Goddess Choice

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Goddess Choice Page 13

by A Lonergan

  Just when I thought I had ridded the sand from all of my belongings, I felt it tickling my toes. I let out a pretty nasty roar and yanked my socks of. I caught Cristoff’s snicker before he composed his face and it all clicked.

  He was pushing me. He was the one filling my belongings with sand while we were in the mountains. I knew it was magic related, it had to be. I didn’t know if he was testing me but my patience was shot. I flew across the fire and tackled him to the ground.

  I knew I didn’t need to impend any harm on him but I was angry and the only thing I knew I could get away with was… Shoving my sand ridden sock in his mouth. I used my reserved strength against him and held his hands captive over his head. He bucked and fought me but there was no use, I outmatched his strength and without his hands, his magic was useless.

  When the fabric made its self into his mouth, I heard a strange noise behind me but it wasn’t that that threw me off. It was the smell. It had been at least five years since I had smelled that particular scent and there was no way it could be true. I was almost afraid to turn around. I glared down at Cristoff, expecting it to be a trick from him but his wide eyes showed me that he was just as baffled as I.

  “I thought I saw a spark between you two.” Jessa’s voice rang with laughter and something else.


  I scrambled off of Cristoff, no longer interested in the childish banter. But more curious about the creatures standing behind me.

  Jessa’s eyes were wide with pride as she sat astride a pristine white Unicorn. Her damp honey colored hair fell over her shoulders and her back was rod straight. The monsters in front of me were a wonder but I couldn’t take my eyes off the woman that had tamed them. She was wearing a tank top, showing off her scars like victory wounds and cut off shorts with hiking boots. I had never been so attracted to anyone in my life.

  Jessa gave me a funny look and cocked her head to the side, not entirely sure of me yet. Waves of confidence and gratification drifted off of her like a perfume. The smell of it was intoxicating. Cristoff was the one to break my trance.

  “This is certainly a sight to behold.” Cristoff cleared his throat. “It’s not every day you get to meet a Unicorn, much less a woman that can ride one. This is a rarity entirely.”

  Cristoff’s voice was almost reverent and I was speechless. I want to say something. Anything but I was rendered dumb.

  “Crawley?” Jessa’s voice faltered on my name. She was uncertain.

  “I’m surprised to say the least. I haven’t seen a Unicorn since I was a child.” I raked my fingers through my hair and shook my head. Out of all the things for her to do. She went and tamed a damn Unicorn. Unicorns were wild, intelligent creatures that didn’t care for humans. Humans resembled the gods that created them.

  There were many different stories on how the Unicorns were created but I didn’t know if any of them were true.

  “She says they aren’t.” Jessa slid her hand down the white mane of the beast she was riding.

  I raised my eyebrows at the creature.


  “Then do share the story of how you came to be.” I crossed my arms over my chest and looked to Cristoff for moral support. He pointed to the rabbits over the fire and backed away slowly.

  So much for being all powerful.

  “She says, many creatures fear them because they don’t know them or what they are capable of.” Jessa continued to stroke the animal.

  “How can you talk to her?” I stared into the horse like eyes that shimmered a baby blue.

  “We are telepathic and talk to those worthy of us. You are arrogant but you have a pure heart.” The deep feminine voice paused in my mind before continuing. “There aren’t many of us but the few that there are were cast from Zeus. He was angry and had Hecate turn us. In another life, I was a dryad. Freya was a nymph.” The large animal tossed her head toward the woods where an even greater Unicorn appeared. This particular one had lavender fur and what looked to be a jewel incrusted horn.

  “Cristoff, dude, you are gonna freak out.” The knowledge was mind blowing. I was almost certain Keenan didn’t know this stuff. I thirsted for knowledge but not like Keenan, he lived on it. He was fueled by it and this was something I knew that he didn’t. Sibling rivalry was great and true when it came to us.

  Cristoff rolled his eyes as he peeled the charred meet from the stick over the fire. “She is speaking to me as well, don’t get an even bigger head. I’m sure it’s hard enough holding the current size of it up.”

  It was my turn to roll my eyes. When I looked back to Jessa and the tree line, I noticed that her stance hadn’t changed and she still had a serene look upon her face. I was waiting for her to squeal, “BEST DAY EVER!” But knew it wouldn’t happen. It was almost disappointing.

  The beast she was sitting on made a clucking noise, almost similar to a laugh when I realized she had read my thoughts. I wasn’t even embarrassed. Unicorns were cool and seriously bad ass.

  “We are in exile. Some of us for hundreds of years, others for thousands. My name is Sibil. I am at your Queen’s service.”

  Cristoff spewed his food across the distance between us and went into a rage of coughing.


  “Swallow your pride, water bug. She has many choices ahead of her. One of those being Queen. She has much promise and I will not allow you to disrespect her so. We can find Apollo’s Prison without you.” Sibil stomped her hoof and Cristoff stopped coughing.

  “You can find the prison all you want to but that doesn’t mean you will find the army to back your Queen.”

  “You have greatly underestimated us. We have watched this one for many moons. The Fates whisper their stories to the night and we have heard them. Queen Jessa will rule it all, whether or not you stand by her side.” At Sibil’s words more Unicorns emerged from the forest. My beast hadn’t felt them there and that meant they had powerful magic but a different kind from what I was used to or from what I had been exposed to.

  Sibil turned to her comrades and spoke again. “The cyclops were spotted near here two days ago and the Centaurs are across the country. You will not get to them quickly on foot.”

  “And what do you suggest? Them leave me behind and follow you blindly across state borders, riding Unicorns?” Cristoff scoffed.

  “You act as if you don’t know about the public portals.”

  Cristoff’s face went slack of emotion. “I didn’t expect many to know about them. Jessa and Crawley do not.”

  I was baffled at their words. I had never heard of public portals before and I was getting increasingly frustrated with my lack of knowledge on these things. We had made it our business in the Valley and out of the Valley to know as much as we could on mythical beings, real and fake. As well as magic. I also knew there was a possibility that Keenan had kept all of this knowledge to himself. The Elders weren’t ones to share with just anyone. Even Shaskia was more out of the loop than in it and she had a high rank in the Valley.

  Chapter 22


  To say I was freaking out was an understatement. I was riding a Unicorn. An actual Unicorn. I hadn’t been the child that fantasized about magical creatures or anything like that but this was still one of the best experiences to date. Mother hadn’t let me dream up mythological creatures, much less let me pretend to be one.

  The fabricated memories that had been given to me showed me a fun-loving child that daydreamed and made flower crowns. The reality of my memories was all the same. I was built to be a war machine. Day dreaming wasn’t allowed. As much as I despised my mother for it, I also knew there was a purpose behind it all. To keep us alive.

  No matter how hard I tried, new memories didn’t come forth. I knew there was much hidden in my mind but I couldn’t access any of it.

  Most of the time my body moved on instinct. I didn’t remember learning certain moves but I knew they came from rigorous training. I didn’t remember much from
my childhood but the few memories I had uncovered showed me enough for me to piece most of everything together.

  I was lost in my thoughts and didn’t care to hear Cristoff and Crawley arguing. It had been building for a few days now especially since Crawley was more irritable about the sand in all of his belongings. I had heard him yelling all the way to the small creek. I had washed myself quickly and did what I could to wash my clothes.

  I was too afraid I was going to come back to one or both of them dead at the sounds of their voices. If any monsters had been in the area, they were gone now. I didn’t understand the pride they were holding on to.

  I had finished pulling on my clothes when Sibil had come out into the clearing. She had bowed low; her mane had swept the ground and I hadn’t had the voice to tell her bowing wasn’t necessary.

  When she spoke in my mind, I wasn’t surprised. Unicorns were magical and powerful. Of course they were telepathic!

  Sibil nudged me and I came out of my musings. The boys were still arguing and it was my turn to be exasperated.

  “We have ground to cover and no time for sleep.” My voice came out mechanical but I knew it would catch their attention.

  Cristoff nodded his head and started gathering supplies. Crawley just looked at me with his mouth agape.

  “You’re going to catch flies.” I snickered at him.

  “You’re not going to help?” Sibil snickered at Crawley’s words.

  “The Queen will not lift a finger.”

  I wasn’t going to be the one to go head to head with a Unicorn. I would lose, as would anyone else.

  “I have to disagree, my lady. You could take on an army and come out alive. Power flows through your veins. You need rest and then training We hear The Fates’ whispers in the night.” Sibil nodded her head forward, making her mane swish around us.

  Crawley loaded up our tent and the rest of our dirty clothes before he came back to me. He stood by my side and attentively reached a hand out for Sibil’s mane.

  Sibil made a content noise before speaking again. “Water bug, you will ride Freya.”

  Cristoff mounted Freya with ease and excitement. I couldn’t imagine going back to my people to tell them of my journeying and mention that I got to ride a Unicorn. He would be a legend back home and whatever had driven him to abandonment wouldn’t matter as much as before. At least to me, that would be the case.

  “Don’t be so sure of yourself, Jessa.” Cristoff held Freya’s mane loosely in his hands as he directed her to stand beside Sibil.

  I was about to reply when Crawley made an awkward noise and it was Sibil’s turn to say something.

  “Crawley, you may transform and let your beast take over. He has been scratching at the inside of your mind for days. We will be here to help if he gets too much control.” Sibil’s horn glowed through the dark and affirmed her words.

  Back to the mind reading. “Cristoff, wanna stay out of my head, maybe?”

  “Don’t project your thoughts so loudly and it wouldn’t be so hard for me to stay to myself.”

  “Want to explain further, then?”

  His look held so much disapproval, I didn’t think he would budge until we made it into the trees. Crawley’s bones popping and cracking halted whatever he was about to say. Crawley’s beast let out a roar that scared the birds from the trees around us and probably any animal in a hundred-mile radius. He rolled his large head and took on leading the pack of us. More of Sibil’s friends filed in behind us as we continued through the woods. I didn’t know how many there were but I also had no idea how we would remain hidden.

  “You worry too much, my lady. People can only see us if we want them to.”

  I thought about children sightings and all the stories I had heard growing up, but wasn’t allowed to obsess over.

  “Children are innocent. We reveal ourselves more to them than anyone else.” Freya’s voice flitted into my mind. She giggled at Sibil’s agitated snort. I tried to suppress my giggles. Sibil was obviously in charge around here.

  Sibil showed an image of Cristoff into my mind and I was reminded of our impending conversation. “You can tell me, Cristoff.”

  He rode ahead a bit before turning around. “I was married once.”

  I didn’t know why I was surprised.

  He chuckled and it seemed so out of place with the story. “We weren’t married long. Soon after you left our group, Apollo’s men came back for more revenge and thought they would find you with us. Cent got away but everyone besides Cora and I were killed. I was able to use magic to get us back to the Kingdom. We were both doing pretty bad. Blood magic will do that to you.” He yanked on his long hair and bit his bottom lip. “I fell in love with nurse that doted on me. It wasn’t a long courtship but it was full of life and love. It was everything I needed to take my mind off of all the death we had experienced.”

  He cleared his throat from the emotion welling in his voice.

  “You don’t have to go on, I’m so sorry.”

  “No, I need to do this. I haven’t spoken about it. I haven’t really told anyone. Cora knew. She felt it but that’s for later, after I tell you what happened.” He wiped at his eyes. “We married even quicker, didn’t wait for family or friends. Had the king officiate it. It was the best thing I had ever experienced. And that is saying something when you use magic. Magic can make you high but I was above it. The king requested my assistance in another city and I knew Liah would be missing me, we had hardly left each other’s sides. My mind wasn’t in the magic that was needed to protect the city. I hadn’t been able to leave Liah behind and my mind was all over the place. I had thought I had fixed all the holes in the wards around the city but I had been wrong. Sharks swarmed around the little hole, the little blemish in my almost perfect spell.” His voice choked up at the last words.

  “You don’t have to go on.” My voice broke and I knew I was about to cry. He had lost so much already and yet, here he was helping us. I felt even worse.

  “Predators got through the breach. He found her impaled on a swordfish at the bottom of the city with other mermaids littering the sand beside her. That is why he isolated himself. He couldn’t protect them. He doesn’t trust his magic to protect his Kingdom or his wife. There was nothing he could have done to save them. He tried to. Blood magic. Everything.” Sibil’s solemn words coated my mind.

  I would have isolated myself too. I would have gone crazy. I couldn’t imagine the pain he was going through. I had lost Crawley for a brief moment but he wasn’t my mate. He wasn’t the father to my children.

  Liah was his world and he lost her in a blink of an eye. How could you have faith in the world or the world you live in when you just kept losing so much?

  How could you have faith in a future when everything you loved was taken in a blink of an eye? How could I have faith in a future for myself now? His story reaffirmed that the gods don’t care. That the world is more than just harsh. It is a dark, lonely place that you don’t control.

  Even if we won, it would never be over.

  Chapter 23


  Hunting had always been Keenan’s thing. It had been the thing he did when he needed to get away. It was where he excelled, while I was busy turning into a furry, monstrous predator.

  Even though hunting was in my nature, he had always been better. Times like these, I really wished he was here. My beast, however, knew what to do, knew what to look for, and knew the scents.

  I had been a war machine since before I could remember but it wasn’t a part of me. I was separate when the beast was on the prowl. My father had taught me how to track, how to kill and how to blend it. I was the perfect killer.

  The best part of it? I was almost impossible to kill as a bear. My thick skin was hard to penetrate and my thicker coat made that task even harder.

  So, when the first Cyclops busted through the trees, I was ready. Her club hit my hind legs and sent me flying but I landed on my feet. Sibil whipped her head a
round quick and protected Jessa. I knew she would die for her. I didn’t understand why. But I knew she would.

  “Do not engage! They are trying to protect their young! They think we are a threat.” I could hardly understand Cristoff’s shouting over the Cyclops beating their clubs against the ground. Dirt and pebbles bounced around the floor at the force of it.

  “Martha, please, put down the club. We aren’t here to harm your people.” Martha’s eyes were glazed over and I didn’t think she had heard Cristoff till she threw her club to the dirt.

  “He tells the truth. He is the one that brought my son’s body back.” Tear’s welled up in Martha’s eyes and spilled over. After everything that had happened with Poseidon, I knew I hadn’t seen it all but this, this was new. Cyclops were one of the most vicious creatures and they definitely didn’t cry. But having to bury your child was different. It hit a different kind of strings in a being’s soul.

  Beast lifted my snout to the air to take a long whiff. He didn’t like to forget these moments. He remembered things by their scent.

  Cyclops’ didn’t keep up with their hygiene either. Beast shrunk back in disgust. They didn’t care about their scent. It protected their people. Animals and other creatures wouldn’t dare approach them with their stench.

  Which was why I was concerned that I hadn’t smelled them before they had attacked. I should have been able to smell them from a mile away. Beast wiggled my snout back and forth, almost as if he were saying, “Testing, testing!”

  I shook my coat out and let a rumble wrack my chest. Beast was getting frustrated with all this delegating and I didn’t blame him, it was tedious and annoying. All Beast wanted to do was tear out throats and ask questions later. I licked my lips, feelings Beast’s blood thirsty cravings.

  “Why don’t you leave us be? Leave us to mourn in peace!” Martha roared across the distance between us.

  Beast took is as a challenge and I started to rear up.


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