Endless Online: Oblivion's Promise

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Endless Online: Oblivion's Promise Page 22

by M. H. Johnson

  It seemed to Val that the Highlords were definitely gearing up for something. Demand for many raw materials was skyrocketing, the children of nobles and administrators competing vigorously for elite spots at various military academies, a tidbit Val picked up because apparently one of Arnar's sons was a candidate himself.

  And then they were before yet another reinforced door, Arnar thumbing a silver needle and waiting patiently for streams of light to play over it, Val's Arcane Perception making it clear that this was a magical scan as opposed to high tech.

  Within seconds the final barrier opened with a soft sigh of metal flowing away revealing stairs leading down to an underground cellar, all of them gazing in awe at what looked to be a vast cistern full of silver-blue liquid splashing about contentedly within.

  Arnar gave a forlorn sigh. "Ah, Sten. You don't know how much trouble I've gone to in acquiring this, expecting a market spike that never did manifest, even as my capital, tied up in this fortune worth well over twenty million credits, just sat here. And it truly is the best quality Silbion to be found anywhere, an absolute dream for any alchemist worth his name." He nodded to Gregor. "To say nothing of the industrial applications. In truth, I was considering selling it to several industrial consortiums for a modest profit, but I am truly glad that I waited, so I could give first opportunity to my good friend Sten. May all your economic ventures prosper beyond your wildest dreams."

  Sten grinned at the compliment even as Val looked on in awe. The swirling liquid seemed almost to call out to him. Many times the amount present in the casket that had birthed him, the tremendous quantity resonated in the ether with a song that shivered right through him. Val gazed at it all in a sort of odd reverie. Then Gregor pinched him.

  He blinked and glared at the little man.

  Gregor blanched. "Don't look at me like that! You were going strange, and we can't afford that," he hissed.

  Val nodded, realizing his companion had a point. Fortunately, Arnar was focused still on Sten.

  "I can't help but notice that your Velimobile, while an excellent vehicle, does not have quite the capacity to safely carry this quantity of Silbion. I would of course be more than happy to lend you one of my own vehicles, reinforced and large enough to carry the entirety of this fortune to wherever it is you intend to go in the capital. All that I ask is that you allow one of my men to drive your vehicle behind you, so you have it with you wherever it is you will sell or store the Silbion. Then he can drive my vehicle back when you are done. Of course we would be equally happy to keep your own vehicle here, waiting for you, until such a time as you might need it."

  Sten grinned. "No worries, good friend Arnar. The fact is, we've stored the Silbion just moments ago by your secret entrance, so discretely that no visitors will ever have a clue we were anything but typical guests, not even your guards alerted. You and I took pride in pulling the wool over your men. Not even they are aware of how clever you are, and you will always get a quiet little chuckle whenever you think about it, happily taking this delightful secret to your grave."

  Even as Sten said this, Elise's graceful fingers were gently massaging the man's temple, the trader giving sympathetic shudders in Elise's powerful, careful grip even as Val proceeded to the priceless vat of liquid, carefully sliding back the translucent lid a few cautious inches, dipping one finger inside the container, his finger touching the Silbion at last.

  You have found two hundred liters of Liquid Silbion! Val blinked, trembling with awe and excitement both, quickly storing the priceless find away, all of it taking but a single hex in the grid in his mind's eye. And like that, a priceless fortune worth 20 million credits had vanished so fast that Val was surprised not to have heard a thunderclap of air rushing in, but not a whisper could be heard or breeze felt. Just Arnar blinking and shaking his head in a daze as he looked around him, eyes widening at the now completely empty vat, sharing a quiet chuckle with Sten.

  "You are right, my friend. No one will ever believe that we could pull this off, and here we did it! Thank you for showing me that route hidden away in the blueprints. I had always thought there was some sort of secret tunnel, and this proves it." He frowned, rubbing his head. "Now I feel dizzy just thinking about it."

  Sten laughed. "It certainly did wind a bit, didn't it, my friend? And in the oddest of places. We almost didn't find it, twice! I know, let's have some more of your exquisite brandy to celebrate our shared triumph."

  And they did just that, all of them in grand spirits as they ate and drank for a time, everyone enjoying themselves, sharing smiles and brandy to celebrate the weeks they had been preparing for this venture, explorer and backer, and here they were, twenty million credits worth of Silbion in the black. Left unmentioned was the incredible fortune they still had safely stored away within Val's pocket dimension, Arnor already so happy with their shared venture that he didn't think to inquire if there were any other spoils to sell or trade. Sten was smart enough to say nothing, and Val prudent enough to take the captain's lead.

  Val felt particularly happy just dreaming of the look that would be on Ava's beautiful face when he finally returned with the vast reserves of Silbion they had already managed to acquire. He could only imagine what a boon it would be, even if they only used a fraction of it. Properly sealed in carefully crafted dwarven containers, it should last many, many centuries according to Ava, his lover giving him the impression that should Val actually manage to come through for them with further stores of Silbion, they would never let a drop go to waste again.

  Sunset had arrived by the time they made their exit, Arnor having made it clear they were more than welcome to stay and celebrate through the night if they so chose, the inviting smiles sent Val's way by the exquisitely beautiful pair of girls that had been tending to them made it quite clear the invitation included far more than a good night's sleep, but Sten had waved off the offer with the friendliest of grins.

  "Sadly, my friend, we have a schedule we must keep, and I won't allow even a chance of someone attempting theft of our prize while on my dear friend's property."

  "And don't think we aren't tempted," Halvar assured, grinning at one of the girls who blushed before flashing a sultry smile of her own, gazing behind her once as she flounced off with a sensual strut.

  Val's eyes had widened, and it was Elise who had gently squeezed his hand. "Reach out with your mind, Val. Feel it. Don't try to pick up words, just intentions. How does our dusky-skinned beauty really feel about Halvar?"

  Val blinked, surprised by Elise's attempt at a gentle lesson, but did his best to do just that, catching the girl's parting glance, trying to get a sense not of actual internal dialogue, but simple raw emotion.

  Empathy check successful! Val felt his cheeks flushing, suddenly sensing the girl's genuine interest in the grinning giant she had been tending to, getting a flash of intense passion, overlaid with a sense of them laughing together, walking hand in hand, a baby in her arms.

  Val swallowed, turning to Elise. "These girls aren't here under any duress, are they?" speaking softly enough only Elise could hear.

  She solemnly shook her head. "No, Val. Should they make a guest unusually happy, they get a very nice bonus. It is an enticement, but there is no pressure. The girls make a decent basic wage, have room and board, and none would be here if they weren't hoping to find a wealthy patron, make connections, or perhaps capture the heart of someone going places in life."

  Val nodded. "So, no negative stigma. They're here for a day job that offers the possibilities of passionate, profitable nights and the hope of meeting the love of their lives, if they're really lucky."

  Elise nodded, both of them turning their attention back to their host once more.

  "Of course I completely understand your position, dear Sten, and I do most sincerely hope that you and your crew will return and avail yourselves of my hospitality sometime soon. I eagerly await details of your Silbion ventures!"

  Arnor raised his glass in a friendly toast as
Sten led them back to the Velimobile, and Val couldn't help but notice the disappointed look the strikingly beautiful redhead gave him as they prepared to board the car. He caught her gaze for just a second before she flushed and looked away, and the visceral images he sensed made his cheeks burn.

  Halvar chuckled, patting his back as they hopped back in before driving away so smoothly Val felt like he was floating on a cloud. "Don't worry, lad. Arnor's happy as a clam right now. Considering the value of Elementium and the disadvantages of having had so much capital tied up in Silbion, we couldn't have done the man a better turn, save give him our prizes outright. I have no doubt that if that vision of ruby delight has captured your interest, you'll have plenty of time to see where it leads, just as soon as we've doubled our fortunes on Phoebe."

  His smile was warm, one that invited confidences. "You can be straight, kid. Now that we are safely back on the surface, away from peril, do you think your infatuation with Ava was the love of your life, or perhaps just the intensity of the moment? You did her the best of turns, Val. You saved her life. There is no way she can't be grateful. I don't see how she could begrudge a young man's change of heart. So if you think your destiny lies with a vision of beauty at Arnor's, or you just want to savor the sweet fruits of life without censure, no one here will judge you for it. Not in the least."

  Elise, though up front and seemingly focused on the road, gave a slow nod of her own before turning around, violet eyes locking upon his own. He flinched only momentarily, resisting the impulse to try to slide into Shadowmind, trusting Elise, sensing from her the concern of a friend, even if overlaid with gravest worry. "Halvar's right, Val. If your infatuation was an instinct for survival, it served us well, and we are even further in your debt. There is nothing wrong with falling in love with a nice healthy girl who understands life in the real world, not one who, tragically, is a member of a... clan thought extinct for a thousand years."

  Sten nodded, for all that his eyes were on the road. "You know we won't betray your trust, Val. But there is a lot to be said for dalliance and love with a woman who you never have to worry about being targeted, never have to worry about anyone trying to steal your children away one day."

  Elise paled at those words, Sten's hand quickly grasping her own, squeezing it tight. "Then again, my young friend, if Ava is your chosen, hold onto her fiercely tight. For I will let no one deter me from my heart's desire, no matter the obstacles and dangers we face."

  Elise blushed and smiled at Sten who flashed her a roguish grin before increasing their speed, Elise collecting herself enough for a shy nod. "He's right, Val. Either way, we support you."

  Gregor sighed. "Of course we do. Even though falling for the redhead would be the easier path to take by far."

  Val laughed along with his friends, even as he gazed in amazement at the outskirts of the massive city of chrome and glass that they approached, buildings soaring in the light of the sunset like the most elegant and exquisite of skyscrapers back home, and even from here he detected what seemed like multilevel traffic and graceful bridges connecting soaring towers that showcased the true marvels of this world.

  "Sorry to disappoint, Gregor, but convenience has nothing to do with what I feel in my heart for a girl I miss even now." Val blushed under Elise's amused gaze. "It's not that I can't appreciate another woman's beauty. It's just that I intend to be faithful to the one who's already forging links in my heart."

  Sten nodded. "Honest and heartfelt. Well said, Val. Young as you are, you're definitely coming along as a man."

  Val smirked. "Thanks, Sten. Do I really look sixteen to you all?"

  Nothing but solemn nods. Val shook his head, unable to deny what taking a long hard look in the mirror Elise had wordlessly handed him already showed him. He knew his physique was as powerfully built as it had ever been in his life, even at the height of his military training. His face was glowing with health, skin utterly clear of any imperfection, features looking a tiny bit more symmetrical than he remembered, and for all that he looked almost chiseled, he couldn't deny that the Val gazing back at him so oddly appeared far more like the Val he recalled in high school than the scarred, embittered twenty-year-old who had emerged a few years later.

  He swallowed, shutting his eyes, wordlessly handing back the mirror. It was the strangest thing. Truly. Had his biological clock been affected too? Would he now age at the rate of his companions? Having spawned into being by what amounted to the force of his will alone, was he even susceptible to aging? Bottom line was, he had no idea, and if he went home like this he knew he would get more than a few stares.

  He let his mind drift then, gazing at the still far off city, wondering if New York would look the same if someone were sailing to it at night from a distance, thousands of lights flashing in the dark, full of endless wonder and possibility.


  "You awake yet, kid?"

  Val lurched upright in his seat, blinking open still gummy eyes. "Yeah, Halvar, I'm awake." He yawned, earning a grin back for his troubles.

  "Dream anything interesting?"

  "I dreamed about the wonderful laboratory I'll be constructing on the most prime piece of property in the system once we've traded away all this Elementium and we don't feel the pressure of the thousand things that could go wrong before we reach that point," huffed a grumpy looking Gregor. Val smirked and faced forward, dumbstruck for a moment as he caught sight of the approaching city, most particularly the massive array of shimmering buildings of chrome and glass, along with scores of what could only be spaceships tilted towards the heavens, many on launching pads only a few miles away.

  Val's mouth dropped, feeling nothing but awe as he gazed upon massive vessels of chrome, steel, crystal, and exotic shimmering alloys for which he had no name, running the gamut from Earth-like space shuttles to classic tubular rockets to vessels that almost looked like winged yachts, all of them with their noses pointed to the sky.

  "It is an impressive sight, is it not?" Sten allowed as one enormous vessel Val understood to be a freight-ship slowly lifted off, seeming almost to shimmer as the entire vessel was enveloped in violet energies even as its engines glowed a soft blue as it continued to accelerate, Val feeling a curious vibration in his bones, as if a subsonic roar was being emitted by the massive spaceship.

  Val nodded. "Impressive as anything I've ever seen, Captain. Those ships are like marvels plucked straight out of the movies."

  Sten grinned. "To hear about any computer being sophisticated enough as to render life-like depictions simply as part of its programming I find as incredible as the ships you see flying even now. We actually do have a number of video recordings, if you'd like to see what real entertainment looks like, once we lift off, Val."

  Halvar nodded with satisfaction. "We have almost twenty."

  Val blinked. "You have a collection of twenty films?"

  "That's right," Gregor said with a certain amount of pride. "Not cheap, either, for obvious reasons. We also have hundreds of audio-tales, of course. Much more affordable, and a wonderful way to end the evening, I think. That reminds me, Halvar, we have to get the latest episodes in the Blue Shadow series!"

  Elise chuckled. "Are you two still listening to that audio-narration? Hasn't it already surpassed an even score?"

  Halvar grinned. "It's a well-narrated tale, Elise. You and Sten should listen in with us."

  Sten nodded. "I've listened in a time or two. It has excellent pacing, and just the right amount of humor. And after this run, there will be no limit to how many audios and videos we can pick up."

  Elise leaned against Sten, her arm slipping around his waist. "Any video where you and I make it safely beyond the reach of those who wish us ill is the only story I wish to embrace."

  "The best movie of all," Halvar concurred.

  "Did you have to say it out loud? What we're doing is madness. We all know it," whispered Gregor.

  Val felt his heart start to race, his throat dry with sudden tension
. "This port isn't safe, is it?"

  "Not by a long shot," Halvar chuckled. "But it's the only way off this planet, unless you wish to travel across hostile terrain to the other side of the continent? And a Highlord's pet will be on guard at the seaports there as well."

  Elise's gaze turned grave as she peered back at Val. "It is too late for us to put you under now. We're already approaching the starport. The expenditure of force I would have to expend would be just the sort of thing the Hound on duty would pick up on. I'm just going to have to trust that your Shadowmind will keep you out of people's notice, and us out of trouble.

  Val nodded. "I'll do my best."

  "Then do it," Sten said, voice curt as they all felt the sudden urgency of their situation.

  And Val did. Breathing deep, taking in the awe of the spaceships roaring overhead, the massive buildings with scores of functions he could only guess at, the bright sun blazing merrily away in a deep blue sky. Val felt himself flow into the moment, as much the velimobile as the singular entity known as Val by the time they had rolled to a stop beside a pair of bored looking armored guards standing with blasters at ease beside the entrance to the starport made by the now well-paved road, traffic visible only now, their hard-packed dirt road just a tributary joining true highways only in the final mile of their approach, and it was a testament to their vehicle that Val hardly felt a difference.

  "Name and purpose?" Asked one disinterested looking guard.

  Sten grinned. "Kilburten of Kilburten Enterprises. Here on purposes of trade."

  The guard's eyebrows raised. "Do you have anything to declare?"

  "Indeed I do," Sten concurred, Halvar solemnly opening a case revealing a number of exotic stone figurines and pieces of Elementium depleted crystal gathered from Val's crypt and birthplace, and the massive cavern of horrors that had nearly spelled their end.


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