The Deathly-Roses Volume 1

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The Deathly-Roses Volume 1 Page 1

by Melina Turner

  The Deathly Roses

  Volume 1

  The Deathly-Roses Volumes

  By Melina Turner

  Other Books By Melina Turner

  Lupus Animus Charity Anthology

  A Pieces Of Mel Poetry Collection

  Pieces Of Mel: Poetry Collection 1

  The Deathly-Roses Volumes

  The Deathly-Roses Volume 1

  The Deathly-Roses Volume 2

  Old Blood Series

  Old Betrays


  Volume 1

  The Deathly-Roses Volumes

  Melina Turner

  Copyright © 2014 Melina Turner

  All Right’s Reserved

  TheDeathlyRosesVol1/MelinaTurner 1st Edition

  Apart from buying your own copy this publication may only be reproduced, stored, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, with prior permission in writing signed by the author. If no signed permission from said author has been given then you are in breach of copyright rules and regulations in Australia and will be sued.

  This is a work of flash fiction. All character’s, organizations, and events portrayed in this publication are either products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Publisher: Melina Jade

  Editor: Adele Symmonds

  Cover Design & Artist: Sarah Foster from Sprinkles On Top Designs

  Formatter: Mel’s Freelance Services


  I would like to dedicate this book to all the wonderful people who supported me and helped me to make my dreams come true. To the people who were always there, to the wonderful people who inspired my writing and drove me to continue, and to all who, when I was down, lifted me back up on my feet again.

  I would like to thank my amazing Personal Assistants; Jamie Frederickson and Rebecca Baker for helping me out when I needed all the help I could. I’d also like to thank; Diana Nixon, Kelli Rush, Tejasvinni Rao, Mark Mackey, Bill Jensen, Heather Kirchhoff, Bryan Bigelow, Briar Rose Elliot, Jill Haldeman, Jake Bonsignore, Sarah Foster, Adele Symonds, Lee Ryder, Becky Johnson, Tanya Gaunt, Robert Church and Timothy Mitchell and oh so many more for helping me create these volumes into what they were supposed to be and will soon be. Who also helped me create the ultimate piece of originality, to share to non-readers and readers alike.

  Last thanks are to my Street Team for all that they have done in helping me achieve my dreams and that I hope you guys achieve yours too.

  What Others Say About TDR1

  “The title itself would make me want to read the book. The first time when Melina told me about this book's title I loved it! I thought it’s different; it’s got a cool ring to it and it’s mysterious… I set to read it and finished it rather quickly. I’d say this that I’m not a fan of this style of writing but I really liked the story line. By the time I was done reading it made me anxious to find out what would happen next. Only negative, it just needs a little more polishing for me...It’s not very often that I’m inspired to sketch, but after reading the book I kept thinking about the title and ended up sketching... Any book that can inspire me to do anything is definitely a must have for me! A fast paced gripping story and an original take on things. Can’t wait to see where she takes this journey to next! A 4 star review.” - Tejasvini Rao (author of The Curiosity Key)


  “There is an honest voice in Turner’s writing evident in The Deathly-Roses. Turner writes with wit and manages to keep the reader engaged over the course of the first two volumes. The end of volume two with a bonus sneak peak of volume 3 (which could even serve as a prologue for volume 2) reminds me of the ending of Mad Max, in the sense that the character has slowly sunken in the depths of insanity that she now is ready to extract more violent horrors. Some descriptions are a little hard to visualize, but I guess that’s part of its poetic beauty. The first person narration voice isn’t narrating character’s name in third person in the same chapter. Still, it’s only a small thing which readers will choose to ignore because of its engaging content. Definitely get into this series. Well crafted and very well devised. 4 out of 5.” – Timothy David Mitchell (moviemaker of The Waiting Game)


  “The Deathly-Roses is an intriguing fragmented narrative that incorporates ‘memories’ and ‘future’ to delve into a story of mystery and dark humour. Melina Turner successfully develops a narrative that keeps the readers gripped and questioning the characters’ motives and intentions. There’s a lovely level of humour and a very real voice to be heard in this short story. What I found most impressive was Melina’s ability to control her fragmented narrative; this is actually a great accomplishment for a young writer. She deliberately challenges the readers and breaks the traditional narrative structure, to create a well-crafted post-modernist piece of writing.” – Becky Johnson (Bex ‘n’ Books)


  “Entering the pages of ‘Author Melina Turner’s’ first book, I didn’t know what to expect…I was quickly amazed by the complexities of the character’s, the subject, plot and overall storyline…The ease with which ‘Author Melina Turner’ drew you into her novel, keeps you focused and wanting more the further you read…Her book The Deathly-Roses Volume 1 is a definite read, for anyone who love the supernatural abilities of I Am Number Four…I love all the characters and the storyline they have the potential to continue on through a few more books. Making it a hit book series or anthology…Truly talented is ‘Author Melina Turner’ and very well written is her book…I can’t wait to read the next installments to this series…What an excellent start to a Terrifically Magical Series!!!” – De Ann “Native” Townes Jr. (author of Peer Inside My Soul and See)


  “Melina Turner’s The Deathly-Roses Volume 1 is a refreshing story well written, with an excellent array of supernatural thought provoking concepts. The characters both serve as well written portrayals of angels, corrupt business tycoons and tragic misunderstood victims each with their own complex back stories and agendas. At the heart of the characters is the character of Wisty. A tortured young girl drugged and forced to serve under a corrupt rich family and forced to marry a stranger against her will. Melina Turner does a great job at bringing the character of Wisty to life, as the feeling of sadness on Wisty is ultimately reflected upon the reader as well as the strength and courage. Wisty gains upon learning of real purpose in life and her love and affection with the character Iriami, a mysterious stranger who shows sympathy towards Wisty. The story as a whole is edgy and well-driven; with a sense of humour in various areas. All in all a very well written story and I cannot wait for the next installments in this exceptional series.” – Robert Church


  “The Deathly-Roses Volume 1 is a fantastic book. I love it, it is waaaayyy better than Twilight. I recommend The Deathly-Roses to everyone. I give this book 5 stars.” – Jacinta Gowley


  “From the moment I read the first volume this story pulled me in and didn’t let me go. This book had everything; mystery, intrigue, love, betrayal and paranormal. My only complaint is that I didn’t want it to end. I can’t wait to read more brooks from this author. 5 star review.” – Avid Reader


  “You know, I really wasn't sure how to rate this one. On one hand, I'm Melina's PA, so while I want to pimp the hell out of her work, I need to not be biased and rate it fairly right? On the other hand...while I've been known to write a poem or two before, I don't understand poetry very well if it doesn't rhyme or have an obvious set rhythm. So I had to figure out, what makes prose poetry? I looked up the definition of prose, and The Free Dictionary says it's "A prose work that has poetic characteristics such
as vivid imagery and concentrated expression." Well there was that in spades. While the wording sometimes confused me, I could picture the things this poor girl Wisty was going through. It was a short read, and I had a lot of questions after the end of the first volume, but that's good right? Have to read the next volume to figure those things out, and by the way, the next volume has a really pretty cover, but you'll have to wait for the reveal for that... So while the PA in me was shouting FIVE STARS!!!! I figure the non-biased me would fairly vote for a Four Star rating, which is still awesome, for me anyway. The awesomeness of a Five Star rating from me is hard to reach. Although, a few authors have reached that recently. Anyway, I'm getting off topic, sorry. I can't wait to read the next one. 4 star review.” – Jamie Frederickson (PA of Melina Turner)


  Volume 1

  The Deathly-Roses Volumes


  Unforgivable Memories

  Finding The Truth


  The Families Let Down

  To Runaway Blindfolded

  Iriami Duvua

  No Last Hopes

  Sneak peak Of Volume Two

  About The Author

  You Can Catch Mel At


  Unforgivable Memories

  Huh? Where am I? What am I doing here? The room was gigantic and fit for a queen. Everything in it was glamorous and too costly for me to ever afford. Is this my room? Oh no, it couldn't be, could it?

  Then a memory came to me…


  I was at a person’s party because of my mum and dad wanting to marry me off to a rich gentleman. I had been forced into beautiful dresses and commanded to be nice to these pompous, uptight gentlemen and told to never speak about my age, and when I did this, my parents were happy. When I did not, I was punished. I remembered going to a ball held by a rich man from across the rose vines in Raverne Town and his son, who was unknown to me; they were all unknown to me. My family thought he was too famous for me and that I couldn't see him, ever. I think that was mainly because Avalle wanted him more. This was not the rich son's house though. It was someone else’s...


  I pulled off the covers and walked to the window nude. It was all unfamiliar, all of it. I walked back closer to the bed to find Arue, my bestfriend. What? What is Arue doing here? I realized I have been to this lovely, glamorous place before. It was Arue’s home. Oh no, I didn' my own friend…that dick...I will never forgive him.

  “What am I doing here?” I asked Arue. He didn’t answer. He just perched on the bedside table watching me.


  I was getting a drink from my father when Arue put something small into it, a drug. He'd put a drug into my glass. I walked off and drank it all, not knowing the consequences. Too late, I thought. That was when I went home with Arue...


  I almost cried my eyes out. This was my entire family’s fault. They have done this. I am the one heartbroken by them. How could they? How could they do this to me? I am their daughter, their favourite daughter until Avalle arrived and fell in love with the ball man’s son, but he wouldn't accept her for some reason. He just wouldn't.


  Finding the Truth

  I grabbed what belonged to me after clothing myself in the dress I wore to the ball, ran out of Arue’s home, through the forest, and the rose vine wall. I had to find my family. I had to know the truth. The truth that would rip me apart but would also give me the answers I needed. The answers as to why I was even born. If I was so special to them, they wouldn't get rid of me. They liked Avalle better than me. They wanted her to be rich and glamorous more than me. They didn't care about me, they wanted me gone.

  I ran past the road and into Acrelain managing to wriggle through the vine wall with only scratches. Acrelain, my only home, the place I belonged, now taken away from me. I couldn't bare the pain, I couldn't bare the suffering, I just couldn't. I ran to the front door, flung it open furiously, and stomped in. They had a visitor, the unknown son of the ball man’s. He nodded at me and went back to Avalle’s whining and begging for his hand. I tapped my foot on the ground lightly, to let everyone know I was here. Avalle looked up.

  “Can't you see I'm busy? Go talk to someone who cares. Nobody cares. We all hate you,” she answered, giving me her favourite look, the death stare.

  I sighed and walked straight past both of them, not knowing the unknown son was watching me more than he was watching Avalle. I didn't care. I only wanted the truth, the truth of things I could try to deal with. The pain of it, though, I just wouldn't know.

  I flung open the veranda door, slamming it against the brick, outer wall and stomped into where my parents were talking to the unknown son's father, Richzu Duvua. They all looked up to see me.

  “Good to see that you’re back...from your trip,” Nomarn, my father said. If he meant ‘trip’ as in finding myself in my friend’s room after both my family and friend drugged me, well then he was terribly mistaken.

  “I...want...the...truth!” I ordered. My voice had risen two notches so far. Knowing it would rise some more made me feel better.

  “Why was I born and treated like I was? How do I know your family? Why was I being drugged? Why don't I have the same last name as you? And oh...was I adopted?” Please, just tell me the truth, I thought. Just tell me what I asked for, so I can live in depression knowing it's not all my fault. Just end it by answering my questions.

  Both my parents looked at each other as if thinking what to say, and I even noticed a shock look from Richzu Duvua looked shocked. He obviously thought my parents were good people until I bombarded in.

  “You were adopted by us because...well, you weren't exactly adopted, we kidnapped you and kept your first name; changed your last into a different name. You are treated like this so you won't have any ideas of turning against us and yes, we drugged you...You weren't listening...thus it was a punishment,” Rarlseene answered.



  I had been kidnapped...Taken away from a perfectly good family...for this! I felt like grabbing a gun and ending my life right there, but instead I broke into pieces in front of Richzu, Nomarn and Rarlseene. I had a proper family somewhere...gone...over happily. I just couldn't help my sobbing. I couldn't take the pain, I couldn't take it anymore.

  I ran out of the house and far away from Acrelain.

  Homeless...miserable...depressed...broken...gone....dead…finished. It all worked its way into my head, into my life. My life had been taken away from me, my life had been destroyed in front of me, and my life had failed to be different. I cried down the lane as I kept walking.

  Instantly, the pain hit me, the pain of heartbreak, the pain of lies, and the pain of knowing someone out there had actually loved me. I couldn't walk any longer and I fell onto my knees and began to crawl. My eyes grew unfocused for some reason. My hearing was going and I was starting to have problems breathing.

  Homeless...Miserable...Depression...broken...gone...dead...finished. The heart break grew until I was wheezing and too weak to crawl, I fell on the concrete path crying and sobbing until I fell into another coma.


  I was in the hands of a beautiful young lady, a future-teller, my real mother. I was only five then and was happy to see my father there too. He looked strong and courageous, just like I thought he would be like. They rose from their chairs and put me on a wooden bench beside another child.

  “This is the one, the chosen. The one who in the end will be victorious. She will have a lot of suffering and will be close to ending her life when the fated hero will help her through it. He will save her life and be...only hers. She will lead trouble with her but in the end the hero will save her. His name is Iriami Duvua.”


  I didn't wake after that. I was too weak to...


  The Family’s Letdown

  Iriami watched as the eldest daught
er ran out of the house crying, Iriami felt sad for her. What had she done?

  “Don't worry about Wisty. She's a family letdown,” said Avalle, who was now on her knees, begging for Iriami’s hand. I didn't want her, Iriami thought, I wanted Wisty. Slowly, Iriami pulled himself from Avalle's strong grasp and walked upstairs, listening in on the conversation on the balcony.

  “I'm sorry about her really. She was practically not even in the family, just a kidnapped child.”

  “And who kidnapped the child?”

  “Oh, we did.”

  It was awful to know this, to know that Wisty never had a proper life without these people ruining it for her.

  Killing her life, making her suffer. What more can you add? Apart from the ‘you made Wisty cry so bad she ran away part’ but no-one cared about her in this family. They all wanted her gone. Iriami listened in some more.

  “Then we have no business for you here and my son will not marry Avalle.”

  “Fine, we'll find some richer man for Avalle.”

  “You go do that.”

  He had to find her. She must be so sad. Maybe he could squeeze in a kiss or so. Better scratch that idea, Iriami thought. Iriami walked back down the stairs and waited at the door as his father ran down the stairs to join him.

  This family was a letdown to that poor and heartbroken kid.

  “Don't worry, Iriami. We'll find Wisty,” said his father sadly. They both agreed that this family was crap...

  As they left, Nomarn called his finest henchmen to find Wisty before the Duvua's did...


  To Runaway Blindfolded

  I awoke with the eerie feeling someone was watching me. Sitting up from the cold concrete, I looked around to find I was at a dead end and the only exit was blocked by Nomarn's finest henchmen.

  The henchmen closed in on their kill, blocking every escape left possible. Osea held my left side as Holshe held my right side in a grip that could break bones. I cried out when Seavel swung a hit into my gut. I screamed in pain as they did it again and again, untill my vision was unfocused and full of tears, tears of pain. Osea and Holshe let go of me and laughed as I crumpled to the ground; their job here was nearly finished. Seavel swung a kick that winded me.


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