Chaos Unchained- The Mad Smith

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Chaos Unchained- The Mad Smith Page 25

by Brock Deskins

  Within seconds, the soldiers still standing tossed down their weapons and pleaded for mercy. They would get none from the former captives. In less than five minutes, from start to finish, not a single Caprian soldier still drew breath.

  Thanks to Nyx’s leeching magic and minor healing potions, all three of them were still battle ready. Nyx had to siphon some of the prisoners’ meager mana pools. She needed it far more than they did. With none of them being casters, she doubted they even noticed.

  Saefa broke away from the reunion of embraces and thanks and approached the rest of his group with a broad smile splitting his face. “I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for my people. While we could not save everyone, your bravery and fighting spirit freed many whose future looked quite dim.”

  Lexon spoke before anyone could reply. “Think nothing of it. Like the old saying goes, all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to stand around scratching their arses. There’s two kinds of bards in the world: the ones who sing about the brave and heroic deeds of great men, and the ones who rise to become a great man. I think we all know which one I am.”

  “Clearly the former,” Jandar grumbled.

  “That’s right! Wait; is that the first one or the second one? I can never remember how that goes.”

  Saefa clapped the bard on the shoulder. “You did very well, my friend.”

  “What will you and your people do now?” Nyx asked.

  Saefa looked over his shoulder at the people spreading apart and beginning to search the camp. “They will take everything of value from the camp to help them rebuild their lives and meet up with Naidu. He will see them safely back home. As for me, I still have a khan to make pay for his crimes. I believe you also have business within the tomb.”

  “Yes, we do. Give us a minute to prepare and we’ll all go together.”

  Lexon raised a hand to his shoulder. “I thought maybe I’d stay up here and watch over these poor folks. The desert holds many dangers for the uninitiated.”

  “Don’t chicken out on us now, Lexon,” Nyx said.

  “It ain’t about being chicken. I just don’t like snakes or dark places. Worse yet, snakes in dark places.”

  “Come on, we couldn’t have made it this far without you. Don’t you want to be a hero and not just sing about one?”

  “Damn, done in by me own pride and outstanding achievements. I guess it wouldn’t be very heroic of me to let you go down there without me and likely die. Besides, someone has to chronical this historic event even if it is the story of your gruesome deaths.”

  “That’s the spirt,” Jandar said in a flat tone as he opened his UI.

  You have gained 4,800 XP from your most recent battle.

  You have successfully completed the quest: Free the People. You gain 5,000 XP.

  Saefa’s attitude toward you has increased from Neutral to friendly. You gain +150 Fame.

  Through battle, your skills and attributes have improved. You gain +1 Strength, +1 Body, +1 Agility, +2 Mind, +1 Charisma, +1 Luck.

  Your Two-Handed bludgeoning skill has risen to Level 3 Grade 3.

  Your Arcane Channeling has risen to Level 10 Grade 2.

  You are now a novice in Arcane Channeling. +10% Magical Attack. All Tier 1 Arcane Channeling spells raised to Tier 2.

  You cannot manually raise your Mind, 2-hand Bludgeoning, or Arcane Channeling skill any further at your current level.

  Your Medium and Heavy armor skill has increased.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 10! Your Strength and Mind has increased by 1. You receive 1 primary and 1 secondary attribute point to use where you wish. You receive 1 standard skill point and 1 bonus skill point for being human.

  Tier 2 spells and skills unlocked.

  Available spells and skills:

  Dual Wield: Tier 1:

  Rain of Blows: Attack an opponent with your bludgeoning weapons in rapid succession. Each strike after the first two incurs a cumulative -10% attack penalty and a +10% damage bonus. Current number of strikes: 4. Cost: 40 stamina. Cooldown: 30 seconds. Increase Dual Wield to be granted more attacks.

  Dual Strike: Hit a target with both weapons at the same time. Each weapon deals full damage and can cause the effect: Unsteady. Cost: 30 stamina. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

  Counter Attack: Deliver a counter blow with both weapons immediately after blocking or parrying an attack. Each weapon inflicts an additional amount of damage equal to your Dual Wield skill. Cost: 30 stamina. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

  Cost: 1 skill point each

  Dual Wield Tier 2:

  Ring of Steel: Go on the defense and increase your blocking by 20% + your Dual Wield skill. Cost: 30 Stamina. Cooldown: 45 seconds.

  Steel Tornado: Go on the offense and increase your attack speed and damage by 20% + your Dual Wield skill. Cost: 30 Stamina. Cooldown: 45 seconds.

  Double Slam: Perform a power attack with both weapons simultaneously. Requirements: Dual Strike, Dual Wield Level 10, Strength 20. Cost: 50 Stamina. Cooldown: 1 minute.

  Cost: 2 skill points each

  Tier 2 Special Combat Skills Available:

  Berserk: Increases physical attack by 30% and decreases defense and magic attack by 30% for 30.0 seconds. While in a berserk state, all stamina costs are reduced by 50% and not subtracted until Berserk state ends. Dropping below 0 Stamina will leave you unconscious until your stamina rises above 0. Requirements: Character Level 10, Body: 20. Cost: 50 Stamina. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

  Adrenalin Surge: Increases your Strength and speed by your level for 30 seconds. Requirements: Character Level 10, Strength: 20, Body: 20. Cost: 25 Stamina. Cooldown: 1 minute.

  Open Flank: +20% Physical attack against flanked or vulnerable targets. Requirements: Character Level 10 and Martial Rank of Novice. Cost: 25 Stamina. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

  Cost: 2 skill points each

  New abilities and Traits Available:

  Fire-forged, Tier 2: Having grown up next to the searing heat of a forge, you have gained a natural 20% damage reduction from all fire and heat-based damaging effects. Continuous fire and heat-based duration and secondary effects are reduced by half.

  Advanced Perception, Tier 2: Increases the amount of information garnered from your perception skill and reduces the time needed to analyze a subject.

  Tireless, Tier 1: All Stamina requirements reduced by 25%. Passive effect. Body: 20.

  Iron Hide, Tier 1: Temper your skin like steel. Increases natural armor rating by 5. Passive effect. Requirements: Body: 20. Arcane Smith class.

  Cost: 1 skill point per tier each.

  Tier 2 Spells Available:

  Bonded Weapon: Summon your weapon to your hand. Can be directed to strike an enemy during flight. Maximum direction change is your Magic Attack score in degrees. Damage is based on weapon attack value plus Arcane Channeling skill. Range: 37.3 feet (Your natural throwing distance + Arcane Channeling skill.) Cast time: Instant. Requirements: Character Level 10, Mind: 15, Arcane Channeling Level 10. Cost: 10 mana.

  Elemental Influx: Weapons can now hold a charge for a number of seconds equal to your Arcane Channeling skill after you cease channeling magic into them or it is expended by striking a target. Damage: Your base magic attack. Cast time: 1 second. Requirements: Character Level 10, Mind: 15, Arcane Channeling Level 10. Cost: 5 mana per spell tier.

  Elemental Defense: Create a barrier of elemental energy to counter opposing elemental types, i.e. fire to repel cold or water-based magic, earth to protect against electrical damage, etc. Strength of barrier is based upon your magic attack. Cast time: Instant. Requirements: Character Level 10, Mind: 15, Arcane Channeling Level 15. Cost: 1 mana every three seconds.

  Gravimetric Draw (Earth): Uses the power of earth to alter the force of gravity on a single target. Target is drawn toward the caster as if falling horizontally. Interrupts casting and increases the caster’s aggro. Can pull 10x your magic attack in pounds. Range: Your magic attack in feet. Cast Time: 3 seconds. Requirements: Chara
cter Level 10, Mind: 20, and Arcane Channeling Level 20. Cost: 30 mana.

  Cost: 2 skill points each

  Jandar marveled at his options and was glad he had held his skill points in reserve. Now he could choose new skills or raise some of the ones he had to tier 2. While the combat skills were strong, the spells provided a way to help counter his greatest weakness, lack of a ranged attack. With Bonded Weapon, he could throw his hammer at distant foes and call it back to him.

  He could also counter ranged attackers with the Gravimetric Draw, but he had a ways to go to meet the stiff requirements. The elemental shield would help him against other arcane channelers, but the defense it provided was meager and much more situational.

  Elemental Influx would greatly improve the damage his hammer did when thrown as it would hold the elemental charge until it struck instead of the energy disappearing the instant it left his hand or he otherwise stopped feeding power into it.

  Jandar made his choices and went back to his attributes. Agility, Charisma, and Luck were all in need of help. Of the three, he considered Agility the most important as it helped his aim when throwing his hammer as well as dodging attacks. However, he got the feeling that Luck played a big part in the likelihood of scoring critical hits and his spells proccing their secondary effects.

  It was a wildcard, and Jandar tended to prefer much more tangible things. Of course, that was back when he was a simple blacksmith’s apprentice. Things had changed since he became an arcane smith, and he needed to change with it.

  He put one point in Agility and one in Luck to make it an even 10. If he were right about the correlation between Luck and random effects, it would increase every time one of those events occurred. How much, if at all, he could not begin to guess.

  After this, he needed to unlock the combat ability Tireless. Permanently reducing his Stamina costs would be huge. For now, he would have to rely on Nyx to keep him energized.

  Jandar looked over his character sheet.

  Name: Jandar Barati

  Race: Human

  Level: 10

  Base Class: arcane smith

  Subclass: Not applicable

  Fame: 160/500. Never heard of you.

  Infamy: 1,986/4500. I don't like that look in your eyes.


  Health: 183

  Stamina: 240

  Mana: 144

  Strength: 27 (+4 Lesser Belt of Crushing)

  Agility: 14

  Body: 20

  Mind: 18

  Charisma: 7

  Luck: 10

  Physical Attack: +50.1% 1-hand bludgeoning, 50.3% 2-hand bludgeoning. +25% when wielding hammers.

  Ranged Attack: 14.4%

  Magic Attack: 25.2%

  Basic Combat Skills:

  Throw Hammer: Level 1 Grade 2. Range: 27 feet.

  Dual Wield: Level 3 Grade 7.

  Bludgeoning, 1-Handed: Level 13 Grade 1. Rank: Novice, +10% attack.

  Bludgeoning, Two-Handed: Level 3 Grade 3

  Hammer Specialization: +25% when wielding hammers.

  Shield: Level 5 Grade 4. Improves armor rating and blocking by 5.4%.

  Medium Armor: Level 5 Grade 4. Improves armor rating and encumbrance penalties by 5.4%

  Heavy Armor: Level 2 Grade 1. Improves armor rating and encumbrance penalties by 2.1%.

  Advanced Combat Skills:

  Power Attack: Any

  Numbing strike: Any

  Half-Moon Cleave: 2-handed only

  Magical Skills:

  Arcane Channeling: Level 10 Grade 3. As a novice Arcane Channeler, you can now channel a different element into each weapon you hold when dual wielding. Rank: Novice, +10% Magic Attack and access to tier 2 spells.

  Known Spells: All damage and effects increased by your magical attack score.

  Flame Touch, tier 2 (fire): Causes 10 fire in addition to normal weapon damage. Secondary Effects: Burn: Burn flesh or set combustible material on fire. Burned or burning targets take damage equal to 1/2 the spell effect every second for 5 seconds. May interrupt spellcasting. Cost: 2 mana every 3 seconds.

  Shocking Touch, tier 2 (air): Causes 10 electrical damage plus your magical attack rating in addition to normal weapon damage. +10% attack speed. Secondary Effect: Electrocute. Electrocuted targets are stunned for 3 seconds. Cost: 2 mana every 3 seconds.

  Stone Touch, tier 2 (earth): Your weapon is infused with the power of the earth. Causes 20 earth damage. Secondary effect: Additional 10 earth damage. Increased chance to shatter objects and knock down foes.

  Frost Touch, tier 2 (Water): 10 cold damage. Secondary Effect: Causes additional 10 cold damage. May freeze, causing -10% functionality. Frozen target may shatter when struck. Duration: 5 seconds. Cost: 2 mana every 3 seconds.

  Soul Touch, tier 2 (spirit): Causes 10 spirit damage plus your magical attack score. Secondary effect: (Banish). May banish a summoned or undead creature or instill fear to living creatures. Creatures instilled with fear will have their attack and defense reduced, cower, or flee depending on your modified Arcane skill, level difference, and target’s skills, abilities, and traits. Cost: 2 mana every 3 seconds.

  Bonded Weapon (Spirit): Summon your weapon to your hand. Can be directed to strike an enemy during flight. Maximum direction change is your magical attack score in degrees. Damage is based on weapon attack value plus Arcane Channeling skill. Range: 37.3 feet (Your natural throwing distance + Arcane Channeling skill.) Cast time: Instant. Cost: 10 mana.

  Elemental Influx: Weapons can now hold a charge for a number of seconds equal to your Arcane Channeling skill after you cease channeling magic into them or it is expended by striking a target. Cost: 5 mana per spell tier. Cast time: Instant.

  All effects increased by Magic Attack score.

  Noncombat Skills

  Smithing: Level 20 Grade 8. Rank: Journeyman (+20% smithing success, item quality and durability.) Current maximum metal tier: High Steel. Can work higher tier metals with a -20% penalty per metal tier above high steel. Maximum quality of item made is reduced by 1 level per tier above high steel.

  Basic Cooking. Level: 2 Grade 8. Quality of food and effects increased by 2.8%

  Unused Skill points: 0

  Special Abilities and Traits:

  Advanced Analyze, Tier 1: As a blacksmith, you are adept at identifying imperfections and the quality of work in an object. With enough skill, you can even identify the maker of a certain item, particularly weapons and armor, simply by recognizing the work. This ability has also translated into identifying people, monsters, and other objects.

  Fire-forged, Tier 1: Having grown up next to the searing heat of a forge, you have gained a natural 10% damage reduction from all fire and heat-based damaging effects. Continuous burn damage and time is reduced by half.

  Jandar did not have enough experience to compare his relative strength against another, but he felt he was stronger than the average adventurer around his level. It was a good thing, as they needed any advantage they could get.

  He looked over to Nyx. “Did you learn any new skills?”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “You first.”

  Jandar grinned at her. “Two new magic abilities. My weapons can now hold a charge until they strike something, and I can summon my hammer back to my hand after I throw it. My elemental imbuements are now tier 2.”

  She grinned back at him. “That’s helpful. I learned how to do this.”

  Shadowy tendrils snaked out of the ground, wrapped around all four of his limbs, and pulled him down. He strained with all his might, but the tendrils refused to loosen their hold.

  Saefa cleared his throat. “If you are ready, we must hurry if we wish to catch them unawares.”

  Jandar looked for Lexon, who was still rifling through pockets and abandoned belongings. “Bard, it’s time to go.”

  Lexon stood up from where he was kneeling over a corpse and wiped his hands. “I’m right behind you. Well, maybe not right behind. A little ways back to keep an eye out for any
one trying to sneak up on us and make sure the way stays clear should the need for an expeditious retreat arise.”

  Nyx took the lead since she had the best chance of spotting traps or ambushes. The way into the tomb was an elaborately carved archway cut into the face of a sandstone butte. Large chunks of what was once the stone slab sealing the entrance lay scattered along the ramp leading down into the subterranean halls.

  Small bowls filled with burning oil and evenly spaced along the walls created just enough light to navigate the passageways while leaving much of them in the dark. There was ample evidence of traps along the way, but others had sprung or disarmed them long before their arrival. Other than their own breathing and wary footsteps, the catacombs were silent.

  The initial quiet did not last long. The sounds of battle echoed down the halls after a couple of minutes of hurried stalking. The clash of weapons and shouting were almost deafening by the time they reached the main chamber and the boss’ lair. Nyx wrapped herself in shadows, took a quick look inside, and returned.

  “All of the adventurers are still up as well as a few Caprians, one of whom I assume is the khan. There are dead snakes and lizards everywhere, and the boss,” she gave a shudder, “is looking worse for wear.”

  “What about the adventurers?” Jandar asked. “How do they fair?”

  “They look tired and haven’t gone unscathed, but their healer is keeping them healthy for the most part.”

  “Do you have a plan?”

  Nyx nodded. “I should be able to sneak in and start leeching mana from their healer and tank. He’s a Templar, and many of his abilities are mana-based. I can probably drain stamina from their main DPS, a berserker type if I’m not mistaken, without drawing attention—for a little while at least. It depends on how much of their attention is devoted to the fight and how much they’re keeping an eye on their stats and battle logs.”

  “OK, sounds like a plan. Saefa and I will rush in the moment they discover you or it looks as if they’re close to killing the boss.”

  Nyx ducked her head and slipped back into the shadows.

  Riccon loosed another pair of eldritch arrows into the Shahmaran as he shouted, “Adds!”

  More snakes slithered out of the holes in the walls and ceiling. Khan Eoselm and his few remaining soldiers turned away from the boss to hack and stab at them. A black serpent struck and sank its fangs into one of the soldiers. The man screamed in pain until bloody foam began frothing from his mouth and choked off the sound.


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