Her Billionaire Cowboy's Fake Marriage

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Her Billionaire Cowboy's Fake Marriage Page 10

by Hope Moore

  “Hop in. Sounds like a plan to me.”

  A few minutes later, they were chatting like old friends as Caroline drove down the winding roads toward Fredericksburg.

  “You really ran from the cops in a high-speed chase?” Allie asked after her question about cops patrolling the area, because Caroline was going a bit over the limit and at times caused Allie to hold tight to the edge of her seat. The woman drove as if there were a fire somewhere and they were the firetruck.

  Caroline winked at her. “You are so easy for me to tease. No, I did not run from the cops but I thought about it. Jesse James Johnson—that’s the deputy out of Stonewall—he and I don’t get along too well. And when I see him, sometimes I tease him and that’s what I was talking about. I speed a little to aggravate him. He doesn’t always make it easy on me, though. He’s threatened a time or two just to haul me in and have the book thrown at me.”

  “Why would he do that?” Allie didn’t know whether she needed to ask for more explanation or whether she needed to decide right then and there that Caroline liked to pull her leg a lot. She would ask Wade about her when she saw him later that evening.

  “Because I frustrate him. He thinks I’m a spoiled brat and I think he’s a good-looking hunk of a man who thinks just because he wears a uniform he can call all the shots. I told him to throw the book at me and I’d have his job.”

  “You told him that?” Allie was really confused and watching the road closely for any signs of a patrol SUV.

  “I told him that just to rile him up.” Caroline laughed. “He’s kind of fun to rile up.”

  Allie was relieved when town came into view and traffic was ahead and Caroline eased her boot off the gas. “You really remind me of my friend Ginny. I think you and her would get along really well. Both of you kind of terrify me.”

  Caroline threw her head back and hooted. “Well, I might have to meet this Ginny because I don’t think I’ve ever terrified anybody. Maybe I need to meet your friend so I can see what she does that reminds you of me. Maybe I’ll need to calm myself down.”

  “Something tells me that that’s probably not possible because I know it’s not possible for Ginny.”

  “I was just teasing you, you know. My granddaddy agrees with Jesse James—always tells me I’m a spoiled brat and one day somebody is going to take me serious and I’m going to be in a whole heap of trouble.”

  “Well, I hope it’s not that deputy and you don’t end up getting thrown into jail.”

  “Again, he wouldn’t do that. Besides, he actually likes me and I don’t know, but I think I like him too. But I’m not going to tell him—I’m just going to keep giving him a hard time.”

  Allie was thinking about the deputy with lights blazing in a high-speed car chase, chasing after Caroline. She got a picture of the way she teased Wade about chasing her across the pasture on his horse while she was on a runaway horse. The thought made her smile. She actually thought it would be quite exciting to be rescued like that by Wade. Maybe Caroline had a similar fantasy about this deputy with the name of an outlaw.

  They made it to the main shopping area of town without having to be chased down or ending up in jail, and Allie was quite relieved. She followed Caroline into a store with very expensive-looking clothes. She paused in the doorway. She didn’t have the money for this. Then reality hit her and she reminded herself she did have access to whatever she needed. It was a very odd feeling for her. Ever since her dad and mom’s wreck, she had been so behind on everything. Her money troubles had been just so overwhelming and now to know that she could probably buy anything she wanted was a bit overwhelming too. But even knowing that she could didn’t mean she would. She had a frugal heart and she was determined to only spend what she needed. But she also needed to make sure that she was dressed appropriately.

  “Are you ready to shop till we drop?” Caroline turned and motioned for Allie to follow her.

  “At least until we find the right dress. I hope we’re able to find it quickly.”

  Caroline looked at her as though she had just said something horrible. “Quickly? Are you kidding me? We are going to try on every dress in this store and then we are going to move on to another one if you don’t find anything. This is your wedding reception. You need to look like a million bucks. You need to make my cousin Wade fall in love with you all over again.”

  She felt very deceptive suddenly because it was very obvious that Caroline did not realize that this was a fake marriage in every sense of the word. But the idea of making Wade fall in love with her was just wishful thinking. That would not happen. Still, she wouldn’t mind seeing whether she could make him think about it at least.

  “You are absolutely right,” she said. “Let’s do this.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Wade came in that evening, hot and tired and a bit worried when he didn’t find Allie anywhere. He looked through the house and then was headed back outside to look for her when he noticed a note on the counter. She’d gone shopping with Caroline. He rubbed his temple. His cousin was back in town. And taken Allie shopping for a dress for the reception. That should be fun for her, he hoped, as he headed to his office and the conference call with his brothers. He’d told them after he’d married Allie that he was married and they had still been mad that he’d had to get married to save the ranch.

  He’d been too busy to worry about how they felt. He hoped tonight’s call, a regular call to discuss any business, went better than that call to Morgan and visit to Todd had gone. He also planned to tell them about Penny and that she was throwing them the reception and that they’d need to be there. He didn’t expect that to go over real well with Morgan. He’d think his chain was being yanked once again and he obviously had a real hang-up about that. Wade wasn’t going to worry about it too much, though. His main concern right now, he realized with a grin, was wondering what Allie was going to look like in the dress she brought home for the party.

  Allie had bought the most beautiful dress in the world. At the very least, the most beautiful dress she had ever owned. Wade had been in his office when she’d arrived back at the house and she stuck her head through the open doorway. He looked weary as he sat studying his computer.

  “Honey, I’m home,” she said, teasing him, feeling lighthearted and happy. Happy. The thought felt light on her heart and she took it while she could get it. Being with Caroline had made her a little bolder than she normally was, much like being with Ginny always had.

  His eyes lit up at her voice and he instantly rose from the chair and moved around the desk toward her.

  Butterflies lifted through her.

  “Great. Did you have fun? I’m afraid to ask what Caroline might have gotten you mixed up in. I was just glad I didn’t have to come bail you two out of Jesse James’s jail cell.”

  She laughed. “She told me about that. I’m really glad you didn’t have to do that either. She drives like a race car driver.”

  “Like a moonshiner, you mean?”

  “Exactly. Thankfully, we did not see this Jesse James, although I was curious about him.”

  Wade stood in front of her, grinning down at her, and she tingled all over just being near him. Gee whizz, she was in a bad way.

  “You’ll meet him at the party next week, I’m sure. Him and a horde of other friends. I’m really sorry you have to go through that.”

  She refused to get down about the party and that it didn’t matter whether she met his friends and family considering she wasn’t going to be here long enough to get their names straight. “It’ll be fun. And I got the most wonderful dress. I’m going to feel like a princess. Caroline made me get it when I thought it was too much.”

  “Good for her. You had the money—you used the card I gave you, right?”

  “Yes, I remembered it and since this was for our party, I used it. But I still felt weird. But that’s not what I meant about the dress being too much. I meant too much, too over the top—you know…too fancy for me.” />
  His brows crinkled like they often did over his serious eyes. “Nothing is too fancy for you. I don’t like it when you think less of yourself. You are as good as anyone and gorgeous without the dress.”

  She swallowed the lump in her throat. She hadn’t meant to draw sympathy or compliments with her comment. It had just been a comment, a normal thought, and she hadn’t meant anything by it. But he had jumped in there defensively for her. The idea touched her deeply and she was speechless.

  He touched her chin. “I have known you for just a short while but I have a feeling you talk negatively about yourself all the time. You need to stop that. I saw a poster somewhere that said be kind to yourself first and it rubs off on everyone around you. You’re already kind to others—think how much more amazing you’ll be when you’re kinder to yourself first.”

  Her mouth dropped open. She let out a small laugh of wonder. “If you are trying to build up my ego and self-esteem, you are doing a great job. You should go into business.”

  His eyes danced with merriment. “You’ve turned up in my life and are a full-time job. If you ease up on yourself and I see progress, then maybe I’ll think about it later.” He chuckled.

  She did too and they ended up standing there, grinning at each other.

  “You going to show me that dress?” he drawled after a long, dangerous moment.

  A moment in which Allie had to fight the want to throw her arms around him and feel the security and wonderful feel of his body against hers. Then kiss those smiling, tempting lips of his.

  Goodness, maybe she might not need to hang out with Caroline anymore; she was feeling way too bold at the moment. Of course, she didn’t—wouldn’t—do such a thing…but she sure had been thinking about it.

  “Not until the party. Sorry.” She loved the way his eyes danced at her words.

  “I guess you’re going to make me suffer?”

  Since they were teasing, she went along with it. She placed a finger on his chest and tapped lightly. “Sure thing, cowboy.” And then, unable to keep up the ruse, she laughed and spun away and headed down the hall. “I’m thinking I might not need to hang out with your cousin. She’s rubbing off on me.”

  “I like it, so don’t stop on my account,” he called then chuckled. “You going to bed?”

  She turned at the end of the hall. “Yes, and I need to put my things away. Shopping till you drop is not just a saying, you know. It’s the truth. I’m about ready to pass out. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight. Sweet dreams.”

  His words followed her and sure enough, her dreams were sweet. She dreamed that she had met Wade at a picnic and fallen in love. And that this was real and not a business deal.

  Nelda was just getting off her cell phone when Wade came in from the barn. She looked worried.

  “Nelda, what’s wrong?”

  Allie came in from the living room. “Nelda, are you okay?”

  “My mother had a fall. She’s okay. But it scared me. She didn’t break her hip but I’m always scared she might. She’s ninety years old and still working in her garden. Anyway, I’m a bit frazzled. I hate to ask but I’m going to need to go down there for a few days. Help out at the hospital and get her home. She’s bruised her hip, so I’m not sure how bad. Or what she’ll need until I get there.”

  “You go. Take all the time you need. Can we take you in the plane?”

  “No, but thank you. I’ll need my car and it’s just a few hours to Waco.”

  “Okay then, but anything you need, let me know. We’ll call this paid leave. Take—”

  “No, I can’t ask that.”

  “You aren’t asking. You and Roland help keep this place—me—running. I’m grateful for you. Go, spend time with your mother. Don’t worry about us. We can make it on our own for a while. But don’t go thinking we don’t need you. Right, Allie?”

  Allie nodded. “He’s right. Give your mother our well wishes and don’t worry about us. I will cook for this man and he will smile, eating whatever I put in front of him.”

  Nelda laughed. “That sounds interesting.” She winked. “You two enjoy some alone time. Newlyweds need that. Okay, I better go call Roland and then head out.”

  “If he needs to go with you, he can.”

  “No, he will drive me batty wandering around a hospital with nothing to do. You keep him, please.”

  Wade grinned. “I see your point. I’ll do that.”

  Allie hugged the older woman and he did, too, and then they walked out to her car with her and watched as she drove away. When he looked down at Allie, he saw worry on her mind.

  “What’s wrong?” He dipped his head to meet her gaze.

  “I am so sorry for her mother. But it made me think and I was going to mention it, I need to go home to check on Mama too.”

  “Yes, you do. I’ll tell you what, how about I call and have the pilot get the plane ready and we go down there for the day. Or two. Clay and Roland can handle things here for me.”

  “You want to come with me? Won’t you be restless at the rehab?”

  “I want to come with you. And I’d like to check everything out too. Make sure there isn’t something more we can do.”

  Tears filled her eyes and she threw her arms around him. “Thank you. You are such a kind man.”

  He caught her to him, feeling grateful that he could help her and be there for her.

  Allie stared out the window of the small jet. She couldn’t believe this was her life. “Do you own this?” She couldn’t help asking the question. It was just so out of her realm to be sitting here, flying toward home.

  “No, not completely. Granddaddy figured out early on that he preferred being able to pick up a phone and have a plane here in less than an hour. It worked better for our needs, so he invested in the company my cousin owns and we have access when we need it. I don’t fly as much as Todd or anywhere near as much as Morgan but if we need to head different directions on the same day we can arrange it.”

  “Oh.” The lifestyle was so beyond her. He was sitting beside her and leaned close to look over her shoulder. He smelled so very wonderful. “Thank you again for going with me. It means a lot.” She meant it.

  Wade’s gray-blue gaze held steady. “I’m glad you let me tag along.” His hand lifted and cupped her jaw, so very tenderly. “You doing okay with missing your dad?”

  She swallowed hard. That he would think to ask about her grief touched her deeply, something he was beginning to do on a regular basis. He was asking about hers and she hadn’t asked about how he was doing.

  “I am. I miss him so. It hits me out of nowhere sometimes and then other times I’ll have a really good day, like yesterday and today, and I won’t even think about him and then I feel guilty. How about you? I’m so sorry I haven’t asked.”

  “I’m doing fine. I miss Granddaddy but I guess we can’t stop time from marching on. Besides, he’s still here in a way, giving orders and making himself known.” He grinned and then it wavered. “I’m glad I met you, Allie. This isn’t exactly what he had in mind, I don’t think, but this little scheme he concocted has enabled me to meet you and I hope to help you. Because you’ve helped me immensely.”

  “I’m glad. I wish I had met him. He seemed like a very good grandfather. He loved his boys a lot because he wanted something more for y’all.”

  He looked thoughtful. “Something more. Yes, that’s exactly what he wanted. Money isn’t everything. He knew that. Now, enough about me—I asked you first. How are you doing?”

  His thumb gently caressed her cheek and she wished his hand would remain right there always. She was surprised he hadn’t let it drop away already. They were flying high above the Earth at hundreds of miles an hour and her heart was racing by at the speed of light.

  “I’m doing good. I’m excited to see my mom, even though she won’t know me, won’t even know I’m there. But still, I’ll get to hold her hand and feel her soft skin and talk to her like I did every day before…I mov
ed to the ranch with you.” She sniffed. “Sorry, didn’t mean to get emotional. I thought I had a handle on it. I’m just so glad to get to see her.”

  He looked troubled and dropped his hand. Then he reached for her hand. “Allie, I am so sorry. What a jerk I’ve been. I’ve moved you across Texas and you need to be near your mother. She needs you.”

  “The doctors said I didn’t need to be there every day.”

  “I don’t care what they said; you want to be there every day. What if we get her moved closer to us?”

  She was speechless. “But it’s only for three months.”

  “Less than that now. But what if she wakes up and you can’t get there fast enough? Because you’re going to want to be there in five minutes. I know I would want to. No, I’ve gone about this all wrong.”

  “But, it might not be good to move her.”

  “You leave that to me. I’ll check everything out while you’re in there spending time with her. And then you and the doctors can make the decision. But at least you’ll have all the options.”

  “I-I don’t know what to say. This is more than I could ask for. Thank you.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. Allie, I should have thought about this already.”

  “Maybe so, if you say so, but I never imagined it a possibility until now. We just live in such different stratospheres.” And although very grateful for what he was attempting to do, it was never more apparent that they did live in different worlds.

  Chapter Twelve

  Wade was an idiot. How had he taken Allie away from her mother as ill as she was and not even thought about having her transferred to a top-ranked facility in San Antonio or Austin area? How had he asked that of her? He had taken care of all her expenses, rent, car payments, everything but he’d not thought about transferring her closer to Allie.

  When they reached the rehab center in Tyler, he went in with Allie to check on her mother. His heart clenched looking at the small woman lying in the bed. She was small like Allie and the resemblance was striking. But where Allie was vibrant and alive-looking, her mother was deathly pale and immobile.


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