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Cecilia Page 5

by M K Moore

  “You don't have to man handle me, it's not like I can run away,” I huff at him. He sneers and leans so close to my face I can feel his hot breath as it washes over my face.

  “I like hurting pretty things. They are the funnest to break,” he says before licking the side of my face. I instantly try to recoil and wipe my face off. Not only can’t he use proper English, he smells like garlic and something much worse. He pulls away from me as he gives off an evil laugh. He grabs my arm again, only this time a little harder. I try not to wince because I have a feeling that he is a sadist who loves to hear his victim scream. I will not give him that satisfaction. He pulls me over to a chair and pushes me roughly down. There is a rope laid out on the floor next to it. He grabs it and starts tying my legs and arms to the chair. As soon as he is done, Gino walks over to us with his phone out.

  “Smile for the camera my dear. We want lover boy to know that you are alive… for now.” He roughly grabs my face as he takes my picture. After the click of it, I try to pull my face free from his grip. A minute later his phone is ringing when he sees the number, he gives me an evil grin and it's the first time I am scared of him. “Ah looks like I was right about you,” he says right before he answers the phone.

  “Where the fuck is she?” I hear G holler through the phone. Gino tsks and moves a few feet away.

  “Uh-uh. Here is how this is going to go. You are going to get me ten million in cash.” My eyes go huge when I hear the amount. How the fuck does Gino expect to get that much money from G? Sure, I could tell he wasn't hurting for money, but I didn't think he had that much. I must make a sound because Gino stops mid-sentence and turns around giving me a wicked grin. “Ah, looks like your net worth shocks little miss whore, over here.” There is a long pause then he chuckles. “You’re not the one in charge here, I am. You’ll meet me in Vegas in the warehouse district in six hours. Call when you get here, and I will tell you which building. Come alone with the cash and I’ll let you go on your measly little way with your little whore and if you even think about calling the cops, I will have her sent to you in pieces. Remember six hours, no cops, and you just may make it out of here Mr. Caswell. The clock is ticking.” He hangs up the phone, chuckling, then he turns back to me.

  “What he doesn't know is that I don't plan on letting him walk out of here alive.” He turns away from me and continues talking. “Jaxon! Call Shorty, Frank, and Larry. Tell them to meet us here in four hours just in case mister noble tries to bring in reinforcements.”

  My blood runs cold and it's the first time I actually feel real fear. Not for myself but for the love of my life. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to him.


  Luka had been combing through CCTV footage and traffic cams for four hours and we were no closer to finding her. Then the smug bastard called me to ransom her. Ten million dollars is nothing to me but seeing as the bank is closed, we needed to come up with another plan. He gave me six hours to get to Vegas. Flying there took no time at all and we got here several hours early. We use the time to find out what buildings Gino owns so we can take him by surprise. A quick stop at the courthouse provides us with two possible buildings owned by obvious shell companies. The first address was completely empty, but we knew we were in the right place when a chauffeured town car was parked in front of the second building. The driver is outside the vehicle, propped up on the hood, smoking a cigarette. If the pile of butts is any indication of how long he’s been there, it’s been a fucking while. CeCe and Gino are nowhere to be found on the outside, so we stealthily enter the building. Pistols drawn; we search the area by the door, but it doesn't have anyone watching it.

  "Rookie mistake not having anyone guard any of the entrances," Luka says, chuckling.

  "We can laugh when we find her," I growl as he moves ahead of me, clearing the room. "His mistake is our good fortune." I know he's helping me out, but I am pissed this happened in the first place. How the fuck did he get that gun past the metal detectors?

  Suddenly, ahead, I hear people talking. Two men. Luka signals for me to stop so I do. I've never shot a person before, just big game while hunting, but I have gotten into plenty of bar fights and I was on the intramural boxing team in college. I was the best boxer at California State University, Northridge three years in a row. Luka holsters his pistol and I do the same. As quietly as possible, I crack my knuckles and my neck. That rush I used to get before fights hits me. Somewhere in this building the other half of my soul is scared shitless, waiting for me to rescue her. Somehow, I can feel how much she needs me and it fucking kills me that I wasn't there for her when she needed me most.

  Luka enters the room first and there is a struggle between him and the giant of a man who is standing near the doorway.

  "What the fuck?" Gino shouts, pulling his gun.

  "Oh, am I early?" I ask as if I don't have a care in the world. Looking around the room, I see CeCe tied to a chair, but her mouth isn't covered. Her eyes are wild and silent tears are streaming down her beautiful face.

  “Where’s my money?” Gino asks, putting his gun to her head.

  “I’ve got your money. Don’t worry,” I lie.

  “Well, well. That changes everything then. Now, tell your man to stop beating mine’s ass,” he says, lowering his gun.

  “Luka,” I say, and he separates from the big guy, not too far though.

  “Now, hand it over,” Gino says.

  “Are you okay, doll face?” I ask, ignoring him.

  She nods instead of answering. I smirk at her.

  Good girl.


  It is not the time to be turned on especially with a gun to my head but watching Gerard walk in here like my own personal knight in a custom suit was hot as fuck.

  “CeCe, do you trust me?” I cock my head to the side at his question but nod my head yes.

  “Doll face, I’m going to need you to close your eyes,” G commands.

  “What? You don’t want your little whore to see her lover get killed?” Gino asks, chuckling. G doesn’t answer him, he just looks at me pointedly, so I quickly do as he asks.

  “Now, you have three seconds to move away from my girl and drop the gun before I kill you,” Gerard says in a deadly tone. “One.”

  “You still think you're in charge, bitch I am the one who is calling the shots here,” Gino says, cackling.

  “Two.” The gun moves away from my head and I hear it cock back. My blood runs ice cold. Before G can say three, there are three loud bangs that make my ears ring. I can’t help but scream. I vaguely hear G holler "fuck." I squeeze my eyes tighter; tears start streaming down my face again.

  Please, please don’t let him be dead.

  I am too scared to open my eyes for fear of seeing G’s lifeless body. My ears are still ringing.

  "Sorry boss, he had pulled out another gun and I had to take him out before he took you out. After all that's what you pay me the big bucks for." I hear over the ringing. I don't know where the voice is coming from, but I have a feeling it's from the guy G came in here with.

  "It's okay, Luka, thanks for having my back," G says at the same time I feel big hands grab my face softly. “Open your eyes, doll face but don’t take them off me. I don’t want you to have to see this.” I nod my head before opening them and when my eyes land on his concerned hazel ones, a sob of relief escapes me. He's okay, we are okay. “Don’t worry, CeCe. He’s gone for good,” he says as he starts to work on my bindings

  Once my arms and legs are unbound, I fling myself at Gerard. He catches me easily and pulls me close.

  “I am never letting you out of my sight again,” he growls against the top of my head. He is still shaking from the adrenaline and rage going through his body.

  “I don't think I ever want to leave your side again,” I whisper back.

  “Look at me doll face,” he demands. I pull back so I can see his face. “Are you really okay?”

  “Yes, I knew you’d come for

  “Fuck, I don’t know what I would do without you,” he says, shaking his head. “The last few hours have been fucking hell. I didn’t know what he was doing to you or if you were hurt. I can’t imagine living in a world without you in it. I need you in my life always. Marry me. Cecilia. I don't want to walk this Earth without you by my side. You’re my forever, doll face,” he says, eyes glistening with unshed tears. I, on the other hand, burst into tears. I grab his face in both of my hands and kiss him, telling him yes in between each kiss.

  “I love you so much G, you are my everything.” The guy that came in gun’s a blazing with G, clears his throat. It's only then I remember that we aren't alone. I blush scarlet and let off a nervous giggle. Gerard’s hands tighten around me.

  “Yes, Luka,” he says.

  “Hey boss, I got everything taken care of here, why don’t you take the Mrs. home?” Hell, I love the sound of that.

  “Take me home, G.” I bury my face against his neck to hide my blush.

  I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I know as long as he is by my side everything will be okay.



  One Month Later

  I just finished putting the final touches on our three-month long honeymoon last night. I want everything to be perfect for my wife and by God it will be. Our Malibu beach house is where she decided she wanted to get married. The house is right off of the Pacific Coast Highway with celebrities for neighbors. She fell in love with the ocean and who am I to keep her away from it? She feels more at home here than she did at the apartment downtown or the lake house in Vegas. With our feet in the Pacific, we’ll say our I do’s.

  “You ready, Gerard?” Gray asks, handing me my boutonniere.

  “Beyond ready,” I answer. My wedding “tux” is pretty casual, similar to something I’d wear to an Easter Sunday service at church. Barefoot, I make my way down the aisle, shaking hands and accepting congratulations along the way. Of course, Gray is standing up with me as my best man. Our parents are here, and they love the girls. They said they are the daughters they never had. I am pretty sure CeCe is still a little shell shocked after meeting mom though. It only got worse when Mom insisted that CeCe call her that. The other wedding guests are mostly celebrities and industry people. People we invited to fill the seats. My parents also invited people that they felt they had to. There was no one for CeCe to invite because we found out her mother was in fact dead soon after the police arrived at the warehouse. We went to the morgue and identified the body. Not surprisingly, she wasn’t sad about that fact. Not that I blame her, her mother was a real piece of work. We took the opportunity to get a few things from the tiny apartment she shared with her mother. Her Kindle, a few well-worn paperbacks, and a photograph of her grandmother, who passed away last year was all she wanted. In our search of the apartment, she found cash. Lots of cash. When it was all said and done it was about forty thousand dollars to be exact. I was pissed. She could have paid that to Gino for her debts and been done with all that, but she selfishly kept it instead. CeCe insisted it go to charity. I had everything else in the shithole apartment boxed up and burned so she’d never have to deal with it again.

  Now, she wanted a big wedding but had no one to invite, that’s where Gray and I came in. We turned the wedding into the social event of the season. She and Charlotte have become quite close in the last month, so she is her maid of honor.

  The Bridal March by Richard Wagner is played by a string quartet as first Charlotte comes down the aisle then suddenly CeCe is walking towards me. My beautiful CeCe. My heart actually stutters as I gaze at her. Her sleeveless long white dress is flowing to the sand where her cute little feet are peeking out with every step she takes. Finally, she reaches me, and I can’t help pulling her to me. Her dress is backless, and her hair is pulled up. It’s frustrating because I can’t run my fingers through the softness like I normally do, but she looks amazing. I can’t wait to peel my wife out of this dress and fuck her until the sun comes up. The pastor from a local church is our officiant. He kind of reminds me of Colonel Sanders.

  “We are gathered here today to witness the joining of Gerard Kyle Caswell and Cecilia Jo Preston. The bride has chosen a verse from First Corinthians Chapter Thirteen verses four through eight. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. Do you Gerard take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health until death parts you?” Pastor Wright asks.

  “Hell yeah, I definitely do,” I say, garnering a laugh from those watching and a giggle from CeCe.

  “Cecilia, do you take Gerard to be your lawfully wedded

  husband, in sickness and in health until death parts you?”

  “I do,” she says, and I let out the breath I didn’t realize I’ve been holding.

  “By the power vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” Without a second's hesitation, I kiss her with everything in me. “Ladies and gentlemen, I present for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Caswell.” The elation that I feel upon hearing that is more than I can say. I take her hand and we walk down the aisle. Our reception is inside the house, but we do a quick photo shoot in the water and then party the night away.

  “Mrs. Caswell, it’s time to go,” I tell her.

  “Where are we going? I thought we were staying here tonight?” she asks, looking confused.

  “Change of plans,” I say, leading her out to the waiting car.

  “I should put shoes on. My feet are probably filthy,” she says.

  “You don’t need them. You can shower on the plane.”

  “The plane?” she asks excitedly.

  “Yes,” I say chuckling.

  “I have several surprises in store for you, wife.”

  We reach the plane and the flight attendant grabs the bags for me. We run up the stairs and we buckle in until we take off.

  “I love you, G. Thank you for doing all this for me today.”

  “I love you too, CeCe. So fucking much. I’d do anything for you.”

  Suddenly, she grabs my hand and holds it close to her chest. She kisses each one of my knuckles.

  “I have a present for you. I was going to tell you over breakfast,” she says reaching over to the seat across from us. She roots around in her purse that was placed there. She pulls out a picture and shows it to me. I stare at it. For the life of me, words are not forming at what this is. The gift she’s showing me is actually a fucking blessing. A miracle. While logically, I knew it could happen based on the sheer amount of sex we’ve had in the last month, seeing proof of my child in her belly is amazing. “I’m pregnant. We’re pregnant.” Before I get a chance to say anything, the speakers crackle and the captain speaks.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Caswell. Congratulations from the flight crew. Our flight to London will be arriving at nine am local time. We are expecting clear skies and smooth flying. Jessica and Harry will be your attendants for this leg of the journey. This is Captain Decker and Captain Milo signing off.”

  “London?” she asks at the same time I ask, “Pregnant?”

  “Yes,” we answer each other at the same time. She giggles and begins first.

  “A baby. We’re having a baby.”

  “Fuck, Cecilia. This is the most amazing news I’ve ever been given,” I tell her honestly.

  “But you’ve won an Oscar,” she says.

  “Please, the two things don’t compare. I am going to be a father,” I tell her honestly.

  “Oh, good. I worried that you would think it’s too soon or something.”

  “Not a chance,” I tell her, looking at the sonogram picture again.

  “So about London?”r />
  “I am taking you on a grand museum tour as well as a private collection tour of some friends of mine. Three months of art in London, Paris, and Rome.”

  “What?” she asks excitedly.

  “I’ve worked it all out. Down to the last day,” I say pulling the schedule out and showing

  it to her.

  “Holy shit, G. You know the Duke of Galloway? This is going to be just like Pride and Prejudice,” she says practically squirming in her seat. She pretty much watches that movie every night before bed and I’ll admit that’s where I got the idea from.

  “We went to college together. He has some Rembrandt’s that I think you’ll like.”

  “Holy shit,” she says again. It seems to be all she can say. I chuckle. As soon as we can

  get up, I make good on my internal promise to peel her out of that dress and fuck her until sun comes up.

  Sometimes, all it takes is a single look at someone and they are ingrained in your soul

  forever. I’ll never forget her sitting in that chair and reading a book as long as I live. One single look and I was hooked. She’s my everything and I’ll go to the ends of the Earth a million times if I have to in order to keep her.

  I’ll thank God every day that I had to go to that set. It truly was a miracle that I was there at all and now that she’s mine, I’ll never let her go.


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