The Rivals of Rosennor Hall (Entangled Inheritance Book 3)
Page 26
Mr. Tuttle-Kirk nodded hastily, grinning. Or at least, the mustache seemed to be grinning. “Of course, of course. Many felicitations to you both, Such a lovely thing, weddings.”
Larkin gestured for the man to proceed. “Well, then, it should be quite simple to unite our individual holdings into one and renegotiate the whole thing in a convenient and clear way for our children and future descendants, yes?”
For whatever reason, Mr. Tuttle-Kirk blinked slowly twice before looking back down at his documents. “Oh... Well, then, allow me to refer to the addendum twelve part three of the original will, which states...”
Sophia groaned and leaned closer to Larkin, her fingers brushing against his in their hold. “We’re going to fight about this later, aren’t we?”
He made an acknowledging face. “Probably. I imagine I’ll be giving up the gallery after all.”
“I’ll let you come visit the portraits after dinner,” she promised, patting his chest.
He dabbed at his eye with his small finger. “I will miss them so.”
Sophia snorted a soft laugh before looking back to the man still reading from the addendum. “Should we be paying attention to what he’s saying?”
“Probably,” Larkin admitted with a shrug. “But I’m afraid that part three states that should we wed our first-born son must bear the name of the original will holder and I just don’t think I can name my son Kentworth.” He shuddered at the thought.
“We could call him something else,” Sophia offered. “Anything, really.”
Larkin gave her a look. “What if he likes Kentworth?”
Sophia shook her head firmly. “Then we’ll renegotiate terms of the will and give him Calliope.”
Her husband sighed and raised their hands to his lips, kissing the back of her hand fervently. “I love you, Sophia Roth.”
She grinned at him. “I love you, too. Now interrupt Mr. Tuttle-Kirk and make sure we’re not signing away the west wing to Mrs. Windermere. She’ll make it into a mausoleum.”
“Righto. Let’s stipulate we give her away.”
“We can’t do that, she tends your mother.”
He made a face. “So, we should build a dowager house?”
Sophia nodded. “Perfect. And leave it out of the will.”
“What about the gazebo?” Larkin asked hesitantly.
“Oh, keep that,” Sophia said with a wave of her hand.” We’ve got a fight later, remember? We must have our ring.”
Larkin chuckled in the low manner that always made her shiver. “I look forward to the bout.”
She winked at him. “So do I.”
“We have another matter to attend to, by the by.”
Sophia glanced at Larkin in surprise, convinced they had addressed it all in the documents they presented Tuttle-Kirk only moments ago. “Oh, what’s that?”
Larkin quirked his brows, grinning in his most mischievous way. “We need to do something about the empty nursery.”
She blushed at once, but managed to smile back. “Your nursery, you mean?”
“I thought it was yours.”
“No, I am positive it was for you.”
“Couldn’t possibly be.”
“It is.”
“Is not.”
“It is, Larkin,” Sophia insisted. “And the furnishings are mine, and I will fill it when the time is right.”
Larkin was silent for a moment, then cleared his throat and rose. “I’m afraid, Mr. Tuttle-Kirk, that I am going to have to postpone the rest of this discussion for a more convenient time.”
“What are you doing?” Sophia hissed.
“Oh?” Mr. Tuttle-Kirk asked, removing his spectacles and giving them a curious look.
Larkin nodded and tugged Sophia up beside him. “Indeed yes. There is a discussion I must have with my wife that cannot wait. We will be in touch, good day.” Without another word, he pulled Sophia out of the office and only took three steps before sweeping her up into his arms.
“Larkin Roth, what are you doing?” Sophia laughed, clinging to him for her safety.
“Taking you back to the London house for a thorough and in-depth discussion on what to do with our nursery and what to do when the time is right,” he recited as he easily carried her out to their waiting carriage. “And just in case the time happens to be right, I want to be prepared.”
Sophia burst into uproarious giggles as Larkin situated them both within the carriage. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
Larkin grinned and pulled her close as the carriage pulled away. “I’m never ridiculous with you, my love. Business as usual and nothing more.”
“Hmm,” she mused as she leaned in for a kiss. “Perhaps a bit more.”
Her husband shrugged as his lips brushed hers. “Perhaps.”
Sophia sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Good,” she whispered, kissing him again.
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One