Raven's Court

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Raven's Court Page 2

by Reana Malori

  "Young man," her father jumped in. Dexter knew the King didn't appreciate the way he'd raised his voice at Raven. After all, she was the Crown Princess. The older man glared at Dexter with a sharp look in his eyes. "Who are you?"

  Glaring at Raven as she stood there in silence, he turned his body towards the older man. Bowing before he responded, once he was at full height, he addressed the King. "Your Majesty. Thank you for welcoming me into your home. My name is Dexter Sorenson. I'm a friend of Her Royal Highness, Princess Raven. I met her in Washington, D.C.."

  Her father looked between the two of them. "Raven?"

  "Yes, Father?" she finally responded.

  "Is this man your friend?"

  As the question lingered in the air, everyone turned to look at Raven while they waited for her to answer. Dexter knew he was pushing his luck by putting her on the spot this way. Too bad. She'd broken his fucking heart by leaving the way she did. If she'd only talked to him about what was bothering her, they could have resolved the issue. He would have done whatever it took to fix the problem. Which she very well knew. Although he had a pretty good idea of what the real issue was, she needed to tell him directly, and with her own words. If that meant he had to travel halfway around the world to hear her say it, then so be it.

  She turned her gaze to his, a sad smile hovering on her lips. "Yes, I know him."

  At her acknowledgment, a wave of relief flowed through his body. "Princess Raven, may I have a private word with you?"

  She looked like a deer in headlights. "Not right now, I—"

  "Of course," her father interjected. The look he gave Raven was one Dexter had seen from his father many times before. One that clearly communicated to Raven that she’d better not embarrass him, and she should handle her shit.

  King Hans turned back to Dexter just before waving a hand to open a space for them to walk through. "Please take a moment to talk. Seems the two of you have some things to discuss. Dinner won't begin for another hour."

  Raven looked at her father, who held her gaze with a steady look. Dexter then watched as Raven shifted to look at her mother. Although none of them said a word, he could only imagine the silent messages passing between the three of them. What he didn't know was how this was going to end for him.

  "Mother. Father. Please, excuse us." Raven curtsied to her parents before turning on her heels and walking away.

  He bowed to her parents and made his way to follow behind Raven. Not once did she look back to see if he was coming with her. Okay. If she wanted to play this game, he was more than ready.



  How could he do this to her? Didn't he understand this was not the time, nor the place to make a scene? Raven stormed into one of the private rooms in her family's estate. Now that he was here, they may as well have it out. Everyone had seen him. Her parents weren't going to be happy about this new development. This was supposed to be her moment. She was to be officially recognized as the future Queen Regnant.

  Raven entered the Blue Parlor, the room she’d designated as her own for receiving personal guests. Turning to face the open door, she watched Dexter enter the grand hall. As he strolled through the door, she couldn't help but take a deep breath. Raven's hand went to her stomach to quiet the butterflies. God, he was so handsome. Truth be known, she still loved him.

  When she’d seen him first enter the ballroom, Raven had to hold herself back from running to him. If she could fall into his arms and borrow some of his strength, she knew it would make everything better. Her time with Dexter had been special. Her leaving had nothing to do with him. His mother’s snide remarks and underhanded accusations when he’d taken her to meet his family had simply sped up the timeline.

  But Dexter? He’d been an almost perfect boyfriend. That was probably too juvenile. He was her lover. Her friend. Her protector. The man made her feel things she never expected. Dexter loved on her so good, showing her in so many ways how he felt about her. Raven wanted to stay within the circle of his arms and never leave his side. But that wasn't real life.

  Raven never should have dated him. Never spent that first night with him. Or the next. When she felt her heart connecting to his, she should have run in the other direction. Their love had been doomed to fail from the beginning. Raven knew this, but in her need for Dexter, she ignored all the signs.

  Dexter closed the door behind him, the click of the heavy barrier closing seemed loud in the room. Raven jumped in response to the sound. Her nerves were shattered from all the changes going on in her life. The uncertainty hung in the air like a heavy cloak. She had no idea how to explain her actions to him. When the moment had come for her to return home, she'd left. No real explanation or goodbye. At least not a real one, anyway. He turned to face her, and her knees almost buckled.

  He was angry. No. He was hurt.

  "How could you, Raven? Did we mean nothing to each other? You told me you belonged to me." His voice rose with every sentence. "Then you run away like a child. Leaving me and the life we were building as if it meant nothing to you." He began pacing the room, coming closer to her with each pass. "I don't care who you are or what you wear on your head," he snarled, pointing at the diamond tiara resting on her thick hair. "You made promises to me."

  Eyes welling with tears, Raven could do nothing but stand there. Every word he said was true. She'd loved him then, and she still loved him. Her feelings ran deeper than words could express. When they were in his bed at night, she'd whisper how much he meant to her. That she never wanted to leave him. How he made her feel whole for the first time in her life. Then she left him.

  "I had no choice," she said. Voice wobbly with emotion, she continued. "I was called home, Dexter. Refusing to return home to take my place in the royal line of succession because I'd fallen in love was not an option." She stopped talking when she saw that her words weren’t getting through to him.

  Sighing, she turned before walking to the large window overlooking the lush, green grounds. She'd played out there as a child, with no idea of the responsibilities that would be placed on her shoulders. Her parents tried to give her a normal life. A life filled with laughter, love, and childhood adventures. No matter how normal they wanted her life to be while she grew up, her duty to her country—to the crown—could not be ignored. Not even for the man she loved. Raven looked over her shoulder at him, all six-feet-four inches of sexiness. It broke her heart to see him this way. "Dexter. I had to come home. I'm sorry you can't understand that."

  She watched the emotions wash over his face as he stared at her from across the room. Why did her heart contract, as if caught in a vice grip?

  Raven loved her country. She also loved Dexter Sorenson. Why couldn't she serve her country and have the man she loved by her side? Her father had made his own way and now he and Raven’s mother were two of the most beloved monarchs’ in her country’s history.

  As a member of the royal family, she was expected to marry someone of royal lineage. Dexter was a man from a small town in Tennessee, who'd accomplished more than anyone else in his family. Any woman would be proud to have him standing by her side. So why was she acting like such a chicken shit now that it was time to tell her parents she was in love with him?

  Dexter’s frustrated voice broke through her musings. "Raven, don't give me that bullshit," he growled. Taking a deep breath, he stepped closer to her, bringing him within a few feet of her rigid form. "There's always a choice. You just chose power and prestige over a life with me."

  "No, Dexter. I'd never do that," she yelled. Stepping closer to him, she wanted to reach out and grab his hand. Hold it close to her heart the way she'd done when they were at home. Home. She still thought of his place in Washington, D.C. as home, and it was. Her home was wherever Dexter lived.

  “But you did, Raven. You never even gave me a chance to fight for us. Yet, here I am. In a country that I know nothing about, dressed in this penguin suit.” He looked do
wn at his attire and snorted.

  “Yeah. I know you hate dressing too fancy.”

  Sighing deeply, he rubbed one hand over his dark hair. His gaze softened as he looked at her. A small smile lifted one side of his lips. “Sweetheart, you have to help me here. I don't know how to reconcile the woman I met in D.C. with the woman standing before me,” he motioned to her with his hands. “Jewels that cost more money than I make in a year are draped around your neck. The diamonds in your hair are so bright I need to wear shades when I look at you. The dress you're wearing probably costs more than the mortgage on my condo. And as you know, that shit ain't cheap.”

  “But it’s a beautiful condo,” she whispered. And it really was. She loved Dexter’s place because he’d purchased it with money earned from doing a job he loved. It was close to Penn Quarter in the heart of Washington, D.C., and was the perfect little getaway for the two of them. And right now, she’d give almost anything to be back at his place, curled up on the couch, watching a movie and eating a slice of pizza.

  “Raven, what happened to the girl I fell in love with? The one who was happy to lounge around wearing old sweats and my Columbia University t-shirt?” Raising his hand to her face, his fingers hovered inches away from her jaw. Raven couldn't stop the reactionary tilt of her head, craving his touch, needing his caress.

  “If only you could understand what’s happening. Why I had to come home. I want to tell you so much about what’s happening,” Raven whispered. There were things in motion that had to run their course. When she'd first arrived at her childhood home, determined to get over Dexter, her parents had been surprised. They hadn’t expected her to return home for another year. But now that she was here, it set other things in motion.

  When they explained why her presence was so significant, she’d been floored. Her parents told her it was time that a formal announcement was made regarding her rightful claim to the throne. They weren't going anywhere for a long time if they could avoid it, but that didn’t matter right now. Raven's visibility was required, and as a result, so was the event happening tonight. Her strength and poise were needed to show the world around them just how strong the Abingdon Royal Family truly was.

  "Then tell me so that I do understand. I want to help you with whatever you’re dealing with. Explain to me why this is happening. Why does it feel like my whole world is crumbling around me, and I can’t do anything to stop it?" His lips hovered close to hers as he leaned forward.

  Dexter’s voice lulled her into a feeling of comfort. It was so easy to fall back into her life with him. Those times Dexter would cradle her in his arms and promise her everything would be okay as long as they were together. He has every reason to doubt her love for him right now, and she could understand the reasons why he felt that way. She'd broken his trust. Now she had to figure out how to get it back.

  Gazing into his eyes, she tried to smile. "I'm happy you showed up. I always knew you were stubborn, but I had no idea just how much."

  "I'm here to stay, Raven. Until the day you tell me you no longer want me, or no longer love me, I'm here by your side. Of course, when I walked in without a formal invitation, I thought the Royal Guards were going to kick my ass all the way back to America." They both laughed at his words. "Then, the craziest thing happened. Thomas stepped forward to vouch for me. Told the entrance guard that I was your special guest but that you’d forgotten to add me to the list."

  Nodding, she smiled again. Thomas served as her lead bodyguard once she’d left home. When they had to do the security check at Dexter’s family home, Thomas had been the one leading the team. "He always did like you. I think he's been in your corner since day one." Grabbing his hand in hers, she stepped closer. Raven could see the gold flecks surrounding his pupils. His forest green eyes were mesmerizing, pulling her in deeper under his spell, as they always had. "Let's get through tonight. I'll check with my father to see if we can set up a room for you here at the mansion. When do you need to return?"

  "There’s no rush for me to get back. We have plenty of time to talk about us, and what happens now. So, yeah, I'm okay with waiting until tomorrow for us to talk. But I don't want to spend another night away from you," he cajoled. His palm gripped her face, pulling her closer. His lips pressed against hers and the sweet press of their kiss wrenched a moan from her throat.

  “I don’t want to be away from you either. I’ve missed you.” Selfish didn’t begin to describe Raven’s behavior. They hadn’t even started to discuss the real issues standing between them. But even still, Raven couldn’t deny that she missed lying next to his tall, muscled form at night. Missed the feel of his thick cock stroking inside her body as he brought her to a screaming orgasm. Now if only she could last long enough not to fuck him in the middle of an event hosted by her parents at her family’s royal home.

  The sound of the door opening caused them to break apart in a rush. Although, in reality, no one would be fooled by their efforts to appear nonchalant. Thomas stepped into the room before bowing to Raven. She hated that he still had to do that whenever he saw her, but also understood that formal protocol needed to be followed. He'd been her bodyguard, and friend, since she was sixteen. If anyone deserved a pass from doing all that dumbass bowing and scraping to her, it would be Thomas.

  "Apologies, Princess. Your mother and father have requested your presence at the ceremony."

  Raven schooled her features before glancing at Dexter. If he were in this for the long haul, then he needed to know the truth of what her world was all about. Nodding to Thomas, she began walking toward him and out the door. Time to put her game face on.

  Now if the man blackmailing her family and trying to steal her father's throne would show his face. She was done with the games. It was time to fight for her family's future.

  Pausing at the door, she turned to look at Dexter. Reaching out her hand to him, she smiled. “Coming?”

  “Baby, you have no idea,” he said, before strolling over and grabbing her hand.



  Sitting outside on the breakfast veranda, Dexter drank his second cup of morning coffee. The food was terrific, and he had the full belly to prove it. Every dish imaginable had been laid out for him. Uncertain if he should eat before the King and Queen made their way down, he hesitated. He was trying to make a good impression on her parents, and not show his family’s backwoods roots. He didn’t want to give them any reason to reject him or his claim on Raven.

  Dexter knew Raven’s parents must have questions about him. When they returned to the event last night, all eyes were on them. People whispered about the two of them walking out together and returning later with hands intertwined. While her parents didn’t speak about him either way, he could feel her father’s keen gaze on him the entire night. He’d never been so damn nervous in his life, and he wasn’t the type of guy who let anything get to him. This was a new experience for him. Then again, he wasn’t the type of guy who met the parents of his girlfriends.

  “Good morning, Dexter,” Raven announced her presence as she entered the space. She had a smile on her face as she strolled towards him.

  Rising from his seat, Dexter reached his arms out, pulling her into a tight hug. Leaning his head down, he kissed her, capturing her lips in the type of good morning greeting he’d become used to when they were back home.

  “I missed you last night,” he whispered after breaking the kiss.

  Pulling out of his arms, she moved to the food laid out for them. “I missed you, too. How did you sleep?”

  A frown covered his face. “Alone.”

  Placing some food on a plate, she came and sat at the table next to him. Once he was again seated, she began speaking. “Remember, you asked for this.”

  “Sweetheart, I assumed a lot of things when I got on that plane. The one thing I hadn’t counted on was sleeping away from you. Your father placed me in a room halfway across the damn country.” She laughed at him,
shaking her head. He knew he was spoiled from sleeping with her every night. Dexter had gotten used to the feel of her soft body lying next to his. Her long legs wrapped around his as he held her tight throughout the night. The scent of cocoa butter wafting in the air as she released soft snores. No, the one thing he hadn’t expected was to be so far away from her.

  “You’re lucky you got to stay. I thought my father was going to make you leave.” Reaching her hand across the table, she grabbed his, squeezing tight. “The important thing is that you’re here.”

  Looking at her sitting across from him, Dexter wanted to demand answers from her. Yes, he was here now, but it was by his own hand. Not hers. She hadn’t even invited him here to her home to meet her parents. Annoyance flowed through him at the thought. Removing his hand from hers, he took another sip of his coffee.

  “I tried to see you last night,” he said.

  Raven began coughing, her eyes watering. He patted her on the back until she raised her hand, indicating she was okay. “You did?” Her eyes were wide as she looked around the room to see if any of the guards were around. “Wait, you said ‘tried.’ What happened?”

  Dexter smiled. “Thomas.”

  Raven laughed out loud. “What? How did Thomas stop you from getting to me?”

  A smile lifted his lips. Dexter knew Thomas was just doing his job. But dude was a fucking cock-blocker, and he knew it. “Does that guy ever sleep? I got no more than ten feet away from my room, and there he was. The man looked wide awake, even though I know he’d probably been awake since early morning.”

  “No, he never sleeps. Not that I can tell, anyway. Thomas is just really good at his job.” Taking another bite, she glanced over at him. “So, you were trying to get to me last night, huh? You wanted some late-night loving?”

  Moving closer, he placed one hand on her knee. His fingers traced circles on her leg, even though she wore pants, he knew she could feel his touch. Her eyes glossed over, and her mouth fell open. “I wanted to be with my woman. Even if we didn’t make love, I wanted you in my arms.”


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