by Robin Reul
And Joy and Mark for the long-distance cheerleading and love.
To my beautiful mother, Sunny: I’m so grateful for your unwavering love and support and belief in me and my writing. I love you so much, and I am so proud of who you have become in the wake of such deep loss. You have inspired me these past few years beyond measure with your strength and resilience. You’ve taught me that it is what it is and that sometimes you just have to let it be, and sometimes you gotta change the app.
And last, but definitely not least, to my father, Jack. I love you and miss you every single day beyond comprehension. How I wish you could have been here to see this, but I felt you with me every moment, every word. Turns out you got a kid named after you after all.
About the Author
Robin Reul is the author of My Kind of Crazy and Where the Road Leads Us. She has been writing stories since she was old enough to hold a pen. Born and raised in Los Angeles, she grew up on movie sets and worked for many years in the entertainment industry but ultimately decided to focus her attention on writing young adult novels. When’s she’s not busy making stuff up, she can be found in the wilds of LA suburbia drinking copious amounts of iced coffee, making her way through her TBR pile, and spending time with family and friends. Visit her website at and find her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
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