Her Billionaire Cowboy's Fake Marriage

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Her Billionaire Cowboy's Fake Marriage Page 12

by Hope Moore

  “You made it,” she said, her voice breathless. “You startled me. And I don’t know why. I should’ve been ready for you.”

  “Wow, you take my breath away.” His muddled brain was spinning and his mouth had gone dry.

  She smiled, almost shyly. “Thank you. I was hoping you would like it. I didn’t want to go to this and embarrass you.”

  He crossed to her. He would’ve touched her but he had been working cows all day. “Darlin’, you would never embarrass me. Distract me and tempt me to make us late by kissing you breathless, yes. I better quit gawking at you and get in there and get changed before Penny has my hide for getting you to the party late.”

  She laughed. “Okay. I’ll go downstairs and wait for you. I probably don’t need to be here when you come busting out of there without your clothes on.” Her gaze dropped to his bare chest and everything in him seized up. She blushed and then spun and pretty much raced for the door.

  He hurried and jumped in the shower. Within just a few minutes, he had showered, added cologne, shaved fast, combed his hair, and then went in the closet and figured out what he was going to wear. He had a big walk-in closet. One side was clothes that he always wore—his jeans and his shirts. The other side of the closet was where he kept his dress clothes that he only wore when he was forced to. He reached up and grabbed a pair of starched jeans and a starched white button-down shirt. This was a dance, after all, and in Texas starched anything was the perfect attire. He grabbed his dress Stetson, his best boots, and his belt. He was in such a rush he didn’t really have time to think about how nervous he was about the dance. It had plagued him all week. But now, as he hurried down the stairs and saw Allie standing at the window in her beautiful dress with her hair cascading down her back and her pretty smile when she turned to look at him, he knew he was in trouble. Because all he was thinking about was dancing. And that was only an excuse for holding her.

  And then there was the fact that he promised both of them that tonight they would pretend that they were really married. Which meant he very well might need to kiss her. And he wasn’t sure he could do that. Not and keep his distance.

  Chapter Fourteen

  There were a lot of people at the wedding reception. Penny had a large ranch. Allie wasn’t sure why she was surprised by this but she should’ve figured it out. Penny had been close to Wade’s granddad and their ranches were very close to each other. There was oil all over Wade’s family ranch, so she should’ve assumed that it would be the same way for Penny. But judging by all the different types of vehicles in the driveway, there was all manner of different financial situations for the people who were at the wedding reception. Which eased some of her discomfort a little bit. She wasn’t going to be the only person here who wasn’t used to money.

  Wade helped her out of the truck and then looked at her. “Now tonight we’re going to pretend that we met under normal circumstances and we got married and we’re going to live happily ever after for the rest of our lives.” There was a twinkle in his eyes as he said it. “Does that work for you? Does that make it okay for you tonight?”

  He was doing this for her. And why in the world did it just feel so uncomfortable? But if she could pretend that they were actually in love, then maybe she could get through this. Who was she kidding? This was ridiculous. “Wade, there’s no faking what we’re doing. I just feel uncomfortable lying to everybody. I don’t know what I was thinking when I said just pretending we were doing it would be okay. It’s as wrong doing it that way as it is the other way.”

  To her surprise, he cupped her face between his hands. He smiled at her. “Allie, it’s nobody’s business but our own why we got married or when we will get unmarried. These people are here to be happy for us. Let them be happy for us. You and I did what we needed to do and we have reasons for them to be happy for us. It may not be the exact reasons they are thinking but we can let them be happy. And I promised you I was going to give tonight my all, like if, well, you know, if we really had fallen in love and gotten married. So that’s what I’m going to do. I figure if I don’t do that, I’ll be slighting you a little bit and I’m not going to do that. You helped me and my family out so much that I’m going to give you everything I can to make you feel comfortable and happy.”

  She could barely think straight with his hands cupping her face so gently and his eyes drilling into hers so sincerely. Her heart pounded and her mouth was getting drier by the moment, as if there were a dust storm going on in there. And if he had let go of her, she’d probably melt in a puddle because her knees had gone weak.

  “You look startled. Are you scared?” His thumbs gently caressed her skin right in front of her ears. His fingertips splayed along her jawline and into her hairline.

  She wanted so badly to turn her head so that she could feel his caress even better. “I’m not scared.”

  His eyes had mellowed and he nodded. “Good.” And then to her complete and utter surprise, he lowered his lips to hers.

  He was kissing her. And it felt so wonderful. It was magic. She was transported on cloud nine and sailed across a blue sky. Her knees got weaker. And to steady herself, her hands went to his waist and she held on. He didn’t pull away and instead, when her mouth opened to his, he deepened the kiss. His hands left her face and moved to her shoulders and then pulled her close. And her hands that had been resting on his hips went around him and she held on tightly as she felt his body against hers. Felt his lips over hers.

  “Okay, enough of that,” he broke the kiss and muttered. Then came back for a quick peck on the lips. “Sorry. I got carried away.” He laughed, almost nervously.

  And she did too. “You sure know how to act.”

  “Yeah, I thought we needed to practice. You know, before we go in there and have to kiss—if we do.”

  “Sure, I understand.” She would let him practice all he wanted.

  Penny met them in the foyer. “Well, there you are.” She winked at Allie. “Y’all ready to get this show started?”

  Allie chuckled and looked up at Wade, thinking of the show he’d just put on outside for her. Allie had a feeling Penny would’ve been quite happy to witness that kiss. She was still reeling from it.

  When they entered the back patio of the large house, people stood all across the patio and the lawn and the flagstone area surrounding a large pool. A refreshment area was set up over to the left and tables were scattered across the lawn with white tablecloths and flickering lights on them. Even though it was daylight still, she could see the flame in the candles. And there was a dance area set up: a large dance floor had been laid out and the band was softly playing.

  “This is beautiful,” she said, just as everyone erupted in cheers and claps and the band played an upbeat song.

  The next twenty minutes were a muddled conglomeration in Allie’s brain as she was introduced to so many people she knew she would never remember not a single name. This would be something she would learn over time, if she were going to be here for real and not just for three short months. She estimated a year and she would know everyone. But right now, she just let the names come in one side of her head and out the other because there was no way of retaining them.

  Wade kept Allie’s hand threaded through his arm as he introduced her to all the different people who had come to wish them well. His granddaddy had known and been liked by a lot of people, and Wade and his brothers had a lot of friends. He might not have had good luck where women were concerned, but he did have good friends.

  And he was pretty much lying to all of them as he introduced her to one after the other. It rested full force on him why Allie had been so uncomfortable. He had played it down earlier as this was what his granddaddy had wanted. He didn’t have any choice but now, face-to-face, telling all these good people that he and Allie were happily married, only to know that in less than two months they would be getting a divorce—it didn’t sit well, lying to them like that. Allie had known this. It was his granddaddy’s own f
ault. For about the hundredth time, he wondered what in the world his granddaddy had been thinking. Wade would probably go to his grave many years away from now, he hoped, still not understanding what his granddaddy was thinking.

  This shindig was just like somebody had really gotten married. There was a huge, beautiful wedding cake. Allie had pretty much stopped breathing when she had seen it. And he had felt so bad for her. He hadn’t known he could feel so bad.

  Her hand on his arm had tightened so hard he thought she was going to draw blood. He tried to ignore it but he guessed every woman dreamed of a big wedding and a big wedding cake. And Penny had come through. He didn’t know very much about wedding cakes, but if there was ever one that was ever any prettier than this one, he couldn’t imagine it. And the beautiful table setting and the candlelight, and the band…yeah, Penny had gone all out, just like Granddaddy would have. Now she came up to them, smiling bigger than normal.

  The first people he introduced her to were Todd and Morgan. They didn’t look too happy but they were polite to Allie, and he could tell that they were surprised by her gentleness and genuineness.

  “It’s so nice to meet you.” She seemed anxious when she looked from Todd to Morgan.

  Beside her, he shot his brothers a look that he hoped told them they’d better behave. But he’d never believed they’d be unkind to her and they weren’t.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Todd leaned in close. “And thanks for helping us out this way.”

  “I feel the same way. It’s nice to meet you,” Morgan said, sounding more cautious as he took her hand. He looked at Wade. “We need to talk later.”

  “Okay, you kiddos,” Penny cut in. “It’s time to cut that cake and after we cut the cake and get these festivities really going, you two are going to drink your wedding drink and take a bite of your wedding cake while the photographer takes your pretty pictures. And then we are going to play the wedding song and you two are going to go out there and dance together. I cannot wait. We’re going to capture it all on camera and video.”

  She was taking photos like it was the real thing. He bet she even planned to have a wedding album. And what was that for?

  “You do whatever you want to, Penny. I think Allie might be enjoying this?” He looked at her, hitching his eyebrow, just curious about what she would say.

  “I’m a little overwhelmed. But I am enjoying it. I mean, to an extent. Thank you so much for throwing this party, Penny. You have really gone to a lot of trouble.”

  Penny chuckled and looked at her and then him and his brothers. “No trouble at all. It was my pleasure. As long as you two have a good time, that is all that matters. These boys’ granddaddy and grandmother are probably getting a kick out of this right now. Now let’s go cut some cake.”

  Wade grinned at her. “Shall we?” He crooked his arm and she slipped hers through his.

  “She is wonderful,” Allie said as they followed Penny to the cake.

  “Yes, always has been.”

  Penny handed him a long, silver, fancy knife. He looked at it. And his face must’ve been blank because she laughed. “It’s a cake-cutting knife for special occasions. I’m sure Allie knows this but I’ll explain it to you, cowboy. You two both hold the handle of that and y’all slice a little piece of cake and then you feed her a piece and she feeds you a piece. You’ve been to enough weddings to know that, right?”

  “Yes. Gotcha.” He looked at Allie and she smiled at him.

  “Please don’t smush it in my face and I won’t smush it in your face,” she said softly.

  A moment of mischief came over him and then he thought better of it. “I wouldn’t do that to you.” Not on a day like today, when their nerves were already rattled enough.

  They stood behind the cake and the cameraman got across from them. Allie got up next to him and then he held the handle of the knife out to her and she placed her hand around it. He placed his hand on top of hers and felt her hand tremble beneath his. His mouth went dry. He got the sudden sensation of wondering what it would be like if this were real. She looked up at him and he looked at her. He wanted so much to give her…give her what? The real thing?

  His brain went blank as he realized what was going on in there.

  “Are we going to do this? You lead the way,” Allie whispered, bringing him back to reality.

  “Right. Okay, let’s cut it now.” He put pressure on the knife and they cut down one side of the cake and then lifted the knife out and cut along the other side and then someone handed him a plate. He slid the cake onto it. Allie actually led them on doing this; he just kept his hand wrapped tightly around hers. The cake ended up on the plate and everyone laughed.

  “Okay, get a piece and you feed her and she’ll feed you…just break a piece off there,” Penny directed.

  Allie got her piece and he got his piece, and then he looked at Allie. She watched him with so much vulnerability in her eyes, in the sweet expression that she wore, that his heart clenched. And then she held up the piece of cake that was in her hand and he realized that they needed to feed it to each other instead of him just standing there, gawking at her. Next thing he knew, he was biting into a piece of velvety vanilla cake and sweet creamy buttercream icing and she was too. Her mouth touched his hand and she giggled. He smiled big when he hadn’t meant to push it in so hard and she had icing around her lips. Without thinking, he bent forward and kissed her lips, purposefully getting the icing off the side of her lips for her. She gasped and he whispered, “Supposed to be real.” And then he kissed her again.

  He heard the camera snapping and he heard the people cheering. And he didn’t care because Allie was kissing him back.

  “That was wonderful,” Penny exclaimed.

  Allie was dazed and Penny’s voice sounded as if it were coming at her from somewhere distant. Wade had kissed her twice. And he’d winked at her. And she felt as though she floated on air. This was dangerous—so, so dangerous. But it was supposed to be real, he had reminded her; it was all fake—they were just pretending like it was real. They were pretending, they were pretending, they were pretending.

  “Okay, you two, the band’s about to play. Let’s go in that direction.”

  Allie looked at Penny and Penny winked at her. These winking people—she didn’t know what to think of them. It was as if they were in on a joke that she wasn’t in on.

  Wade took her hand in his and they walked through the crowd that parted for them and out onto the dance floor. The band started playing something romantic. She was so out of it she couldn’t even register what the song was, just that it was so beautiful, because Wade was with her. And then their bodies met as he wrapped an arm around her and held her other hand in his. They started dancing. They moved gently across the dance floor as he stared into her eyes and made her believe this was real. And then he spun her, letting go of one hand and then pulling her back to him, embracing as they moved to the music. She didn’t know how to dance, and yet, she was dancing, moving with him as if they were born to move together. She laid her head on his shoulder. It was the easiest thing because it kind of hid her face from everybody. She knew the cameras were taking pictures and people were watching and she was trembling so bad she knew he could feel it too. It was all a lie. It was all a lie.

  The words kept ringing in her ears as his heart beat against her temple and she wished with all her heart that this was real.

  When the song ended, Wade whispered against her temple. “I guess we made believers out of them.”

  His words brought her back to the truth so quickly. She looked at him. “Yes, I think we could both win an Oscar, don’t you think?” The words were out of self-preservation. He couldn’t know that her emotions were tangled together and that she had truly and deeply fallen in love with him.

  She stepped away from him, smiling for everyone. But in her heart, she knew she had crossed the line somewhere and by the end of these three months, she was going to pay for that dearly.

The rest of the evening, they danced as much as possible. He realized, like her, that the more they danced together, the less they had to talk to anyone. At least she assumed that’s what he realized because she realized it too. The rest of the time that they danced, she fought hard to not let her heart betray her any more deeply than it already had.

  By the time they drove up to the house, she was tired and emotionally drained and ready to go to her room. She was so confused. In her heart of hearts, she wanted Wade to kiss her so badly. It was ridiculous. It was like she was a glutton for punishment. What good could come from a kiss? She remembered the moment he had kissed her when they were cutting the cake. It hadn’t even been a deep kiss; it had just been a sweet, lingering kiss that she couldn’t stop thinking about. And then there had been the kiss in the parking lot…

  He opened the truck door for her and then took her hand to help her out of the truck. She walked across the concrete. She couldn’t get inside quick enough to take off her shoes. Her heart hurt just as bad as her feet, and that was the kicker. They got inside the house. It had been a little bit awkward on the way home; they had talked briefly about the evening and about how Penny had pulled it off.

  And that they had also pulled it off. What a way to say it. It’s as if they had robbed a bank or pulled off a robbery. A robbery of lies. A robbery of dreams.

  “Are you okay, Allie?” he asked quietly, standing there in the kitchen after they had walked through the garage entrance.

  “Sure. How else am I supposed to be?”

  “Well, you know, I was just making sure. I thought maybe you might be a little bit overwhelmed. It was a big thing.”


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