The Rise of Onyx

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The Rise of Onyx Page 16

by Angelina Singer

  “And that is exactly what worries me.”


  “I just took her to her pod. She was acting odd because the new device that she had implanted drugged her.”

  “What? Are you sure?” Evander’s eyes are wide open, shocked at what Brielle has reported.

  “The doctor just reported that directly to me. And now, Vidia is going to have some explaining to do.”

  “Oh my pod…” Evander rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands, and tries to process the news that he’s hearing. It’s not the first time things have happened outside of his control - far from it, actually. But he’s getting weary and worn, and this is just the icing on the cake. As if worrying about Onyx wasn’t enough, now Luna might also be ruined forever.

  “Okay, well don’t tell Onyx.”

  “I will be telling Onyx, Evander. Because last time we tried to keep information from those two, things ended so well.”

  Evander sighs. “You’re right, Brielle. I’m sorry to keep putting you between them like that. Do what you think ought to be done.”

  “Thank you, I will.”

  The two stand in silence for a moment, in a small hallway in the Grand Hall, wondering about what is going to happen next. For eons, the Upperworld ran perfectly, without any issues like this. But that all changed the day that Luna materialized.

  “I should go talk to Vidia -”

  “Okay, if you’re sure. I’ll go try to remove the implant and then let Onyx know what’s been going on.”

  “I am. Check back with me after.”

  Evander nods, and then Brielle heads to the Sorting Room, where she is relatively certain that Vidia will be on her shift. After a short walk on the main pathway and through the security gates, Brielle sees Vidia’s fuchsia colored hair toward the right.

  “Vidia. A word please.”

  The fuchsia hair turns around rapidly, and Vidia’s mouth forms a small ‘o’. “Certainly! Just a moment please.” She very unceremoniously drops an orb into a receptacle tube and them pats her hands dry on her pants. “What can I do for you?”

  “I need to know why you drugged Luna.” Brielle barely lowers her voice, or even tries to monitor her wording. At this point, she doesn’t even care, if she ever really did.

  “What? I absolutely didn’t do that. But can you keep your voice down? People are staring, you know.” Vidia’s cheeks begin to match her hair, but Brielle isn’t even remotely sorry. She taps her toe in a rhythmic pattern on the sorting room floor, and her crossed arms seem to be shielding her from any more lies.

  “Oh, but you did.”

  “No, I didn’t. I wouldn’t have any reason to do that to Luna.”

  The eyes of the sorters around them follow the conversation like a tennis match, moving back and forth, waiting for the return volley.

  “Well then explain to me why she suddenly lost the ability to feel emotions or remember things about Onyx since she panicked and apparently triggered an automatic medication to be administered?”

  The small ‘o’ her lips made before grows into a full-bodied horror as the color also drains from her cheeks, rendering Vidia more like a ghost seeking asylum on this side of the realm rather than a sorter who made a grave mistake.

  “I didn’t know that would happen… is that a new thing that they made?”

  “Some kind of upgrade, is what I heard.”

  “Oh my pod, Brielle, I had no idea. I should go apologize to Luna.”

  Brielle’s curt hand gesture stopped her in her tracks. “Don’t even bother - we’re in damage control now. Perhaps if Evander removes it, things will return to normal.”

  Vidia slowly nods. “Oh, all right. Well anyway, I think I might take my break now. There’s no way I can focus after all this. Again, I really am sorry.”

  “Sorry doesn’t fix this, but I’m sure Luna would appreciate your apology nonetheless.”


  “Luna? Can you open up? It’s Evander.”


  “Oh my… please, Luna. I can help you.”

  Luna opens the door to her pod, and as soon as she does, recognition returns to her face. “Oh, Evander. Okay. I’ve just been a little… slow on the uptake lately. I’m not totally sure why, really. Probably just overtired.”

  Evander shakes his head. “It’s a bit more than that, actually. I’m sorry to say this, Luna, but I’m going to need to remove your implant.”

  “What? Why? I just had it installed recently - my wrist hasn’t even fully healed yet.”

  Evander nods sadly. “I know, believe me I do. But the problem is, the medication its dispensing to you is robbing you of your personality. I need to remove it so you can feel again. It’s also making you forget things. Please, Luna? I know it’s scary, and I’m not exactly a medical doctor, but I should be able to reopen the wound and slip it right out. Can you let me do that? Please?”

  Luna’s eyes narrow, and she shakes her head. “I can’t let you do that, Evander. It will hurt too much. Besides, every sorter needs an implanted device. It’s so I can be notified at any time from anywhere in the Upperworld or beyond.”

  It’s like she’s been brainwashed. Well, good thing I brought this cloth doused in nitrous oxide. “I’m sorry Luna, but this is because I care about you, and I know Onyx does too.”

  Evander swiftly covers her mouth and nose with the cloth, and after only a few seconds and a mild struggle, her eyes flutter shut, and he lays her gently on her couch. Throwing the cloth on the floor, he grabs some sterile equipment that he pilfered from the infirmary, and begins to work on reopening the wound and removing the device.


  The remaining school days of this week both dragged by and moved far too quickly for my liking. I know it’s my last week on the job, and I am determined to soak in every moment of my life before chores and a husband become my ultimate focus. At least I was able to help Goodman Griffin by allowing him to observe me - I felt so very flattered that he found my classroom to be effective enough to want to emulate it when he himself begins teaching. And he has proven to be quite helpful, what with the chores, and even monitoring the children during their recess and break times. But there’s also just been so much on my mind surrounding my unwanted betrothal and my very-wanted relationship with Finn, even if it has been short-lived. I know Mother and Father would be horrified if they found out what my plans were, but I rationalize that I was equally horrified when I found out their plans for me, so right now, this just feels like delicious payback for the horrid life they have resigned me to. But Fae promised not to say anything to them, and even though she didn’t approve, she did promise, and I trust her.

  “Well class, as sad as I am to say this has been our last day together, I want you to know that I have so loved teaching your class. I wish you all the best, and I truly hope that you continue to enjoy your education throughout your remaining years of study. Your new teacher will be joining you on Monday. Have an enjoyable weekend, and may God be with ye.” I am immediately met with a chorus of children saying their condolences and that they will miss me, which truly warms my heart. I had no idea my time teaching would be ending too soon, but this moment will be one that I will store away in the corners of my mind to help me through the tough times that are undoubtedly coming for me.

  The students give me many hugs and sad smiles, and then file out the schoolhouse door. I watch them leave for the last time, and then gather up the last of my belongings. “Fae, where are you? It’s time to get home.”

  “I’m coming, Constance!”

  I turn around to see Fae running toward me from the field, carrying a very crude but sweet bouquet of flowers. “I picked these for you, Constance. I will surely miss you being my teacher.”

  Suddenly, tears begin pricking the corners of my eyes - and I told myself I wouldn’t cry, at least in front of any students. But Fae is also my little sister, so I allowed myself to have a good cry with her, which was surprisingly calmin

  “Thank you, Fae, this was so very sweet. I will miss this too.” I clean myself up, and then we both head out the schoolhouse door. We resume our typical chatting as we walk home, but then turn around to see Goodman Griffin walking behind us at a respectable distance.

  “Constance, does he always follow us this way?”

  I nod my head. “I’m fairly certain he lives nearby where we do, so it only makes sense that he follow us home.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  We arrive home at the typical time we always do, and then Fae settles down in the kitchen to do her homework.

  “You know Fae, I can still help you with your homework from time to time, if you ever need it.”

  “I know, thanks, Constance.”

  I nod, and then announce that I’ll be taking a walk. I open the door to leave, and find myself face-to-face with my beloved - not my betrothed.

  “Hey, Constance. Care to take a walk?”

  I smile broadly, and tell myself that I’m totally happy with however this goes. “Where to?”

  Finn shrugs, and I notice the way that his auburn-brown hair perfectly eclipses the sun. “I dunno. I’ll think of something.”

  I nod, and follow him, grabbing his hand. We both decide to take the back pathway, away from the main road, to decrease our chances of Silas seeing us.

  “So Constance, I didn’t mean to pressure you the other day. I hope you don’t think badly of me, I won’t try that again.”

  I shake my head. “You don’t need to apologize, because you didn’t. And besides, after taking some time to think about it… I actually really want to.”

  Finn raises an eyebrow. “You do?”

  “I’d like my first time to be with someone I love, and not someone I’d like to see meet an untimely death.”

  He blushes immediately, and I realize what I just admitted, so I feel my cheeks heat up too.

  “You… you love me?”

  I nod excitedly. “I really do, Finn. I’d happily marry you if I could.”

  He looks down at the ground, and then I see a single tear fall down his face. “Constance, you have no idea how badly I want that too.” He sighs.

  “But obviously, it seems that’s not meant to be.” I smile sadly. “But it can be, at least for now. We can pretend… I’d like to forget about my terrible future, as well.”

  We walk along in silence for a bit, and I recognize the cliff that we went to the very first day when we spent time together and I kissed him. I feel his hand wrap around my waist, and I sigh at how nice that feels. Then I turn to look at him, and smile at his face and the way his eyes sparkle in the mid-afternoon light. I feel our lips draw close together, and then they touch in an explosive frenzy. I wait for the spark to fade, but it doesn’t. It grows stronger with every passing breath. And that’s when I decide that the time is now… and I don’t ask him to stop. I give myself over to the desire I’ve kept under wraps for a while now. Years, actually. I don’t hesitate, not even for a moment. And the happiness bubbling up inside of me compensates for the slight guilt gnawing at the back of my mind, but I push it aside, rationalizing that I’ll never be allowed to be this happy ever again, so I decide to embrace it.


  “Onyx, I have the coordinates. Tell Evander to try these ones…” Griffin rattles off the set of numbers that are listed on his wearable wrist communicator.

  Onyx’s voice immediately brightens at the prospect of finally getting off the throne that has imprisoned him for what has felt like ages. “Thank you, Griffin. I’ll pass that along. It’s worth a try. But keep in mind, that my conception was likely not the defining moment - rather, it was the moment that she decided… to abort me.” His voice falters at that realization, and Griffin notices that he falls relatively silent for a few moments.

  “Onyx? Are you all right?”

  “Yes, I’m okay, Griffin. This is just… quite uncomfortable for me to talk about.”

  “I completely understand.”

  Onyx clicks off his communicator, and tells Evander the coordinates that Griffin provided. After waiting a very uncertain amount of time, Evander returns to the Grand Hall, and a subtle shake of his head tells Onyx what he had guessed - that his conception was not the defining moment at all. Onyx nods his thanks anyway, and Evander looks down at his feet in embarrassment.

  “It was just a theory, you know. I can’t guarantee that the correct coordinates will even work to move the current from you to a more remote configuration. But I figured it was worth a shot.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, Evander, and I thank you for trying.”

  “Oh and Onyx… you should know something.”

  Onyx tiredly raises his eyebrows, and awaits Evander’s explanation. “Yes?”

  “So Luna’s new implant… had an unfortunate upgrade… which medicated her into losing her emotions and some of her memories. As the infirmary was completely useless in accommodating our request to have it removed, I had to operate on her myself.”

  “You did? Is she… okay now?”

  “Still sleeping from the nitrous oxide when I left her, but Brielle, Vidia or I will check on her very soon. I wanted to keep you updated on her current state.”

  Onyx sighs, but nods his thanks. “I truly appreciate that, Evander. Thank you for keeping me informed.” He slumps back on his throne, looking worse than ever.

  “Onyx, you don’t look so good, I’m going to request some nutrients from the orderlies to keep you strong. Hang in there, buddy. We are almost there.”



  I wake up next to Finn on the soft grass of the cliffside. We must have fallen asleep, and now the night sky greets us as I come back to the surface. He had the decency to drape my dress over me as soon as he woke up, so I wouldn’t be left exposed to the elements or any prying eyes.

  “Finn, it’s late! I have to get home.” I try to get up, but my dress-turned blanket falls off of me and I shriek.

  “You may want to get dressed first.”

  “I know, I just didn’t realize how much time passed. Well, don’t stare at me!”

  Finn laughs, and turns away. “You’re just… really beautiful, Constance.”

  I pause for a second, and smile to myself. “You’re all right yourself, Finn.”

  I finish dressing myself, and tell him he can turn around again. “Finn, my family is probably worried sick by now, I need to get home!”

  “Okay, okay, I’ll take you home.”

  “No! I mean, I don’t think they’d be too pleased to see you under the circumstances. How about you walk me back to the main path, and then I’ll go the rest of the way alone?”

  “But it’s late, will you be all right?”

  “I’ll be fine. But let’s go.”

  He grabs my hand and smiles at me the whole way. I knew this was the right choice, after all, now I have another happy memory to store with all the others. And that’s the most important thing, I decide. It’s all about taking my life back, and this is a step in that direction for sure.

  I arrive home and realize that my hunch was right - my family is pacing very angrily in the kitchen.

  “Constance! Where were you? What has gotten into you? We were so concerned…” My mother wraps her arms around me in a tearful frenzy, while my father stands in a calm distaste in the corner of the room, like a bad omen.

  “I went for a walk with a friend and lost track of time, I’m very sorry I worried you.” I straighten the head covering that I remembered to replace this time, in hopes that my facade is believable.

  “Do you realize that being out without anyone knowing where you are does not bode very well for a young woman currently betrothed?”

  I nod my head solemnly, but even I can’t completely quench the fire growing in the pit of my stomach.


  “Luna? Are you doing better now?” Vidia lets herself into Luna’s apartment after Evander gave her the access code
to make checking on her that much easier.

  “I’m doing okay, Vidia. My wrist hurts, but I’m okay.”

  “Well of course it does, you’ve been operated on with minimal anesthetic.”

  “I was what?”

  “Oh my pod, you didn’t know? Evander removed the device that I practically forced you to get. I came to apologize.”

  “Well thank you, but I didn’t want him to.”

  “What? But you’ve got your emotions back! I mean, I assume you did, since you seem pretty angry right now. I’m actually not sure if I should be happy about that or not at the moment.”

  “Vidia, it was so much easier not to feel anything at all. Onyx being stuck, it was so much better when I didn’t love him as much as I do or even remember him. Now everything is just flooding back, and it’s hard to handle. I wanted to be able to exist without the pain, don’t you see it?”

  She purses her lips, trying to absorb what Luna is explaining to her. “I understand that, but it’s who you are, for better or worse. You wouldn’t be the same without your emotions and your feeling for Onyx. Even though I can’t relate to that, I can tell it was important. You were practically a zombie without them.”

  “But you and all the rest of them don’t have emotions, and yet you seem fine. Why?”

  “It’s probably because we’ve never known anything different. But you, Luna, were always meant for a bigger and deeper existence than any of us could ever dream of. Embrace that.”

  Luna slowly nods, and then reclines back down on the couch where Evander left her.

  “Would you like to go see Onyx? I’m sure he’s worried about you, especially since Evander told him about what happened with your implant and everything.”

  “Oh, okay, I suppose. I guess the pain is just something I’ll have to deal with.”

  “Well, we can probably get you some medicine for your wrist…”

  “I meant the emotional pain, Vidia.”

  “Oh, right.”

  Vidia accompanies Luna to the Grand Hall, nodding politely to the other sorters and record keepers that they pass by. “He’s going to be happy to see that you’re okay, you know.”


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