To the End: Year Four (Hannaford Prep Book 4)

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To the End: Year Four (Hannaford Prep Book 4) Page 20

by J Bree

  He glances back. “I went to visit your pops years ago for something. Don’t matter what it was for, but when I got there two of his biker sluts were there too, dragging kids behind them. I looked at them and… it wasn’t good kid. Bad situation. But I did nothing. Not my business, not my problem. I was a stupid fucking kid myself. Three days later one of the kids was dead, the other was… worse than dead. Your pops doesn’t give a shit, but I’m not that fucking evil. You look… just like our mom. She was a biker slut, switched up MCs when she’d pissed off enough of the brothers, but she was a good woman. I can’t look at you and not try to fucking help.”

  I nod, but it’s weird to hear this sort of family history. My own mom was bad enough, but to hear that my father was worse? Jesus, could I be more cliche? The kid from the slums with a million fucking siblings. I need a drink. I need a whole fucking bottle of whiskey and maybe some tequila. Fuck it, being angry and drunk is where I need to be.

  “Thank you for telling me. Once I’ve dealt with this mess I’d like to meet… some of my siblings. Whichever ones you think I should.” I say as I stand, and he nods his head while he stares at the empty bottle on the table.

  “I could use your help with one of them. I think you might be able to if… yeah. I need your help too, kid.”

  I nod because apparently I also would do anything for blood, imagine fucking that?!

  I make it to the door before I turn back to him and say, “What’s your real name? What’s my father’s real last name?”

  I can give it to Avery and she can work her magic, give me a whole fucking file on this family of mine so we will never be caught unaware again.

  He scoffs at me. “Breaking all the rules tonight, little Wolf? Daniel Durack. Your pops is a Graves.”

  Eclipse Starbright Graves.


  Don’t like that at all.

  Is the whole fucking universe playing a joke on me? I’m sticking with Anderson, even if it is a fake name from a fucking asshole. Ugh.

  I turn back to the door to walk out and find two of his biker men, brothers, whatever they call them, are standing in the hall and their eyes are on me.

  Do they know about my blood?

  “I need some fucking whiskey.” I croak, and the Boar lets out a wry chuckle behind me.

  “That’s a blood thing too, kid. Call me if you need anything.”


  I don’t like that either. I bolt out of the door and into the cool Mounts Bay night air.

  * * *

  I drive the entire way back to Hannaford with a head full of clouds and air.

  What the actual fuck has happened to my perfectly empty life? I mean, I’m happy with the family I’ve made, I don’t need anymore showing up. This is bad, this is really fucking bad.

  I park, make my way up the stairs and into my room only to find my bed full of Harley, Ash lounging on Avery’s bed, and Blaise sprawled out on the floor. I think about bitching them out for taking over my space but I decide to leave that for later, when I don’t feel like my whole fucking life has been a lie. Oh, there it is; the Blaise Morrison Pity Party has just taken ahold of me and I’m going to need to start drinking before I throw a freaking tantrum.

  “I need whiskey. I’m freaking the fuck out and I need to drink my body weight in, like, an expensive aged whiskey that will get me wasted super fucking quick.” I say, and they all look up at me.

  Avery stands from where she was sitting at the table doing homework and comes over to me, but it’s Blaise who speaks first.

  “So, do we have to explain ourselves to your daddy? Tell him about our intentions?”

  Sweet merciful lord.

  I could fucking swoon at the thought of any of them speaking to my biker pops.

  “Alcohol, Avery. Non-negotiable. 911. We have entered an emergency state.” I could go on but she grabs my wrist and looks at me, all concerned and shit, and I feel light-headed.

  “You need to breathe, whatever you found out can’t be that bad. Do you want ice cream too?”

  “Fuck ice cream.”

  Avery’s eyes widen as she nods and she cuts Blaise a severe look. “No more jokes.”

  He grumbles at her but he’s sitting up to get a better look at me and frowning. I stumble over to my bed and half collapse on it, my skin crawling with extra energy like I need to run a fucking marathon to get it out.

  Harley gets up and snags some whiskey from fuck-knows-where and I crack it open to take long, deep gulps straight from the bottle.

  I know I’m panicking for no real reason but I’ve been alone for so long. No family, no one who gives a shit, I’ve only had myself to deal with. Now I have my family, my real family, and it’s hard fucking work keeping us all happy and alive. To find out I have siblings is too much. A father. A fucking uncle who’s been looking out for me… though I don’t know what the hell he’s been doing for me. It’s not like he got me away from the Jackal.

  “Can you tell me anything before you drink yourself into an oblivion?” Avery murmurs, and sits down next to me on the bed. I can’t look at her, or the guys, and the whiskey is already heading straight to my brain. Fuck it.

  “My dad’s a piece of shit. I have seven brothers and sisters. The Boar is my uncle. He knows who’s sending the boxes and said he’d get it to stop. My family is as trailer trash as fucking possible and now I have a whole list of people I’m related to and responsible for and I need another fucking drink, Aves. I can’t. I just fucking can’t.”

  There’s a minute of stunned silence and then Ash grabs the bottle from me. “Let’s get you a glass so we do this properly. Morrison, find me the bourbon, Mounty can’t drink alone. That’s just pathetic.”

  * * *

  Everyday life at Hannaford starts to become suffocating.

  My skin is already crawling with the news of my biker dad, but with the extra men the Crow stations at the school, there isn’t a second of the day that doesn't have the oppressive feel that his fortress does and I can't fucking stand it. My entire life I have survived by being unseen, by being the underestimated unnoticed little girl in the room, and now there isn't a person in the entire fucking building who isn’t aware of me. It goes beyond my earlier years as the Mounty scholarship student. It goes so far beyond the fucking bet when everyone wanted a piece of me. The students all watch me with fear. The Crow’s men all watch me with calculating eyes.

  Harley sits beside me at breakfast and hooks an ankle around mine under the table as we eat. His phone buzzes and he checks it with a grimace. “That’s Aodhan, he’s fucking persistent. He’s keeping me updated on what’s going on in the Bay. The streets are so fucking bad now that even the locals won’t go out at night."

  I grimace. “The Coyote has sent me some footage. The Jackal has gone fucking insane."

  Harley nods, and glances around the room. We’ve come down to breakfast by ourselves, the others still tucked up in their beds this early on a Sunday morning. Harley had gotten up early for his swim practice and I’d text him to meet up for food once it had finished. I didn't want to wake Avery by fixing something to eat after the week she's had, and it’s nice to get some one-on-one time with my golden god of a boyfriend.

  "We've gotta do something about him. We can't let this go on forever." Harley grumbles, stabbing at his eggs viciously.

  I shrug. "It's not like we can do anything about it right now. Illi is already on top of everything and we’re no good to him right now. We have to finish school, we have to keep up the pretense of being normal teenagers, especially now Senior has the pigs interfering with our lives. The Jackal is keeping his head down for now so we will too.”

  Harley grumps. “Why can’t we just send my uncle in to shoot the psycho fucker?"

  I snort. “Well, if I thought that would work I would have sent him in. The problem is the Jackal is smart enough to know Diarmuid is on our side now, so he’s smart enough to know not to put himself out in public without the right sort of protecti
on. None of his plans will be documented, no one will know anything about his movements, he’ll have a full security detail, the whole fucking nine yards. I'm not going to underestimate him. The Crow might be cocky enough to give it a try, he might think that they can send in a spy to end this, but I know it isn't gonna work."

  Harley quirks an eyebrow at me. “He got Luca in, didn’t he?”

  My eyes drift over to the man in question. He's just arrived at the dining hall, wearing workout shorts and a black tank so looking nothing like a teacher should, and he's filling a plate up. My mouth automatically quirks into a smile but I smother that shit so fucking quick when Harley gives me a foul lock.

  "What? I can't help it. We've been friends for too long."

  He nudges me gently with an elbow. "Friends? He calls you ‘Princess’ and talks about your ass a little bit too much to be a friend."

  A roll my eyes at him. “You used to talk about my tits!“

  Harley wipes his mouth with a napkin and throws it down onto his plate, a freaking sexy smirk on his face. "Yeah and I wanted to own every fucking inch of you. You're not helping your argument here, babe."

  I roll my eyes again. “Just because you’re obsessed with my ass doesn't mean everyone else is. I mean it's not that great. Fuck, can we stick to the topic? We’re supposed to be talking about how Mounts Bay has gone to fucking shit, which is saying something considering it was already pretty fucking bad in the first place.”

  Harley slings an arm over the back of my chair and pulls me in as close as he can. Luca walks past us and gives me a cheeky grin, dipping his head in my direction in a respectful nature. Harley growls under his breath and I do my best to look innocent as I nod back at him.

  "Fucking flirting babe."

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  By Monday morning the school is writhing with gossip again and, while I don’t pay much attention to that shit unless it’s about my family, Avery is buzzing with excitement over it by the time we make it to our first class.

  She leans against my desk with a grin. “Imogen was expelled. She went to Luca about you breaking her arm and he expelled her for bullying. Oh, and lying about you hurting her. He told her mom to seek therapy for her compulsive need to lie.”

  She’s loud enough that the students around us all hear it and see it as the warning it is; we’re untouchable, don’t fuck with our family.

  The grin I give back to her must look deranged but fuck if I care. Harley smirks and slings a casual arm across the back of my chair, looking around the classroom like a haughty asshole. I love it.

  We get through our classes for the day which are mostly pop quizzes and tests so Blaise is a freaking morose dick and the other two are at each other's throats with their competitive bullshit. Avery floats around the school like she’s the fucking Queen and I love it.

  I study with Blaise while everyone else is at their extracurriculars. We spread out on the floor in front of the TV on cushions with pizza, like the first time we’d studied alone.

  Blaise smirks at the little happy grins I give him. “You’re such a fucking sap, Star. You’re so in fucking love with me.”

  Dammit. “Like you’re not over your fucking heels for me too. Stop trying to distract me, we’re finishing this assignment tonight so we can take the weekend off.”

  Blaise rolls his eyes and tugs me into his lap, rocking his hips into mine until I can’t focus on any-damn-thing. “Say it, Star. Tell me you love me.”

  I feel so fucking weird about it, the words so raw and revealing coming out of me at him. “Ugh. Fine. I love you, Blaise Morrison.”

  He gives me a look and I sigh at him. “Fine. I fell for the idea of you when I was listening to your lyrics while I was going through hell. Then I met you and found out the real you was even fucking better. I don’t say it easily but… I do love you.”

  He grins at me. “I know you do, Star, you prove it every fucking day you protect us all. It’s just nice to hear it sometimes too.”

  Ugh, why is he being so sweet today? I wrap my arms around his neck and draw him into a kiss, fuck the assignment. He groans and nips at my lips, his hands trailing up my ribs and under my shirt until he’s palming my tits.

  “You’ve been fucking teasing me all night with these, not wearing a bra. I knew all I had to do was get you in my lap and then I’d get to spread you out on this floor and fuck you until you’re screaming for me.”

  Whelp. Yes please. I rock my hips and grind down onto his dick. “Maybe we should go to your room, so Avery doesn’t get back and stab you for this.”

  He bites my shoulder. “Maybe we should defile her bed again.”

  My hips falter and I give him a glare. “What the fuck is with you and her bed?”

  He laughs and pushes me up so he can stand and haul me into his arms again. “Well, when she’s bitching me out for shit it’s nice to remember how tight your pussy was around my dick when I fucked you on her bed.”

  Ok, we did not fuck on her bed. My hands might have been braced against it, but at no point did our naked bodies touch it. I feel a little woozy at the very thought of Avery finding out about it.

  “Take me to your room and fuck me. We can do it on Harley’s bed if you’re so set on pissing someone off tonight.”

  He laughs and walks us out into the hall and through to the guys room. I tuck my head into his neck so I don’t have to see any of the other students who may be lurking but Blaise doesn’t even bother to look.

  He kicks the door shut behind us and flicks the lock, holding me tight against his body with one arm under my ass.

  “I’m glad all my extra food hasn’t stopped you from being able to haul me around everywhere.” I murmur at him, wriggling a little against his chest.

  “You’re fucking tiny, Star. If anything, we should feed you more. Fuck, your tits are amazing as it is, if they get any bigger I’m going to give up on school and music, just stay locked up at the ranch titty fucking you at all hours of the day.”

  That doesn’t make any damn sense. “Just shut up and stick your dick in me, Morrison. You’ve officially fucking lost your damn mind.”

  He cackles at me and slings me down on Harley’s bed, the dick. Then I watch as he strips off. Fuck, the sight of him still has me drooling, all colorful ink and long, muscular limbs. Ugh. It’s just unfair for him to be so hot, like how am I supposed to be a functioning human when he looks at me like that with that face on that body? Rude. Just plain rude.

  “Well? Are you going to stare, Star, or are you going to get your fucking clothes off?”

  I throw my panties at his face, laughing when he catches them and throws them on his bed. “Don’t fucking steal them! I barely have enough as it is!”

  He crawls up my body, kissing and running his tongue along my skin as he goes. “You better not have some guy stealing them again. I’ll be the first to kill him for you.”

  I snort but it comes out all weird and moan-like. “Yeah, the guys stealing it are you and Ash. Is it some fucking kink I should know about?”

  He drops down so he’s covering me, his dick rubbing against my thigh and I wriggle until he’s lined up with my pussy. I’m not like clawing-at-his-back desperate yet but it won’t take much to get me there.

  He grins down at me, kissing me slow and deep, like there’s no rush at all. I mean, there’s not but I’d kind of like his dick in me now. Like now.

  The fucker laughs at me. “I love that you never get sick of this, you’re always fucking desperate for me.”

  I grunt at him. “What part of ‘stick your dick in me’ has you confused, Morrison?”

  He smirks at me, all dark and devilish, and slides two fingers in me, hooking them and rubbing at my G spot. He rolls until we’re on our sides and he has both hands free.

  He hooks his hand behind my leg and yanks it up over his hip for better access and then pulls his fingers out to run them through my dripping pussy, spreading my arousal around until he can slip a finger into
my ass.

  I grunt, because these guys keep catching me unaware with their wandering fingers, but I don’t say a goddamn word. Ash has well and truly taught me that I love this.

  Blaise smirks at me, all cocky pride, and I try not to blush and snark back at him. “Ash told me all about your night, Star. Did you love it as much as he said you did? Did you love Ash’s dick filling you up here and Harley’s fingers in this pussy? Maybe I should call one of them, get them to come help keep you nice and full.”

  I gasp out moaning and rocking against him, his dick sliding against my soaking pussy and rubbing on my clit. I can’t think straight. I don’t even fucking want to anymore, I’d rather stay in this hazing, lusty state where none of our problems matter anymore.

  The door unlocks but I’m so fucking lost in Blaise’s lips I barely acknowledge the sound. I don’t know if it’s Ash or Harley, but we’re past the point of me caring. I know they all want me, I know none of them care about sharing, and Blaise’s words have sunk into my brain now.

  I want them to fill me up.

  “Fuck Mounty, I’m glad I left training early.” Ash drawls, and I shiver.

  I moan into Blaise’s lips and he breaks away. “I was just about to call you, man. Get the fuck over here.”

  Then he kisses me again, his hand sliding into my hair and fisting so I can’t move away. I want to watch Ash strip, there’s nothing fucking better than seeing them get naked for me, but the firm dominance of his grip is such a fucking turn-on. I get so lost in his kiss that I startle when Ash presses in behind me, like a fucking wall of turned on Beaumont. Ugh. So freaking hot.

  Ash bites my shoulder and runs his hands down my back unit he gets to my ass, spreading my cheeks wide. I break away from Blaise’s kiss to glance back at him, his eyes glued to where Blaise’s fingers are pumping in at out of my ass.

  Ash smirks at me. “Turn over, Mounty, looks like Morrison has staked his claim.”


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