She Gave Her All to the Hood’s Finest 3

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She Gave Her All to the Hood’s Finest 3 Page 28

by Shvonne Latrice

  With ease, he whipped out a paper, which I snatched, before he and them niggas barged in. Eitan came rushing out of the room as them muthafuckas busted into every studio, looking through shit. I could hear them flipping over furniture, and it took everything in me not to shoot one of them niggas or beat their asses. But it would be a for sure jail sentence if I did, and I couldn’t leave my girl or my son.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Eitan hollered, as I slickly threw my gun into my car through the cracked window.

  “A fucking raid, nigga!” As soon as I said that shit, one of the officer niggas came out to cuff me. “I know it ain’t shit here, so why the fuck you cuffing me!”

  “Get in the car, Mr. Terranova!” He cut me off, shoving me into the back seat as Eitan watched, horrified.

  I sat in that car for about five minutes before the rest of them raid niggas filed out, empty-handed. I couldn’t believe this bullshit. In the past, I just knew Prince was behind all this extra shit with the police, but that nigga was dead. I was sure of the shit.

  When Eitan and I made eye contact, I mouthed for him to call Camarih. She was the only one who knew where I kept my stash of money, and I needed her to use it to get me out of this shit, tonight!

  The police vehicle pulled off, and we got to the station after what seemed like a fucking hour. I was fuming the whole way, running down my list of enemies in my head during the ride.

  Once we got there, they questioned me about drugs, and I didn’t give their asses shit. And like I knew, they had nothing to prove I was ever in the possession of drugs.

  After, they put me in a holding cell with two other niggas; one an old ass man, and the other was a young Chinese muthafucka.

  “Hey, I recognize you.” The old Black man laughed.

  “Look, nigga, I’m not in the mood and liable to beat yo’ ass, so just shut the fuck up and keep to yaself.” I stared down at my feet, waiting for my girl to show up and get me. I was able to call her ten minutes ago.

  “Yeah, yeah, you’re Miranda’s boy.” He kept on.

  “I don’t know who the fuck that is.” I disowned my freak ass stepmom.

  “Right, I’m sorry. Stacy is ya real mama. She was a beautiful lady. I remember when—”

  “Don’t speak on my mama, bruh. I’m trying real muthafuckin hard not to go across yo’ shit. You old as fuck, and one hit from me, yo’ ass is dead. Worry less about me and more about where yo’ damn teeth went, or why yo’ crack head ass smoked ’em up.”

  If I wasn’t literally in jail right now, I would beat cuz’s ass for even saying my mother’s name.

  “I’m sorry. I used to know Miranda back before she got with your daddy. I’m Ernie. I was better looking back then. Anyway, she was foooooond of you.” He sang, being hardheaded as fuck.

  “What?” I finally looked his way.

  “Oh yeah.” He laughed too fucking noisily as he reminisced. Nigga had about eight teeth missing in the front. It was straight gums. “She thought you were such a handsome young man. Too young though, so she went for your old man.”

  “Lay off the pipe, bruh.”

  “Hell, you got any on you? I wish I had some, but I’ve been here for so long my high is gone. So unfortunately, I am very lucid right now.” He started coughing. “She told me once,” he cackled, “she was gonna date your old man until you matured enough for someone like her. Guess that plan didn’t pan out.”

  “Keep mentioning my pops, nigga,” I warned.

  The Chinese nigga looked like he’d already shit himself just from being privy to our potential brawl.

  “I mean, it was her idea for your father to reconnect with you all.” Ernie continued, shrugging. “I wonder why.” He started roaring with laughter again, making me hop up.

  “Terranova!” The holding officer called my name just as I was about to clock this nigga. Ernie’s words made too much sense and pissed me the fuck off. “You’re out!” The officer pulled the gate back.

  I stared Ernie down and then left out to see Camarih waiting; she was holding my son’s carrier.

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing. I’m good. Come on.” I led her out, too much on my mind.

  This raid, plus that Ernie shit, had me going crazy. I knew I never liked Miranda’s ass. I didn’t care how much of a help she was in bringing my father back around Jilly and me. Now it was possible that the bitch had an ulterior motive and one that would explain a lot.

  “Houston, I just picked you up from jail.” Camarih spoke again once we were in the car, with Baby Cuz now buckled in the back seat, knocked out.

  “They raided the studio. I gotta get half of the shit replaced, I’m sure.” I was ready to kill somebody, anybody.

  “I’m sorry, baby. What the fuck.” She rubbed the side of my head as I continued to gaze out of the window, before she kissed my face.

  Not saying anything else, she climbed into the passenger seat with me, straddling my lap and hugging me.

  “Camarih, I—”

  “Shhh.” She kissed me and then got back to hugging me tightly. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, baby.” I tightened my grip on her body.

  Tonight was some bullshit in more ways than one.


  I was about to go hang out with Camarih and visit my nephew. I just loved him so much, and he was so adorable. He was the most energetic baby ever though, so it was rare you’d get some quiet time. I loved his little laugh and the cute smirk he’d give which showed off the dimple he got from his mommy.

  Only thing bad was he’d developed this hair-pulling thing, so it was best to keep your shit in a bun. Those tiny hands had some damn good grip somehow. He was surely my brother’s son.

  “Hi, where is my baby?” I walked into the big spacious condo that Camarih and Tony lived in.

  “He’s sleep, thank God. After I fed him, I burped and then massaged him, so he passed out.”

  “Only baby I know that needs massages for naps.” I half joked, prompting us both to chuckle.

  “Right!” Camarih came to join me on the couch. “So how has working in your field been?”

  “Great, but scary because you know Houston does not play when it comes to business.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “I umm, I met a boy though. Well, sorry, he’s not a boy. He is a man.”


  “At work. He does the music videos for Tony. His name is Nehemiah.” I grinned after speaking his name.

  “He has a girlfriend, doesn’t he?” Camarih’s forehead wrinkled a bit.

  “No, he has a baby mama that he’s no longer with.” I propped my head up, using my hand.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I am one hundred percent sure. He’s very honest and up front. He told me straight up that they live together still, but they’re not together. She breaks up with him when she doesn’t get her way, and he got tired of it,” I explained as Camarih continued to look confused, like she didn’t believe me. “Camarih! I am not stupid. Trust me, he is not in a relationship with her.”

  “Okay, fine, I believe you. What about Vernon? Did you finally dump him?”

  “No, no, of course not. I love him. I just like Nehemiah.” I exhaled then added, “I really like him though. I think about him more than I do Vernon, and I can’t wait to get a job request from my brother because I know he’ll be there.”

  “So what does that mean?”

  “I don’t know. I was kind of hoping you’d tell me. See, Vernon and I have a… complicated relationship. I can’t just leave him.”

  “Why not? Not like he will try to hurt you, because Houston will kill his ass.”

  “No, I know, it’s just… I can’t.”


  I contemplated telling Camarih I was married, but she and my brother were like best friends. I trusted Camarih, but I wouldn’t put it past her to tell my brother that Vernon was my husband. And even if she did keep my secret, I would
hate to cause a rift in her relationship because of my lies. So it was best I kept it to myself.

  “I… love him.”

  “I guess. Maybe you should tell him that you want to go on a break, that you need time to think. And I mean, you do, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I do! I knew you would think of something. Thank you!” I hugged her.

  Camarih and I kept on talking, and then we made lasagna together before eating some of it in front of the big ass flat screen in the living room.

  My brother came home right when the movie was over, so even though we planned to watch another, his dick had something else on the agenda. Nigga couldn’t even wait for me to leave. He was carrying Camarih to the back before I could even get my shoes on my feet and out of the door.

  Camarih’s break idea sounded so good to me, that I dialed Vernon on the way home, telling him to meet me at my place. I wanted to get this break started as soon as possible so I could continue what I had going on with Nehemiah.

  I hated to admit that meeting him made me truly regret marrying Vernon. Back then, I just knew that Vernon was the only man I’d ever want, because in the past when I met niggas, they would never add up to him. But Nehemiah was different, and I was in deep like.

  I showered and brushed my teeth while Vernon was on the way. After putting on one of Camarih’s body butters that had me smelling like a snack, I slipped into a nightgown.

  As soon as I sent Vernon’s ass on his way, I planned to hit up Nehemiah. It was only 7:30 p.m., so he should still be awake and ready to come lay up with me by then. I was so excited at the thought that I damn near ran to the door when Vernon knocked.

  “Hey, beautiful.” He pulled me in, kissing my lips. I was a bit surprised since we’d been on the outs ever since he’d called me talentless.

  “Hey.” I moved out of his arms, allowing him to close the door.

  “I wanna say I’m sorry. I’ve been meaning to tell you this, but it had to be in person. And you’ve been busy and stuff, so I couldn’t get to you.”

  “Thank you for that. Babe, I love you, but right now, I’m really trying to focus on my career, so I think we should take a breather.”

  “Uh…” He looked off for a second. “What? You’re my wife, Jilly. Did you forget?”

  “No, of course I didn’t. I just need a little space. I think it’d be good for both of us. We can come back together later, when our careers are off the ground and—”

  “How the fuck I’m gon’ get my career off the ground when you ain’t even gotten ya fucking brother to talk to me?”

  “Vernon, my brother is not the only way for you to get a job.”

  “Who is he?” Vernon closed the space between us.

  “Who is who?” I looked up at him, worried. He was beyond angry, and I swear I saw devil horns protruding from his head.

  “The nigga that has you wanting space, Jilly. You think I’m stupid? You been on my dick tough since I met you, now all of a sudden, we go days without talking, and now you want space too? Nah, who is he?”

  “There is no one, Vernon. Now go before I call my brother.” I was afraid.

  “Nah, I’m staying.” He sat down.

  “Fine.” I went to get my iPhone. I didn’t want to call because Tony would be mad I had Vernon over here, and then he’d beat his ass. “Calling now,” I announced when I reentered the living room.

  “Good. I gotta talk to him about something too. I wanna know how he feels about his baby sister being my wife.” Vernon kicked his feet up, smiling when I pulled the phone from my face. “Oh, I know he ain’t gon’ like that information, is he? He might fire you and take back this nice ass spot.”

  “Vernon, do not.”

  “Then quit talking about space and stop fucking with whomever you fucking with, Jilly Terranova. If I get an iota of a feeling that you’ve been messing with somebody or pulling away, I’m calling big brother up and letting him know you’re my wife.”

  “Okay, we have a deal. No more space talk. And there is no other man.” I really wanted him to believe the latter.

  “Sure. Bring me something to drink.” Vernon cut the TV on.

  I watched him for a little bit then went to get what he’d asked for.

  So much for my space or spending more time with Nehemiah. But I was addicted to him and didn’t know if I could stay away cold turkey.


  “Everything looks great,” I told my assistant, Briana.

  We were shooting a new spread, focusing on female rappers. I felt like they didn’t get enough shine because everything was always about these niggas. And since Scene Magazine was one of the top music magazines, I felt featuring the talented ladies would definitely help boost the ones that needed a little more help.

  “Yes, it does. You are so smart, Shanece.” Briana smiled at me before walking off.

  I gave the setup area another look before going to my office. I needed to make a few phone calls, one of them being to Tony Wacko. My boss was on me about getting Eitan or Nala in the magazine for an interview and cover.

  Just as I was about to pick up the phone and dial his business contact, my phone rang.

  “This is Shanece Porter.”

  “Hi, it’s Briana. You have someone here to see you.”

  “Who is it?” I took my iPhone from my purse to see my lock screen covered in missed calls from Rahim.

  “She said her name was Amara Cambridge.”

  “Oh… I will come down.” I hung up and then left my office.

  I went to the waiting area to see a very pretty light-skinned girl, dressed to the nines. Her perfume had already permeated the air, as her Chanel bag hung from her forearm.

  This was not really what I expected Rahim’s wife to be. The way he was out cheating, I thought she’d be a badly built bum bitch. This was a pretty, apparently educated woman, who looked like she had her shit together.

  “Shanece Porter?” Amara asked when she saw me.

  “Yes, hi.” I shook her hand. She gave me a bright smile before suggesting I sit down.

  “Would you like something to drink? I can have my assistant get it?” I offered.

  “No, this won’t take long. I don’t know if you know me, because it seems I’ve been a little secret for quite some time, but I’m Rahim’s wife.”

  “Yes, I know you, Amara, but I want to start off by saying I had no idea that Rahim was married or even had a relationship of any kind. He—”

  “Told you I was his sister; I know. No need to apologize. I came here because I wanted to ask if you would be willing to, if needed, testify in my divorce case.”


  “Yes. Rahim and I are divorcing because of his inability to be faithful to me, and I’d just like some backup evidence in case it’s needed. His other mistress has already agreed, but it’s never a bad idea to have more than needed.”

  “I see.” I nodded. “I don’t know if I’d feel comfortable doing something like that, Amara. I’ve been dealing with a lot in my personal life, and adding this to it isn’t the best for my mental health.”

  “I get it. I just thought I’d ask because I saw you were or are married. And I just thought if your husband had cheated on you with multiple women, even though you’d bent over backwards to keep him happy, you’d want some help in that case. If he cheated on you and had no good reason for it, you’d feel what I’m feeling.”

  “I would. You know what, let me think about it. Do you have a card or something?”

  “I do.” She went into her purse and gave me one out of a silver card case.

  “I will let you know. And again, I’m sorry, Amara.”

  “I should be thanking you. If it weren’t you and Phoebe, it would’ve been some others, maybe later down the line. I just would’ve been a fool for a little longer.” She walked to the door and left.

  I stayed in place, thinking for a little while, before going back to sit at my desk. For the second time, when I was about to call up Tony,
my phone rang, but this time it was my personal cell phone.

  “Rahim, what?”

  “How are you?”

  “I’m fine. What is it?”

  “I just wanted to see how you were. I also wanted to know if maybe we could go out to dinner tonight.”


  “Come on, Shanece. Don’t act like we weren’t ever into one another. I miss you, and I wanna see you.”

  “See me for what?”

  “To talk, catch up, get close again. You know, even though I was married when we had our thing, you were never just some random affair for me. I really liked you, and I still do. What we had was more than two married people fucking around. It was deep, and I think we should explore it again. Don’t you, baby?”

  I chuckled subtly.

  “Rahim, you are ridiculous. Did you really think that sweet talking me and taking me out to dinner would stop me from helping Amara? Yeah, she got to me before you did.”

  He was silent.

  “Nah, I legit miss you.”

  “And it has nothing to do with Amara wanting me to help her in the divorce case, which will result in you losing half of everything you’ve worked for?”

  “Shanece, don’t do it. You know me and us, how we were together. Don’t let her make you out to be just some mistress,” he pleaded. “Her lawyer notified me this morning, saying Amara was out here and coming to ask you about helping her out. She’s bitter as fuck, so don’t help her.”

  “She has a right to be bitter. And all you did by calling me was make me want to help her out. Bye, Rahim.”


  Oh y'all Bloods now, oh y'all Crips now… Fuck it, I'm big draws, I'm J. Prince now…

  I watched from afar as Frida danced on the pole to “Succa Proof” by Nipsey Hussle. Cash was flying everywhere, as she moved her body perfectly, sometimes using the pole, and other times free dancing. A tinge of jealousy flowed through me as she offered an expanded smile, liking the attention from the thirsty ass niggas, and all the bread they were throwing at her.


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