Daring Provocation (Shadow Veil Academy Book 3)

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Daring Provocation (Shadow Veil Academy Book 3) Page 12

by Heather Renee

  “Tell you that Drakken was attacked and we just got word. There were multiple casualties, and it’s time to pack up. We have a sorceress to murder.”

  Shit. Why couldn’t she have just shown up to give us hell? I would have much preferred that.

  Each of us stood, but JayLeigh stopped us before we could head to our rooms and get our stuff. “Headmaster Stone wants everyone to meet in the council room before you go anywhere. I was sent to collect your team. Do you know where the dog and elf are?”

  “Who are you calling a dog, lizard?” Peyton snarled from behind as she and Lyssa joined us.

  JayLeigh winked, trying to lighten the mood with her teasing. “Ah, I thought I smelled a wet mutt getting closer. Your friends will fill you in. It’s time to get your hands dirty, kids. I’ll see you soon. Don’t make the council wait long.”

  When JayLeigh disappeared, Peyton and Lyssa glanced at us expectantly. Gemma filled them in while I snuck in a few more bites of food before we had to race off to join the others. I had no idea what to expect next or when we’d have time to eat again, and I wasn’t going to risk Chelle getting hangry.

  “Alright, let’s do this,” Lyssa said. “I need to call my dad, though, so I’ll be right behind you guys.”

  My eyes met hers, worried as to why she had to do so right then. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, he’s been working on something that still needed tweaking and asked me to let him know when time was up. I promise I won’t be long,” she answered.

  Finley threw an arm around her. “I’ll wait for you.”

  “Alright, try to make it quick. We’ll make sure they don’t start without the two of you,” I said, then the rest of us took off as Lyssa pulled out her phone.

  I kept glancing back at them, but as we moved through some trees, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t see them any longer.

  “They’re going to be fine,” Enzo reminded me.

  “I know, I just don’t like separating, especially when we know the battle at Drakken is over. Malina could be back at any moment, and Phox said there was a possibility of the fight coming to Shadow Veil. We can’t be too careful.”

  He nodded. “You’re right, we can’t, but if it was happening today, Phox would tell us.”

  “Would she, though?” I countered.

  Gemma grunted. “I’m with Rae. I don’t think she would, simply for the entertainment of watching us scramble around like ants.”

  Talon shushed Gemma, which was his first mistake, followed by his second, which was disagreeing with her. “Phox is good people. I didn’t know her well before she was sent here, but if Ophelia trusted her, then we should, too.”

  Even Enzo flinched, anticipating what came next.

  Gemma’s heel stopped on Talon’s toes and, as he bent over, her elbow connected with his kidney. “Don’t you shush me. You ever do it again and it will be your balls I aim for next, and I won’t miss.”

  “Yes, Dear,” he grunted, hobbling just a few steps behind us as we kept moving.

  Enzo was a smart man and kept his mouth shut, not even looking back at his friend, which had me surprised but smirking.

  When we entered back into the school, Talon was walking upright again. Gemma pretended that none of it had transpired, which was even funnier because Talon was still tense, awaiting the next attack that never came.

  Sometimes, instilling fear in others was just as good of a punishment as the act itself.

  We arrived at the door to the council room and I glanced back, hoping to see Lyssa and Finley right behind us, but no such luck. When we entered, all of the council members were present, along with Jules, Marek, JayLeigh, Phox, and Emmett.

  Marek’s face was downturned and his body tense, as to be expected, so I went to join him and offer my condolences. Growing up without family outside my parents hadn’t prepared me for what loss felt like. It was a blessing and a curse to have never felt the loss of anyone close to me until my parents.

  Now that my family expanded beyond blood, I feared for so much more than myself, but regardless of what I felt, I did my best to remain focused on the task at hand. Stopping Malina from destroying any more lives with her selfishness was key.

  “Ethaniel is taking care of that, but with Onyx loose, I fear that their battles aren’t over yet,” Marek said as Enzo and I walked up.

  My body froze. Onyx was free? Of course, Malina would have gone there to get him. He was her greatest ally, and we were so screwed if we had to fight him. He had been Marek’s right-hand man. He probably knew almost everything about his king, and it would put us at a huge disadvantage.

  “This changes nothing. I’m not afraid of Onyx. His arrogance has always been his greatest weakness, and we can take advantage of that,” JayLeigh said.

  My chest was tight, but I did my best to hope she was right. Deciding I’d heard enough, I pulled Enzo back to our group and was relieved to see Lyssa and Finley were standing there, too.

  “What happened?” Gemma asked.

  “Malina has Onyx,” I answered.

  “What does that mean for us?” Peyton asked.

  Talon’s chest rumbled. “It means Malina just gained a partner with too much information. We’ll need to watch our backs even more, because Onyx is ruthless. He won’t hold back; he’s crossed too many lines to have mercy on any of us and risk losing. He knew his fate when he was caught before. He’ll see this as a second chance to gain the freedom Malina enticed him with originally.”

  My few short interactions with Onyx had already allowed me to come to the same conclusion, and I hated the doubt of our success that filtered through Gemma, Peyton, Finley, and Lyssa’s faces. This was a blow to our confidence and likely exactly what Malina was hoping for by going to Drakken first.

  Taking a page from JayLeigh’s book, I repeated her earlier words. “This changes nothing. We’ve been training for weeks—hell, some of you for years. Every class, every lesson, it’s all prepared us for this moment. It’s why Shadow Veil was created. Not only to learn about our history, but to give each of us the best possible chance of protecting everything being a supernatural stands for.”

  Enzo nodded at my side. “Raegan is right. Let’s hear what the council has to say, and then go from there. We’re ready for this.”

  Not everyone seemed to buy into our confidence, but they didn’t say anything else, so we took our seats at the table and waited not-so-patiently for the meeting to begin. Precious time was passing by and sitting idly was not what I had in mind.

  When Headmaster Stone saw everyone was in attendance, he stood at the head of the table and waited for silence.

  “You all know why we’re here. It’s time to head to New Orleans before Malina decides to come to Shadow Veil. After speaking with Marek, we’d like to ask the dragons to fly to New Orleans, while the rest of us will use a portal to get there. It will take a lot of magic to make happen, but Phox said she can handle it with the assistance of the council.”

  “Why are we separating? What purpose does it serve to have them fly to New Orleans?” Enzo asked.

  Marek answered first. “It’s what I’ve been working on. Malina has been tracking shifter magic, specifically dragons. I tested that theory several times as I monitored the use of each dragon present. I had a feeling she’d been doing it ever since she realized Raegan had used a portal to come to Drakken.”

  Well, at least some things were beginning to make more sense. Though I had a feeling he was withholding some of what he learned, I trusted him enough to know he’d have told us more if it was pertinent to the current situation.

  “So, the dragons are going to be used as bait?” Gemma asked, not at all happy with that possibility.

  “Not exactly, more like a beacon. Malina doesn’t have enough resources to attack by air. Yes, she may have Onyx, but he was the only dragon to go with her that I know of. As long as we don’t stop along the way, then we will simply be leaving a trail for her to follow.”

; As much as I wanted to ask more questions, I knew they’d be pointless. Phox was guiding them, and they trusted her. I just needed to figure out a way to do the same.

  The seer has long been a respected position within the dragon history. Phox will not lead you astray, and even if she tried, I would not let her. Yes, we are missing pieces to this puzzle but have faith we will know what we need to know when the time is right, Chelle said, reminding me of what I once seemed so sure of.

  Thank you, Chelle. I don’t think I could do this without you.

  Yes, you could, and you would. I’m merely here to support you when needed.

  Enzo squeezed my hand, drawing my attention back to the meeting. Bennett had been saying something, and I’d completely missed it.

  “Marek, JayLeigh, Raegan, Enzo, Gemma, Talon, Peyton, and Finley will all head out tonight. Those of you named that aren’t dragons will ride on the back of one. I’d advise you dress warm,” Headmaster Stone said.

  “What about Lyssa?” I asked when I realized her name hadn’t been called.

  “I’ll be with my father, but I’ll meet you all there. He should arrive by morning, and we’ll use the portal,” she answered.

  Judging by the relaxed expression on Lyssa’s face, she didn’t seem fazed about the situation, but there was an underlying harshness in her tone that told me otherwise. I hated that she had to deal with it on her own.

  Headmaster Stone nodded in confirmation to Lyssa’s reply and then dismissed us. My gut twisted with anxiety and foreboding, but I tucked those feelings away as quickly as they came.

  There was no room for doubt when we were headed for war.

  Chapter 16

  Before I could make it to the platform with our group, my name was called. I knew the voice and assumed I also knew what he wanted, but I wasn’t ready, so like a coward, I pretended not to hear him.

  Enzo nudged me. “Marek is standing behind us, and I know you heard him.”

  “What? I didn’t hear anything. I think you’re mistaken. Come on, we have stuff to do.” I pulled on his hand and placed one foot on the platform, but he quickly spun me around before yanking me back.

  My body was flush with his, but there was nothing sexual about it. I was losing my shit and Enzo was calming me down, because whether or not I talked about it, he knew I had my issues with Marek. Even if I didn’t understand what those were, Enzo knew me well enough to know when to be there.

  My eyes stayed focused on Enzo’s chest. I had zero idea what was wrong with me. I was being ridiculous. I’d talked to Marek a million times. He may just want to tell me where we were supposed to meet up before flying out. At least, that’s what I told myself as I took a few deep calming breaths and drew on the bond with Enzo.

  “Go see what he needs. I know what you’ve been doing the last couple weeks and if you don’t talk to him before we leave, you’re going to be distracted later,” Enzo said, and I simply nodded.

  Of course, he had known what I was up to, but like the perfect mate I thought him to be, he hadn’t previously called me out on it.

  “Okay, wait for me in our room. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  He pressed his lips to my forehead. “We’re not going anywhere without you, so take your time.”

  When Enzo stepped onto the platform with the others who had waited, a piece of me went with him like it always did when we were apart. As soon as they disappeared from sight, I plastered a smile on my face and turned for Marek.

  “Come with me,” he said before turning and walking toward the stairs.

  With my head held high, I followed him and tried to figure out what I was so damn afraid of. There was something about Marek that frightened my soul. Not that I thought he would ever intentionally hurt me, but there was a part of me that refused to care for him. Refused to let him in when I’d already let so many others in.

  Marek held open a door for me, and I entered the hallway before moving to the side since I had no idea where he wanted to go to chat.

  Then, he surprised me by taking a seat on a bench and patting the spot next to him. “Join me.”

  My body moved on autopilot as I tried to figure out what the hell we were doing there.

  “I think we’ve been avoiding each other, and I’m sorry I didn’t reach out to you sooner,” he began, voice already thick with emotion that had my body tensing.

  “Avoiding? We’ve seen each other pretty much every day,” I said.

  “There’s a wall between us, and I know why mine is there, but I don’t think you’ve figured out why yours is, but I have some insight if you’d like it,” he continued as if I hadn’t said anything.

  When I didn’t respond, he added, “I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of asking Jules about your growing up and your parents. It was important to me to know that if I wasn’t there for you that you had been loved and cared for. The moment I learned of your existence, a part of me died instead of coming to life.”

  My head cocked to the side, not understanding how this was helpful. “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve taken care of people my whole life. I’m a king. The need of others has always come before my own, hence why I never came back to Earth until you entered my life. You, the one person I should have put before all others. A beautiful soul I helped to create. I failed you.”

  Instinctively, I reached out to him. “No, you didn’t. I had a great life. My parents were the best a kid could ask for.”

  “I know that now, but I didn’t then. All I knew was Malina had you within her grasp. Malina had won, and I’d lost the only thing I ever wanted.”

  My throat burned with emotion as I tried hard to figure out what to say, but every time I opened my mouth, no words came.

  “I would never want to replace your father. From what I’ve heard, he was a great man, but I need you to know that you are my daughter in my heart, and I have loved you from the moment I knew you walked the earth.”

  And that’s when it all clicked for me. Tears fell freely from my eyes as the hiccups began, and I didn’t bother to hold them back. I needed the release and gladly took it.

  By accepting Marek into my life, I’d subconsciously thought I would be giving my parents less value. I’d loved them and respected them too much to ever consider another my parent, but as I sobbed into Marek’s chest and relished in the parental feelings pouring from him, I knew there was enough room in my heart for all three of them.

  I’d wasted so much time being scared, and now we were off to fight a battle nobody was sure we’d win. My heart ached for everything I might lose and for everything Malina had taken from me. I wanted her to pay for taking my parents, most of all. Even if it had been Desmond who had pulled the trigger, she’d given him the gun.

  I stood to lose Marek as well, because only one of them was going to survive when they faced each other, and I wasn’t sure I could survive losing another parent I cared about.

  “Shhhh, sweet girl. It’s going to be okay. I know you don’t trust Phox, but I do. Everything will be fine, and we’ll have plenty of time to continue this conversation. I just needed you to know that I understood, and it’s okay. Most importantly, I need you to know what you mean to me.”

  Wiping at the tears that continued to fall, I gathered my composure before grabbing his hands and meeting his eyes. His eyes were so similar to mine that I couldn’t deny we were related. “Thank you for everything you have done to make things right, but you need to hear a few things as well. You did not fail me. I had seventeen years of normalcy before I lost my parents. Seventeen years of feeling loved and cherished and knowing what a family should be, so I could one day have one of my own.

  “When Malina took that away, you did what you could to save me and even broke a lifelong vow to come warn me of her plans. Without you, I wouldn’t be here, and I wouldn’t have had a second chance at a family. While it may be unconventional, it’s still mine, and I have you to thank for that, Dad.”

  His grip on
my hands became unbearably tight, but I took the pain because it was full of joy instead of anguish. I’d given Marek what he long ago deserved. I wasn’t replacing the father who had raised me; I was gaining another man in my life who would love me unconditionally like a real parent was supposed to.

  He finally loosened his hold on me and cleared the tears from his face. We were both hot messes, and while it might not have been the best time to finally open up, it had been the right time.

  Standing up, I offered him a hand. “Come on. We have a batshit crazy sorceress to kill before we can enjoy all of the things life has given us.”

  His massive hand engulfed mine as he stood and towered over me. “Your heart and light are as big as all the oceans, Raegan. Never let anyone dull it, no matter what. It’s what will keep our world moving forward to better things.”

  We hugged for the second time, and it was even better than the first. I thought of my parents and knew they were smiling down on us with approval. I would love them for as long as I lived, and it was the best feeling to know I could love all three of them at the same time without guilt.

  Marek took me back to my room, insisting I have an escort to make sure nothing happened, which was equal parts adorable and annoying. There were too many overprotective men in my life, but I didn’t complain. Instead, I appreciated their presence and counted myself lucky to have so many people in my life to care about.

  Enzo was at the door just as I turned the handle. “Everything okay?” He glanced between me and Marek a couple times before finally settling on my face, eagerly awaiting my answer.

  “Everything is great. Are we packed?” I asked, not really wanting to get into anything heavy before we took off. I’d fill Enzo in as soon as we landed in New Orleans.

  He hesitated, clearly not liking that I’d chosen to avoid the topic, but let it go. “Yep. I packed for both of us since I didn’t know how long you’d be. JayLeigh said we needed to meet her out front within the hour.”

  Marek gave my shoulder a squeeze. “I’ll see you two out there.”


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