The Life of a Prostitute

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The Life of a Prostitute Page 44

by Doris Joe

  Susan was flushed and a little out of breath. “I have no complaints if you don’t.” We talked a little longer until I yawned, causing the girls to yawn too. It was nearly midnight. Melissa stood and stretched, her body lovely in the candlelight. “I need to get home. Some people kept me up really late last night.”

  Susan looked uncertain. I didn’t want her to leave, and a glance at Melissa told me she didn’t either.

  “Susan, can you stay with us tonight?” I said. “Just to sleep, I mean.”

  Susan nodded, so Melissa and I led her to the bedroom.

  We put Susan in the middle of the bed this time and both of us cuddled against her sides. Susan pulled my hand to her boob, so I lightly squeezed and caressed it. Susan kissed me and said, “Hold me?” I nodded, and she rolled to her side to face Melissa. I spooned behind her and embraced her from behind, a hand on each breast. She looked back to caress my face then turned to Melissa. The two of them talked in low whispers. I couldn’t make out what they were saying and was too tired to care. Soon I was dead asleep.

  ~~~~ When I awoke it was dark and I was facing Melissa with Susan was snoring softly behind me. Melissa looked so lovely as she slept. I had to have her again. I ran my hand over her body and nuzzled her neck. Slowly she started to respond.

  We made love, gentle and slow, embracing each other, kissing, neither of us needing to rush. It was different this time. There was just enough light for me to see her and we gazed into each other’s eyes. Despite what Susan and I had done, Melissa still wanted me and forgave us. It occurred to me that it wasn’t because she was some doormat who accepted anything, but because she had gained strength from her own struggles with lust and inhibition.

  She whispered, “If Susan has a baby, it’ll need a friend.”

  That got my attention. “What do you mean?”

  “If she’s pregnant, will you knock me up too?”

  “That’s not funny, Melissa.” She locked her legs around me as I eased in and out of her slowly.

  “I’m not joking. I want to do this with you for real. No protection. As often as we can until I’m uh… carrying... uh... your child... uh... hey, be gentle. Make this... uh... last.”

  I couldn’t help but push into her forcefully as she said those things. I tried to calm down.

  I whispered, “Where did this come from, Melissa? Why would you want that?”

  She kissed me. “Because I love you, silly. And you haven’t said it, but I’m pretty sure you love me too.

  Morning. My arm looked massive curled around Beth’s tiny frame as we cuddled in her bed.

  She wriggled. “Mmmm... I like you holding me.”

  “Any regrets?” I said.

  “Oh, I’m a little embarrassed, maybe. I never just jump into bed with someone. I wanted you to come in and talk, but never planned on this.”

  “Neither did I, Beth. Things just happened.”

  “Yeah.” She took a breath and let it out slowly. “It was wonderful.”

  “Bullshit. I hurt you. I hate that.”

  She kissed my cheek. “So you take a little getting used to. It was just our first time. We’ll get better.”

  I said, “Just our first time?”

  Beth’s huge blue eyes searched mine. “You... you want to keep seeing me, don’t you? You didn’t just fuck me out of pity... or to see what it was like being with someone small, did you?”

  “No! Of course I want to keep seeing you. I thought maybe you only slept with me to find out what it was like to be with someone big.”


  The relief sweeping across her expressive face was immediately replaced by joy then desire. I’d never met anyone so open and easy to read as Beth. My heart swelled, and I rolled to pull her to me and kiss her. We caressed and soon I needed to take her again. She must have felt the same since she started stroking me, getting me hard.

  There was tapping at the bedroom door. Beth scrambled to cover us when her door cracked open. Her roommate Amanda peeked in.

  “Are you indecent?” She pushed the door aside and strode in, arms full of our clothes.

  Beth pulled the sheet higher. “Amanda! Get the hell out of here!”

  “You’ll want these,” said Amanda, setting everything on a chair. “Next time you rip each other’s clothes off, don’t fling them all over the living room, okay?”

  Beth hid her face against my side. “Oh, right. Thanks, roomie.”

  Amanda stood there, looking at us with a wry grin. She wore a silky kimono-style robe that only reached mid-thigh. She was such a contrast to Beth; average height with brown eyes and good curves to her figure. Her dirty blonde hair pinned up in a messy pile bared her elegant neck. Her naturally arching eyebrows gave her a knowing, mischievous look.

  “Hi Jonas,” she said.

  “Er, hi Amanda,” I waved.

  “You two look so comfy. Any room for me?”

  Beth said, “Okay, thanks for our clothes. Now GoodBYE, Amanda.” Amanda feigned a pouty disappointment then sauntered out.

  “Sorry,” said Beth. “She’s nosy sometimes. I hoped we could sneak out before she woke up.”

  I cleared my throat. “Last night... what, did you mean she’d want to join us?”

  Beth hesitated, then said, “Do you... do you remember meeting her at a party?”

  I had fuzzy memories of Amanda at a house party months before. My team had won a big rugby match and they insisted on doing shooters all afternoon. We were well lubed by the time of the party.

  “Sure,” I said. “We talked in the kitchen. I was a little drunk, though. Hope I didn’t embarrass myself in front of your roommate.”

  “Not at all,” said Beth. “Amanda said you were really sweet.”

  ~~~~ We wanted to cuddle longer, but rugby practice was at nine. Beth was so sore from our night together I had to help her walk to the bathroom. We showered together, kissing and running soapy hands over each other.

  Beth engrossed herself feeling my broad chest and then my dick. She exclaimed at the bruises and scrapes all over me.

  “These are from rugby? You call that fun?”

  “You should see the other guys,” I smirked. Her tight body was a wonder, as was her nearly flat chest that was so sensitive. I got behind her, massaging her shallow boobs and nipples while planting little kisses across her neck and shoulders. Beth began breathing rapidly and reached behind to stroke my dick as I massaged and toyed with her.

  It seemed like only a few minutes passed before Beth arched her back and pressed against me. She held my hands still on her chest as she gave short little gasps and went stiff. She had come just from having her chest played with. Beth turned in my arms and we kissed while she recovered. Then with an impish look, she sank to her knees to engulf the head of my dick.

  What a sight: Beth looking up with her angelic eyes, working to fit my dick in her mouth. I was too large for her to get much more than the head in, but she bobbed and tongued the underside while fondling my balls. Her eager, playful look and the sensations would have made me come quickly if she hadn’t drained me so completely the night before.

  Beth worked away until I saw she was tiring. I was about to pull her up when she reached behind me to tease a soapy finger around my asshole. Then with no warning, she sank her slim finger deep inside and did something indescribable that triggered a jolting, abrupt orgasm. Beth’s throat worked to swallow the sudden blast of cum as my knees weakened.

  “Mmm,” Beth said when she got to her feet, grinning with satisfaction.

  I could barely think. “That was incredible. What WAS that?”

  “Oh, just a little trick I know.” She smiled sweetly, batting her eyes.

  “Let me return the favor. I loved licking you last night.” “And I loved you doing it. But I’m too achy for more right now. Can you come back tonight? We’d be alone. It’s Saturday... Amanda will be out at the dance clubs again.” She cast me a sheepish look. “But, uh, I’m kinda sore. I might only
be able to cuddle. I understand if you don’t want to.”

  I crushed her to me. “Beth, I’d wash dishes and do your laundry if it meant being with you.”


  We had planned have breakfast out, but by the time we dressed, Amanda had a pile of food waiting.

  “I don’t know what guys like you eat, so I made a bit of everything.”

  Beth was not pleased that Amanda was intruding again, but we sat, ate and talked. They said they had been roommates since college. Sharing an apartment was the only way they could afford a place so close to downtown. While we ate, Amanda flirted openly—leaning close and touching my arm, playing with her hair or casting seductive looks. Her short robe flashed her inner thigh when she leaned back and opened to reveal the side of a boob each time she leaned forward. It made me uncomfortable, and I caught Beth aiming harsh looks at her roommate.

  Beth told Amanda about the idiot she punched at the pub the night before, and the guys who later tried to pick a fight with me on the street.

  “I don’t get it,” said Amanda, “Jonas could have smashed those guys. Why run away?”

  I explained my technique of confusing obnoxious drunks, and why I avoided fights.

  “What a shame,” Amanda said, sitting back and stretching. The top of her robe spread wide, threatening to pop her boobs into the open. “I’d love to see you lay a beating on someone.”

  “Seriously?” I said.

  “It’s hot seeing guys do manly things.”

  “Getting into ego-flapping brawls is the opposite of manly,” I said. “Come watch a rugby match. We get to be ‘manly’ without going to jail.”

  Amanda took a bite of toast then said, “So... are you staying over again tonight, Jonas?”

  Beth scowled. “Way to put him on the spot, Amanda. And yes, you’re going out so we’re planning to stay in.” She smiled. “There’s a movie I want to watch.”

  Amanda rolled her eyes. “Yeah, sure. Just pick up your clothes this time. Not that I minded seeing Jonas naked.”

  “Oh, right,” I said, remembering the night before. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t know you’d come home.”

  Amanda grinned. “Oh, I didn’t mind. It was nice seeing your dick again.”

  Beth shushed her roommate then looked at me with embarrassment. “Wait. What?” I said. Amanda leaned back in her seat. “... though I’m miffed I’m so forgettable. You were pretty pickled at that party, though.”

  “No, I remember you,” I said. “We talked, but that’s all. I was a little drunk.” Amanda scoffed. “You were trashed, Jonas. But hilarious and charming. And drooling all over me... but in a good way. That’s why I let you drag me to one of the bedrooms.” She paused. “But you passed out just when I got your dick in my mouth.”

  “What?” I said. “No! That’s terrible. I... I never... I mean... did you know about this, Beth?”

  Amanda nudged her friend. “He’s blushing.” Beth said, “Back then, Amanda only said she hooked up with some football player who fell asleep. We laughed. I didn’t know it was you. Not until she pointed you out at the pub that night I ran right into you. We weren’t going to mention it yet.” She glared at Amanda. “Right?”

  “That’s not like me at all,” I said. “I guess I really was drunk.” I suppressed a smile. “I’m sorry for falling asleep on you, Amanda. Don’t feel bad... I’m sure it was the booze, not the blowjob.”

  Beth nearly spat out her food. Amanda backhanded my arm. “You ass!”

  We laughed. When Amanda got up to take my plate to the kitchen, she leaned close and whispered, “You can make it up to me later.”

  ~~~~ At rugby practice I was useless, distracted by thoughts of Beth and our night together. Then there was flirty Amanda. I remembered her being funny and sexy at that party and surprised because she was exactly the type who would never go for an ugly brute like me.

  Brief flashes from that night came to me. Amanda laughing when she closed the bedroom door. Her breasts as she lolled naked on the bed beckoning me. The excitement when she took me in her mouth.

  And Beth knew what happened and still slept with me? My lack of focus pissed off my teammates. “Jonas, get your mind off pussy and concentrate on the drills. We’ve got a competition next week.”


  A match followed practice and I finally got my head into the game. When it was over I was surprised to see Beth and Amanda in the stands, leaning over the rails, hooting and waving.

  When I walked over, Amanda said, “Those tackles were brutal, Jonas. You’re a beast.” She wet her lips and looked me up and down like she was about to leap over the rail and rip my clothes off.

  Mopping away sweat and grime, I said, “We’re not trying to kill each other, despite what it looks like sometimes. There’s a saying: rugby is a beastly game played by gentlemen.”

  “Well, beastly gentleman,” smiled Beth, “Get yourself cleaned up. Amanda has errands to do, and I’m taking you to lunch. My treat.”

  ~~~~ A small bistro was a few blocks away. Inside, Beth and I talked and joked. Having only met for real the night before, I expected awkwardness, embarrassment, even late regret. Instead, we were as comfortable as old friends. It helped that Beth was mesmerizing to watch—her face, hands and huge eyes telegraphing every emotion. How could she go through life being such an open book?

  We were just finishing our meals when Beth flashed a serious look. “So, Amanda was flirting pretty hard this morning, huh?”

  I feigned surprise. “Oh? I wasn’t sure. She was really subtle.” “Oh, yeah,” Beth snorted, “subtle as a brick to the face. I told her to tone it down. She’s a little ticked you got together with me instead of her last night. She planned to take you back home from the pub. To finish what you two started.”

  “Huh? She barely even said hello.”

  “Well, she saw how well we were getting along. She’s a good friend. She knows it’s hard for me to find guys.” “I can’t believe that, Beth. You’re wonderful. Beautiful.”

  “Get real,” she said. “Guys want boobs and blonde hair. It happens all the time. I meet a guy, things seem to be going great, then they meet Amanda and forget all about me.”

  “Ouch. Guys have done that to you?”

  “Yeah. But Amanda mostly told them to get lost. And not just out of friendship. Why would anyone want a guy who’s that shallow?. Though one time...” Beth looked away. “Never mind.”

  “What?” I said. Beth opened her mouth, shut it, then scowled. “It was this guy in college. Tony. He was gorgeous. Funny. But like everyone, he was gaga over Amanda. She liked him okay, but nothing special. Anyway, he hit on her all through first year, then all through second, though he knew he had no chance. It became like a running joke with the three of us. One time, Amanda joked she’d sleep with him only if he slept with me first.”

  I said, “Oh? And somehow the joke became real?” Beth traced patterns on the table with her finger. “It was dumb. I was young, and I’d been hot for him for so long. At the end of our final year, we were drinking and maybe smoking a little and yeah... we all wound up in bed.”

  “Sounds fun.” “Not really. Embarrassing. Lots of elbows in faces. But later it was kind of sweet. But the thing is... he fucked Amanda first, then, well, I guess he got his infatuation out of his system. The rest of the night he focused on me. After, we even started going out. We were together until he moved away at the end of the summer.”

  Beth flicked her eyes up briefly. She had never looked so vulnerable.

  “I’ve never told anyone that. Makes me sound like some desperate slut.”

  “It’s okay, Beth,” I said. “Everyone does crazy things sometimes.”

  She looked up again. “Did you?” “Uh, well, since we’re being open here... I slept with my best friend’s mom when I was eighteen.”


  “Then later, his older sister. And then there was the time I...”

  “Okay, okay, I get it! Yo
u win.”

  “Naw,” I said, “a threesome beats anything I ever did. So now...”

  “So now Amanda thinks the tables are turned. She wants you. Really wants you. And thinks I should share.” Beth paused. “Maybe I should.”

  “What?” I said. “You want me to sleep with your roommate?” Beth still avoided my eyes. “No. Not want. But maybe you need to get her out of your system too. Or maybe she’s who you really want. And if you two are going to wind up together, it’s better it happens now. It… it hurts too much when it happens later.”

  I was quiet while I absorbed it all. I reached across and touched Beth’s hand. “I have no intention of sleeping with Amanda,” I said.

  “But if I wasn’t around, you would, wouldn’t you? Just like at the party.”

  The bitterness in her voice was heartbreaking.

  I said, “Okay... Amanda’s pretty. So? Looking around this restaurant right now I see, like, eight really attractive women. Seven of them I have absolutely no interest in sleeping with.”

  Beth ducked her head, furtively studying the women at the other tables. “So who’s the one you’d want to sleep with?” she whispered.

  I squeezed her hand. “You.”

  ~~~~ The chilly September breeze was swirling leaves beside the building and down the sidewalk when we stepped outside. We were surprised to see it was getting dark. Had we really talked that long? A group of three guys were just entering. It took a moment to recognize the taller one was the asshole Beth had punched at the pub the night before.

  “I don’t believe it,” he said, “It’s that nasty little bitch from last night.”

  “Hey,” I said, “watch your mouth, will you?”

  He barely glanced at me. “Mind your business, buddy. This little cunt nearly broke my jaw.”

  “And you didn’t deserve it?” Beth spat, clenching her fists.

  I knew how to defuse these things: I’d use my de-escalation technique: apologize, appeal to fun, then baffle them with bullshit.

  “Ok,” I said, “Let’s all calm down. Hey, buddy, do you know anywhere around here to—”

  I felt a hand on my shoulder followed by a crashing jumble of stars. I was on the ground, disoriented and fuzzy: one of the creep’s friends had sucker-punched me. By the time my senses cleared and I wobbled to my feet, the creep was laying on the sidewalk with Beth astride his chest, screaming curses and punching him hard in the face. He had one hand covering a bloody nose with other trying to fend off Beth’s blows.


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