Christmas Cowboy (A Standalone Holiday Romance Novel)

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Christmas Cowboy (A Standalone Holiday Romance Novel) Page 57

by Claire Adams

  I glanced down at the time on my phone. “Thanks for the lesson in women, Glen. It’s not like I don’t know all that.” I sighed and hit her name in my contacts. “She’s at work, but I’ll leave her a message. Maybe she won’t give me the silent treatment like last time.”

  “Maybe she did that because you didn’t show enough interest in her. Don’t be that guy, Aiden.” He chuckled, and I knew he was kidding with me. “Seriously, though, you need to communicate — and I’m not talking about whispering sweet nothings while you’ve got her bent over. Sit down without sex and see if she can still hold your interest.”

  “We’ve had great conversations. She’s the one who takes the lead, but I know. I’ll text her now.” I picked up my phone and typed out a simple message: I miss you, call me.

  Before I hit send, I shook my head and hit the backspace button until the message deleted. I couldn’t say that I missed her like some sap, so I thought of something else to say. Thinking of you. Call me. I hit send and held the phone a moment to see if she’d respond. “Done.”

  “So, what does she think of that big house of yours?” He stood, picked up several of the dispensers, and walked then to the bar and then to a few tables where he kept them.

  “She had me take her on a tour. She likes my mother’s art. I think my mother would like her. She’s a good listener, like Mom.”

  He glanced up at me. “Which is why you don’t know a damned thing about her, remember.”

  “Right, but no, I took her to the garage.” I smiled thinking of her spread out for me, but I wasn’t about to tell Glen that little tidbit.

  “Wow, you shared the wheels? Nice. So, what did she think of that?”

  “I drove my father’s Shelby for the first time ever. Can you believe the thing still cranked? She encouraged it. She called my dad a dick and everything. That’s a girl I could fall in love with.”

  Glen walked behind the bar and poured a drink placing it in my usual spot, and I took my stool in front of it. He smiled as I took a sip. “Are you sure you’re not already?”

  I contemplated the question. He knew me as a hard ass, and I had been really terrible for a while, but she softened me in ways no one else could. The way I’d talked to Tana in the gym had been the way I’d tried to talk to Lexa in the beginning, but she hadn’t stood for it. She’d stood her ground and had challenged me.

  “You’re thinking about that one a little too long, my friend. That’s why that drink’s on me.” He went to tend Smitty’s request and then a few others while I sat alone in my thoughts.

  I wasn’t sure if I was falling in love with her, but I was damned sure interested enough to find out.

  Chapter Sixteen


  My alarm clock sounded what felt like ten minutes after I went to sleep and I rolled over and slapped the thing from the bedside table to the floor. It chirped out its annoying reminder, so I had to get up and kill it.

  After shutting it off and returning it to its place, I grabbed my phone and unplugged it from the charger, checking to see if Aiden had texted me again. He had, and the guilt was burning in me. I didn’t have time for a long conversation, so I decided to tell him good morning and that I had another shift starting soon. I typed out the messaged and then headed to the shower.

  I thought of the shower we’d had together and how he’d tied me up. Heat spread through my core, awakening a need that I didn’t have time to tend. I tried to ignore the desire, but as my hand slipped downward to wash, I couldn’t help working myself up a quick release. Aiden had me so worked up and full of emotions.

  After I’d dressed and headed in, I checked my phone again and saw that he’d responded. He wanted to see me and remembering how much of me he’d seen, I wondered what his true feelings were. Was I another toy or did he really like me for more than sex? I hadn’t helped things much with my eagerness, but something about him and that scraggly beard had my panties wet every time I was around him.

  “Good morning, Lexa.” Dr. Rob’s deep tones were so warm he could melt butter, and I turned around and gave a little wave as he passed.

  “Good morning, Doctor.” Even though he was supposed to talk to me about our pending date, he kept walking. I didn’t take it so personally because he was, after all, a very important and busy man. But a part of me was relieved that he hadn’t stopped.

  I wasn’t sure it would be a good idea to go out with him again, considering the fact that I was sleeping with Aiden. Sure we haven’t made anything official or even discussed a relationship, but considering I’d slept with him twice, I thought I should at least find out where we stood.

  It was a crazy thought, and I knew it. Even if Aiden wanted something, he had no clue who I really was, and learning that would be a total game changer. There was nothing between us.

  Besides, Dr. Rob was more my speed, and I’d always thought I’d end up with someone in the medical field. But even though Dr. Rob had a great sense of humor, a sparkling personality, and was attractive, I didn’t know if he wanted more than a date or a good time.

  Could I go through with anything more knowing I’d be thinking about Aiden the entire time? Crap. What if Aiden found out and got angry? It wasn’t like he’d have any right, but dammit, the thought of him with someone else made my stomach turn.

  With his looks and money, he could have his pick, and who’s to say I was the only woman he’d been seeing? He could have a whole line of women waiting for a chance with him, or second chance, or a third. I could only take his word for it, though he did seem interested in me — at least enough to stay in touch.

  I’d dated a few men who never called when you wanted them to, and now I feared I was doing the same thing to Aiden. Surely, he wasn’t sitting around waiting for me to call. He had responsibility and his own life to keep him busy. I wondered what he did all day. Maybe he had a little black book he was filling. The idea twisted in the pit of my stomach as bile hit the back of my throat. I didn’t want to think about it anymore.

  I shouldn’t be so hung up on him that I was lost in thoughts about him. What could I say to him? Hey, I’m the sister of the man whose family is trying to ruin your life? That wouldn’t go over well.

  Kathy approaching made me jump, and she stopped and placed her arm on mine. “Girl, what’s gotten you so rattled lately? I’ve never seen you so scatterbrained, and I think Dr. Rob is starting to notice. I’ve seen the two of you talking and wondered if he was getting onto you.”

  I knew she meant after I’d knocked over the carts and reacted to Aiden’s name being announced in the ER. Word had spread that I knew him and that I had practically froze up. The ER staff was infamous for their gossip, which was why I wouldn’t tell her we were planning a date.

  “It’s nothing, just the stress of the lawsuit. I told you how my parents are suing the Walker estate. It’s getting ugly, and you know I’m against it. As a matter of fact, I’ve been seeing him.”

  She narrowed her eyes and gave me a sideward glance. “You’ve been seeing him how?” The guilt in my expression had her clutching her chest, her mouth gaping. “Oh.”

  “Yeah, and worse than that, I think I’m falling for him.”

  “Doesn’t get any worse than that.” She covered her mouth and gawked at me as if expecting me to agree.

  “Well, you would think so, right?” I shifted on my feet and looked to the floor.

  “Oh no, I bet your parents were pissed. Are they still going through with it?”

  “They don’t know about us and technically, neither does he.”

  “Wait, I’m really confused.” We waited as a couple of people passed, giving them polite smiles, and then she pulled me closer. “Explain.”

  “I haven’t exactly told him who I am.” Her eyes widened, but I didn’t want another lecture. Kathy was usually a great listener, but I could always count on her opinion. “No, I’m ending it.” I watched the relief ease her pained expression, but then shook her head.

�s going to find out, anyway, not to mention you’re already hooked. You’re so screwed.”

  I nodded in agreement. “Now you know why I’ve been so rattled. I swear, I don’t know what else to do.”

  “I heard he threw a fit in here, has a real temper when he doesn’t get his way. You better be careful with his type. Sometimes those rich men think they own the world or at least can control it. I don’t want to see you getting hurt. Ending it is for the best before you get too attached to the point of no return.”

  I wondered if I was in that deep already. “I know. I know you’re right.” I raked my hands across my tight bun, wishing I could run my fingers through my hair. “He keeps texting and wanting to see me.”

  “He’s hooked. You know most men don’t do that. Getting one to call back is like pulling teeth. Usually, I’d say if you had one so interested that you should hold onto him, but I have a bad feeling, Lexa. This is going to end badly. You’d do better to be honest, tell him who you are, and then leave him be.”

  “But you can see why it makes it hard. I want to see him, too. He’s all I think about. Him and this damned lie.”

  “Honey, you’re going to have to stop it cold turkey. It will be hard at first, but you’ll be glad you did.” She pulled me in for a hug and patted my back. “You hang in there, kid.” Then she walked away to get back to work. I knew I should, too, but I couldn’t seem to focus.

  Would I give in and talk to Aiden? Maybe if I were honest, he’d be okay with things. And maybe I was having a hard time letting go.

  When I saw Dr. Rob later in the break room, the temptation for a man’s point of view got the best of me. I sat at a table alone, looking at Aiden’s last text when he approached.

  “There’s the prettiest nurse in the whole hospital.” He always waited until I was the only woman around to say such things, and he earned a look from one of the male orderlies who was having lunch next to me. I gave him a shy smile and shifted in my seat to face the chair the good doctor had chosen.

  “Dr. Rob. How’s it going?”

  He slid his chair forward and popped a small tomato from his salad into his mouth. “You know you don’t have to call me Dr. Rob. Rob is perfectly fine.”

  “But what would the others think about that?” If anyone knew we were talking about more than medicine, we’d be in a whole world of problems.

  “I have nothing to hide.” His warm smile lifted the corners of his mouth in a mischievous way.

  “No, but you’ll make me the most hated person in the ER. If you only knew how many would give their right eye for a little of your attention, you’d have an ego the size of a blimp.

  “So, you’re saying we should sacrifice our happiness in order to protect the feelings of people I have no relationship with? People who are nothing more than strangers to me? That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but I can’t help but wonder if that’s what’s been bothering you. I know you’ve seemed a bit unlike yourself since I stepped up my game.”

  “That was you stepping up your game?” I gave him a nudge, and we shared a laugh.

  “I mean, when I finally had the courage to flirt. I don’t want it to be weird or something you’re worried about.” He was so genuine that I couldn’t help but like him, but I didn’t think he was my type at all and knew with every breath in me that I couldn’t love him.

  “No, it’s not that. It’s personal stuff.” I turned off my phone and lay it face-down on the table.

  “The lawsuit? You know you can talk to me about anything.” He leaned in closer, resting his hand atop mine. “I’m a good listener.”

  “I don’t know. There are a few things. I have this friend who’s seeing a guy and hasn’t told him who she really is. Like, that he knows her from somewhere. She’s upset that she lied because now she’s falling for him, but there’s no way out of it. She could end it, of course, but he’s most likely going to find out, anyway. I mean, the possibility is there.” He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head. “She’s asked me what she should do, and I don’t know what to tell her. We’ve been friends since we were kids.”

  “Well, she has to either keep lying and end it or tell him the truth and hope for the best. But I think you see the answer as plain as I do. It won’t work out. He’s going to resent her if he finds out. I think if it were me, I’d end the relationship and hope he never finds out the truth, especially if there’s a sliver of hope that he won’t.”

  “There’s a sliver.”

  “Well, it’s like I tell my patients: sometimes a sliver of hope is all we have to cling to, but it beats no hope at all.” His hand left mine. “You’ll figure it out, Lexa.”

  “I hope so — for my friend.” He gave me a nod, but somehow I think he knew I meant me. If anything, at least it might slow him down a bit.

  As he walked away, my phone vibrated against the table. I peeked to see that Aiden was saying hello again. I decided at that moment to take the sliver of hope and let it go. And though my heart was breaking, I knew it was the right thing to do for the both of us.

  Chapter Seventeen


  It was right after four when I went to the bar to see Glen. I hadn’t heard from Lexa all week and already gone through a few phases of denial, grief, and anger. I’d even trimmed my beard much shorter. I held out hope that she was busy, but deep in my heart, I knew I should face the facts.

  I took my usual seat, and Glen was behind the bar getting ready for his five o’clock rush.

  “You’ve shown up a different time all week, and now you come in looking so trimmed up and sophisticated, I’m scared I’ll never see you in my little dive again.”

  I scrubbed my fingers through my beard and then smoothed it out. It was cropped short with slightly longer goatee around the chin. “Yeah, I thought I’d clean it up a bit, but it’ll take more than that to get rid of me.”

  “Now, I didn’t say I wanted to lose you. You’re one of my most loyal customers, with the exception of Smitty, and between the two of us, I’m not sure how much longer his liver’s going to let him hang around.” He spoke loud enough for Smitty to hear, but the old man was nursing his long neck and watching the weather on the TV.

  “Well, it seems you’re the only one not trying to lose me. I haven’t heard a damn thing from Lexa for a week. I thought things were heating up, but I guess I was wrong.” Glen passed my beer, and I wasted no time taking a swig.

  “Did you try to talk to her after my advice?” He walked to the island behind the bar and began cutting lemons.

  “I haven’t had a chance. She’s ignoring me. It sucks, but I’m not going to sit around begging through text.” I hadn’t texted her in days and figured if she wanted to respond, she knew my number.

  “Looks like you’re going to need stitches if you ever want to see her again.” He pointed the knife at me, and it sparked an idea.

  “Can I borrow your knife?” He looked up and gave me a laugh, but while he wasn’t paying attention, his hands were still in motion, cutting the lemon and his finger.

  “Son of a bitch!” His blood gushed onto the cutting board as he closed his hand and pulled it close to his chest.

  “Damn, is it deep?” I leaned in over the bar, and he rushed to the sink.

  “Got some damned lemon juice in it, too.” He stood at the sink, and I went to join him as he let the water wash it.

  “Man, that has to hurt.” I sipped my beer and watched, but he glanced up and gave me a nudge.

  “Looks like you’re going to get that wish after all, and since my deductible is so fucking high, you’re going to pay for my stitches.” He studied the cut, but there was so much blood he couldn’t see. “I’m going to need them. It’s to the bone and spread wider than a whore’s legs on payday.”

  “Come on; we’ll go in my truck.” I grabbed a clean towel for under the counter, and he put it to use as he asked Lydia, one of his more faithful employees, to keep an eye on the place

  I led him out the truck
, and we both climbed in. “Keep pressure on it.”

  “Don’t worry, man. I’ll try not to bleed all over your pretty truck.” He held it tight to his chest, and the towel and his shirt were ruined.

  “I’m not worried about the truck. It can be cleaned, and I’ll pay for that, too.” I started the engine and headed across town to the hospital.

  We went straight to the front desk of the emergency room, and I glanced around as Glen told them what his problem was, as if they couldn’t see. Lexa wasn’t around, and despite his bleeding, they sat us in a waiting area right inside the back where there were a few other patients suffering.

  I recognized the woman at the front desk and went back to stand in front of her. “How long is this going to take?”

  Her eyes widened as she saw me. “I remember you.” She gave me a look that could have killed a dead horse, and I held my hands up when I realized she was the same woman I’d run out of my room the moment before I met Lexa.

  “Is Lexa working?” The question seemed to take her by surprise, but she nodded.

  A slow smile spread my lips, and I went to join Glen who was already being called to financing. The woman sat at the desk and took her sweet time typing in his information.

  “I’m paying. Let me write you a check or something so we can get him some help. Maybe stop his bleeding.” I had just about lost my temper, but the woman behind the counter told me with one look that she wasn’t going to take any shit from me.

  “It’s all good; it’s starting to slow down. I won’t die before I get some help.” Glen released a breath like he’d rather be anywhere else and I knew how he felt. I had hated my short time in the hospital and thanks to Lexa, I got out hours earlier than planned.

  I gave the woman my card, and she swiped it, and then I stepped back to give Glen some room.

  “You can just have a seat out there, and we’ll be with you shortly.”

  “No idea when?” I hated sounding like a broken record, but the woman shook her head and shrugged.


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