Plain Jane Mystery Box Set 1

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Plain Jane Mystery Box Set 1 Page 31

by Traci Tyne Hilton

  “Thank you anyway.” Jane stood up. “It was really nice of you to take a minute to talk to me.”

  Mary-Grace nodded the way people do when they are saying goodbye. “No problem. It was very kind of you to think of Mrs. Swanson. I’m sure she’s lucky to have you filling in.”

  The emphasis on “filling in” made Jane pause. Why was Mrs. Swanson lucky? Because she had thought to do something nice, or because she was so young that even Douglas wouldn’t make a pass at her? Or because there was something about the regular maid that no one liked?

  “Wait a second.” Mary-Grace looked up from her computer. “I almost forgot. Matt came by just about a month ago and cleared a bunch of old stuff out of the morgue. You should call him.”

  Jane paused by the fuzzy cubicle wall. “I’m afraid I don’t know who you mean.”

  “Matt Swanson, Doug’s son. He left with a carton of old papers. I’m sure he’d have something his stepmom might like.” Mary-Grace looked over the tops of her tortoise-shell glasses, her eyes smiling, and then turned back to her computer.

  Jane chewed on her bottom lip. Why had Doug’s son cleaned out the old files so very close to the time of his father’s death?

  Jane’s drive home from the Gresham mayor’s offices took her past Paula’s house. She wanted to stop in and say hi, but she didn’t think she could pull off quiet, supportive listening at the moment.

  She turned over all the little things she had picked up at the mayor’s office. People seemed to have certain expectations of a Swanson maid. Either it was usually just a particular person or it was a certain “type.” The name Danae Monroe from the time sheet had rung a bell. Perhaps Danae Monroe was both an employee at the city offices and Douglas’s maid. It seemed unlikely, but what was really wrong with the idea? Danae Monroe could be the maid, the woman in all of the pictures, the woman from the mayor’s office, and the reason Caramel held Douglas’s head under the water that fateful morning.

  Jane was stopped at a stop light, which was good since her mind was not on the road. Douglas had probably been murdered, but if it had been Caramel, Caramel would be in prison. She wouldn’t still be wandering naked around her house. That was just silly. Someone else must have done it.

  Maybe this Danae Monroe herself?

  Whatever else she got done tomorrow at the Swanson house, she was determined to find out where she had seen that name before.

  Chapter 13

  Back home, Jane tried to get hold of Isaac, but there was no answer. She called Holly, her employee, instead.

  “Hey, Jane, listen to this,” Holly said, after the initial greeting. “‘Douglas Swanson, former Mayor of the City of Gresham’s death has been declared a murder. Investigations are underway. The police are looking for an employee of his house. They have not released the employee’s name.’ Is that you, Jane? Are they looking for you?”

  Jane’s heart stopped for a beat. “But they can’t be! I gave them my address, my name, everything. They have my phone number, even.”

  “But you dropped your phone in the hot tub.”

  “Oh, that’s true. But they have everything else!”

  Jane paced up and down the short hallway of her apartment, stepping over a pile of laundry in front of Gemma’s bedroom.

  “What if they think you lied when they interviewed you at the house? Do you think they could think that?”

  “Of course not. Why would I lie?” Jane paused by her door, her hand hovering over the dingy brass doorknob.

  “But what if you said something wrong, by accident? You know? Because you were scared. Just what if? Then they would think it was a lie. You didn’t write anything down, did you?”

  “Yes, of course I did. I signed a statement and everything. But I didn’t lie.” Jane sat down, right in the middle of her hall floor. “You don’t really think they could be looking for me, do you?”

  “I dunno, Jane. They might be.”

  “But what do your parents think?”

  “Oh my gosh, Jane, I didn’t tell them! If I told them you were wanted for murder, they’d never let me talk to you again.”

  “I’m not wanted for murder. Oh, Holly, you’re all mixed up. This isn’t about me at all.” Jane stood up again, but leaned against her door, stretching her back out, trying to relax.

  “The police are looking for an employee that works for their house, and you are the only one.”

  Danae Monroe.

  The name popped into Jane’s mind. Of course it had—it hadn’t even been a half an hour since she had seen it on the paper. “Forget about it, Holly. I’m not lost. They must be looking for the real maid who is on vacation.”

  “Oh yeah! You’ve got a good memory, Jane.”

  “Thanks so much.” Jane let out a long, slow breath she had been holding.

  “But whatever happened to that ring?”

  “The ring?”

  “The diamond that Caramel thinks you stole.”

  “My gosh. I wonder how I forgot that. I don’t know. I suppose bigger things are on her mind right now.” Jane scratched the back of her neck. Caramel had either really thought Jane had stolen the ring, or had planned on framing Jane for the loss. Either way, it was smart to remember that Caramel wasn’t on her side.

  “I’ve gotta go, Jane. My mom is calling me.”

  “Okay.” It wasn’t really okay. Jane didn’t want to end the call at all, not after Holly getting her all keyed up like that. She would far rather use up all of her nervous energy talking to someone. The girls of her ministry group came to mind but… they wouldn’t do. They wouldn’t get what she was up against at all.

  Jane clicked her fingernails against each other. She could call Jake, just since there was no one else right now. She tapped the screen of her phone.

  Then she stopped.

  She could look into Mark Ehlers’ unsolved hit and run case. It would be way better to catch that bad guy than to spend her time fussing over Douglas Swanson, who at his worst was a dirty old man, and at his best was a politician.

  But how did one look into a hit and run? Jane went back to her room and set up her laptop. She could spend some time trying to learn what she’d need to know to even start the process. That would be something anyway.

  She had gotten far enough into Google to realize that there was really no way to solve an unsolved hit and run as an amateur detective. All she could really do was sit and wait, hoping a witness would come forward.

  A witness would be good for both deaths, frankly. A little someone who saw something that could be used to tie up the loose ends. Jane stared at a pocket police manual for writers, which had come up in her search. It had a perfunctory description of a crime scene, followed by the interview process. According to the menu at the top of the blog, there was also a standard format for arrest and trial tucked away on the site. But all the site did for her was make her nervous. Sure, the police were almost certainly looking for the real maid, who was probably Danae Monroe. But what if they were looking for her? She slammed her laptop shut without closing her programs. She would just have to go see Detective Bryce and make sure everything was okay.

  She threw her door open and bumped right into Gemma.

  “You’re home?” Gemma stood in the hallway in her jammies and bunny slippers.

  “Yeah, no clients left for the day.”

  Gemma yawned.

  “You just getting up?” Jane drummed her fingers on her doorknob. She had to be polite to Gemma, who she really did like, even if she wanted to run right over the top of her to get to the police station.

  Gemma yawned again. “I am. I pulled two fourteen-hour shifts in a row, and I was dead to the world.”

  “Lots of new babies?”

  “Finally. It’s nice to be off ‘call,’ but now I’ve got to go find a few more mommies-to-be.”

  “If you have any trouble, you could probably pick up a house or two with me.” Jane stole a glance at her bedside clock, then reminded herself no one was expect
ing her at the police station.

  Gemma smiled. “Sure, thanks. But you know, it’s not the same. I like being a part of the miracle of birth. Nothing like it in the world.” Gemma padded down the hall to the bathroom. “Don’t go anywhere yet. We need to have a chat.” She pulled the door shut and the lock clicked.

  Jane stood still. Needed a chat? Now? Maybe not. Jane grabbed her purse from the hook by the door and left. Nothing her slovenly cousin-turned-roommate had to say could compare with making sure the police didn’t think she had skipped town after murdering her boss.

  Jane drove to the same police station where she had picked her dad up the year before, but when she got there, she stayed in her car, her courage completely gone. She dug through her wallet and found the card the detective gave her. She could call him first, and then go inside, if she was needed. Or if he didn’t answer. Either option was better than going in and saying, “Here I am!”

  She dialed half of the number and then stopped. The detective was an important man. He didn’t need her bothering him. It would be much better to walk inside and talk to the person at the desk. Much, much better.

  She got out of her car, shut the door, and stared at the police station. The low-slung concrete building didn’t look scary. There was even a small lawn with a playground off to the side. As she hadn’t done anything wrong, walking in and just saying she thought they might need to get in touch with her couldn’t do any harm.

  She walked to the big, heavy glass doors. She took a deep breath, and then pulled one open.

  The waiting room wasn’t empty, but it was quiet. Two people in crisp business clothes stood in front of the bullet proof glass partition, talking with the person at the front desk.

  Four more ragged adults, one holding a squirming toddler on her knee, sat in the waiting area. The smell of cold cigarettes and dirty clothes hung over them all like a cloud.

  Jane queued up behind the people in the business clothes.

  Waiting gave her time to second guess what she was going to say again. “Hi, I’m Jane. You might be looking for me in connection with the murder of Douglas Swanson, but then again, you might not.” Or “Hi, I’m Jane. I saw a little thing in the paper that made me think I should check in.” But… she hadn’t seen it and she was keen not to lie to the police. The people in business clothes brushed past her, and there she was, at the desk.

  “Hi. I’m Jane Adler. I work for the Swanson family.”

  The man behind the bullet proof glass looked to be about Jane’s age. His hair was buzz cut and he wore a policeman’s uniform. “Can I help you with something?”

  Jane chewed her lip. She leaned forward. “I feel really stupid right now, but I heard the police are trying to locate one of the Swanson family employees.”

  The officer’s eyebrows shot up. He held a finger up to her. “Wait just a second.” He grabbed his phone, pressed a few buttons, and then spoke in a low voice. “Sir, someone is here claiming to be an employee of the Swanson family.” He looked up and smiled at Jane, but his eyes were wide, and excited. He said a few “Mmm hmms” and “Yessirs,” and then hung up.

  “Come along with me.” He met Jane at a door next to his reception window and led her down the hall in the interior of the police station.

  It reminded Jane of the emergency room, but cleaner and calmer.

  The police officer knocked on a door that said “Detective Roberts” on a gold-colored name badge, then opened it. “Here she is, sir.”

  “Thanks.” The man behind the desk was a tall, muscular man with silver hair and square, silver glasses. “Have a seat.”

  Jane sat.

  “You work for the Swanson family in what capacity?”

  “I’m the substitute maid, sir.” Jane’s voice and body shook like a kid waiting to get a tetanus shot.

  The man looked over his glasses at Jane. “The same maid who found the body?”

  “Yes, sir. Jane Adler, sir.”

  “Relax, Jane. You’re not in trouble.”

  Jane took a deep breath, and held it. Not in trouble. Words she lived for.

  “What brings you down here today?”

  Jane chewed her lip. She felt twelve years old, and very foolish. “I just heard from a friend that the newspaper said you were looking for their employee, and that’s me, so I came in. At least, I am pretty sure I’m their only employee.”

  The officer smiled, though his eyes looked tired. “You’re not. Don’t worry. It was good of you to come down, but you’re not who we are looking for.”

  “But who else could it be?” Jane sat up straighter. They must be looking for Danae Monroe, like she was. If they would just tell her that before she left, it would make the trip worth it.

  “Don’t let that worry you right now.” He slid a business card across his desk. “You can save yourself trouble by calling this number next time.

  Jane accepted the card, but slid it into her pocket without looking at it. She could tell she was being dismissed, but she had to try again. “I didn’t read the article in the paper myself, a friend read it to me over the phone. It did say household employee, didn’t it? That’s me until the other maid comes back from vacation.”

  The police officer stood up. “What newspapers say and what we do are not always the same thing. Thank you for coming in. It was very conscientious of you.”

  Jane considered keeping her seat, but she was more afraid of the Detective than she wanted to admit. “Okay. I’m sorry, I mean thank you. I, uh…”

  “It’s okay, Jane. You did the right thing.”

  Jane nodded, and left. Back at her car, she dialed the number for Detective Bryce.

  The baby-faced detective who had taken her statement at the house that morning answered on the third ring. “Bryce.”

  “Detective Bryce? This is Jane Adler. I was the girl who found Douglas Swanson?” She kicked herself for sounding so insecure.

  “Yes, of course. How can I help you?”

  Jane kept her eye on the door to the police station. She didn’t dare drive away while talking on her cell phone. “I was, um, just checking in. My new phone is hooked up and all of that. I hadn’t let you know yet.”

  “Well, good. I’m glad to hear it.” He waited a moment. “Is there anything else?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I just remembered I needed to let you know.”

  “Great.” He paused again. “You know what? I did have a couple more questions for you. Do you have a minute to talk?”

  “Of course.” Jane’s heart skipped a beat. If she could keep him on the phone maybe she could insert the name Danae Monroe into the conversation. “What do you need?”

  “Can you meet me at the Swansons’ house? It would be best to talk there, in person.”

  Jane stomach flipped. Meeting at the house sounded official. “When do you want to meet? I’m there every morning from 5:30 to 6:30.”

  “That will work. I can meet you there at 6:30 tomorrow morning.”

  “Okay. Is there anything I should do or something?” Jane’s words and ideas were so tumbled together now she didn’t know what she was asking.

  “Nope. We’ll just look at the room together and I’ll ask you a few questions to clarify the statement you made. It’s really no big deal, but I think it will help.”

  “Okay.” Jane squeezed her eyes shut. What had she said wrong in her statement?

  “See you tomorrow.” Detective Bryce hung up.

  Jane laid her phone down in the passenger seat. If she wanted to get any information from Detective Bryce, she’d have to pull herself together.

  Chapter 14

  When she got back home she found a scribbled note Gemma had pinned to her bedroom door. She pulled it off and read it in her room. “Will you be home tonight at 8:00? I really need to talk to you. Urgent.”

  She was disappointed to admit she’d be home. It was hard to take roommate-related criticism from someone who left piles of dirty clothes in the bathroom, and criticism was th
e only thing that came to Jane’s mind.

  That or Gemma needed help making rent, which was about as welcome as criticism. She’d probably propose taking a third roommate into their two bedroom place—again. Jane flopped back on her futon. Would she ever make enough to live on her own?

  She rolled over. Probably not, since her whole future would be based on donations from nice people. But housing was cheaper overseas, and her roommates would be on the same team, so living together would be easier.

  Speaking of the same team, she had a meeting with Kaitlyn and Valerie to prepare for. Did she want to stand 100% behind Kaitlyn and the Pogs or did she want to come up with her own idea for ministry?

  By the time 8 o’clock rolled around, Jane’s laundry was done, her missiology book was read, and dinner had been cooked and eaten, but she hadn’t solved the problem of the outreach yet. Should she try and prove she had what it took to lead a group or try and prove she was a team player who would support the people she served with?

  The apartment door swung open and Gemma pushed a wire basket on wheels through it. “Can you grab that for me?”

  Jane rolled the cart into the kitchen for her.

  Gemma followed with three canvas sacks full of produce. She dropped them on the floor next to her cart and then sat down. “I’m pooped.”

  “Did you have fun at the market?”

  “Why didn’t you wait for me? I thought we were going together.”

  “I had an urgent thing. I’m sorry.” Jane fiddled with the hem of her T-shirt. She didn’t remember making plans to go together.

  “Whatever.” Gemma rolled her back slowly down to the floor, her arms above her head.

  “Farmers’ market was open late,” Jane said.

  “I stayed for a concert.”

  “Well, it’s eight, and I’m here now. What do you need?”

  “I have a friend coming to town and she needs a place to stay.”

  “That’s no big deal. I don’t mind.” Jane began to put the groceries into the cupboards. “I don’t see why that was urgent.”


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