Too Bad... It's Complicated

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Too Bad... It's Complicated Page 6

by Vikes, Emma

  Her eyebrows shot up in surprise at my suggestion. “Is this you asking me out on a date?”

  I shrugged and I could feel my face growing hot. I’d never really asked out a girl before directly. Most of them threw themselves at me. There was the case with Kath but it had never got to the point that I planned a romantic date with her. “Maybe. But I really do want to give you a house tour. We’ve been here for three days and all we’ve done is have sex, eat and sleep and then repeat.”

  She laughed at that and then slid off the counter just as I flipped the pancake and placed it on a plate. I poured another load of batter into the pan as she wrapped her arms around my waist just like she had after the call I’d had with my mother. “How long do we have?”

  My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  Britney sighed and then pulled away from me. I immediately missed the warmth that she radiated. “You have a point when you said that all we’ve done is have sex. It’s not exactly healthy and if we want whatever we have to work, if this is gonna be a serious commitment, then we really need to put more effort into this. But we’re gonna need more time to make this work, Patrick, and you told me that you were only going to ask for a week off work.”

  “Actually, about that…” I didn’t tell her that I’d brought work with me. My job didn’t necessarily require me to be present in the office at all times and traveling to other countries was a part of the job description, which meant that work was versatile and I could perform it whenever or wherever. I never really mentioned it to Britney, thinking that she had an idea of it since we were both in the same field. “I’m going to explain everything to you over breakfast. I’ll just finish this, okay?”

  Britney rolled her eyes but nodded. “I should take a bath then. I’m scheduled to meet with the dean at Harvard anyway.”

  “For what?”

  She shrugged. “No clue. I just saw the email last night. It’s a good thing we’re already here. Saves me money for travel.”

  I glanced at her and chuckled. “You do know that you have a private jet you could use at your disposal whenever you want to.”

  “Which makes me wonder why we took a domestic flight to come here,” Britney commented and then stripped herself of the shirt she was wearing and tossed it to where I was. I couldn’t stop myself from admiring her naked body as she headed to the bathroom, swaying her hips purposely to entice me.

  “That’s not gonna work!” I called out. I heard her laugh before the bathroom door closed and I finished my own task. I whistled as I made our breakfast, loving the normalcy of my current situation even if in the back of my mind I knew it was anything but. There was nothing normal with having a secret relationship with your step-sister or having your mother know about it and have her think you’re in with her on her plan to have the company of her husband become yours.

  I finished making our breakfast and placed her food on a plate on the counter. Neither of us were fans of eating at a table, something that I’d learned about her when we used to live together. I was browsing on my phone as I waited for Britney to finish getting ready when Alex gave me a call.

  “Hey Patrick, how are you and Brit doing there?” Alex asked me. In the background, I could hear Lauren speaking and saying that Britney wasn’t texting her or giving her a call.

  “Put me on speaker,” I told Alex. I sat down on the counter stool and I heard Lauren say hello. “Sorry, we haven’t called in the past three days. We’ve been busy settling down.”

  That was technically a lie. All Britney and I had done was have sex, eat, sleep and then repeat the entire process. “Suuuuure. Let’s pretend that you two were busy doing that when we all know that’s not the case.”

  I could not help but chuckle. Britney came out of the bathroom, only clad in a towel. Her eyes were glinting with mischief and I narrowed my eyes at her, knowing full well what she was trying to do. But she noticed that I was on the phone. “Britney’s here.”

  I put the call on speaker just as Lauren spoke in a loud voice. “Britney! Why the heck haven’t you called? I’ve been worried about you! I thought Patrick might’ve murdered you!”

  “That’s not funny, Lauren.” I commented just as Britney said, “He’s been surprisingly on his best behavior. Oh, and call me on my phone. Let’s leave the boys to their own boring conversation.”

  Britney kissed my cheek before saying, “We’ll have breakfast right after I finish talking to Lauren. And I think we’re going to have to take a raincheck on that date, love. I just got word from the dean’s office that I might be needed there for the entire day. For what, I still have no clue.”

  I nodded in understanding. “It’s okay. Oh, and just for your information, I brought work with me so I’ll either be here the entire day or at a café answering business emails and whatever.”

  She smiled and blew me a kiss before she retreated to our bedroom to talk to Lauren. I turned off the speaker and said to Alex, “How have things been there in New York?”

  “Same old. Nothing interesting, really. Kath came by the other day though; she’s been looking for you.”

  “Oh shoot. I forgot that she was back at New York,” I commented, absently buttering a pancake.

  Alex chuckled. “Seems to me like you’re a little too preoccupied with a certain blonde at the moment. I’m still in shock that you actually went through with this, dude. I mean, I know how long you’ve wanted and liked Britney, but pushing through with a relationship or whatever you guys want to call whatever you have seems so unlike you.”

  I’d never wanted to tell my best friend anything more than I did at that moment, but I knew that if I told Alex about my situation, one way or another, Lauren was bound to find out which meant that Britney would too. “Didn’t someone say that we only regret the chances we never take?”

  “I just hope that this doesn’t get between you and Christopher when he finds out about the two of you. And I can’t even imagine how Lara is going to react.”

  Oh, she’s thrilled about the whole thing.

  “Yeah, mom’s probably gonna flip.” If this doesn’t end the way she wants it to.

  “I heard she rain-checked you on that date, Pat. Damn, Patrick Cunningham actually asked a girl on a date.” I knew that Alex was teasing but he knew how asking girls out wasn’t something I normally did. “Want some tips?”

  “I never imagined that the day I would get tips from Alex Jordan would be about how to date a girl.”

  “I never imagined that you would have the balls to actually try to have a relationship with Britney Baldwin.”

  “Touché,” I responded good-naturedly and listened as Alex gave me tips on how to make sure our first date would be a memorable one. It was amusing because I was grown man without any idea of how to be romantic.

  Just as Alex was about to hang up on me, he said, “I’m happy that you two are giving each other a chance, Patrick. I’ve always thought that you two were meant to be together and it always bothered me how your parents ruined that for the two of you. Don’t ruin something that can potentially be the source of your happiness in the long run, man. Because falling in love was a choice that I never regretted, not even for a second.”

  Alex hung up on me without waiting for me to say anything more and I stared blankly at my phone for a while until Britney came back out, already dressed and ready. “Is something wrong, love?”

  I shook my head and tried to flash her a smile. “Nothing, really. I’m just really happy that we’re testing the waters.”

  Britney looked at me with a soft expression on her face. I wondered if she’d discussed me with Lauren like girls usually did. She sat down on the stool across from me and touched my face gently. “Me too, Patrick.” She licked her bottom lip slowly and then I watched as she pulled her bottom lip inside her mouth and grazed her teeth against it. “We only regret the chances we don’t take.”

  Chapter 8


  I was in the shower w
hile Patrick made breakfast for the two of us again. Yesterday, I spent most of the day at Harvard. The dean was a good friend of dad’s and he wanted to have lunch. He’d heard that I’d come to Cambridge early and wanted to meet with me. I would’ve brought Patrick along when I found out but knew that it would probably have caused trouble and the last thing I wanted was for this trial run with Patrick to be cut short.

  We never really defined what we have and it was one of the things I’d discussed with Lauren yesterday when she called. Its kind of bothered me that there was no label on whatever I had with Patrick. We were unofficially together but it seemed like we were official. It was all too confusing and Lauren had suggested that I discuss it with Patrick. It couldn’t be all sex for the two of us. So obviously, I was going to bring up the topic on our ‘date’.

  I couldn’t believe I was going to have a date with Patrick Cunningham later today. When I’d returned from Harvard yesterday, he was busy with work. We ended up ordering takeout for dinner which wasn’t surprising because that’s what we’d been doing for the past few days since we got there. I didn’t mind. I liked the simplicity that this situation brought us, like neither of us was born with a silver spoon in our mouth and were normal people.


  I jumped back in surprise and saw Patrick standing by the doorway, his eyes clouded with lust as he stared at me naked in the shower. I rolled my eyes and smirked, placing my hand on my hip and hoping I looked desirable enough. “Well, I was wondering when you’d be able to join me.”

  He had his clothes on and he immediately began to remove them one by one. He almost ripped off his shirt and dived into the shower with me, which was almost too comical. His mouth was on mine in a fraction of second and I moaned underneath him, relishing the fact that his dick was poking my stomach, and it turned me on even more.

  “The number of times I’ve imagined fucking you in the shower,” Patrick murmured, kissing my mouth and then down to the lower parts of my body. He licked my navel slowly, looking up to me with bright green eyes. “You have no effing idea, Britney.”

  I gasped when I felt his tongue on my pussy, his mouth sucked on my clit. “Hmm…yes, shit, yes it feels so damn good, Patrick.”

  He looked up at me again as he tongue-fucked me and I was moaning like crazy, the shower drenching the both of us while my juice drenched his face as I came. He didn’t stop though, he continued to eat my pussy like crazy and I was quivering above him, my hand grabbing a fistful of his hair as I came a second time.

  Before he could continue lapping me up, I grabbed his face and roughly pulled him up, crashing my lips against his, tasting myself on his mouth. He wasn’t the only one who had the power to do that. I knelt in front of him, taking his dick and sucking it until I could feel it at the back of my throat. I’d never deep-throated him before and I heard him gasp at what I was doing.

  I sucked him until I could feel him tensing and then I pulled away and just pumped him. By the time that he came, I squirted his cum all over me, lathering it on myself while looking at him and smiling seductively. “Fucking hell that was so hot.”

  I gasped when he suddenly grabbed me and pinned me against the wall, raising my left leg and placing it on his shoulder as he rammed his already hard cock inside of me again without warning. It felt like he was drilling himself into me with each thrust, each thrust powerful and rough and fast and, although we’ve always done it rough, we’d never been that savage to each other. I could almost feel him tearing through whatever tissue I had in there, could almost feel myself bleeding with how hard he was pushing himself inside of me.

  And then we came, simultaneously.

  He rested his head on the crook of my neck while his hand pushed my leg off of his shoulder and I was panting, clinging on to him for support because my legs were fucking wobbly because of how intense we’d just screwed each other. “That was a pretty good way to start the day.”

  I laughed and then sank down on the wet tiled floor. Patrick sat next to me, his dick starting to grow hard again and I eyed the starting erection. “Don’t you ever just relax?”

  Patrick chuckled and then shrugged. “It’s kind of hard to when you’re around.”

  “How the fuck have you endured the past years?”

  He shrugged. “Lots of masturbation.”

  I couldn’t stop laughing at his answer and then I placed a hand on his neck, pulling him closer to my face. “Then I guess I have a lot of making up to do.”

  “But breakfast…”

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you really want breakfast right now?”

  It didn’t take long until I was moaning and screaming like crazy again.

  * * *

  It was later in the afternoon that Patrick and I finally got ready for our first date. It felt kind of weird to get ready for a date with someone I already liked beforehand. The guys I went on dates with when I was in high school were Upper East Siders which meant that they were in the same society as me. Patrick was too, of course, but it felt different with him because I knew him at a different level to the guys I’d been on first dates with.

  Plus, I knew he wasn’t the biggest fan of spending money. I knew this because I was aware of how much he spent on a yearly basis. I’d lived with Lara for four years and the number of times she always gushed at dad about how responsible Patrick was with his money was way too much.

  “So, are you ever gonna tell me what we’re gonna do?” I asked the moment I heard the bedroom door open. Patrick had been getting ready in the living room and was kind enough to give me the bedroom and the bathroom to use. He was always so thoughtful in that way.

  He didn’t respond to my question and just blatantly stared at me. There had been moments that I had caught him staring at me and every time I had successfully gotten his attention, he would say something rude about my outfit or my face. I wondered if he was going to do the same thing now. I walked over to where he stood and tapped his shoulder.


  He blinked twice before he finally looked me in the eyes. I waited for the rude comment but all I got was a lazy smile and a kiss on my forehead. “You look beautiful.”

  That wasn’t the first time that had Patrick complimented me. We never had the cat and dog kind of relationship. We only ever argued when I began dating Morgan so compliments coming from him weren’t exactly new to me. But at this moment, I felt the sincerity in his tone and I could see it in his eyes and if I could have melted into a puddle, I definitely would have by now.

  “If you have a lot more compliments up your sleeve, I suggest that you don’t say them anymore because we probably would never leave this apartment.”

  Patrick laughed and then grabbed my hand. “Then to answer your question, I want our date to be a surprise. I want it to be special.”

  He was almost shy when he said it and it was so adorable! I didn’t say anything more and we headed out of the apartment. Patrick had rented a car to use here indefinitely and, during the entire car ride, we were just casually talking about our childhoods before we’d met. “So why did you end up going to that boarding school before my mom married your dad?”

  I leaned against the door of the top-down car he’d got, letting the wind blow my hair and relishing the freedom that it brought. “I wasn’t at boarding school the first year I left. I had…issues that I had to deal with after mom’s death.”

  My mother died when I was just 11 years old. She discovered she had cancer when I was eight. Dad did everything he could to keep her alive. Every option that was available for my mother, my dad didn’t hesitate on spending money on even if it meant sucking his bank account dry. I could still remember the hospital visits, the fragile state of my mother during her remaining days, her sunken face, the way she trembled under my touch.

  It was so painful to see someone you once drew strength from look so weak.

  “Dad was grieving. So was I. But I…I looked so much like my mother that he couldn’t bear to
look at me for a while. He sent me to live with my grandmother. I was eleven at the time, Patrick, heartbroken over my mother’s death and pissed at my father for sending me away.” I’d never really recounted this to anyone. I never really wanted people to know that there was this broken side of me that I’d tried to keep hidden. No one knew the truth of why I went to boarding school. They thought I went there because New York reminded me so much of my mother that I couldn’t bear it.

  They didn’t know that I’d been sent away because I reminded Christopher Baldwin of the wife he’d lost and he couldn’t handle the reminder.

  “I went into a private school at New Jersey for a while because that’s where Nana lived but I was acting out. I was flunking all of my classes, I talked back to teachers, I bullied people. I didn’t know what I was supposed to be doing except that I needed my father’s attention because I needed him to comfort me and tell me that we could make a life without mom, but he just did the exact opposite.”

  My father and I’d never discussed this. It was like the years that he’d sent me away were something we had swept under the rug. “Wait, Chris actually did that? I thought you were sent to boarding school because…”

  “Because I needed fresher air to breathe and not the polluted air that my mother took her last breath of?” I smiled wryly at Patrick and then sighed. “That’s what dad told everyone because then he didn’t need to explain to everyone else or do damage control because it would’ve been a hot issue. He wins father of the year every time but no one even knows how he’d just abandoned his own kid for a while.”

  Patrick turned the car to the right and, after a while, put it into stop. I looked at where we were. “This is the beach park.”

  I’d been to Cambridge and the beach park was something I’d always been to. Patrick didn’t say anything; instead, he got out of the car and then opened my door for me. “They say that being chivalrous earns you extra points.”


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