To the End: Year Four (Hannaford Prep Book 4)

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To the End: Year Four (Hannaford Prep Book 4) Page 8

by J Bree

  “Fuck, yes. I’m being brave and I want your dick. If you break me I swear to god I’ll fucking stab you.”

  He laughs at me and then fucking buries his face into my pussy like a champ. Ugh, maybe I could convince him to set up camp and live down there because it’s so fucking good.

  I come twice before he moves back up to kiss me, his face and lips still wet, and I moan into his mouth. He rolls away from me to grab lube and I almost think we don’t need it. I’m dripping on the sheets. But then I glance back down at his perfect fucking monster dick and yeah, maybe we will need it.

  “Stop freaking out. You know you’re not the first-”

  “Do not finish that sentence if you want to fuck me tonight, Beaumont. I’ll fucking end you.” I snap and he smirks at me.

  “Jealous? Since when do you care about our histories?”

  I think about punching the fucker but I don’t want to ruin the mood so I take a deep breath instead. “I care. I’m just not hung up on it. Ok, that’s a lie but I try not to think about it so it doesn’t ruin my fucking day.”

  Ash nods almost absently, and slicks his dick up, giving it a few firm pumps that distract me. I’m almost jealous of him touching himself.

  What the fuck has he done to me?

  He stares down at me, his eyes so icy and intense that my breath catches in my chest, and he wraps a hand around my throat. My body stills, and then I turn liquid for him. I trust this asshole that fucking much.

  “I’ve never wanted to keep someone before. I’ve never wanted someone like I want you. I get it, I don’t want to think about someone else touching you either, but you’re mine. I promise you no one else will ever fucking touch me again.”

  Then he lines up and pushes in, firmly and without stopping until he’s all-the-fucking-way in. Even without the squeeze of his hand I wouldn’t be able to breath. It’s too much, too full, too big, and I fucking love it. He smirks at the slack look on my face, the way my entire body just goes boneless for him, and then he starts to pump into me in long, unforgiving strokes.

  I swear, I fucking purr for him.

  The hand around my throat doesn’t budge, and his fingers flex as he moves. There’s too much sensation for me to focus on anything except the feel of him and my own desperate need for oxygen. Fuck it, if I had to choose I’ll die right freaking here because there’s no way I’m asking him to stop.

  And then he fucking stops.

  The snarl of frustration I let out has him chuckling, and he tugs me to the edge of the bed, flipping me over so I’m on my hands and knees and he can push back in. I can’t catch my breath and I scramble at the sheets to try to keep myself upright but he holds my hip in one hand and grabs a fistful of hair with the other. I moan so fucking loud when he tugs until I’m kneeling, pressed flush against him and panting as he rocks his hips into me.

  “Did you really think I’d stop? Did you think after waiting this fucking long to get inside you I’d stop? I’m going to fuck you raw.” He bites down on my shoulder until I gasp and then he slaps my ass, the cracking of his palm drowned out by my moan as I come so hard he has to hold me up.

  His hips slow to a grind until my vision clears and I can see past the stars, and then he runs a palm down my spine like he’s soothing me. I shiver as he traces the scars, the bullet hole, the crisscrosses of blade marks, the burns on my lower back, and the sharp sting of the slap on my ass takes me by surprise this time. I clench around him without meaning to, a startled reaction, and he grunts, bending me down until I’m facedown on the bed again, pinning one arm behind my back.

  When his hips move again they’re relentless, pounding into me as he holds me down and I have no choice but to take it.

  When I come again, I clench around him again so hard he grunts and slams into me harder, snapping his hips until he comes with a low groan.

  When he finally stops moving he pulls out, stroking my ass in a soft caress, his fingers playing in the mess he’s made of me. It’s like he’s rubbing it in and I scoff at him.

  “I told you, it’s mine.” He chuckles at me, stalking into the bathroom to clean up and find his phone.

  I take a minute or twenty to figure out how to stand before I go clean up then I burrow into the blankets on the bed, sore and used and fucking blissful. When Ash has finished his call to the others, to tell them we’re alive and safe, he digs around in the bed until he finds me, moving until he has me tucked into his chest where he wants me.

  “We have to get back. It’s not safe to be separated and Avery will lose her fucking mind if we don’t get back soon.” I mumble, but I don’t move away from him. My eyelids are too fucking heavy, I could pass out for a month.

  Ash kisses that little patch of my shoulder he loves so much and whispers back, “I’ll wake you up before dawn, Mounty. Get some sleep.”

  I think I try to argue with him but before the words fully form, I’m out.

  Chapter Ten

  I avoid Avery when we get back to Hannaford. I don't know how she found out about my other experiences, but I'm certain she doesn't know exactly what went down at the ranch overnight. Harley, on the other hand, realizes the second he looks at me.

  He tucks me under his arm to walk me down to the dining hall for breakfast, Blaise messing around on his phone trailing behind us. Ash took an extra long run this morning and Avery had stayed behind to walk down with him later.

  It's ridiculous but I blush at Harley’s questioning look. He scoffs at me and says, “You might want to put something on that bite mark to cover it up unless you want the whole school talking."

  Dear lord, no thank you.

  I elbow him and ignore his snickering while Blaise roars with laughter behind us. When I shoot him a dark look he grins at me and says, “We’re just happy Ash can stop being a snarling, jealous, blue-balled asshole now.”


  I pull away from Harley, ignoring his grunt of annoyance at me and stalk off towards food. Their legs are ten miles longer than mine and they keep up with me easily, damn them, and by the time we get to the dining hall Harley manages to corral me so I’m back under his arm.

  Harley grabs us a tray and picks out our food without any need for input from me, even somehow managing to get sprinkles on my French toast. I grin at my toes while they laugh at my enthusiasm for my food, Harley even getting a good squeeze of my ass in, then we make our way over to our usual seats.

  We haven't spent much time eating in the dining hall this year but no matter how busy it is, our seats are always empty. Infamy does have some perks.

  The boys wedge me between them, spreading out so their legs are touching mine and their arms taking over my space as they set out our food. It should be annoying but it just makes me feel more fucking cherished than anything else.

  Maybe I’m turning into a fucking sap after all?

  “If the other two don’t get down here soon they’re going to be late for class. There’s no way Ash will get a higher score than me in Calculus if he’s late.” Harley gloats, and Blaise groans under his breath.

  “Can the two of you lay off a bit? Who the fuck cares who gets second? The last thing the rest of us want to listen to is your bitching and snarling.”

  Harley stabs at his eggs and I nudge him gently, trying to stop the shitty mood from starting, “Maybe he’ll be a little less focussed on his studies since… Well, you know.”

  Blaise snickers, “You mean he’s going to stop studying all the time because he’s finally getting laid? Yeah, he’ll probably need your tutoring again.”

  Harley tips his head back and roars with laughter, so light and happy again that my chest aches to look at him. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I grab it, my heart dropping at Avery’s text.

  911. Boys’ room. Senior called Ash.

  I drop my cutlery and pass the message on, bolting up and out of the room without looking back. 911 means bad, life threatening. What if he’s here? What if he’s come to Hannaford to pick Avery up an
d take her? I need to call in for backup now if he is.

  I call Avery as I hit the first staircase, my leg screaming at me even as I ignore it completely.

  “Is he here?” I ask the second she picks up, and she whispers a quiet no. He’s still talking to Ash in the background, I don’t know what the hell they could possibly have to chat about.

  I can’t hear it well enough to stay on the phone and listen in so I hang up, grit my teeth, and sprint the rest of the way back. I get a few mildly curious looks but mostly the other students all dive out of my way, as if being in my path is truly life threatening. Well, Good for them.

  I make it to our rooms and manage to get the key in on my first try. The door swings open right as Senior says, “When I’m done getting rid of her, I’ll come find your pretty little girlfriend. I think she would look rather stunning strapped against my table. Have you fucked her like that yet, son? Have you laid her out and forced her to take you, bleeding and screaming? There’s nothing quite like it. I think I’ll enjoy watching the slum cunt bleed all over my cock.”

  I try to control my breathing as I roll my eyes and step in, toeing out of my shoes to try to stop my leg from hurting quite so badly, and then I stalk over to the phone. I’m going to hang up on the useless stream of bullshit but Ash stops me. His fingers are cold as he wraps them around my wrist, stopping me from grabbing the phone and ending this stream of fucking bullshit. I give him a hard look but he shakes his head, even as a tremble of contained rage runs down his arm. He’s close to the edge, right at his breaking point, but there’s something he needs.

  “What the fuck are you doing working with the Jackal? Lowering yourself to common criminals? You won’t be able to hide behind high society if you’re too busy hiding behind the Jackal’s skirts like a terrified child.”

  Avery stares down at the phone like she can somehow force her father to reveal all of his secrets and his plans, just by directing her loathing there, but Ash watches me.

  Senior laughs and I try not to cringe away from the sound. “You’ve forgotten your lessons, boy. The cattle in the working class do the work, that’s what they’re bred for, why should I go looking for your little slum Queen when I can get someone else to do it for me. You spent too long fawning after your sister, I’ve been too lenient. It’s time you remember who you belong to.”

  The phone beeps as Senior hangs up and my eyes stay glued to Ash’s.

  And then all of hell breaks loose.

  * * *

  Ash loses his goddamn mind.

  I’ve seen him get pissy before, I've seen him be overprotective and beat men until they have to be scraped off of the floor, but I've never seen the tornado that is a truly enraged Ash.

  Avery watches, with a passive stance but calculating eyes as he destroys the boys’ room. I stand next to her, leaning against the far wall where we’re out of his destructive path, as the two of us watch him smash the furniture to pieces as if they were nothing. I’m kinda glad classes are on and there’s no way he can get into a fight; pretty sure whoever he went up against right now would die. He’s now leaving blood on everything he touches from the steady stream coming out of his knuckles.

  As the damage bill slowly gets higher and higher I lean in to murmur to Avery, the disgust dripping in my voice, "It's pretty clear to me that money means absolutely fucking nothing to you people."

  Avery rolls her eyes at me. "Lips, I don't think you’ve grasped just how much money you now have either. Between the dirty money we first invested, your earnings from the bet, and Harley paying you back with interest you probably don't need to work a day in your life either. You certainly won’t need to at the rate that you spend money."

  I narrow my eyes at her, no longer concerned with the bloody state of Ash’s hands. "What the hell do you mean he paid me back with interest? What the fuck are you doing letting him pay me back at all, let alone with fucking interest?"

  Avery shrugs as she tries to smother a smile. “You know I'm not getting involved in your relationship issues and I'm definitely counting this as a relationship issue. Take it up with him.“

  I scoff at her but any witty remark I could come up with is interrupted by the door opening and Harley and Blaise walking in. Harley has my abandoned breakfast tucked under his arm but I don’t have it in me to feel . I’m too worried about the state Ash is in.

  "Fuck me. What's your dad done now?" says Blaise, and Avery gives him a look that would strip the skin off a grown man.

  "You know better than to call that man my dad. Senior called, he wanted to discuss my sale. He made it clear to Ash that he intends on doing whatever is necessary to hand me over to Morningstar. He also threatened Lips, so naturally the best course of action is to give this disgusting pit of a room a fresh start. A completely rational reaction.”

  I raise an eyebrow at her, assuming she’s being sarcastic and, well, glass houses, but then I realize she’s being deadly fucking serious. Right. I had always thought her cleaning after shit goes down was a germaphobe thing not a Beaumont Bullshit thing. I stare at her for another second and then turn back to the mess that Ash is in. We all watch him in silence for another minute, then Harley and Blaise share a look, nodding at each other.

  “Grab him, I’ll grab the bourbon to mellow him the fuck out.” Harley says, and Blaise grunts at him.

  “Star can grab the bourbon, you grab his other arm. I’m not getting knocked out before we even get in the ring.” He argues, and I head for the bar, skirting around the mess, because I'm absolutely onboard with the plan to get Ash drunk.

  I’m pretty sure if we don’t get him wasted before we put him in the ring he will kill someone. If only he were climbing in there with one of our many enemies and not the members of our family.

  Blaise and Harley tackle Ash and get him sort of under control, though he cusses them both out viciously and I hear a few pained grunts, and Avery announces she’ll stay put, telling us she will clean it up and meet us down there later. I nod as I follow the boys out the door, knowing already that she wouldn't want to watch Ash beat the rage out of his system.

  Harley and Blaise manage to drag him down towards the gym without too much trouble, probably because classes are in and there are no other students walking the halls, because I'm fairly certain if we had bumped into anyone and they so much has looked at Ash he would have beaten the life out of them.

  When we get to the gym the guys finally let him go and he turns to me to grab the bottle of bourbon. His eyes still look crazed but I'm relieved to see he still looks human. I'm not sure what I would do if they were empty like Joey’s always were, even before he was a head in a box.

  He cracks the bottle open and takes deep gulps straight from it. Harley winces, and then tries to wrestle it off of him before he drowns himself.

  "You can't get in the ring if you can't fucking stand."

  Ash levels his icy eyes on Harley and says, “And you won't walk out of the ring if I haven't had something to drink."


  I moved to stand between them and I press the palm to each of their chests but they just keep glaring at each other over my head. I’m going to have to pull out the big guns to distract them.

  "Maybe I should get in the ring with Ash. Just until he calms down enough."

  All three of them look at me like I've lost my fucking mind. Fuck that.

  I cross my arms and peg Ash with a look. "I hate to say it, but you won't be the most dangerous thing I've ever faced. Get in the ring and I’ll teach you some shit.”

  He shakes his head at me, and strips out of his clothes. I'm about to snap at him for trying to use a secret weapon against me when I noticed that Blaise has their training bag slung over his shoulder and yeah, maybe it would be for the best if Ash isn’t wearing his uniform for this. I don’t look back at him until he has the obscenely short shorts on and he’s winding the tape onto his hands.

  Harley looks relieved that Ash seems to be in a clear enough state of mind
to go through these motions. I think we would be in a lot more danger if he had just thrown himself into the ring. The room takes a breath.

  The other two change into their sparring clothes as well and I do my best not to drool now that the pressing danger has passed. Blaise throws himself down on the mat and tugs me until I'm in his lap. Just as Ash and Harley step up the door to the gym opens and three of the Crow’s men walk in.

  Oh fuck.

  Ash turns and takes the sight of them in. Blaise groans under his breath and presses his lips behind my ear as he whispers, “That's it, someone's gonna die today."

  I struggle out of his lap and stand to face the men. The smiles slowly slide off of their faces and their heads dip at me with respect. I hope Ash is paying attention and decides to let this go.

  "We were just coming down here to train, we could join you if you want some fresh blood?" The bigger of the three guys says.

  I open my mouth but, of course, Ash interrupts me. “Get in then, dickhead.”

  Harley huffs but he steps out without a word and the bigger of the three men strips out of his shirt. I keep my eyes on them all, not trusting them one fucking bit.

  Blaise twirls a strand of my hair around his finger and I glance over my shoulder at him to find him and Harley flanking me the way they do at the meetings. They both look ready to pounce, whether in my defense or for their own need for blood I don’t think they care.

  I wonder if they'll ever grow out of this?

  The guy looks at me before he steps up and I jerk my head in the direction of the ring, giving him my approval. He nods and grabs the tape from Harley’s outstretched hand, the two of them staring each other down. It’s hard not to roll my eyes. I shouldn’t, the guys are behaving exactly as the Wolf’s men should, but I know this is about their protective natures about me and about Avery, not about their positions in my… fuck, my gang.


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