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Mrax Page 10

by Layla Nash

Okay, this was happening. This was actually happening.

  It was all Rowan thought as Mrax held his perfect body above hers. His forehead rested against hers, but his massive arms held the rest of his weight off of her. She felt so small, so delicate, compared to him.

  And then he kissed her as he slowly lowered himself onto her, and all traces of coherent thought fled her brain. She was nothing but sensation. She was nothing but warm flesh, pressing against his scales. They moved as he did, rising and falling softly, roughly abrasive against her naked breasts.

  Mrax’s arms were on either side of her, and she realized he was still treating her delicately, gently. Keeping his weight off of her. Withholding.

  She pulled back from his kiss. “I won’t break, Mrax. You don’t have to…treat me differently than you would any other female.”

  He frowned, then growled. “I am not thinking of other females. But if you wish for me to be more aggressive—”

  He smiled, a devilish look in his eyes, and Rowan suddenly regretted goading him.

  “My female is greedy,” he murmured.


  Wait…His female?

  Mrax leaned down, fisting her hair and kissing her. His tongue thrust inside her and his hips mimicked the motion, his cock pressing against the thin barrier of her panties. Rowan didn’t think, but her body seemed to know what to do. She spread her legs because suddenly all that she wanted—all that she needed in the entire universe—was to feel his heat and length pressing against her.

  Mrax pulled back to stare at her again, in that possessive, adoring way that Rowan was afraid she could get used to. “Gods, you taste sweet. Let us find out if you are this sweet…everywhere.”

  And then he was kissing his way down her neck. He paused at her breasts, cupping them and taking one pert nipple between his lips. Rowan gasped as he suckled, a delicious sensation filling her chest. Then, with a wicked glance her way, he bit down lightly. Rowan gasped, the pain quickly morphing to heat as he licked and soothed her.

  While his mouth continued to tease and taste her, his hand worked her other breast, pulling and pinching her nipple until Rowan lay there, panting and senseless.

  “You are delicious here,” Mrax said, laughter in his voice. He leaned back, his weight on one arm as he lightly circled one breast and then the other. “But what of this place?”

  The Xaravian’s rough touch somehow soothed her, as he trailed his heavy hand down her stomach—and then between her legs.

  “Rowan,” he growled, his scales flaring and turning a deep, mesmerizing purple. “You are wet for me.”

  And she was. Rowan could feel her cheeks heat as he discovered she was not only wet, but dripping for him. But he did not make her feel embarrassed. In fact, the quick glance he gave her with his burning silver eyes made her feel like the most highly prized thing in the world.

  And then Mrax dragged his fingers through her slick folds, groaning with pleasure at what he found. Rowan watched in awe as he held her eyes and brought his hand to his lips. He licked slowly and said, “You are sweet everywhere.”

  “Mrax—” she whimpered. She didn’t know what to say, but he seemed to know exactly what she needed.

  He shifted, moving down her body and kneeling on the floor. With a swift, sure motion, he pulled her to the edge of the bed, spreading kisses across her open thighs. “That’s perfect, sweet Rowan. Open yourself for me…”

  And then he tore away her panties and his tongue was there, tasting her in one long, slow and smooth stroke. She whimpered, her entire body pulsing with need. Then Mrax’s tongue found her opening, and he began to slowly fuck her with his mouth, until she was wet and writhing under his touch.

  “I must prepare you to take me,” he whispered against her flesh.

  Rowan felt his lips leave her, and then one finger entered her, slowly exploring. She involuntarily clenched around him, and he growled in pleasure.

  “I’ve…I’ve used toys before,” she admitted. “But it was never like – this.”

  “Toys?” Mrax looked gleefully intrigued. “This you will demonstrate later. But for now…” His fingers worked inside her faster, until her hips jerked and bucked. Could she really come just from his touch?

  And then his thumb circled her clit, and Rowan’s entire body froze, her back arching off the bed.

  He delicately teased her clit, smiling with pure masculine pride as she moaned and writhed beneath his touch. “This is promising.” Mrax withdrew his touch, studying her open legs in a way that five minutes ago would have made her blush. Now, she just wanted him to keep going.

  “Mrax, have you ever heard of Newton’s First Law?”

  He frowned. “Does this apply to your body?”

  Rowan laughed. “Somewhat. It states that a body in motion tends to stay in motion.”

  The sexy, naked alien cocked his head, confused.

  She sat up and grabbed his shoulders, roughly rubbing his spikes. “What I mean is: don’t stop now. Keep going.”

  A beautiful, heated smile spread across his face. “You play with more than toys, Earther. You play with fire. Now I will play with you.”

  He pushed her back onto the bed and spread her thighs. Then his tongue found the bud between her legs. He was no longer gentle. Instead, he began to lick and suck her, firm and sweet, as if he magically knew exactly what to do with her body. He growled in approval as half-formed words and cries left her lips and Rowan opened her eyes, watching this huge male feast on…her.

  Only her.

  Then his finger found her entrance and he was everywhere. Rowan’s head fell back onto the mattress, her entire body tensing as an orgasm approached like a river of stars, as inevitable as a full eclipse. Her hands found Mrax’s shoulders, his spikes. She caressed them, pulling him closer, demanding he bring her to the edge—and push her over.

  “Oh gods, yes—right there—Mrax!” She was on the verge of the most intense orgasm of her life when he pulled back, panting.

  “What are you doing?” Rowan cried.

  Then he was above her, his lips touching hers, the thick head of his cock pressing against her slick, clenching core. “I will be inside you the first time you break apart for me,” he whispered, his forehead pressing against hers.

  “Just make it snappy,” Rowan gasped.

  And then he kissed her, and she tasted herself on his lips, and then those glowing molten eyes watched her as he slowly pressed inside her. He felt as overwhelmingly huge as he looked. Rowan gasped and bit her lip, his cock spreading her open for the first time. It was too much. He was so big. She felt a burning and stretching as he slowly pushed inside.

  Mrax stilled above her, his jaw clenching and his eyes liquid silver. “Do you hurt, Rowan?”

  She took a deep breath and met his gaze. His…kind and loving gaze. And once she did, her body melted. He slid in further, and then further still.

  His hips rocked and the burning sensation suddenly transformed into a wave of pleasure. “I’ve always liked a challenge.”

  His answering smile was everything. And then he was everywhere. Kissing her lips, her cheeks, her hair. She watched his face—determined, hard—as he pulled back and plunged all the way inside her. Rowan gasped as he bottomed out. He was so big, so deep, she was impaled on his hot, pulsing cock.

  And then he pulled out, watching her as he swiveled his hips and then slammed home again.

  Oh, gods. It was perfect.

  Had she said that out loud? From the pleased look in his eye, she might have. But Mrax was speaking too, a low steady thunder of Xaravian that sounded half like terms of endearments, half like curses.

  “You are too tight, too perfect,” he growled. “You make me want to spend too quickly.”

  Rowan couldn’t answer. His perfect, muscled body pounded against her, and as he hooked one of her legs over his hips, she gasped in pleasure. The new angle hit a spot deep inside her, one that made her beg and sob with each one of his hard strokes.

/>   “You will come for me, Rowan,” Mrax growled, his hips thrusting faster and harder.

  No argument there, Rowan thought. But she couldn’t speak. She was beyond words, beyond senses. Mrax was everywhere. His scales rough but soothing against her breasts. His spikes in her hands, his forehead against hers, and his body—Einstein help her, his perfect body—slamming into hers.

  She felt the wave approaching, her body tensing. She was on fire, shouting with each pounding motion of his hips, and when his silver eyes met hers he growled, “Come for me. Now.”

  And. She. Did.

  Rowan’s back arched beneath him, his lips on her breast as she screamed. The pleasure filled her, expanding and expanding. And Mrax did not stop. If anything he moved faster and faster, prolonging her orgasm so that she seemed to come and come, until a white-hot heat filled her entire body and then she exploded, seeing all the stars of the universe behind her closed eyes.

  Mrax’s kisses knit her back together. “I am honored to have been your first,” he growled, following swiftly by something in Xaravian. His eyes held hers as if he were…making a promise? But that was probably just her blissed-out imagination.

  “The pleasure is all mine,” she whispered.

  Mrax grinned. “Now let us come together.”

  Rowan’s eyes widened. “You didn’t…you didn’t come yet?”

  He gave her a kiss and wicked grin, and then withdrew from her body. Kneeling above her, his cock was still hard. And huge. And—

  Mrax suddenly lifted her, easily flipping her onto her stomach.

  “You take all control from me,” he growled, pulling her up and onto all fours. And then his massive heat was behind her, his body bent over her. One rough hand trailed down her back before both hands settled on her hips, his cock pressing against her. “Are you ready for more?”

  Her fingers dug into the mattress and she took a deep breath as every cell in her body ached for more. She closed her eyes and bit the inside of her cheek to keep from screaming at him to hurry up. “Always.”

  Chapter 23


  Every part of his body remained hard and trembling, eager to take his sweet Rowan on all fours. Watching her fall apart in his arms had been the best sight. And Rowan, shaking and screaming on his hard cock? The best feeling in the universe. It had taken all of his self-control not to come inside her as soon as he’d plunged into her sweet, tight channel.

  “Are you ready for more?” he growled, praying to all the Xaravian gods that her virgin body could take him.

  She glanced back at him, his dark-eyed beauty. And then her sweet lips curved and she said, “Always.”

  He waited no longer. At her words, he plunged in to the hilt, shouting at the sweet fire that encased his cock. Rowan gasped, her entire body pushed forward from the force of his thrust. He grabbed her hips and could not hold back, pounding harder and harder. But his little Earther met him, shaking her dark hair and moaning his name. When she glanced back at him, her dark eyes dilated and her mouth open, he knew she felt as much ecstasy as he did.

  But he wanted to give her more.

  He reached around her body and found the strange, wonderful little bud between her legs. He played with it as he pushed inside her, and was rewarded by her breathy sobs. He kept moving his hand between her slick thighs, though he paused to squeeze her small but perfect breasts as he fucked her.

  Had she understood the vows he had made in Xaravian? He hoped not. He did not want to scare her. But this…this was how it was meant to be. He’d never had a woman challenge him, excite him, or make him feel what she did.

  Yes, that was how it should have been forever. His mate, as eager for him as he was for her. Rowan, his little Earther, on her hands and knees, coming over and over again on his cock as he mounted her. He would fill her heart. He would fill her with his seed. He moved faster, growling and praising her, surging into her over and over again.

  “Rowan,” he groaned, moving both hands to her hips so that he could hold her in place and pull her into his thrusts. “Rowan, my sweet—”

  With each thrust, her burning heat encased him. When he pulled out, he could not wait to plunge and plunder again. She writhed on him, close to coming for the second time. He would make sure she did. He ordered her to, bending low over her, taking her in the animalistic, possessive way that was ingrained in his makeup.

  “Mrax, don’t stop, please don’t stop!”

  He could only understand half her breathless words, because a second orgasm ripped through her and she did nothing but writhe and gasp in ecstasy.

  “Again,” he ordered, moving faster and harder inside of her.

  Her pale body moved with his, meeting his thrusts. Her moans and surprised cries urged him on, but it was only when she looked back at him and he saw her beautiful, blissful face that he could no longer control himself.

  Mine. Perhaps he shouted it, but then there were no more thoughts. She came a third time, keening and closing her eyes, her tight channel milking him so that he could not resist. He covered her body with his, his scales marking her, his seed marking her, and he came harder and longer than he had in his entire life.

  Chapter 24


  When Rowan woke, Mrax still slept. He looked unbelievably intimidating when taking up most of the bed, though she remembered fuzzily that he’d held her close during the night. The thought heated her cheeks until her whole head ached. She cleaned up as silently as she could and tiptoed to the shared bathroom, putting on fresh coveralls before she dared enter the living room and kitchen. Nothing else stirred.

  She didn’t know what she would have done if Trazzak and Jess were there or had an inkling of what happened the night before. Rowan massaged her temples and swallowed back a hysterical laugh as flashes of what she and Mrax had done came back. She still couldn’t believe it. His mouth and hands and body... She shivered. She hadn’t imagined it would actually be like that, would be so overwhelmingly amazing, even after what the other female officers said. It all sounded like another prank. Why on earth would they want to put their mouths on...

  Rowan flushed more and grabbed up her toolbelt, bolting for the door as it sounded like Mrax stirred. She couldn’t face him either. She didn’t know what to say or do or how to act.

  This was definitely a social situation she didn’t understand and couldn’t really figure out what to do next. Maybe a little distance would help. Although she’d never be able to concentrate on her work and the trip to the weapons company with images of Mrax’s muscled torso and powerful hips and thighs distracting her.

  She splashed some cool water on her face and focused on the surface runner she’d been eyeing the day before. It could be outfitted to carry whatever weapons they might actually purchase, and with only a few modifications, they could attach it to the fighter and drag it into space. And if she had enough time to repair the massive transporter in the far corner of the boneyard, they could pack the hold with all kinds of good stuff.

  If she survived the embarrassment of Jess and Trazzak finding out that she’d slept with Mrax. Rowan felt like Jess would see it in her face the second the older woman set eyes on her. Which would just be... She didn’t know what it would be. Rowan hadn’t ever had close female friends to talk about that kind of stuff with. She didn’t know how it all worked. Did she have to wait for Jess to ask her about it? Could Rowan just blurt it out? And what if Jess didn’t want to talk about it?

  Rowan groaned and moved faster toward the surface runner. She needed to focus. She and Mrax were going to the weapons dealers in just a few hours. She couldn’t afford to be distracted. From what Jess and Trazzak said, the Dablonians didn’t mess around. Rowan didn’t want to end up in jail or dead, that was for damn sure.

  She shook off the rest of those troubling thoughts and instead forced herself to focus on the surface runner. They’d take it to the Dablonian company to make sure any weapons they purchased would fit on the wings or would slide into
the hold. She and Mrax could still work together even after getting all sweaty together. The mission was still a good idea, still totally worthwhile.

  Two hours later, Rowan flew the surface runner from across the boneyard and set it down near the cabin, where the three others stood. All three stared as she hopped out of the ship and grinned, beyond proud of herself. Even the sight of Mrax couldn’t distract her from the euphoria of flight. That was what had driven her to leave the family farm and enlist in the Fleet—she saw trick pilots perform at a carnival and she’d been mesmerized. All she wanted was to fly. Engineering got her closer to that than anything, including joining the pilot corps. Engineers got to test lots of different things, not just one class of craft.

  Rowan hopped onto the wing and then to the ground, breathless with excitement. “She’s not pretty but Einstein’s mustache, she’s fast.”

  Jess’s eyebrows arched as she approached the surface runner and ran her hand over some of the repairs Rowan finished just that morning. “I thought you were still a couple of days away from having this done.”

  “Nah, got up early and put everything together.” Rowan studiously avoided looking at Mrax. What if he was mad she left before he woke up? Should she have stayed? Did most women stay in the morning? “It made more sense to take this with us when we negotiate for the weapons. Better than something so fancy.” And she jerked her chin at the fighter.

  Trazzak folded his arms over his chest and studied her more than the surface runner. “You should have told someone where you went. We feared something happened.”

  Something had happened. Rowan’s face felt hot as she carefully avoided looking at Mrax. “Nah. Just…couldn’t sleep.”

  “Nervous?” Jess asked. Her eyes narrowed just slightly as she watched Rowan, and Rowan’s heart sped up. Did she know? Did she suspect what happened with Mrax?

  “Not…exactly.” Rowan cleared her throat a couple of times and shrugged. “Just ready to work. Sooner we get this done, the sooner I can fix more of these ships and we can get back to the Galaxos.”


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