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by Thomas Penn

  30 Commynes, Memoirs ed. Jones, p. 181.

  31 Warkworth, Chronicle, pp. 3–4.

  32 Hicks, False, Fleeting Clarence (1992 edn), pp. 30–31; Wolffe, Royal Demesne, p. 153; Wolffe, Crown Lands, pp. 52–3, doc. 1.

  33 PL Davis, I, no. 282.

  34 Annales, pp. 788–9; Three Books … Vergil, p. 118; Ross, Edward IV, p. 118.

  35 Devine, ‘The lordship of Richmond’, passim; Hicks, Warwick, pp. 257, 269–70.

  36 Ross, ‘Treatment of traitors’ children’, p. 133.

  37 Hicks, False, Fleeting Clarence, pp. 26–8.

  38 LP WF, II, pp. 788–9.

  39 LP WF, II, pp. 788–9; CCR 1468–1476, pp. 25–6; CPR 1467–1477, p. 55.

  40 Memoires pour server de preuves …, III, pp. 159–61; Wavrin, Anciennes Chroniques, III, pp. 186, 191; Scofield, LREF, I, pp. 440–. Meek, ‘The practice of English diplomacy’, pp. 74–6, 129.

  41 Memoires pour server de preuves …, III pp. 159–61; GC, p. 207.

  42 GC, p. 207; Calendar of Letter-Books: L, p. 73; Memoires pour server de preuves …, III, pp. 159–61.

  43 Memoires pour server de preuves …, III, pp. 159–61; Wavrin, Anciennes Chroniques, III, pp. 190–1.

  44 Wavrin, Anciennes Chroniques, III, pp. 193–4; TNA E404/73/3/92; Hicks, Warwick, p. 265; Ross, Edward IV, p. 438.

  45 LP WF, II, p. 789; Memoires pour server de preuves …, III, pp. 159–61.

  46 Wavrin, Anciennes Chroniques, III, pp. 193–5.

  47 ADN B2068, f. 43; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 103–4.

  48 TNA E401/893; E404/73/3/72; E404/73/3/73b.

  49 TNA E73/3/72; E122/79/2; E122/162/1; Roover, Rise and Decline, p. 432; Holmes, ‘Lorenzo de’ Medici’s London branch’, p. 277; Ruddock, Italian Merchants, p. 210.

  50 Wavrin, Anciennes Chroniques, III, pp. 194–5.

  51 Select Cases in the Exchequer Chamber, II, p. 11; Keir, ‘George Neville’, pp. 199–201; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 81–2; 124–5; Roover, Rise and Decline, pp. 157–8.

  52 TNA E404/73/3/92; Keir, ‘George Neville’, p. 203.

  53 ‘William Gregory’s Chronicle’, pp. 235–6; Keir, ‘George Neville’, p. 204.

  54 ‘William Gregory’s Chronicle’, pp. 235–6; Stephani Baluzii, I, pp. 494–501; Keir, ‘George Neville’, pp. 213–14.

  55 Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 116–18.

  56 TNA E404/73/3/92.

  57 Foedera, XI, pp. 605–13; ‘Actes concernant les rapports …’, pp. 110–19; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 108–29.

  58 Stephani Baluzii, I, p. 501.

  59 CSPM, no. 158; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 113–15; Scofield, LREF, I, pp. 446–7.

  60 Walsh, Charles the Bold and Italy, pp. 94–5; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 127–31. For the dispensation, including Trenta’s seal, see ADN B429 no. 16141.

  61 Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 127–8.

  62 TNA C81/1499/4227; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, p. 135.

  63 PL Davis, II, no. 750.

  64 ADN B2068, f. 124v; PROME, 1467 June, item 18 (pp. 355–6).

  8. Robin Mend-All

  1 LP WF, II, p. 789; PROME, XIII, 1467 June, items 24–9 (pp. 362–4); Michael Hicks, ‘Stillington, ‘Robert (d. 1491)’, ODNB.

  2 See for example Chancellor Henry Beaufort’s opening sermon to Parliament on 19 November 1414: PROME, IX, 1414 November, item 1 (pp. 66–7).

  3 PROME, 1467 June, items 28, 29 (pp. 363–4); LP WF, II, p. 789; Jurkowski, ‘Parliamentary and prerogative taxation’, pp. 274–5.

  4 Roover, Rise and Decline, p. 474 n. 83; see also Scofield, LREF, II, pp. 446–53.

  5 TNA E404/74/1/45; E403/840.

  6 Ross, Edward IV, pp. 111–12.

  7 PROME, XIII, 1467 June, item 41, pp. 367–8; EHD Williams, p. 533; Hicks, ‘The 1468 Statute of Livery’, pp. 22–3, 26.

  8 Colvin, History of the King’s Works, II, pp. 793–804.

  9 Griffiths, ‘For the myght off the lande …’, p. 88; Hicks, ‘The case of Sir Thomas Cook, 1468’, p. 82; Sutton, ‘Sir Thomas Cook’, p. 97.

  10 Paris, BN MS Français 6964, ff. 27–27v, translated by Kekewich, ‘The Lancastrian court in exile’, Appendix 2, p. 109; Gross, Dissolution, pp. 77–8; Kekewich, ‘The mysterious Dr Makerell’, p. 48; Griffiths, ‘For the myght off the lande …’, p. 84; Walsh, Charles the Bold and Italy, p. 138.

  11 LP WF, II, p. 789; Bellamy, Law of Treason, p. 164.

  12 John Vale’s Book, pp. 87–92; Holland, ‘Cook’s case’, pp. 25–6; Tucker, ‘Government and Politics’, pp. 351–2.

  13 GC, p. 206; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 152–4; Sutton, ‘Sir Thomas Cook’, pp. 89–91.

  14 Excerpta Historica, pp. 230–31; Weiss, Humanism in England, pp. 124–5; Stark, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Diplomacy’, pp. 60–61.

  15 PL Davis, I, no. 330; ADN B2068, f. 129v; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Diplomacy’, pp. 174–5.

  16 Goossenaerts, ‘Charles the Bold’, pp. 97–104, at p. 100; Armstrong, ‘Politique matrimoniale’, p. 408.

  17 PL Davis, I, no. 330, pp. 538–9; Mémoires d’Olivier de la Marche, III, pp. 101–201; Excerpta Historica, pp. 234–8; Goossenaerts, ‘Charles the Bold’, pp. 102–3; Weightman, Margaret of York, pp. 54–6; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 162–3; Strohm, Music in Late Medieval Bruges, p. 99.

  18 PL Davis, no. 330; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 170–1, 179; Barber and Barker, Tournaments, pp. 121–5.

  19 TNA E404/74/1/61A; LP WF, II, p. 791; ‘William Gregory’s Chronicle’, p. 237; CPR 1467–1477, pp. 103, 120.

  20 GC, pp. 204–6; TNA KB 9/319 mm. 7, 35–7, 40, 49–51; Holland, ‘Cook’s case’, pp. 25–6; Sutton, ‘Sir Thomas Cook’, pp. 95–6.

  21 Holland, ‘Cook’s case’, pp. 30–1; Sutton and Visser-Fuchs, ‘A “most benevolent queen”’, pp. 216–18; Sutton, ‘Sir Thomas Cook’, pp. 96–7; Sutton and Visser-Fuchs, ‘Provenance of the manuscript’, pp. 89–91; Carpenter, ‘The Stonor circle’, p. 189.

  22 TNA E403/840 m. 4, cit. McKendrick, ‘An English royal collector …’, Appendix, p. 524.

  23 ‘William Gregory’s Chronicle’, pp. 237–8; LMA Journal 7, ff. 178–178v; Bolton, ‘Warwick, Clarence and London’, pp. 14–15.

  24 Scofield, LREF, I, pp. 466–9; Postan, ‘Economic and political relations of England and the Hanse’, p. 133; Visser-Fuchs, ‘English events in Caspar Weinreich’, pp. 312–13; Tucker, ‘Government and Politics’, pp. 354–6; Ross, Edward IV, pp. 364–5; Bolton, Medieval English Economy, pp. 308–9; Bolton, ‘Warwick, Clarence and London’, p. 16.

  25 LMA Journal 7, f. 179; Bolton, ‘Warwick, Clarence and London’, pp. 15–16.

  26 ‘William Gregory’s Chronicle’, p. 237.

  27 Warkworth, Chronicle, pp. 5–6; Kronk, Cometography, I, pp. 282–4; Zinner and Brown, Regiomontanus, pp. 93–4.

  28 TNA E404/74/1/43, 65, 70, 72, 74, 83, 102; CSPM, no. 167; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 186–8.

  29 CSPM, no. 165; Scofield, LREF, I, p. 477.

  30 PL Davis, no. 752.

  31 TNA E403/842 m. 2; Plumpton Correspondence, Letter XIII; ‘William Gregory’s Chronicle’, p. 237; ‘Hearne’s Fragment’, p. 297; Kekewich, ‘The mysterious Dr Makerell’, pp. 48–50; Ross, Edward IV, pp. 65–6, 122–3; Bellamy, Law of Treason, pp. 164–5; Ross, John de Vere, pp. 59–61.

  32 GC, p. 213; Ross, ‘Treatment of traitors’ children’, passim; Steven G. Ellis, ‘Fitzgerald, Thomas, seventh earl of Desmond (1426? –1468)’, ODNB; Sutton and Visser-Fuchs, ‘A “most benevolent queen”’, pp. 217–18, discuss and dismiss Elizabeth Woodville’s potential complicity.

  33 GC, p. 207; CPR 1467–1477, p. 123.

  34 Ross, Edward IV, p. 78 n. 2.

  35 In what follows I draw on Collection of Ordinances and Regulations, pp. 89–105.

  36 Hicks, ‘The 1468 S
tatute of Livery’, p. 17.

  37 Collection of Ordinances, pp. 101–5; Hicks, False, Fleeting Clarence (1992 edn), pp. 173, 179–81.

  38 Ross, Edward IV, pp. 122–3.

  39 CPR 1467–1477, p. 128; TNA KB 9/320; Warkworth, Chronicle, p. 6; Orme, From Childhood to Chivalry, pp. 7–8; Palliser, ‘Richard and York’, p. 52; Bellamy, Law of Treason, p. 165.

  40 CSPM, no. 169; Scofield, LREF, I, p. 482.

  41 Foedera, XI (February 22 1469); Scofield, LREF, I, pp. 488–9; a point made by Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 193–4, 197–9; Meek, ‘Conduct and Practice’, pp. 138–9; Ross, Edward IV, p. 128.

  42 CSPM, no. 170.

  43 PL Gairdner, V, no. 714; GC, p. 208; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 194–8; Scofield, LREF, I, pp. 489–90.

  44 HMC Reports, Beverley Corporation MSS, p. 144; Summerson, ‘Peacekeepers and Lawbreakers in Northumberland’, p. 73; Dockray, ‘The Yorkshire Rebellions of 1469’, pp. 246–57; Ross, Edward IV, App. IV, pp. 439–40; Scofield, LREF, I, pp. 488–90.

  45 CPR 1467–1477, pp. 170–71; TNA E404/74/230; PL Davis, I, no. 333; Ross, Edward IV, p. 129.

  46 Coventry Leet Book, II, pp. 341–2; Scofield, LREF, I, pp. 492–3; Ross, Edward IV, p. 129.

  47 CC, pp. 116–17.

  48 Laynesmith, Cecily Duchess of York, p. 124.

  49 Wavrin, Anciennes Chroniques, II, p. 403.

  50 Warkworth, Chronicle, pp. 46–9.

  51 Ross, Edward IV, p. 130; Bolton, ‘Warwick, Clarence and London’, pp. 26–7; Fleming, Coventry and the Wars of the Roses, pp. 19–20.

  52 Horrox, Richard III, pp. 32–3.

  53 PL Davis, II, nos. 762, 763.

  9. The Matter Quickeneth

  1 Lewis, ‘The battle of Edgecote’, passim; Ward, Livery Collar, pp. 149–52; ‘In praise of William Herbert of Raglan’, ed. Barry Lewis, accessed at; Evans, Wales and the Wars of the Roses, pp. 174–85.

  2 The following account is based on Warkworth, Chronicle, pp. 6–7; CC, pp. 114–17; GC, p. 209; Hall, Chronicle, pp. 273–4; see also Ross, Edward IV, pp. 131–2.

  3 Worcester, Itineraries, pp. 339–41.

  4 ‘Elegy for William Herbert of Raglan’, ed. Barry Lewis, accessed at; Owen and Blakeway, A History of Shrewsbury, I, pp. 247–8.

  5 Thomas, The Herberts of Raglan, pp. 45–6.

  6 Lewis, ‘The battle of Edgecote’, pp. 113–14.

  7 GC, p. 209; Moreton, ‘Anthony Woodville’, passim.

  8 Coventry Leet Book, II, p. 345; Warkworth, Chronicle, pp. 6–7; CC, pp. 116–17.

  9 Payling, ‘Widows’, p. 112; Hicks, Edward V, pp. 34–7.

  10 Laynesmith, Last Medieval Queens, p. 214; Leland, ‘Witchcraft and the Woodvilles’, pp. 267–88.

  11 Hampton, ‘Roger Wake of Blisworth’, pp. 156–7.

  12 CPR 1467–1477, p. 190; TNA KB 27/836, m. 61d, cit. Hicks, False, Fleeting Clarence (1992 edn), p. 35; Hicks, Warwick, p. 277.

  13 CSPM, no. 173; Laynesmith, Cecily Duchess of York, pp. 125–6.

  14 Calmette and Périnelle, Louis XI et l’Angletene, p. 108 and Pièce Justificatif no. 30. pp.116–17.

  15 PL Davis, II, no. 786; Wavrin, Anciennes Chroniques, III, pp. 5–6; Warkworth, Chronicle, p. 7; CSPM, no. 173; Tucker, ‘Government and Politics’, p. 358; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 202–5.

  16 CC, pp. 116–17.

  17 TNA E404/74/2/51; PL Davis, I, no. 245, pp. 409–10.

  18 CC, pp. 116–17.

  19 Ross, Edward IV, p. 135; Horrox, Richard III, p. 33; Ramsay, ‘Richard III and the office of arms’, pp. 146–8.

  20 Ramsay, ‘Richard III and the office of arms’, Appendix, pp. 154–63.

  21 Sutton, ‘A curious searcher’, pp. 61–3, 71–2.

  22 TNA C81/1547; Horrox, Richard III, pp. 33–6 and refs; Ross, ‘A governing elite?’, passim.

  23 TNA C53/195 m. 2.

  24 CC, pp. 116–17; Holland, ‘Lincolnshire rebellion’, p. 854.

  25 Chronique Scandaleuse, I, pp. 235–6; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 208–11; Visser-Fuchs, ‘English events in Caspar Weinreich’, pp. 314–15.

  26 ‘Confession of Sir Robert Welles’, in Excerpta Historica, pp. 282–3; Warkworth, Chronicle, p. 8; the dating of Welles’ raid is contested: see Hicks, False, Fleeting Clarence (1992 edn), pp. 65–9; Holland, ‘Lincolnshire rebellion’, pp. 853–4; Mackman, ‘Lincolnshire gentry’, pp. 146–59.

  27 Rosemary Horrox, ‘Burgh, Thomas, Baron Burgh (c.1430–1496)’, ODNB; Emery, Greater Medieval Houses, II, pp. 242–50; Storey, ‘Lincolnshire and the Wars of the Roses’, pp. 71–2.

  28 CPR 1467–1477, p. 224; Hicks, False, Fleeting Clarence (1992 edn), p. 54.

  29 GC, pp. 209–10; Bolton, ‘Warwick, Clarence and London’, pp. 19–20.

  30 CPR 1467–1477, p. 190.

  31 Chronicle of the Rebellion in Lincolnshire, p. 12.

  32 PL Davis, I, no. 248; CCR 1468–1476, pp. 137–8; CPR 1467–1477, pp. 185, 199; Chronicle of the Rebellion in Lincolnshire, p. 22; Hicks, False, Fleeting Clarence, p. 56; Mackman, ‘Lincolnshire gentry’, p. 153; Ross, Edward IV, p. 138.

  33 ‘Confession of Sir Robert Welles’, in Excerpta Historica, pp. 282–3.

  34 Chronicle of the Rebellion in Lincolnshire, pp. 6, 8; GC, p. 210; CCR 1468–1476, pp. 129–30.

  35 CSPM, no. 185.

  36 ‘Confession of Sir Robert Welles’, in Excerpta Historica, pp. 282–4.

  37 Warkworth, Chronicle, p. 8; Chronicle of the Rebellion in Lincolnshire, pp. 8, 10; ‘Confession of Sir Robert Welles’, in Excerpta Historica, pp. 282–4.

  38 CCR 1468–1476, p. 134; Chronicles of the White Rose, pp. 225–6; Warkworth, Chronicle, pp. 52–3; CC, pp. 120–1.

  39 ‘Confession of Sir Robert Welles’, in Excerpta Historica, pp. 282–4; Chronicle of the Rebellion in Lincolnshire, p. 11.

  40 Chronicle of the Rebellion in Lincolnshire, pp. 12–14; CCR 1468–1476, pp. 137–8; PL Davis, II, no. 787; Pollard, North-Eastern England, pp. 307–9; Pollard, Warwick, pp. 119–21; Ross, Edward IV, pp. 141–2; Holland, ‘Lincolnshire rebellion’, pp. 858–9.

  41 Horrox, Richard III, pp. 36, 69; Jones, ‘Richard III and the Stanleys’, pp. 39–40.

  42 CCR 1468–1476, pp. 135–6, 138; CPR 1467–1477, pp. 218–19; Foedera, XI, pp. 173–4; Ross, Edward IV, p. 144.

  43 Holland, ‘Lincolnshire rebellion’, p. 861; Hicks, Warwick, pp. 286–7.

  44 TNA E404/74/2/108, 111; Warkworth, Chronicle, p. 9; GC, p. 210; Crawford, Yorkist Lord, pp. 60–1; Hicks, Warwick, p. 232; Richmond, ‘Fauconberg’s Kentish rising’, p. 674.

  45 Warkworth, Chronicle, p. 9; Keen, ‘Treason trials’, pp. 88–92.

  46 Commynes, Memoires, pp. 182–3; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 212–14; BL Additional 48976, no. 58.

  47 ADN B862 no. 16197; Wavrin, Anciennes Chroniques, III, pp. 30–1; Commynes, Memoirs ed. Jones, pp. 183–4; Calmette and Périnelle, Louis XI, pp. 311–12; Lettres de Louis XI, IV, DII, pp. 110–14; Visser-Fuchs, ‘Warwick and Wavrin’, p. 73; Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 213–17; Richmond, ‘Fauconberg’s Kentish rising’, pp. 673–4; Vaughan, Charles the Bold, pp. 62–3; Scofield, LREF, I, p. 519.

  48 CSPM, no. 184; Hicks, Warwick, pp. 291–2; Kekewich, ‘The Lancastrian court in exile’, pp. 105–6.

  49 Hicks, Warwick, pp. 290–1.

  50 John Vale’s Book, pp. 215–18.

  51 John Vale’s Book, pp. 217–18; Hicks, False, Fleeting Clarence, pp. 71–2.

  52 John Vale’s Book, p. 217.

  53 PL Davis, I, no. 256; Pollard, ‘Lord FitzHugh’s Rising’, p. 170.

  54 John Vale’s Book, pp. 48, 218–20; Thrupp, Merchant Class, p. 353.

  55 Medici, Lettere, I, pp. 191–6.

  56 CPR 1467–1477, pp. 214–16; Chronicles of the White Rose, pp. 28–9; Rosemary
Horrox, ‘Conyers family (per. c.1375–c.1525)’, ODNB; Pollard, ‘Lord FitzHugh’s rising’, passim; Pollard, North-Eastern England, pp. 311–12; Storey, ‘Wardens’, pp. 607–8, 615; Ross, Richard III, p. 18.

  57 PL Gairdner, V, no. 758; John Vale’s Book, pp. 220–1; Ross, Edward IV, p. 152.

  58 Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, p. 229.

  59 John Vale’s Book, pp. 220–1.

  60 Warkworth, Chronicle, p. 12; Coventry Leet Book, pp. 358–9; Hicks, Warwick, pp. 300–1.

  61 Warkworth, Chronicle, pp. 10–11; Chronicles of the White Rose, pp. 28–9; CC, pp. 120–3; GC, p. 211; Wavrin, Anciennes Chroniques, III, pp. 46–8; Commynes, Memoirs ed. Jones, p. 187; Chastellain, Oeuvres, V, pp. 501–3, 508; Ross, Edward IV, pp. 153–4.

  62 Haward, ‘Economic aspects of the Wars of the Roses’, p. 179.

  10. They Think He Will Leave His Skin There

  1 Prevenier and Blockmans, The Burgundian Netherlands, pp. 16–21, 390; Blockmans and Prevenier, The Promised Lands, pp. 161–4; Visser-Fuchs, ‘English events in Caspar Weinreich’, p. 319, n. 18.

  2 Ballard, ‘Anglo-Burgundian Relations’, pp. 233–7; Visser-Fuchs, ‘Richard was late’, pp. 616–18.

  3 Visser-Fuchs, ‘Richard in Holland’, pp. 221–2; Visser-Fuchs, ‘“Il n’a plus lion ne lieppart”’, p. 92.

  4 LMA Journal 7, ff. 221–2; LMA Bridge House Accounts, III, ff. 182v–183; Bolton, ‘Warwick, Clarence and London’, pp. 29–31.

  5 LMA Journal 7, f. 223v; Bolton, ‘Warwick, Clarence and London’, pp. 34–6.

  6 Coventry Leet Book, I, p. 359; Historie of the Arrivall, p. 17; Political Poems and Songs, II, p. 281; Laynesmith, Last Medieval Queens, p. 173.

  7 Warkworth, Chronicle, p. 11; Chronicles of London, p. 182; Commynes, Memoirs ed. Jones, p. 190; Knecht, ‘Episcopate’, p. 117; Scofield, LREF, I, p. 541.

  8 Chronicles of London, p. 182; Chastellain, Oeuvres, V, pp. 490, 493–4; EHD ed. Myers, pp. 305–7; Sharpe, London and the Kingdom, III, p. 385; Hicks, Warwick, pp. 302–3; Ross, John de Vere, p. 62.

  9 John Vale’s Book, pp. 50–1, 217, 222–4.

  10 Warkworth, Chronicle, pp. 11, 13; GC, pp. 212–13; Ross, John de Vere, pp. 62–3; Ashdown-Hill, ‘The execution of the earl of Desmond’, p. 80; Ross, Edward IV, p. 155.


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