did you make with Luther? For me, I mean.”

  “I asked for a buyout, he counter-offered with a six-month lease, that’s renegotiable in three.”

  Tessa hesitated to ask her next question. “A lease of what?”

  Locke angled his head. “As far as Luther is concerned, you’re my sex slave for six months.”

  “And you?”

  Immediately, his features darkened. “I’m not Luther. But I respect the deal I made with him, and so I will make one with you, Doctor.”

  Tessa held her breath. So far, while she found him accommodating, and apart from her intense attraction and gut feeling which was telling her to trust him, he hadn’t supplied any facts to support his claims.

  “You’ll stay here for six months as my personal physician, with minimal rules. Eat, rest. Imagine it’s a vacation. And I’ll work something out with Luther, so you can return to work after that period.”

  For a long time, Tessa stayed silent, taking in all he had said, turning and twisting it inside her head, trying to find a flaw.

  “You are in the habit of being stabbed that often? Or do you just like being stitched?”

  Again, that smile went straight through her like a blazing arrow. “No, but I have associates, one in particular who is a fighter. He has difficult fights coming up and will probably require your help.”

  Was he that selfless? So far, nothing he’d done was for himself. He was trying to save Allison, stop Luther, rescue her and take care of his associate.

  “What are your rules?”

  “Simple, don’t try to leave this apartment. You have free access to the entire place, except my office and bedroom. I like this place tidy so please be mindful. And if ever I order you to your bedroom, don’t hesitate and lock yourself in until I come and get you.”

  Tessa took a deep breath and wondered if she was in the middle of one those weird dreams she got when she was completely exhausted. But her only clue was that she’d never felt fatigue in her dreams and right now, her body was ready to collapse.

  “I can’t be away from work so long…” What if other girls fled? Mabel could help, but only a doctor could sign the transfer forms.

  “I don’t want to force you, Doctor, but if you don’t agree to my terms, I will need to return you to Luther.”

  Just the thought made her shiver in fright. “You wouldn’t.”

  “You will soon find out that I am a man of my word, Doctor. And I’m the same way with my rules. Either we strike a deal, or the entire thing is off.”

  “Six months! I can’t be away from work that long! It’s impossible!”

  Locke nodded, and her stomach tied into a knot. He had to understand her point of view.

  Frowning, the man seemed to think about what had been said. “I may have another proposition for you. A way of shortening your time here. And if you agree, and we successfully stop Luther before the end of that time, I’ll let you go.”

  Tessa knew a trap when she heard one. It may have been wrapped in golden bows but she had to tread carefully. “What offer?”

  Locke came forward, so close, she could feel his body radiating heat. His tall frame a head above her. He wasn’t bulky, more like an Olympic swimmer in her mind, and the tight shirt outlined his body beautifully. Was he trying to distract her, because it was working.

  His musky scent assaulted her senses, but she kept her head high, and her gaze firmly on the swirling sea of his.

  “We are attracted to each other. And I’m not talking about the shower, although I’m curious to know what you were thinking about as you took your pleasure.”

  He lowered his head, his cheek a whisper away from hers as he murmured in her ear. “There is an attraction between us. Do you deny it? Did I imagine it at the hospital?”

  Remaining still, Tessa waited.

  “Here’s my offer. I’ll shorten the period to three months on one condition. Sex. Plain, and simple. Each time we have sex, in any form, in any way, I’ll reduce hours off your debt.”

  “You want me to be your sex slave?” Was she really considering this? It was surreal.

  “No. It’s just a suggestion. You can stick to the original deal if you want. But if you decide that three months or less is more convenient, and maybe more tempting…”

  He was completely crazy, but on the other hand, Tessa told herself that she could return to work faster. So, who was the crazy one now?

  “And I’m sure you have plenty of rules to go with that option too.”

  Locke leaned back, his face but a few inches from hers. “The previous applies, of course. And in addition, to option two; both parties can make the first move to engage in sex. No restriction on what we do, apart from one thing.”

  And now, Tessa was curious to know what it was. “What is it?”

  “No kissing on the mouth. At any time.”

  Somehow, it didn’t surprise her. The way he’d handled things so far, kissing would be way too personal, and intimate. “Anything else?”

  “You can say no at any time to anything for any reason. But if you do, we go back to option one. Taking into account any time already reduced, of course.”

  He was so calculating. The problem with him being so close, her body was tempted, and it messed with her thinking. It was undeniable, but unimaginable.

  “I am not… I mean, I love sex, and with my job, having someone in my life is not always an option. What you saw in the shower, I never do that.”

  “Never do what, Doctor?”

  Tessa exhaled in a laugh. “Put on a show. Be bold, and overtly sexual like that. I thought I was alone.”

  Locke nodded. “Judgment. If you don’t judge me, I won’t judge you. Do you want to know what I saw when I entered that bathroom?”

  He extended his hand, and Tessa took it before she could stop herself, curious what he was about to say. He pulled her toward the large sofa and sat. Then he tugged her forward, parting her legs so she sat over his thighs. Tessa was glad the shirt was way too long as she didn’t have any underwear on.

  She didn’t recognize herself. Where was Tessa Freeman, the capable doctor, the independent woman?

  They were all still a part of her. When she sat, her naked skin against the rough material of his pants, she realized that curiosity and fright, along with a healthy dose of desire made her want to be bold. It was the same feeling that made her want to tease him at the hospital, to see how far she could push him. And now Tessa wanted him to see how far she would go. If only once, with this stranger, the odd man with eyes she wanted to drown in.

  Letting go of her hand, Locke put his palms on the outside of her knees and leaned back on his seat.

  “I saw a beautiful woman desperate to be touched, but not willing to wait to get what she wants.”

  His fingers started to draw lazy patterns on her skin, going up a little at each swirl until they reached the hem of her top. Locke looked so cold, but contained a deep fire that she could feel through his fingertips. It started as a teasing touch, increasing to a more insistent caress as he reached her waist, hinting at heading between her legs.

  “What I’m offering you is something to satisfy us both. Straightforward, no hidden agenda. Only sharing our bodies.”

  “Can it be that simple?” Now breathless, it was a challenge for her to utter the words.

  “Doctor, I think it can be simple. And pleasurable.” One of his hand
s moved up, a featherlight finger, tracing her labia, in almost a tickle, which allowed her to retain a few brain cells.

  “And your pleasure, Mr. Locke?”

  His answer was one clever finger and then another dipping into her wet heat. Even though she knew what to expect, the intrusion surprised her, and she leaned forward, her hands gripping his shoulders. His face was close now, and his lips were so tempting. She realized it would be pure torture to obey the no kissing rule.

  Instead of wallowing over what she couldn’t have, Tessa decided to focus on what he was giving her right now.

  The way he caressed and teased her, made her bite her lip. When he started to dip deeper inside, she couldn’t stop herself from moaning.

  “Ah, Doctor. Hearing such sweet sounds from you makes me greedy for more. But the question is, do you want more from me?”

  Without waiting for her answer, he started spreading her fluids around her clit, thrumming the bundle of nerves at a maddening, unsteady rhythm. The way she gripped Locke’s muscled body prevented herself from leaning forward into him and helped to keep her balance.

  When his touch softened a bit, bringing her back from the edge, Tessa opened her eyes, questions about to pour from her lips, but was unable to utter a word.

  “Do you want more, Doctor?” She almost screamed yes, moving her hips against his hand as an uncontrollable response. “You look like you do, but I need you to tell me.”

  At that point, she would have begged. “Yes. Please, yes. I want more.”

  The way her breathless words lit up his face made her wonder if he was a voyeur to be able to sit there, focusing solely on her pleasure, when it was clear that his body was on the edge. The faint sheen on his forehead, and the breath hissing from his clenched teeth were revealing.

  “Ditch the shirt, Doctor. Now.”

  Tessa hesitated for just a second. After all, his fingers were deep inside her, what was more skin? Straightening on his lap, she fought against the buttons until deciding to pull the silk garment over her head and throw it to the floor. From her position, she noticed the impressive bulge pushing against his jeans. Tempted, Tessa put her hand on it, squeezing a little. His groan made her core tremble even more. Damn, this man was sex on a stick. A lust drug.


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