To the End: Year Four (Hannaford Prep Book 4)

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To the End: Year Four (Hannaford Prep Book 4) Page 18

by J Bree

  An hour later, we take Blaise’s Cadillac and leave Avery safely stashed at Hannaford with Illi and Odie, watching a movie together in our room. Ash insists on driving and I sit in the back with Harley to try to get myself in the right headspace for what the night is going to bring us. The car is quiet, only the sound of the engine revving as Ash changes gears. My bag with all my supplies is on the floor at my feet, re-stocked and ready to go, and I know without a doubt that all three of my guys have the holsters and weapons strapped to them. I have no intention of letting them be involved at all, but it's good to know they'll have the backup if I need it.

  “You’re not fucking going on your own, so don’t even try to start with that shit.” says Harley, drumming his fingers against his knee.

  I roll my eyes. This is a simple fucking job, there's nothing for him to worry about.

  “I told you guys I could do this by myself. I need to send the Jackal, and anyone who makes the stupid decision to work with him, a message. You heard the Crow, half of this fight is dealing with his numbers.” I murmur, and Ash slips his hand to lay on my thigh between gear shifting. Harley mumbles something under his breath but I ignore it. He just can't let go of his protective nature, it's something I love about him, but in this situation it's not needed.

  I'm not scared of the fucking Jackal. Not anymore. I’m wary, sure, anyone who’s ever met him would be wary, but I’m not afraid of him.

  I use the rest of the drive to look over the information Viola gave me even though I’ve already committed it to memory. I always was an obsessive over-planner, but I’d rather put the work in and get it right.

  When we finally arrive, I make Ash stop the car at the end of the road. He's not happy about it but I need him to stay put. He’s pissed about it but he also knows Harley and Blaise won’t let anything happen to me. He insisted on being the driver because he’s less reckless at it than Blaise and Harley had bitched him out when he tried to get him to drive instead. Apparently they’re taking turns in coming with me on jobs.

  I slip on my tiny black ballet slippers. Harley looks at them and then down at his own shoes. I lift a shoulder at him in a half shrug.

  “As long as you're quiet and it’ll be fine. Occasionally my Docs make a squeaking noise and it's just not worth the risk."

  He nods and gives Morrison a look. "And what about him? Those boots aren’t exactly discreet."

  Blaise sneers at him. "I can take them off if I fucking have to."

  Deep breath. I really don’t want to deal with their snarking, not after the day I’ve had. “He's gonna be the lookout from downstairs. The info pack Viola gave me said that it's just Byrne and his wife here. The kids are all grown up and married off. He doesn't have any men for a security detail, he's just got the system, so Blaise will watch the door and Harley can come with me because I’m sure he’ll insist."

  Harley smirks. “You bet your ass I insist."

  The walk to the house is quiet, no one else on the street and none of the houses show any life. This is one of the best areas in Mounts Bay. The house is close to a mansion, nothing like the Beaumont manor but still pretty fucking pricey.

  When we arrive at the Byrne’s place I find that it looks as though he's compensating for something, all grandeur and over-the-top details. I bite my lip trying to keep that joke in but Blaise wiggles his eyebrows at me to tell me he's thinking the same fucking thing. Harley rolls his eyes at us both.

  I disable the security alarm, too fucking easy to do thanks again to Viola, and we step into the house. Marble floors, Persian rugs, paintings that would easily cost six figures, it’s the biggest show of wealth for a guy who isn’t really that rich. He’s got money, but he ain’t a Beaumont. I motion for Blaise to stay put and he nods, leaning against a wall and frowning around the room like the shadows might come to life.

  Our feet are silent as we make our way through the house. I wait until we get to the top of the grand staircase before I slip my hand into my bag. I’d rearranged it and left it unzipped in the car so that there was no noise involved. Harley watches me as I carefully pull out a hypodermic needle and a small vial, something Doc had given me years ago and replaces every time my supplies get low.

  I lift a finger to my lips to remind him to stay silent. It's not like I think he actually needs the reminder, but I do it anyway. He nods silently, taking the bag from me, and follows me to the bedroom.

  Mr and Mrs Michael Brynes sleep in the most ridiculous fucking bed, I barely contain my sounds of disgust. Not really, but fuck man, it’s something else. It's the type of bed I would’ve imagined Avery sleeping in, back when I thought that she was a pampered princess. This man must think so fucking highly of himself, it only makes the kill sweeter.

  I make my way over to the bed. Byrne is a handsome enough sort of man, if you're into middle-aged Irishman. He’s sleeping on his back, his snores louder than Blaise’s and way more fucking irritating.

  The bed is a Cal King and there’s a huge divide between him and his wife. The universe must be working in my favor today because his wife has an eye-mask and earplugs in. The snoring coming out of Byrne’s mouth isn't actually that bad but apparently it’s unbearable for his wife.

  I fill the needle with the liquid in the vial, silent because I've done this so many times I can't even count, and then I slip the empty vial into my pocket.

  I have one chance to get the needle into his neck and the liquid in his system without waking his wife. I don't have any plans to kill her, I'm sure with the way this man treats his daughter that his wife is just as badly mistreated, but if she wakes during this it will force my hand.

  I motion for Harley and he gets into position. I slow my breathing down so I am completely ready and then I slap my hand over his mouth and punch the needle into his neck at the same time, shooting the drug straight into his bloodstream. Harley grabs both of his arms and holds him to the bed.

  His eyes open but the drug is faster.

  GHB is a magical thing. While it takes 10 seconds for the entire body to grow slack, it only takes three seconds for his arms to stop struggling. There is nothing he can do.

  Once I know it's taken enough of an effect, that he's awake and aware and completely unable to fight back, I move my hand away from his face. Harley lets go and takes a step back as well.

  I stare down into his eyes so he can see his own death in them, then I lean forward until my lips are an inch away from his ear.

  "No one touches the Wolf.”

  And then I slit his throat.

  * * *

  Harley texts Ash to drive past and grab us.

  I could have made the kill cleaner, less of a total bloodbath, but now I’m playing tit-for-tat with the Jackal, every blood soaked crime scene counts. Blaise climbs into the front and Harley shepherds me into the back, then climbs in after me.

  Thank fuck the Cadillac has leather seats.

  Ash meets my eyes in the mirror and I give him a calm nod, trying to push down the adrenaline of the kill. Everything went well, I’m a fucking professional after all, and then he pulls the car back onto the road. I look down at myself and sigh. I guess Avery is going to have fun replacing more of my wardrobe.

  I peel my shirt from my body, more gore than material.

  Harley pulls his shirt off and hands it to me to wipe some of the blood from my face. I try to swallow, my mouth dry as fuck at the sight of his bare chest, and croak out a, “Thank you.”

  Between rumble of the engine under my thighs, the warm leather caressing my back, and the dark stain in Harley’s eyes as he searches every inch of my skin for damage, my chest starts to heave and fuck, I want him. I want to fuck him so bad, the adrenaline of the kill riding me hard, pushing me to fuck or fight.

  “How long until we get back to school?” I ask, the need for sex drenching my tone. Ash glances over his shoulder and whatever he sees in his eyes makes his own flare.

  “An hour, Mounty. You’ll have to wait.”

  I w

  I honest-to-fucking-god whimper.

  The sound decimates Harley’s control.

  “Fuck that.” He snarls, and tears his seat belt off, hauling me into his lap and crushing our lips together.

  My hands tangle in his hair, smearing a trail of bright red wherever my skin brushes his, and I bite his lip, desperate and raw. Harley grunts and pulls my hips in until he can grind his dick into me. But I don’t want a mindless grinding induced orgasm in the back of a speeding car.

  I want to fuck him until I can’t breathe. I want desperate and rough and hard, and I want it the fuck now. Harley grunts into the kiss when my hands start to tug and pull at his jeans, desperate and empty without him.

  I glance over my shoulder at Blaise and he gets on board with my plan real fucking quick. It’s a tight squeeze for him to fit between the seats but what he lacks in space he makes up for in enthusiasm.

  “Try not to come on my seats, Arbour.” Blaise drawls, but it’s a heady sound and I shiver. I’ve gotten blood all over them, isn’t that worse? Harley smirks at me, loving every inch of my damage lighting up my skin until I’m on fire from his touch.

  “I’ll pay for a cleanup, fuck it, I’ll get it reupholstered. Get a new one, set this one on fire, just fucking bill me for it.” Harley grunts as I get his pants down enough to free his dick and then I stare down at my booty shorts with utter contempt. How the actual fuck am I going to get them off without kicking someone in the dick?

  Blaise laughs at me, reaching over and hooking his fingers into the fabric of the crotch and tugging until it splits. Harley groans and does the same to the delicate lace, and then I slam myself down onto his dick, filling myself up and losing myself in the stretch.



  Harley grunts and fists my hair, tugging me into a blistering kiss. The noise that I make is fucking embarrassing but these guys have seen me at my worst, at my writhing, shaking, screaming worst, so having them know just how much I fucking worship their dicks is nothing really. I get a few good strokes in before Blaise gets impatient and needy. He tugs at my hair to turn my head into his kiss but the angle is wrong and I’m going to break my neck if we keep going like this.

  I wriggle around, ignoring Harley’s grumpy grunts and snarling at Blaise, until I’m riding him reverse cowgirl. We barely fucking fit in the backseat together, a tangled pile of limbs, but I’m filled to the brim with Harley’s perfect dick and Blaise is right there in arms reach so all is right with the world.

  I lean forward, bracing myself on his legs to get leverage, and Blaise groans at the sight of my bare and bloody chest.

  Ash swears viciously, and our eyes meet in the mirror. “Fuck this, I’m pulling over.”

  Harley groans as I start to move, managing to snap at his cousin even though it’s more gasps than fire, “She’s covered in evidence, do you really want to have one of Senior’s dirty cops find us on the side of the highway?”

  My hips just keep moving, grinding down onto his dick.

  “I fucking hate all of you.” Ash snarls back, but the car doesn’t slow down.

  Harley’s hand clamps over my hips, moving me faster and harder, and Blaise fists one hand in my hair to keep my mouth locked onto his and his other hand strokes down my chest and stomach until he gets to my clit, circling and pressing until I’m screaming into his lips. Harley grunts and shoves me back down onto his dick as he comes with me, the clenching of my pussy around him sending him over the edge.

  Blaise grunts and mutters about the lack of space as he shoves his pants down his thighs and I climb off of Harley’s lap and into his. Harley’s eyes are less frantic as he rearranges his pants but he keeps them locked on my body as I reach down and impale myself on Blaise's dick. His hips roll up to meet me and I lace my arms around his neck, all of the urgency still thrumming through my blood even though I’ve already come once.

  My legs are shaking, still fucking buzzing, and Blaise holds me still so he can thrust up into me instead. When he bites his lip I groan at the sight and kiss him, then he bites my lip and I want to die. I come again, gasping and shaking, but he doesn’t stop moving, he just fucks me through it until I’m groaning and panting into his kiss. He loves kissing me through my orgasms, like he can taste the feeling on my tongue.

  Ash takes some corners too fucking fast but by the time we roll back into the staff parking Blaise has his pants back on and I… still look like a fucking mess. There’s a beat of silence and then Ash tears out of his seat, yanking the door open and pulling me into his arms. My legs are like jelly so I’m fucking grateful he’s intent on doing the caveman thing.

  Harley growls at him, but Ash snaps, “Fuck. Off.”

  He waits until the other two walk off, back up the grounds and into the building. I shiver in his arms and wait until he’s ready to speak. He ignores me, glancing around like he’s trying to find the cameras.

  “Sorry about the blood.” I murmur, and he lowers me back onto the ground.

  “Fuck the blood, Mounty.” Then he bends me over the back of the car and fucks me until I see stars.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Avery wakes up in a bloodthirsty mood.

  I don’t question it, I know just how much this is all grating on her, and although I’ve taken the rat out and retaliated she’s still out for blood.

  We go with the guys down to the dining hall for breakfast and the looks Harley gets from other students set my teeth on edge. We’re standing in line, all arguing about colleges choices which is my least favorite topic, when Imogen fucking Ayres steps up behind us.

  “I heard you killed your mom, Arbour, good thing the Mounty trash fucked a decent lawyer for you. You’re way too pretty for juvie.”



  Not dealing with shit today, or any other day here at the snake pit that is our fucked up school. Imogen lifts a perfectly manicured hand up to cover her mouth as she giggles and I grab her by the wrist, twisting her arm behind her back and slamming her face-first into the drinks table.

  Her squeal is magical, and the whole damn dining hall falls silent to watch us. Like I give a fuck at their attention, no one is going to step in for this spoiled bitch.

  I lean down to whisper in her ear and press her further into the table until she whimpers. “Being Viola’s sister only gets you so much leeway, Ayres.”

  She grunts at me. “I don’t care who you think you are, you’re nothing but a gangster slut from the slums gang-banging your way to an easier life. You may have scared my sister into submission but I know you’re nothing, Mounty.”

  I break her arm.


  I’m sure Viola will be pissed at me but, fuck, I’ve dealt with worse. I’m sure the Coyote will understand, if he’s ever met this prissy little bitch he’ll probably thank me. I let her fall to the ground as she sobs and cradles the break to her chest. I stare down at her, my whole family does, and I’m fucking proud that none of them flinch. Even Avery stands tall, the fire in her eyes kicked up ten fucking notches because today is not the day to fuck with my family.

  “Does anyone else have something to add?” Blaise drawls, his hands in his pockets and a cocky smirk on his face as he looks around the silent room. Nothing. No one tries to come and save Imogen, even Lauren just stares at us all with terrified eyes. Pathetic.

  Imogen stumbles to her feet and gives me a glare through her tears, stalking out of the room clutching at her arm as she sobs. I feel nothing but satisfaction.

  The room seems to take a breath, but no one is whispering about us anymore.

  Avery links my arm in hers as we pick out what food we want for the boys to grab. Blaise also picks shit out and Harley snarls at him but he grabs it for the idiot anyway.

  “You know Senior was the one to orchestrate Harley’s arrest, the Jackal only helped him find a willing witness.” Avery murmurs quietly in my ear while the guys all snark at each other.

  I give a curt
nod. It hadn’t been a huge leap to figure that out. “What do you want to do about it?”

  Avery tugs me away from the line and towards the long table. “I’m waiting to hear back about some details. I should have confirmation soon.”

  I nod. I trust her implicitly, if she says she’s got it under control then you bet your ass it’s under control.

  We sit at the table and Avery ignores us all while she taps away on her phone. I dig into my food and read over my notes for my AP History test. Just because I’ve finished the assignments, doesn’t mean I can slack off. The pop quizzes and tests are still challenging. Ash tries to read my notes and sneers at my shitty handwriting.

  “Don’t you have your own? Fuck man, you’re in trouble if you don’t.” Harley sounds like a smug asshole as he shovels his omelette into his mouth. Ash opens his mouth to snap out a scathing retort when Avery interrupts.

  “He doesn’t need them, we aren’t going to class today.”

  My head snaps up and away from my notes. “What?”

  Avery slips her phone into my hand and I look down at her deviousness. Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.

  This girl is going to rule the freaking world.

  * * *

  The press conference is held outside of the Police station in Mounts Bay, though I can happily say I feel a helluva lot better about being here today. Ash escorts her into the building and then a short time later joins me and the others behind the crowd of journalists, reporters, and camera men.

  It only takes another minute before she walks out with the Crow and some guy. The crowd quietens down. We all stand and stare at her like she’s the centre of our fucking universe because, right at this moment, she is.

  The Fed smooths a hand down his tie in a carefully controlled way that suits the stern look on his face. A savage, proud, fucking elated grin bursts across my face when he glances over his shoulder and nods respectfully at Avery.


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