Raven's Court

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Raven's Court Page 5

by Reana Malori

  After a few moments, Dexter could finally speak. “And that’s why we should never be apart.”

  Her laughter bubbled to the surface, “You’re just insatiable.”

  “Yes, I sure am. For you.” Removing himself from her body, he rolled over to the side of the bed. His gaze took in the beautiful, bronze-skinned, well-fucked Goddess lying on the white sheets. A smile came over his face as he thanked his lucky stars that this woman was part of his life. “I need to make some phone calls.”

  Raven stretched before responding. “I know. I have some required duties to handle today myself.”

  “What time will you be done? I want to have lunch with you. My calls should be completed no later than twelve noon.” Dexter stood from the bed, not bothering to slide on any clothing since they were about to climb in the shower “Come on. Let’s get cleaned up.”

  “Okay,” she smiled at him. “Are you going to wash my back?” She threw the sheet covering her body to the side and lifted one leg, placing one foot flat on the bed.

  Dexter walked to the end of the mattress and placed his hands on his hips. “Are you going to get out of bed, or do I need to make you?” The little minx winked at him before she placed her forefinger and thumb on one of her nipples. She squeezed the flesh and released a deep moan. “I think you should make me.”

  A wicked grin came over his face. Oh, damn, this is what he liked. “Game on, Princess.”

  Two hours later, Dexter was settled in one of the many offices in the palace. He placed a few calls to the states and waited for some things to begin moving. His longtime acquaintance, Maxwell Bishop, had been first on his call list. Although he and Max grew up in very different places, they had more in common than people expected. Even the two of them.

  Max recently married the love of his life, a woman named Kiana Moore. If anyone understood the urgency of the situation, it would be his friend with the questionable ties to the dark underworld. As long as Max didn’t allow his closest friend and business partner, Nicholas Mitchell, to have free rein, they’d leave Shularia standing when they were finished. Nico was a goddamn psychopath, yet Dexter smiled at the thought. He was just glad the mobster and the assassin were on his side. Dexter glanced down at his watch and noticed the time. Since he was waiting on a call back from Max, he decided now was a good time to speak to his parents. Dialing their number in Jackson, Tennessee, the phone rang a couple times before his mother picked up.

  “Hello? Dexter?”

  “Hey, Mom.”

  “Oh, Dexter! Where have you been? Your father and I have been trying to reach you for days. Horatio,” she yelled, “get in here. Your son is on the phone.”

  Of course, Dexter was always his father’s son when he did something to annoy his mother. After a few moments of waiting, his dad joined the line.

  “Son, where are you? Your mother’s been worried sick.”

  Translation, his father was actually the one losing his mind. “Well, that’s the thing, Dad. I’m on a little trip overseas.” Dexter knew the next words out of his mouth would send his parents into the stratosphere. For one, they never expected him to settle down. Two. Although they knew Raven was very wealthy and protected, his parents didn’t follow modern social media. They had no idea Raven was royalty.

  His father was the first one to speak. “Boy, are you over there in England looking at that new Princess they got?”

  Dexter’s mother began to mumble under her breath. “I don’t know what the big deal is about her. Americans don’t have no royalty. A mixed gal in the royal family, and a redhead. I bet their babies are gonna be funny looking.” Her words were harsh, highlighting her true feelings about mixed-race marriages.

  “Wilhelmina!” His father yelled out his mother’s name, which didn’t happen often. “You stop all that nonsense talk. Did you forget that gal our own Dexter brought home? She’s mixed with something too. Although every time I asked her or that guard about it, they ignored me.”

  And with that statement, Dexter had heard enough. “I need the two of you to stop talking.”

  Dexter’s mother gasped. “Horatio? Did your son just tell us to hush?” By the time she was finished speaking, his mother was yelling into the phone. She was no shrinking violet but occasionally liked to play the role if she thought it would get her what she wanted. Guess she was done trying to play the good mother role.

  This is one of the reasons he’d left home in the first place. His parents, mainly his mother, were so stuck in their ways, they couldn’t see past their little corner of the world. That wasn’t the life for him. Never would be. They’d either get on board or not. Either way, he didn’t really give a fuck.

  “Mom. Dad. I need you to listen to me. There’s something I need to tell you about Raven.” Dexter knew his parents were going to flip. It was one thing to believe Raven is just some rich girl from another country. It was something else altogether to find out she was wealthier than the entire state of Tennessee, and a few other US locations. That she was a Royal Princess, and heir to her father’s throne, would add even more insult to injury.

  “I knew that girl was trouble,” his mom muttered.

  Then it was his father’s turn again. “Son, there’s other fish in the sea. She’s not the only girl out there. Just keep on looking, and I know you’ll find the right one.”

  Dexter dropped his head back against the chair. His fingers pinched the bridge of his nose. He could feel the headache coming, and it hadn’t even been five minutes. This must be a new record.

  “As soon as those fancy bouncers came to our house, traipsing all over my living room and kitchen with their highfalutin’ shoes, I knew that girl was no good.” Wilhelmina Sorenson wasn’t going to let this go.

  Dexter almost wanted to laugh. His parents’ old ways of thinking, combined with their need to support him, had them both going off on a tangent, making up responses to statements he hadn’t even made. If he were in Raven’s shoes, he would have run to another country just to get away from these two. “If the two of you would listen to me, I can tell you exactly what’s going on. I asked Raven to marry me,” he finally stated into their silence.

  “You did what?” His parents yelled in unison.

  “There’s more. That overseas trip I’m on? I’m in Raven’s home country of Abingdon. I’ve met her parents, and they’re good people. I know the two of you don’t understand, and I can’t make you. Hell, I’m not even going to try.” Dexter sighed, but knew this had to be done. “I love Raven. She loves me in return. I know the two of you grew up in a different time and place and I’ll never understand how you can still think the way you do after all these years. Bottom line, if you can’t accept her, or my decision to make her my wife, then that’ll be your loss.”

  His mother spoke, her voice almost a whisper. “It’s not that we don’t accept her, it’s just—”

  He knew what she was going to say and didn’t want to hear it. Her words were just excuses at this point. Dexter interrupted her awkward explanation. “There’s something else you both need to know. Raven’s official name is Her Royal Highness, Princess Raven of Abingdon, Duchess of Laskovia.”

  “Son?” His father rasped out. His voice was raw with emotion.

  “Dexter, you just told us you asked her to marry you. Now you tell us she’s a princess,” his mother chimed in.

  He knew his parents were starting to understand the situation. “Yes, I did. As soon as things can be arranged, we’ll have the official wedding here in Shularia. Raven’s parents, the King and Queen, have already given their blessing.” Dexter heard silence on the other end. Moments later, he heard a loud thump and the clatter of the phone falling to the floor. “Mom? Dad?”

  “Hold on, son. Your mother just fainted.”



  One week later…

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight? I’ll have to keep you close by my side to make su
re no one tries to make a move on you.”

  Raven smiled at Dexter as they walked into the grand hall for the charity event. They were attending tonight’s event in support of a fundraising effort for childhood cancer. Though neither of them had been directly impacted by the disease, they both felt this was an important cause. When Raven turned twenty-four, her parents designated her as the Royal Patron of the Children’s Cancer Center of Shularia. “And I think you’re very dashing, debonair, and yummy enough to eat.” Considering they both did their fair share of licking and eating each other before getting dressed for tonight’s event, Raven knew Dexter understood her message loud and clear.

  “Don’t worry, baby. That’ll come later tonight. And I do mean come.”

  Dexter’s wicked smile had her shivering in anticipation. The things this man could do to her body should be outlawed. Raven could feel the blush come over her face since Dexter had not lowered his voice when he made that statement. She lightly smacked him on his tuxedo-clad arm as they continued walking into the main room. As he glanced down at her, Raven couldn’t help but smile back at him. It was difficult to be annoyed with Dexter, especially when she wanted the same things he did. If she didn’t care so much about this cause, Raven would be back at the castle with her man making sure he gave her everything he’d promised. And she would drive him just a little crazy herself and show him what she’d been practicing these past three months. She could now spell C-O-C-O-N-U-T with her hips. She almost cackled with glee thinking about driving Dexter out of his mind with her newfound skill.

  “Well, look who decided to show up. Our flighty, but beautiful, Royal Highness. Good evening, Princess Raven.”

  The newcomer, a short and portly man with red, blotchy skin from excessive use of alcohol, was well known to Raven. She rolled her eyes as soon as she heard the high-pitched voice. The man was a toad, and he looked like one too with his misshapen face, a large stomach, and his propensity to lick his lips every five seconds. The man was abhorrent. She schooled her features into the neutral look she’d practiced over the years. Turning to face the man who’d made the snide comment, Raven couldn’t help but hold Dexter’s hand just a bit tighter. “Good evening, Mr. Booker. Thank you for attending the event this evening. I know the children will appreciate your support.” With a glance at Dexter, who must have stood at least a foot taller than the other man, Raven introduced him. “Dexter Sorenson, this is Mr. Joshua Booker, Consul General of France here in Shularia. Mr. Booker, please meet Dexter Sorensen, my fiancé.”

  The man’s eyes bugged out of his head. “Your what?” He turned his head to the side, a scowl coming over his face. When he turned around to look at them again, he still held a look of disgust. “No. This isn’t right. You were never supposed to—”

  Shocked at the vitriol spewing from his mouth, Raven intuitively took a step closer to Dexter. “What are you going on about? I wasn’t supposed to what?” At his continued silence, she raised her voice, using the tone her mother ingrained in her from a young age. “You, Sir, will answer my questions. What do you have to say for yourself? What was never supposed to happen?” At his continued stuttering, and his wide eyes looking between her and Dexter, Raven was about to call her personal guard. This man was up to something, and she needed to find out what.

  Dexter’s voice interrupted her frustrated musings. “My fiancé asked you a question. What do you know about her? Who the hell are you to question anything she does?” Dexter took a step forward to confront the man. Raven moved to grab his arm, but he was too quick.

  Raven looked on in horror as Dexter reached out one hand. The shorter man attempted to step back from him, the fear evident in his eyes. When Dexter’s hand wrapped around his throat, a collective gasp came from those unable to look away from the spectacle they were making. “Dexter! What are you doing? Let him go this instant.” Her parents would definitely receive some calls about this situation. On a regular day, she wouldn’t care if someone chose to tattle on her, but with everything going on, they needed to keep things under the radar. Dexter’s behavior wasn’t helping.

  “No, I will not stop. This person,” he spat out in disgust, “will tell us what he knows. Why are you questioning Raven about what she’s doing or who I am?” Dexter continued to squeeze the man’s neck tightly as the diplomat gurgled from trying to speak.

  “Your Royal Highness,” he greeted Raven. “Is there a problem?” One of the royal guards approached the group. “Sir, I need you to release Mr. Booker. I cannot let you choke him in the middle of this evening’s event.”

  Raven touched Dexter’s arm and decided pleading with him was her best option. “Dexter, you must let him go. Please.” Shaking with fear of what Dexter could do to the other man, she tried again. “Dexter. Let him go. Don’t do this here. This man is a diplomat in my country. You’re embarrassing me.” She hoped her last words would break through the fog.

  Dexter glanced at her before loosening his grip around the man’s neck. With a flick of his wrist, he shoved the consul general away. “Stay away from Raven,” he growled in the man’s direction.

  “Mr. Booker, please excuse my fiancé. He’s been under some stress lately.” Raven’s temper was about to explode. She needed to get out of this room before she was embarrassed further.

  The older man pulled himself together, taking a few steps away from them before he snapped. “You will regret your friends’ actions,” he said before storming off in another direction, his stride wobbly, and his face still red from a lack of oxygen.

  Raven turned to Dexter. “How could you? Do you realize what you’ve done?” She eyed the crowd, looking at the faces of all the people who were again questioning her and her family. More so, her mother and Raven’s proclivity to cause issues for her father. The people closest to them stayed in their spots, whispering about the scene they’d witnessed. The voices became so loud, Raven could hear her name floating in the air. She and Dexter were supposed to quell the rumors, not create more.

  Dexter looked down at her, his eyes flashing with anger. “He threatened you. Do you think I’m going to stand here and allow that to happen right in front of me?” His towering form bristled with anger, but it didn’t bother her. She would go toe-to-toe with him, or anyone else, when it comes to her family and their reputation. This was her country, her crown, and no one, not even Dexter, would do anything to have it taken away from her.

  Raven broke their stalemate, turning on her heels to exit the room. She wasn’t going to ask him to follow. If she said even one word to him, she’d probably tell him to fuck off. Exiting the front door, she climbed into their waiting limousine. She hadn’t even said goodbye to the center’s director. Raven didn’t care about how that behavior would be interpreted. Not tonight. She climbed into the vehicle, waiting for the chauffeur to close the door.

  “Why would you storm out of the event like a child, Raven?” Dexter’s harsh tone filled the interior of the vehicle when he climbed inside.

  Her body vibrated with anger and frustration. The car began moving as she continued to sit in silence. Not saying anything was better in this situation.

  “Raven? Answer me. You left me in there looking like a fool.” Dexter’s voice was raised in anger.

  Raven knew he was angry at her behavior and didn’t understand why she left the way she did. Maybe that was part of the problem. She had been someone else while in the states. Now that she was back home, the diamond tiara was placed firmly on top of her head. There was no taking it off just because she wanted to be an ordinary citizen. Dexter could never understand that. He hadn’t seen the real Raven in all the time they’d been together. It had all been a façade, and now that she was back home in Shularia, the expectations had been placed at her feet once again. Raven knew there was no escaping who she was.

  “You need to explain this to me, Raven. Why are you angry that I defended you?”

  Swiveling her head in his direction, she glared at him. “Th
ese are not the streets of Jackson, Tennessee or Washington, D.C. You aren’t some caveman who I need to save the day. Here, in Shularia, my family is the highest law in the land. Maybe you should recognize whose world you’re in right now because it’s no longer yours.”



  Raven knew from the flash in Dexter’s eyes, her message had been received loud and clear. The only problem was, he didn’t like what she had to say. Too damn bad.

  Dexter moved swiftly, grabbing her chin tightly in his hand. “You are my woman. I will never allow anyone to speak to you that way or threaten you. I can’t do it. I won’t do it. Don’t ever ask me again to take a step back from protecting you.”

  Raven sighed, and a touch of her anger left. It didn’t completely go away, and his words didn’t fully resolve the issues at hand. “I don’t think you understand.” Raven pulled her face away from him. Tilting her head, she gave him a long look. “Maybe my world is not one you’ll be comfortable in. Maybe wanting you here with me is asking too much of you.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Dexter snapped at her, which wasn’t something he did. His lip curled in anger, and his brow was creased in confusion.

  “Can we talk about this when we get back to the castle?” Her lip quivered as salty wetness threatened to fall from her eyes. She didn’t want to have this conversation with him, but maybe it was for the best. He was so used to being in charge and running the show back home. She hadn’t really given it much thought, but now that they were here, she couldn’t avoid the question. Could Dexter fit in her world, knowing that she would always take precedence? That her word was law. That he would never be the person in charge while on her land. It would always be her. Some men couldn’t handle that change in dynamic. Raven was starting to have concerns about whether Dexter was one of them.


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