Plain Jane Mystery Box Set 1

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Plain Jane Mystery Box Set 1 Page 35

by Traci Tyne Hilton

  Chapter 18

  Jane sat at a red light. She exhaled. She needed to talk through the information she’d just gathered. She needed someone smart, but more than that, she needed someone who was interested in the case. Gemma was smart, but distracted by her guest. Holly was interested, but Jane doubted she had the kind of wits to draw the right conclusions. Paula had her own troubles to worry about.

  Kaitlyn was sharp, fast, and invested in the cause. Jane turned left when the light changed and headed straight to the mall. Maybe she could catch Kaitlyn on a break.

  Kaitlyn did take a break. She and Jane found a quiet table toward the back of the food court.

  “I had the Swanson house to myself this afternoon, and I found a pay-as-you-go cell phone at Caramel’s in one of the bedrooms. It had a couple pictures of Douglas on it, in bed of course, and a few texts about meeting places.”

  “Caramel’s phone?”

  “I think not. The pictures were of Douglas, but the texts came from someone called “Darcy” and the person responding to them asked if they were going to meet at “Pemberly.” I think it belonged to his lover.”

  “Ew!” Kaitlyn scrunched up her mouth.

  “I think she called him ‘Darcy’ on the phone because she was beneath him socially.”

  “Just like in the book.” Kaitlyn sipped her bubble tea.

  “Yup. I think he met this lady at work, for sure. And he was in charge of her ,one way or the other. So here’s the thing. The phone wasn’t dead, so it couldn’t have been lying there for very long. Whoever dropped it, dropped it recently.”

  “Like recently enough to have been the killer?” Kaitlyn’s eyes popped.

  “It could be. I don’t know what to make of it, but I know I need to keep it in mind.” Jane sketched her ideas on a napkin as she spoke.

  “So, if we can trace the phone, we can find the killer now, right?”

  “We can’t trace a phone but I do think it had to be this lover. It just had to be.” Jane wrote The Maid on her napkin.

  “Unless of course the murderer was Caramel,” Kaitlyn said.

  “The timing was all wrong; it couldn’t have been her.” Jane wrote No Wet Hair.

  “Who else is there?”

  “Danae Monroe, the maid. She has a long history with Douglas and could be the lover, but she’s been on vacation. So she’s got an alibi.” Jane bit her lip. That vacation alibi was killing her. If she could prove Danae was in town, she could solve the case today.

  “Then why mention her?”

  “Because the cops are looking for her, but can’t find her. If she was really on vacation like she’s supposed to be, she’d be easy to find.” Jane drew a fat question mark on the napkin. Where was Danae Monroe?

  “She gets my vote for lover, since she’s got a history with him and is beneath him socially, but how could the phone still be all charged up if she has been on vacation?” Kaitlyn set her paper cup on the table and leaned forward, her voice low. “Do you think he had two lovers?”

  Jane frowned. “He could have, but he was kind of old… you know? But think about this… the phone was turned off when I found it. But it was pay-as-you-go and it still had plenty of days left on its account. It hadn’t been there too long, but it was out of minutes, so if someone knew it was missing, they couldn’t really call it to make it ring so they could find it.”

  “She might have bought one of those cards that keeps your phone active for a whole year.” Kaitlyn was counting things off on her fingers as she spoke. “Then she would have had days on it, but no minutes left, and it could have been lying under the bed for any length of time.”

  “Except the most recent text was from right before the death. So I think the phone could easily belong to the killer. Unless it doesn’t.”

  “In which case, we need to find out who was at odds with Douglas.”

  “And that makes me think of this Joe guy.” Jane tapped her pen on the table.

  “Who’s Joe?”

  “Caramel’s brother. He sold her a big, shiny ring to replace the one she lost. Douglas was mad about it, and sounded like he didn’t like him.” Jane wrote Ring on the paper. The ring was one thing she hadn’t resolved yet, but it seemed important. “The other day I heard Caramel on the phone with him, and she said he should stay away. Maybe he needs to stay away because he killed Douglas.”

  “Would Caramel protect the brother that killed her husband?” Kaitlyn sounded horrified.

  “He was a cheating husband. Maybe she hired him to do it?”

  “I have to get back to work, Jane. You have to get back to work, too. Find out why Joe should stay away from the house, and find out where this Danae has been.”

  “You make it sound so easy.” Jane sucked in a breath. She wished she could do that. Just a quick search through a few private databases, putting a trail on a credit card. Following the calls from a cell phone. She’d have this case solved in a snap if she had some resources or some training.

  “You’ll figure out a way.”

  “Quick, before you go. Do you think Amy could have done it?” Jane folded her napkin and slipped it in her purse.

  “Could have killed her dad? What a horrible thought.”

  “He divorced her mom, cheated on her stepmom, who she seems to like, and sold her horses. Maybe she was really, really mad?” Jane was on the edge of her seat, quivering with excitement.

  Kaitlyn stopped. “Maybe she walked in on her dad and yet another lover and killed him in a fit of rage? She is a redhead.”

  Jane laughed. “Hair color is not a motive!”

  “Ack, my break is over. I have got to go, like, five minutes ago. Call me though, okay?”

  “Will do.” Jane stood up. Tomorrow morning, she’d be back at the Swanson house again. Almost unlimited access to the house and family. If she could just figure out the right way to use her advantage, she could figure out who killed Douglas.

  It had been several days since Jake had called, so when his text for grabbing some lunch came through, Jane took him up on it.

  They met at the last Roly Burger in Portland, one Jane suspected that Jake owned. Her stomach was fluttery. Jake was a bit off limits—a friend, but a friend who threatened her composure more often than not.

  A friend her absentee boyfriend might not want her to be eating with. She filled her paper cup with a caffeine-free soda. New murder suspects and lunch with Jake made her shaky enough.

  “Don’t you wonder where I’ve been?” Jake took a bite of his thick burger.

  “No.” Jane sipped her soda. “Once or twice, tops. I’ve been a little busy finishing my degree and working.”

  “How normal of you.” Jake wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  Jane passed him a napkin. “Now’s where you tell me you joined the secret service and foiled an assassination attempt all by yourself?”


  “Moved to Russia and studied ballet?”

  Jake’s eyes sparkled.

  Jane’s heart fluttered. It was a fun game, that’s all. “You traveled with the circus?”

  “Getting colder.” Jake finished the last of his burger.

  “You spent the whole year studying for your food handler’s license?”

  Jake tossed his burger wrapper into the garbage can across the room. “Nothin’ but net.”

  “Okay. Where were you?”

  Jake smirked. “There is no way you will ever guess.”

  “Then tell.” The flutters abandoned Jane and were replaced by annoyance.


  Beaches, jungles, pineapples. Girls. Lots and lots of girls shopped around to the highest bidder. The heat drained from Jane’s face. “Not really?” She pushed her drink cup away. “You wouldn’t have.”

  “I did. It was a-maze-ing. You should have been there.” Jake’s smile was self-satisfied.

  Jane looked at her watch. “I’ve got to go.”

  “Don’t you want to hear about my time i
n paradise?”

  “Not really.”

  “You would never believe the scene there. Seriously passionate.”

  “Please stop.” Jane’s stomach turned. She couldn’t make eye contact with Jake.

  “You would have loved it, Janey. I was there with ten great guys.”

  “Stop.” Jane interrupted him.

  “Will you just listen? Jeesh. You’d think I went kitten hunting or something.” Jake’s face was clear and happy still.

  Jane sat back in her chair. He either felt no guilt, or had nothing to feel guilty about. She was curious which one it was.

  “We started in the city, but ended up in this little village in the hills. There was a doctor there who would send us to the city for three nights at a time. We’d each try and find a girl and bring her back.”

  Jane’s stomach turned. She looked down at her hands. She shouldn’t have hoped for a good story, but why this?

  Jake paused, a dreamy look taking over his face. “Sometimes they ran away again, but we saved ten girls last year. Can you imagine? Ten kids pulled out of the cities, safe from trafficking.”

  “Wait, what?” Jane leaned forward, her breath caught.

  “A rescue mission. I would have stayed there forever if I could have.”

  “A rescue mission?”

  “You’re slow, Jane. I thought you had your finger on the pulse of missions.”

  “I do.” Jane’s voice rose in consternation.

  “Ending trafficking. It’s the new big thing.”

  “But this was a Christian mission thing?”

  “Christian mission thing?” Jake raised an eyebrow. “You sound both surprised and confused.”

  “Did you just spend a year as a missionary, Jacob Crawford?” Jane’s heart was going a mile a minute. She wanted to smack the smug look off his face, but not before he answered a few simple questions.

  “Yes. Yes, I did. I spent a year with Daughters of Rahab. We bought girls for the night and snuck them back to a village that I can’t name—not even to you—where the doctor got them all their shots, a teacher worked on their basic school stuff, and a few ladies taught them about Jesus. I want to go back forever, frankly.”

  Jane chewed her lip. This development had knocked her speechless.

  “The 10/40 window is so yesterday. It’s all about Thailand, now. And…” he lifted his eyebrow, and smiled, “the mission needs trained Bible teachers, like, yesterday.”

  Jane shook her head. “First of all, until poverty is eradicated in the two-thirds world, and the gospel is preached in all those Muslim countries, the “10/40 window” will be an urgent mission field.”

  “Yup. You’re right. Second most urgent mission field in the world.”

  Jane shook her head. “But… I have to ask. Don’t you have to apply, be accepted, and like, be a Christian to be a missionary?”

  “That stings, Jane. It hurts right here.” Jake patted his chest. “Did I not sit through chapel at Presbyterian Prep once a week for four years, just like you?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “I sat through most of them.”

  “But sitting through chapel doesn’t make you saved.” Jane furrowed her eyebrows. When she had last spent significant time with Jake, he had been in a perpetual hungover fog. Not the usual sign of someone who was hungry to preach the gospel.

  “Jane.” Jake frowned. The color rose in his face. “You really don’t think I’m ‘saved’?”

  “I—” Jane stared at him. He was steaming. She shook her head. “Why should I think it?”

  “I just spent a year in the Wild West doing things I never thought possible. I didn’t know I had to come see you with a prepared testimony in hand.”

  “You don’t. I just… I haven’t seen you in a year, and when I last saw you, you weren’t thinking about any of this.”

  “Because my parents had just been murdered.”

  “I know. But before that…”

  “Not everyone leaps from their parents’ head as a forty year old, Jane. I was a normal teenager. It doesn’t mean I didn’t love God.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just so surprised.”

  “Your vote of confidence means the world to me.” Jake looked away.

  Jane opened her mouth to speak, but then shut it. What was there to say?

  “Do you know what I thought the whole time I was gone?”

  Jane shrugged.

  “I thought, ‘I would give my left arm to have Jane here with me.’”

  “But why?”

  He smiled just with the corner of his mouth.


  “Don’t tell me you’d rather have Professor Boyfriend than a life with me, in the jungle, doing amazing things for God.”

  Jane watched his face carefully. He had this thing with his eyes; they were so sincere, but his smile was so teasing. She couldn’t tell what was behind it. And for her own part? Nothing.

  She felt nothing as she looked at him.

  He was a smooth talker and could make her heart flutter. He was a flirt and, she admitted, so was she sometimes. But that was all.

  “Don’t look at me like that. Just, like, hang out with me tomorrow again. And the next day. You’ll forget the Professor.”

  Jane looked away. More likely “The Professor” would forget her.

  “He’s never going to be a missionary, Jane, so I don’t know why you are wasting your time with him.”

  “He might be.” She twisted the end of her ponytail around her finger.

  “Might be? Is that enough for you?”

  “For now.” Jane pulled the elastic out of her ponytail and let her hair fall through her fingers. It fell to her shoulders in a glossy sheet, shielding herself from Jake’s sidelong glances. “It’s not like I’m planning on getting married any time soon. I’ve got school, and work, and this murder to think of.”

  “Another murder, huh?”

  “Yes.” Jane flicked her hair over her shoulder and straightened up. The murder was a safe topic.

  “You almost got kicked out of Bible school last time.”

  “That wasn’t because of the murder.”

  “Right. That was Isaac’s fault, wasn’t it?” A knowing look played on Jake’s full lips.

  Jane took a deep breath. “Isaac is overseas right now, on mission work of his own. When he comes back, he and I will see what happens. I can’t rush my life. I can only serve where I am, one day at a time. And right now…” Jane checked her watch again. “Right now, I really do have to focus on the murder. I’m a little bit invested.”

  “You don’t want to be a missionary any more, do you?”

  “I do!”

  “No, you want to be a detective, because it’s easier.”

  “It’s not easier.” Jane swept the crumbs from the table to her hand and let them fall onto the paper wrapper from her burger. She didn’t look up.

  “But you do want to be one.” Jake took a deep breath. “Listen, maybe I spent the last year dreaming. I thought we had a thing, a spark, but it was probably just because you’re hot. I can accept that, even though it sucks. But you… you need to figure yourself out.”

  “I just have to take life one day at a time, that’s all.”

  “One case at a time.” Jake stood up. “I’ve got to go. But I’ll call, because I’m not fickle. You are hot, and as long as the sun still rises, hope lives.” He leaned over and kissed her on top of her head. Then he left.

  Just walked out the door.

  Jane crumpled up the paper wrapper from her hamburger. Of course she wanted to be a detective.


  She meant to say missionary.

  Chapter 19

  This time she had to be on her guard while she dug for clues at the Swanson house, since Caramel had said the guests would be there.

  Jane noted two cars she had never seen before in the driveway, one of them from a rental company. Inside, she saw signs of life that had been missing
in the last week; a coat left on the back of a chair, shoes kicked off by the front door. There was even a novel opened on the coffee table. It was funny how little things like that made a house feel warmer. Jane pulled open all of the first-story drapes. The sun shined through, a bright, happy sight at odds with the sad reason the company was at the house.

  She made her coffee and turned on all of the office equipment. Knowing that it wasn’t yet six in the morning, Jane cleaned the hall bathroom upstairs as quietly as she could. And she left the Jack and Jill bathroom alone completely, since she assumed someone was sleeping in the bedrooms on either side of it.

  While she finished off all of the bathrooms, she tried to decide what she most wanted out of this morning. She couldn’t land on anything more concrete than “information.” She retied the pink bandana around her head and checked the time. The best way to get information was to ask questions. While she made the coffee, she came up with a few things she wanted to ask Caramel, if she got lucky enough to see her before she left.

  Jane lingered in the kitchen. Making coffee was on her official morning to-do list, and if she could just wait it out until a little closer to seven, she might get a chance to talk to Caramel before she left.

  The clock ticked impossibly slowly as she stood over the coffee bean grinder. She filled it with beans at 6:12. She put the lid on it and ground them at 6:24. She poured the grounds into the coffee filter at 6:35. She filled the pot with water at 6:50.

  She hovered over the coffee pot, unwilling to press the start button until she heard the steps of people waking up above her. At 7:00 she couldn’t delay any longer.

  Just when she knew she had outstayed her welcome, Amy came down.

  Her red hair was in a messy ponytail, and she wore running shorts and a tank top. “Oh, hey.” She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

  “I was just leaving.” Jane tried to think quick. Amy wasn’t Caramel, but she could still be useful. “How is Caramel doing?”

  Amy leaned back against the counter and drank her water. “She’s holding up.”

  Jane took a quick inventory of Amy. While she came across as more wholesome than Caramel, it looked like she had a few of her own nips and tucks. Her lips were fuller than they had seemed before, and though her boobs were round and perky, the spaghetti straps of her tank top made it clear she wasn’t wearing a bra, so they were definitely defying gravity.


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