Shady Oaks Series: Out of Darkness

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Shady Oaks Series: Out of Darkness Page 3

by Michelle Areaux

  Shaking my head, I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. Something about his eyes gave me a strange feeling.

  “Can you believe this?” Ronnie asked, clearly disgusted by our recent news. “I was going to try out for the swim team this year. This is not fair. As much money as our parents spend every year on this school, how can they have a money shortage?” she asked, throwing her hands in the air for a dramatic effect.

  With my eyes still focused on the now empty seat, I couldn’t get his face out of my head. Why did I feel like I had seen him before? I knew everyone at the small school. Well, everyone except the boy who was lurking in the shadows.

  “Nora, who are you looking at?” Ronnie asked, trying to glance at me to see what I had been focused on.

  Shaking my head, I dismissed the boy. “Nothing, I just thought I saw someone,” I stated.

  Continuing to ramble on about the unfairness of no more complimentary cappuccinos, Ronnie and I walked to our first-period class, Junior English.

  As I walked into the room, I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of the boy again. Bumping into me, Ronnie almost knocked us both down. “Why did you stop?” she asked, as she nudged me forward.

  With my eyes locked on his, I found myself stuttering. I couldn’t seem to form words to express myself. “What is wrong with you?” Ronnie asked again, this time she seemed distracted too. As her eyes traveled to where I was staring, a wide smile spread across her face.

  “Who is that?” she asked with a spark in her eye.

  “I don’t know,” I managed to say.

  I couldn’t stop looking at him, it was as if I was drawn to him like a magnet. Everyone in the room began to notice my starting as I stood like a statue in the front of the classroom. The boy turned his attention and began looking out the large window that overlooked the football field. He seemed nervous and I was more aware than ever, that I had been watching him like a delusional stalker. He probably thought I was some crazy freak.

  “Well, go find a seat. You look weird standing here,” Ronnie said, as she walked around me and down the rows of student desks. Quickly following behind, I tried to ignore the glaring looks from my classmates as I walked past them. Each of them still blamed me for the wreck that caused star football player and Mr. Popularity, Sammy, to almost be expelled last year. Even though Sammy was back this year, I was still hated by many.

  We found two desks in the back of the room and quickly sat before anyone else could claim the seats. As the bell rang announcing the start of class, I found myself watching the new guy. His face was focused toward the front of the room where our English teacher, Ms. Edrington, began her lecture on the conflicts found in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Her voice was drowned out by my own thoughts as I seemed to be drawn to this guy.

  Later that afternoon at lunch, I searched for him and found him sitting alone. “Who is he?” I asked, as Teddy sat down next to me. Looking at where I was pointing, Teddy smiled.

  “That is Liam. He just transferred here from some school out of state. He is in my Calculus class.” Noticing the intrigue in my eyes, Teddy offered a naughty smile. “Why do you ask? Do you like him?” he joked.

  Shoving him, I laughed off his statement. “Shut up Teddy. I don’t even know him. He just looks familiar," I stated flatly.

  “I don’t know where you would know him from? We know all of the same people,” he said again, just as Ronnie entered the cafeteria and made her way to us. “Besides, Aleece says he is new. She overheard him registering this morning in the guidance office.”

  “Who?” she asked, as she sat down and began pouring ranch dressing on the salad she purchased from the salad bar.

  “Apparently Nora likes the new kid,” Teddy joked, as he took a bite from his Pizza Hut pizza he purchased in our food court we call a cafeteria.

  Exhaling a deep breath, I tried to control my frustration. “I do not like him. I just wanted to know who he was,” I added again.

  “Oh,” Ronnie said, as she glanced in the direction of Liam. “Yeah, we saw him today in class. Nora stared at him the entire time," Ronnie added. They began talking about me as if I was not sitting in the middle of both of them.

  Shoving my chair back, I got up and huffed away. I threw my salad in the trash, even though I had only eaten about half. Laughing, Teddy and Ronnie just mocked my anger. I decided to head to my car to sit alone in peace during my lunch hour.

  Walking outside, I felt the warm rays of sunshine hit my face. I inhaled the sweet aroma of the fresh September air. As I found myself in between the parking lot and school building, I heard footsteps approaching from behind. Suddenly aware that I was alone, I decided to turn around and head back to the school. However, when I abruptly turned, I ran straight into Liam.

  “Sorry,” he spoke in a quiet voice. The sound of his words hit deep inside my core and I felt a sense of calmness wash over me.

  “Are you following me?” I asked, ignoring his calm demeanor.

  “No, I just uh…” he nervously looked around like he was trying to find the right answer. His uncertainty of what he was doing did not sit right with me.

  “Whatever,” I said, as I rolled my eyes. I decided to head back to the parking lot like I had originally planned.

  “Wait,” Liam called as I walked away. His voice stopped me dead in my tracks. I had never heard a voice so quiet but with so much power and force, it could paralyze you.

  Turning my head, I noticed he was almost gliding toward me. His steps looked effortless, like he was floating on air. “What?” I asked with a sharp tone I hadn’t meant to include in my voice.

  “Where are you going?” he asked. His blue eyes made me shiver as I began to search through them. They looked so familiar.

  “Well, it is none of your business, but I am going to sit in my car. It is too crowded in there,” I said, pointing back to the school.

  “Okay. Well, just be careful,” he said, his voice sounding full of concern.

  Arching my eyebrows, I gave him a curious glance. “What do you mean be careful?” I asked.

  Kicking a pebble beneath his shoe, Liam glanced around like he was expecting someone to be watching. Following his cue, I began looking around the empty parking lot, almost expecting to see someone else.

  “Nothing,” he spoke. “I just think you should be more careful,” he clarified.

  Now I was beginning to grow angry. Of course, someone had told him what I did last year. He must know about my thrill for adrenaline and how much trouble I have found myself in over the years. He wasn’t concerned. No, he was being nosy and just wanted to make fun of me.

  “Just stay away from me,” I yelled at him. “I don’t know what you heard, but I don’t need anyone worrying about me. I am always careful," I added, emphasizing the word carefully. I wasn’t sure I believed what I was saying, but I needed him to.

  “You weren’t careful last year,” he added, before quickly jerking his head toward mine. I could see the remorse from his words seep across his beautiful face.

  Stunned, I was almost too shocked to speak. I stood there for what felt like an eternity watching this beautiful creature in front of me, who didn’t know me, insult me. The dagger he just threw lodged itself deep inside the little bit of heart I had left.

  “What did you just say to me?” I hissed, as I stepped to him and was now inches away from his face. It had been weeks since I had gotten myself into any trouble. Fighting a guy might just bring me a thrill I needed. The dull void inside me was quickly closing, this could bring just another fire and life back inside me that I could feel whole again, at least for the time being.

  Not moving, Liam watched me with a cool look on his face. Unlike others, he was not intimidated or afraid of my wild outburst or explosion. “I am sorry I upset you. I just want you to be more careful,” he said, as he placed a hand on my wrist.

  The instant contact sent my mind into a fury. A warm sensation flowed up my arms and my heart and mind grew calm
. The tranquil feeling was something I had never felt before, but something I now knew I would crave. A wild rush of images flashed through my mind as his face appeared.

  I saw those eyes as I jumped off a cliff into the Kentucky River when I was ten. Refusing to wear a life jacket, I found myself stuck under the water and panicking. I remember seeing blue eyes before quickly resurfacing.

  I saw those eyes when I was thirteen and I decided it would be fun to take half a bottle of my mom’s anti-anxiety pills. The bottle had promised a feeling of calmness and I wanted to be calm. The rush of taking more than the required dosage had prompted me to dump half the pills into my mouth. Those eyes were what I saw as I became violently ill moments after taking the pills and I vomited every one of them into the toilet.

  I saw those eyes again on the night that I stole my father’s car and tried to drag race for a quick thrill. Those eyes were the last thing I saw as I found myself alive outside of a burning car where I should have been trapped inside.

  With eyes still wide, I stepped back, almost falling over. Something about Liam terrified me. I know people think I am crazy, but he was there. He was the one who was always there when I reached the brink of death.

  “You,” I began, as I watched his face grow solemn.

  “I have to go,” he whispered, as he began running toward the parking lot.

  I began to chase after him. I had so many questions for him. I had so many things I wanted to say. I wanted him to tell me I wasn’t crazy. That what I saw all of those times was real and not just my mind playing tricks on me. It was him all of those times. But how could that be true? I was different ages each time I saw those eyes. And he always looked the same.


  “Don’t look now, but Cole is heading this way,” Ronnie said, as she nudged me in the side.

  Glaring at her, I shook my head with fury at my best friend. When she had brought up hooking me up with Cole, I had thought she was kidding. I should have known better, though.

  “Why do I feel like this is a setup?” I asked, as Cole smiled his pearly white teeth at me as he strutted my way.

  “Because it is,” Ronnie giggled, as she waved goodbye and patted Cole on the shoulder as he appeared next to me.

  I was trapped, stuck between the wall to the cafeteria and the front office. There was nowhere for me to run to and both Ronnie and Cole were aware of that.

  “Hey,” Cole said, as he nodded at me. Leaning next to me against the wall, he ran a hand through his perfectly styled blond hair. His blue polo shirt was neatly tucked into his khaki pants and I wanted to gag at his annoying perfection.

  “Hi,” I said, as I tried to look away.

  “So, Ronnie told me you were still single,” he began. I hated the way he said, still single. Like it was strange or an abnormality that a teenage girl wouldn’t want to do date the preppy boys at school..

  “Yep, still single,” I said, trying to force a smile.

  “Would you want to go to the football game with me on Friday night? I could pick you up and then we could stop and get something to eat after the game,” he asked, as he took a step closer into my personal space.

  “Well, I am not sure. I am still on probation so that may be a problem for me to get away,” I said, finally seeing the silver lining of my ankle bracelet.

  Looking down, Cole’s eyes narrowed as he took in the accessory I was wearing. “Maybe I can help you out with that. My dad is the chief of police, I am sure he could call in a favor for you,” Cole said with a cocky smile.

  “I don’t know, Cole. That sounds like a lot of trouble just to go to a game,” I said, hoping he would take the bait and just back off. Unfortunately, he wasn’t that alert or bright.

  “Just leave it up to me, I will make sure you can go to the game and I will have you back home before you could get into any trouble,” he grinned.

  Thinking his proposal over, it was starting to sound better. Maybe I could just escape for a while and not get caught breaking my curfew. Or maybe I would get caught. A wild smile began to dance its way onto my face as I thought about the rush I would feel not knowing if I would make it back home in time or not. Seeing my smile, Cole took it as something more than what it was

  “See, I knew you would love my idea,” he said, as he reached down and took my hand in his. “I will pick you up at seven. See you later,” Cole said.

  “No, I will meet you at the game,” I quickly replied. I wanted to smack myself for agreeing to his plan.

  “That’s cool. I wish you would let me come get you, but I understand. Maybe if you feel comfortable, you can just ride with me to get food afterward,” he suggested.

  I knew he was trying to be kind, but I just wasn’t interested in him. Truthfully, I wasn’t interested in anyone. Not at my old school and not here in Shady Oaks. No one seemed to spark my interest or excite me. I knew people here thought that I was different. And, I guess I was. I had always felt like I was meant for another world and no one else seemed to understand me.

  Smiling, Cole leaned in and placed a small kiss on my cheek before turning and walking away.

  The lingering touch of his kiss had my stomach churning. Placing my hand in the spot where his lips were just touching my skin, I glanced around the halls to see if anyone else had witnessed the awkward moment. To my surprise, everyone was lost in their own worlds as they chatted on their way to class. Well, everyone except for Liam.

  Standing around the corner, Liam was watching me with an intense stare that caused the hairs on the back of my neck to rise. His eyes bore into my soul as he shook his head and mouthed something to himself that I couldn’t make out. Staring back at him, I didn’t understand his strange fascination with me.

  Deciding I had had enough of his strange and frankly stalker ways, I decided to confront him once and for all. Marching through the hall, I crossed over to where he stood, lurking in the shadows like he was trying hard to remain unnoticed.

  Taking my hand, I shoved him back further into the dark hall and away from the rest of the students. “Hey,” he yelled, as I moved his body. “What are you doing?”

  “Me? Don’t act like I am acting crazy here. I have caught you several times staring at me or looking at me like I disgust you. What is your problem with me and why are you always watching me?” I spit out, my anger flowing like lava.

  “I wasn’t watching you,” Liam replied, as he held his head low. He couldn’t even make eye contact with me as guilt washed over his face.

  “Liar!” I seethed.

  “Okay, maybe I was watching you. So what?” he asked, as he shrugged his shoulders and brought his head up just enough for me to see his crystal blue eyes. I almost gasped as I saw the familiar color register in my mind again.

  “Why? Why are you watching me?” I asked, trying to keep my voice low so I didn’t attract any unwanted listeners to our conversation.

  “Maybe I am watching you because you don’t always make the best decisions,” he began. “It seems you need someone watching out for you so you can stay out of trouble,” he finished, as he finally brought his head back up to look at me.

  I opened my mouth to scream at him, but nothing came out. Anger soared through me as I realized he was just another spoiled rich kid who had listened to the rumors and gossip about me. He was nothing more than a pathetic boy thinking he could have a good time with the girl with no fear.

  Whirling around, I moved away from him in a swift movement that almost knocked me off my feet. Reaching out, Liam grabbed my arm and helped me regain my balance. His unwanted kindness only added more fuel to my anger. “Don’t you dare touch me,” I snarled at him. “Just leave me alone,” I yelled, as I threw his arm off of mine and left him standing in the shadows.

  Storming past Ronnie, Teddy, and Cole, I caught their attention. “What is going on?” Teddy asked, as he rushed to follow me.

  “Nothing. I just want to be left alone. Cole, thanks for the invite to go out with you, but I don’t
think it’s going to happen. Find someone else to go with you Friday,” I called back as I left Teddy, Ronnie, and Cole shocked and confused by my outburst.

  I had to get out of the school, I was suffocating from the closeness of the concrete walls and crowds of students smiling all around me. Moving my legs faster, I began to run as I flew open the glass doors and exited the school. I ran until my feet hit the blacktop in the parking lot and I found my car. Unlocking the door, I jumped inside and quickly locked the doors behind me. For fear that someone had followed me, I just wanted to lock out the rest of the world, close my eyes, and pretend I never survived the crash three years ago.


  A sudden tap on my window brought me out of my daze. Shaking my head, I turned to see Sammy staring at me with wide eyes and an evil grin. Rolling down my window, I glared at him.

  “Are you up for a little fun?” Sammy asked, as he caught me sitting in my car like a zombie. Noticing my weird stare, he leaned in my window and waved his hand around my face. “Hello, earth to Nora.”

  “Get your hands out of my face, I heard you,” I snapped.

  Opening my car door, I stood next to Sammy. Motioning for me to follow him, I walked with Sammy to where a group of students was crowded around a car.

  “Seriously, are you ok?” he asked, a sincere concern radiating off each word. “I saw you run out of school half an hour ago.”

  Shaking the fog out of my brain, I mustered a fake smile. “Yes, I’m fine. I just wasn’t feeling well,” I lied. “I’m good now though.”

  Nodding his head, Sammy accepted my lie and moved on to change the topic.


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